HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/01/1994u Q 0 Minutes of the OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Otter Tail County Courthouse Tuesday, March 1, 1994 9:30 a.m. CALL TO ORDER The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, March 1, 1994, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Harley Windels, Chairman; Bill Stone; Virginia Partmann and Andy Lindquist present and Commissioner Malcolm Lee absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Partmann, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the February 22, 1994, minutes as submitted. AG/DITCH INSPECTOR After further discussion with Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Director, the Board agreed to rescind the motion of February 22, 1994, regarding the Ag/Ditch Inspector position. A motion was offered by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to advise the Land & Resource Director to proceed with the hire of a full-time person specifically responsible for the Ag/Ditch responsibilities. POTENTIAL FOR FLOODING Terry Lejcher, DNR Hydrologist, discussed the flooding potential in,Otter Tail County based on current levels of creeks and rivers which are now running to capacity. Lejcher explained four major factors that influence flooding and how these factors relate to the current conditions in the County. He indicated the situation is difficult to predict and that there would be little the County could do but be ready to react to flooding conditions should they occur. APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM LAWFUL GAMBLING LICENSE Commissioner Windels expressed no opposition to an Application for Authorization for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License by the St. Lawrence Church, Perham, MN, for an activity on August 7, 1994. 1994 PROPERTY/CASUALTY PREMIUM 1994 WORKERS' COMPENSATION PREMIUM Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve payment to the Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust, in the amount of $462,291, for 1994 Property/Casualty Premium ($243,183) and for the 1994 Workers' Compensation Premium ($219,108). BREATH TEST OPERATOR'S TRAINING COURSE Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to approve reimbursement payment to the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Miscellaneous Account in the amount of $414.00, for payment of a Breath Test Operator's Training Course for three employees. ••-'obiter Tail County Board of Commissioners March 1 1 1994 0 Page 2 LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION Motion by Lindquist, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the following liquor license application: The Peak Supper Club Tom Lorine Clitherall, MN Set-Up Licenses VETERANS' HOME Wayne Stein, Auditor, reported on a recent meeting he had attended with regard to the Veterans 1 Home. He outlined options with the Board regarding the Minnesota State Department of Finance for issuance of a letter of certification. It was determined that the Auditor, County Attorney and Bond Counsel would make a recommendation to the Board. OPTICAL SCAN VOTING EQUIPMENT The Auditor reported that the use of the Optical Scan Voting Equipment at two sites would require some additional equipment to allow communication between sites. He will report more on the matter at a later date. TOWN ROAD ALLOTMENT REPORT Copies of the 1994 Town Road Allotments (Gas Tax Refunds) were distributed to Board members by the Auditor. CENTRALIZED PAYROLL DISCUSSION After expressing concern regarding internal difficulties with payroll, the Auditor indicated he would resolve the matter with staff. Commissioner Partmann applauded a measure to streamline County government in areas of duplication. HENNING HIGHWAY GARAGE & SIGN SHOP Rick West, Highway Engineer, discussed lack of storage and other problems at the Henning Highway Garage & Sign Shop. A motion was offered by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to authorize the Highway Engineer to move the Henning Sign Shop to the New York Mills facility, when that facility becomes available, and to utilize the former Henning Sign Shop for storage for the Henning Highway Garage materials. The Board also directed West to meet with the City of