HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/08/19930 0 Minutes of the OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners' Room, Floor l-B Otter Tail County Courthouse Wednesday, December 8, 1993 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Wednesday, December 8, 1993, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chairman; Harley Windels; Bill Stone and Virginia Partmann present and Commissioner Andy Lindquist absent. Approval of Minutes Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of November 23, 1993 as submitted. Request for Bids Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to set a bid date for Radio Equipment for 1:00 p.m. on January 11, 1994, as requested by the Highway Engineer. Motion Windels, seconded Stone and W1animously carried to set a bid date for a Rotary Snowblower for 1:00 p.m. on January 11, 1994, as requested by the Highway Engineer. Highway 59 Turnback Resolution Motion by Partmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to offer the following resolution with regard to SP 5601-17 Project: BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Otter Tail enter into Agreement No. 69784 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to-wit: To provide for transfer of jurisdictional authority from the State to the County of that portion of Trunk Highway No. 59 from the south junction with Trunk Highway No. 94 to the east junction with Trunk Highway No. 210 and from the north corporate limits of the City of Fergus Falls to the north junction with Trunk Highway No. 94. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper County Officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute such agreement. Adopted this 8th day of December, 1993. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By~Af:~ Attest: , ,• Otte,; Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1993 0 0 0 Page 2 Final Payments Motion by Windels, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve final payment in for Traffic Marking, C.P. 93:TM, as previously awarded, in the amount of $3,051 payable to Traffic Marking Services, Buffalo, MN. Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve final payment for Roadside Mowing in Area D, C.P. 93:M, as previously awarded, in the amount of $469.95 payable to Donald Steeves. Meeting Reports Individual reports were given by Commissioners Partmann, Stone and Windels, as well as the County Coordinator, with regard to their attendance at the annual Association of Minnesota Counties meeting held December 5-7. Forgiveness of Penalty Request Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to deny forgiveness of penalty as requested by Debbie and John Schwagel based on existing policy with regard to postmark. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Windels, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the payment of bills and claims as per Attachment A of these minutes. Phelps Mill Country Agreement Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the Revised Agreement for County Park Use and Maintenance with Phelps Mill Country, subject to noted changes expressed to the County Attorney. County Drainage Ditch No. 23 Motion by Windels, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to enter into a consulting services agreement with Interstate Engineering for preliminary survey of County Drainage Ditch No. 23 at a cost of $5,100. Repurchase Resolution Motion by Partmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on December 8th, 1993, Jake D. Dyck, owner of record of the following legally described parcel: River Oaks Second Addition Lot 1, Block 1 made application to repurchase said property which was forfeited to the State of Minnesota on August 31st, 1993, for nonpayment of the 1987 tax. WHEREAS, the sum of $1,391.24 has been remitted, representing the aggregate of all delinquent taxes, penalties, costs, assessments and fees. 0 0 (J Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1993 Page 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does hereby approve the above repurchase as it will promote and best serve the public interest and will relieve the undue hardship which has resulted because of the forfeiture of the above described property. Adopted this 8th, day of December, 1993. Dated: dw@Je,y /J./. Jq9;;;J OTTER TAIL OUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS {L/4f~ Attest: colrn K. Le6, Chairman I County Drainage Ditch No. 21 Motion by Lee, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve payment to Interstate Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $7,800, for engineering services on County Drainage System No. 21. Motion by Partmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to authorize the Auditor to transfer $2,050 from the General Fund into the Ditch Fund for payment of the above. Final Payment Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to authorize payment on December 30, 1993, to American Information Systems Inc., in the amount of $37,500, for the final payment due on the purchase of an AIS-315 Optical Scan Ballot Reader. Historical Society Motion by Windels, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to approve transferring custodial rights of the Register of School Officers to the Otter Tail County Historical society subject to the approval of the Department of Administration's Information Policy Office. County Drainage Ditch No. 56 Motion by Fortmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve payment of $297.78 to the Otter Tail County Highway Department for loading tile for County Ditch No. 56. This expenditure will be billed for reimbursement to Dale Velo as per the June 3, 1993, County Board proceedings. Final Plat Extensions Motion by Windels, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to honor the request for a ninety (90) day extension to file the final plat of the re-plat of Tanglewood on Little Pelican Lake. Motion by Partmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to honor the request for an extension to June 30, 1994, to file the final plat of Condon Shores, West McDonald Lake. 0 Otte~ Tail County Board of Commissioners December B, 1993 Page 4 Conditional Use Permit Motion by Windels, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the Conditional Use Application of Marilyn Skillings, Sybil Lake. Planning Commission Recommendations Motion Windels, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to approve the following as recommended by the Planning Commission: Conditional Use Application: William G. Wicks, Little Pine Lake Preliminary Plat: Prairie Acres, Perham Township Employees' Assistance Program Motion by Partmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve continuation of the Employees' Assistance Program contract between Lakeland Mental Health Center, Inc. and Otter Tail County for 1994. Faithful Performance/Honesty Bond Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to authorize the renewal of the County's Faithful Performance/Honesty Bond in the amount of $1,562, payable to Meadowbrook Insurance Group, for a policy period from January 1, 1994 to January 1, 1997. Closed to Public At 2:18 p.m. a motion was offered by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to close the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners to the public for