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Minutes of the
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Tuesday, December 14, 1993
1:00 p.m.
Call to Order
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, December 14, 1993, at
1:00 p.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chairman;
Harley Windels; Bill Stone and Virginia Partmann present and Commissioner Andy Lindquist
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Stone, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of
December 8, 1993 as submitted.
Truth In Local Taxation Overview
The Auditor, Wayne Stein, reviewed handout materials prepared for the Truth In Local
Taxation Public Hearing, scheduled for 7:30 p.rn. this evening.
Pre-Payment Authorized
Motion by Partmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the following
invoices which have been prepaid to take advantage of offered discounts:
Vendor Total Payment Discount
Co-op Services, Inc. 469.46 449.96 19.50
First Brands Corporation 2,040.00 1,999.20 40.80
Penrose Oil Company 2,449.96 2,311.77 138.19
Home Improvement Lien
Motion by Partmann, seconded Windels and carried, with Stone opposed, to forgive the
lien with regard to Steven and Judy Rakes of Henning, MN, on a home improvement lien
that Otter Tail County holds on their property given the superior mortgages held by
Farmers Home Administration and pending foreclosure. Release of this lien poses no
liability to Otter Tail County nor the Fergus Falls Housing & Redevelopment Authority
and is intended to clear the property title.
CSAH 16, Battle Lake, SAP 56-616-09
Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the Highway
Construction Contract with Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN, on CSAH 16,
Battle Lake, SAP 56-616-09 as recommended by the Highway Engineer.
County Drainage Ditch No. 21 Report
Rick West, Highway Engineer, reported culvert installation, on a township road
previously identified as an obstruction to the County's Drainage Ditch No. 21, has been
completed by Maine and Friberg Townships. West indicated that evidence was found during
otCer Tail County Board of Commissioners
December 14, 1993
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the installation process that proposed grade elevations proved to be very close to the
original grade. He also reported that the installation, based on these elevations, has
placed the pipe at a level below the ditch bottom and that the inlet to the pipe must be
cleaned next spring to ensure flow. At this time the pipe has been sealed shut to keep
it from plugging.
Stalker Lake: SAP 56-600-11
Motion by Windels, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to approve a reduction in
retainage with regard to the Stalker Lake Project, SAP 56-600-11, from 5% to 2% because
the work items remaining are minimal.
MnDOT Safety/Education Program
Motion by Partmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to authorize the
Highway Engineer to expend $250, from the Highway Department budget, as a donation to
the Minnesota Department of Transportation to promote highway work zone safety among
children. The program is entitled, 11 What Color is Orange?" and is directed to students
in grades 1-6.
Detention Facility Rates
Lieutenant John Halvorson, Jail Administrator, discussed an increase to $45 in per diem
rates for prisoners held in the Otter Tail County Detention Facility. Halvorson and the
County Coordinator were requested to make a comparison on jail rates of other counties
and report those findings to the Board.
Reclassification Committee
Chuck Kitzman, Diane Thorson and Kevin Newborg, members of the County's Reclassification
Committee, discussed their overall progress with regard to revamping the employee
classification system. Chairman Lee directed the Coordinator to work with the Committee
to develop a request for proposals for a consultant to review the work already completed
and make recommendations.
'93 Flood Emergency Commendation
Chairman Lee presented Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Director and former Director of
Emergency Management, a Certificate of Commendation from the Governor's Office on behalf
of the Minnesota Division of Emergency Management in recognition of his cooperative
efforts during the flood of 1993.
Taxation Resolution
Upon motion made by Partmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried the following
resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that:
WHEREAS, state law required that counties set their preliminary budget and net levy
figures in September of 1993, based on HACA or local aid dollars certified by the State
Department of Revenue for 1994; and
WHEREAS, a decision to refund certain sales tax revenues, combined with the faulty
projections by the State Department of Revenue for 1994 have reduced the net amount of
sales tax revenue available to the Local Government Trust Fund in 1994; and
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December 14, 1993
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WHEREAS1 the state has now announced a cut in aid to counties and cities, including
$166,891.00 to Otter Tail County for 1994, thereby reducing the available revenue base
and shifting the tax burden from the sales tax to the property tax.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
opposes both the principle applied and the method utilized by state officials to handle
the shortfall in the Local Government Trust Fund. The decisions made by state officials
have shifted tax burden from the sales tax to property taxes at the expense of the
integrity of County Boards of Commissioners. Not only do these decisions impact
taxpayers negatively but they also hurt county government.
When County Boards were forced to endorse the one-half cent increase in the Government
Trust Fund, there was an implied contract with the state that this act would stabilize
county funding. Because of the time line for Truth in Taxation hearings, the state has,
in effect, forced counties to operate out of financial balance. This violates the
spirit of the agreement. It is time for state officials to face a Truth in Taxation
meeting of their own and give the public 11 the rest of the story11 •
"'""'¼z¥1!_ By M:l!t(. Jld~;h~
Larry Krohn, Clerk
Closed to Public
At 2:35 p.m. a motion was offered by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to
close the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners to the public for
the purposes of labor negotiation strategies with the County's four collective
bargaining units.
At 4:47 p.m., with no further business, Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the
Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 7:30 p.m.
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reconvened at 7:30 p.m., on December 14,
1993, for the purpose of conducting the Truth In Local Taxation Hearing.
Public Hearing -Truth In Local Taxation
In addition to Commissioner Malcolm Lee, Chairman; Commissioners Harley Windels,
Virginia Partmann and Bill Stone, the following County Department Heads were in
Wayne Stein, Auditor
Larry Krohn, Coordinator
Diane Thorson, Public Health Director
Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director
Thomas Fawcett, Social Services Director
Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
December 14, 1993
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Steve Andrews, Treasurer
Bob Moe, Assessor
Rick West, Highway Engineer
Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Management Director
Chuck Kitzman, Court Services Director
Wally Senyk, County Attorney
Chet Toso, Veterans Service Officer
In addition to the above, a number of Otter Tail County staff also attended as well as
approximately eighteen individuals from the public.
Chairman Lee provided a brief introduction about the state-mandated hearing, then turned
the balance of the meeting over to Wayne Stein, Otter Tail county Auditor. The Auditor
provided handout materials to those in attendance and presented an overview of the Truth
In Local Taxation materials, details of the County's budget, and general explanations on
how taxes are derived. Throughout his presentation he answered questions by the public.
Individuals from the public who identified themselves were:
John Blashek
Cliff Keller
Roger Halvorson
Victor Horne
The discussion ranged from criticism with regard to the Board's decision to cut County
spending for the Soil & Water Conservation Districts (letter written by the Districts)
to questions about the garbage fees and praise for the County Board's work.
At 8:47 p.m., with no further testimony wishing to be expressed by the public, Chairman
Lee declared the Truth In Local Taxation Hearing by the Otter Tail County Board of
Commissioners adjourned until 7:30 p.rn. on Monday, December 20, 1993, at which time the
Board will set the 1994 budget.
Dated : .&vi!11<ft4 ,2 9 I 'T'f?