Henning regarding future long term plans for the garage. CSAH 24 RECONSTRUCTION Motion by Stone, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to enter into agreements with the following regarding CSAH 24 Reconstruction Project: Markhurd, aerial survey, $10,300. Braun Intertec Corp., soil borings & geological report, $9,300. PAYMENTS AUTHORIZED Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the following payments: 75 HP Loader Tractor, as awarded to Interstate, Inc. on August 3, 1993: Highway Signing Materials, as awarded to Newman Signs on January 25, 1994: $38,917.23 33,533.66 01:)ter Tail County Board of Commissioners March 1, 1994 Page 3 APPROVAL TO PAY BILLS Motion by Stone, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the payment of bills per Attachment A of these minutes. SETTLEMENT RELEASE AGREEMENT Motion by Stone, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature on behalf of Otter Tail County on a Settlement Release Agreement between the County, Klein McCarthy & Co., Ltd., Construction Analysis & Management (CAM) and All Building Corp. for the cost of repairs on the deteriorating concrete floors at the detention facility. The motion went on to authorize the County's contribution of 25% or $4,670, be paid to the Repair Fund as outlined in the Settlement Release. NEW YORK MILLS BUILDING AGREEMENT Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature on the New York Mills Building Agreement as approved by the County Attorney and the Building Committee in accordance with earlier terms. APPLICATION FOR COLLECTION~ TRANSPORTATION OF SOLID WASTE OR SOURCE SEPARATED MATERIALS Motion by Lindquist, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the following Applications for Collection & Transportation of Solid Waste or Source Separated Materials: Fuchs Sanitation, Inc., Glyndon, MN Prairie Dray, Parkers Prairie, MN DITCH VIEWER POOL Motion by Windels, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to name the following individuals to the Otter Tail County Ditch Viewer Pool List: Lawrence Guck, Perham, MN Gilbert Hoehne, Frazee, MN George Walter, Perham, MN Paul Nelson, Pelican Rapids, MN BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT At 1:00 p.m. Commissioners Windels and Stone were absent to attend the East Otter Tail Township Officers' meeting. BID OPENING: S.A.P. 56-608-19 At 1:00 p.m. the Highway Engineer, after having previou~ly advertised for bids, opened the following bids regarding S.A.P. 56-608-19: Driveway Service, Inc. Detroit Lakes, MN Egge Construction Pelican Rapids, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Fergus Falls, MN $152,168.10 $147,010.25 $137,065.10 0 0 (j 01:::'ter Tail County Board of Commissioners March 1, 1994 Page 4 Sherbrooke Asphalt, Inc. Pelican Rapids, MN $135,723.67 A recommendation for bid award will take place at the next regular Board meeting. BID OPENING: TWO HEAVY DUTY TANDEM AXLE SNOWPLOWING DUMP TRUCKS The Highway Engineer, after having previously advertised for bids, opened the following bids for two heavy duty tandem axle snowplowing dump trucks: Alexandria Diesel, Inc. Alexandria, MN Fargo Freightliner Fargo, ND Hall GMC, Inc. Fargo, ND M-B Company, Inc. of Wisconsin New Holstein, WI Nelson International Fargo, ND $101,120.00 $104,888.00 $ 96,490.00 --No Bid-- $ 98,973.38 The Highway Engineer will make a recommendation for bid award at an upcoming Board meeting. ADJOURNMENT At 1:17 p.rn. the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners was adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 8, 1994. Dated: ~ ft (qtµ/ Attest: CB:kal Attachments OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ·OBter Tail County Board of Commissioners March 1, 1994 Page 5, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ••..••.••• · •...••••...••• · A-1 LOCK AND KEY A.M.I. AKERMAN,RICHARD ALEXANDRIA TECHNICAL COLLEGE AMERICAN BISON ASSOCIATION AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY BAKER,DONN BAKKE,BRIAN BATTLE LAKE,CITY OF BEST INC. BEST INC. BIG CHIEF AMOCO BJ'S EAST BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BUTTERWORTH LEGAL PUBLISHING C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CHAPIN PUBL/CONSTR BULLETIN CHAREST,VERN & CAROL CO-OP SERVICES INC COMPUTERVISION CORPORATION COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. CRAGUN'S CONFERENCE CENTER DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL, THE DALLMANN,CAROLYN M. DALQUIST,RICHARD DAYS INN/BROOKLYN CENTER DENT,CITY OF DIVERSION AUTO DON'S SERVICE ECOLAB INC ELDERS RADIO COMM. INC. ERICKSON ELECTRONICS FARMERS UNION OIL COMPANY FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FOTH & VAN DYKE GALAXY COMPUTER SERVICES GODFREY,RONALD E. & MEREDITH GRIPENTROG,LARRY HANDEGAARD,STEVE HANSON,MARJEAN HARDEE'S HAUKEBO TRUST,RUDY HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HENNEPIN CO SHERIFF HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC. INC. HOLIDAY HORVICK MANUFACTURING COMPANY CHECK AMOUNT 11. 55 83.60 9.02 75.00 20.00 3203.01 72.82 148.24 9.19 500.00 30331. 07 3520.17 47.00 25.00 14.10 532.12 28.95 373.38 253.00 287.90 20.50 2279,22 122.28 249.24 1802.67 95.86 285.91 25.00 169.25 1200.00 141. 06 60.40 161.20 52.00 61.00 43.34 64.20 849.77 167.43 18765.95 245.00 474.12 10.00 138.59 302.03 35.32 1711.46 124.61 34.00 21.38 1101.03 45.45 ·. 'Dt-ter Tail County Board of Commissioners March 1, 1994 Page 6, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....•................... HOUSEWRIGHT,DON E. HUNT,LEON T. INTERSTATE INC JIM BORTNEM ENTERPRISES JONSON,IRENE K & K PLUMBING K-MART KELLY SERVICES INC. KERN & TABERY INC. KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER LAGERQUIST CORPORATION LAKE COUNTRY INFO-LINE LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAMB,MILDRED 0. LANEY'S LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LARSON FUNERAL HOME LOCATORS & SUPPLIES M A A 0 M-R SIGN COMPANY MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC. MCGAVIN,ELLEN MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC. MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MN MOTOR COMPANY NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NOTEBOOM,TIMOTHY 0. NULPH,ARDELL ODNESS,CHARLES A. & BETTE OLSEN,KAI OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OLSON OIL COMPANY INC ORANDI MEDICAL PA OTTER COUNTRY ELECTRIC OTTER TAIL CO COURT OTTER TAIL CO EMPLOYEES OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL COUNTY OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY PC MAGAZINE PAMIDA INC. PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARPART,ELROY R. & LENORA T. PELICAN VALLEY STATE BANK PERHAM CITY PERHAM JEWELRY & REPAIR PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE CHECK AMOUNT 174.64 28.00 431.14 960.00 214.59 681. 00 13.81 380.00 12238.71 51.50 234.08 40.00 16.40 17379.50 246.88 170.00 300.00 200.00 177.74 150.00 1150.20 36.03 84.95 58.70 56.40 292.95 510.00 18.83 37.35 196.76 141.38 36.88 686.88 692.90 49.42 127.20 4692.54 1575.00 135.76 22.50 1031.22 371.54 502.32 120.00 34.97 60.68 105.00 953.77 263.70 389.59 122.88 113.75 . - ~ 'o~ter Tail County Board of Commissioners 0 Q March 1, 1994 Page 7, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ..............•......... PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PIERCE CO,THE PINE PLAZA TV & APPLIANCE POLIPNICK,DICK POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRECIOUS MEMORIES PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC. RATWIK ROSZAK BERGSTROM RAY'S OIL STATION REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. SAFETY KLEEN CORP. SHERATON INN MIDWAY SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIMPLEX SMEDSTAD,TODD SOUTH MILL SERVICE STATE OF MINN DEPT OF ADMIN STEIN'S INC. STICH JR.,BEN & JOSEPHINE STOP-N-GO STORES INC STREICHER'S STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS THIEL,ANTHONY JOHN & JANICE M. THRIFTY ,WHITE STORES TOM'S STANDARD TRAN,MINH N. U OF M, MN EXTENSION SERVICE VAN WECHEL,LORI VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WAL-MART WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTSIDE MOBIL WHITE BANNER UNIFORM SHOP WILKIN CO SHERIFF WILLIAMS NITZ KREKELBERG ZUEHLKE,DUANE 141 records listed. CHECK AMOUNT 934.54 128.59 29.95 120.00 483.50 30.35 11447.78 751.10 14.50 187.54 218.00 49.72 467.69 125.26 129.45 122.00 34.11 6866.67 470.03 1039.49 199.00 287.37 220.86 8.00 35.30 149.06 307.00 28.00 3.88 531.45 10.75 193.93 124.42 247.00 16.00 33.55 253.47 ============= 145463.74