Attorney-Client Privileges as authorized in MS 471.705 Subd 1 d., and for the purposes of labor negotiation strategies with the County's four collective bargaining units. The subject of the Attorney-Client discussion was that of the Department of Labor & Industry, relating to safety regulations, specifically OSHA. Adjournment At 3:56 p.m.1 with no further business, Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 7:30 p.m. Reconvened The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reconvened at 7:37 p.rn., on December 8, 1993, to review and discuss the preliminary engineering survey report prepared by Interstate Engineering, Inc. with regard to County Drainage Ditch No. 21. Public Hearing -Preliminary Engineering Survey Report County Drainage System No. 21 () The following County staff were in attendance: Commissioner -Harley Windels Commissioner -Malcolm Lee Commissioner -Bill Stone 0 0 . Otte~ Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1993 Page 5 Commissioner -Virginia Partmann Highway Engineer -Richard West Assistant County Attorney -Barb Hanson Land and Resource Director -Bill Kalar Ditch Inspector -Roland Sauck County Auditor -Wayne Stein Chairman Lee provided a summary report of the activities and events that had occurred prior to and leading up to this meeting. He addressed the past petitions that had been received and the public hearings that had been held to review and discuss those petitions. Chairman Lee called upon Barb Hanson, Assistant County Attorney, to explain the purpose of this hearing. Barb Hanson, Assistant County Attorney, explained that the purpose of the public hearing is to be informed of the findings of the preliminary engineering survey report as prepared and presented by Interstate Engineering, Inc. and to provide those in attendance with an opportunity to ask questions and to provide the County Board of Commissioners with additional information to assist in the decision making process. Barb Hanson, Assistant County Attorney, explained that the County Board of Commissioners would have to find that it was in the best public interest of the affected property owners before they would proceed with repairs to the drainage system. Barb Hanson, Assistant County Attorney, stated that the County Board of Commissioners would consider a decision regarding the repairs of the drainage system at their regularly scheduled meeting on December 21, 1993. Chairman Lee called upon Randy Pope, Interstate Engineering, Inc., to presente a report of.the preliminary engineering survey. Mr. Pope presented a report on the history of the drainage system. Mr. Pope presented a very detailed and technical report regarding their survey of the drainage system. Mr. Pope addressed the grade lines, the proposed grade lines, various elevations and the repair work proposed to be completed in the drainage system. Mr Pope indicated that the proposed grade lines matches fairly well the physical features of the existing system and existing records. Mr. Pope indicated that the culvert level at County Road No. 1 was used to tie in to the grade line. Mr. Pope estimated the cost of the project to be approximately $16,000. Mr. Pope cautioned that this cost could increase depending upon how far the clean out materials would have to be transferred for disposal purposes. In addition, Mr. Pope pointed out that the estimate did not included any dollar amount that may need to be expended for buffer strips or additional easements/right-of-ways. Chairman Lee called upon Terry Lejcher, Area Hydrologist, with the Department of Natural Resources. Mr Lejcher provided the audience with a history of the water levels on Fish Lake. Mr. Lejcher explained the ordinary high water level, its establishment and the fact that Fish Lake has a large fluctuation in the ordinary high water level over a long period of time. Mr. Lejcher indicated that the original construction of the drainage system was not intended to lower the level of the lake. Mr Lejcher explained that the objective of the Department of Natural Resources is to allow the lake to fluctuate around its control point. Mr. Lejcher indicated that the grade lines as prepared by Randy Pope from County Road No. 1 location are reasonable and they fit the original plans of the drainage system. Richard West, Otter Tail County Highway Engineer, reported that the installation of the culvert under the joint Friberg/Maine Township road is underway. Mr. West indicated that if repairs to the drainage system are not made the culvert will silt shut in a very short time. Barb Hanson, Assistant County Attorney, reported that the cost of the culvert being installed under the joint Friberg/Maine Township road is the responsibility of the road authorities and not a cost of the drainage system. 0 0 • Otte~ Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1993 Page 6 Chairman Lee then opened the meeting to the public for questions and comments concerning the preliminary engineering survey report and the proposed repairs. The following individuals addressed questions and concerns to the County Board of Commissioners, Mr. Pope and Mr. Lejcher: Randy Wasvick David Davis Mitch Davis Hal Doty Lance Pederson Steve Nelson The concerns and questions that were expressed are summarized as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Work needed on a culvert located under a field approach. Would Fish Lake be lowered by the proposed repairs. Questions and concerns regarding the permit that the County has applied for from the Department of Natural Resources requesting that the control point be moved to the culvert under County No. 1. Where does the authority come from to flood individual home owners. Concerns regarding the control and/or the elimination of the beaver problem. Work on the grade line will not change the elevations. How the costs of the project could and would be shared. Definition of a meandered lake is found in Minnesota Statute 103G.001 Subd. 12 Repairs of the drainage system will provide residents with a working water level. If the repair work is done individuals should experience less fluctuation and less property damage. Questions regarding the procedure for having properties removed from the drainage system. Approximately how much fill will need to be moved. What will happen on Fish Lake if the repairs to the drainage system are not made. The above thoughts, comments and concerns were expressed and general discussion of the comments and concerns took place at the public hearing. With no additional thoughts, comments or concerns being expressed Chairman Lee closed the meeting for public comment and requested questions and comments from the County Board of Commissioners. After discussion and review by the County Board of Commissioners, Chairman Lee informed the audience that a decision would be made at the December 21, 1993, regularly scheduled board meeting. Adjournment At 9:20 p.m., without additional discussion, Chairman Lee declared the public hear and the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 1993. A~/4{£ Larryrohn, Clerk CB:kal Attachments. OTTER TAIL COUNTY B~ B~A5° -2:0MMISSIONERS Ir: Malcolm K. Lee1 Chairman 0 . ot't,e:. Tail County Board of Commissioners December B, 1993 Page 7 VENDOR NAME ....................... . A-1 LOCK AND KEY A.W. RESEARCH LABORATORIES ACME ELECTRIC ADAM,CAROL AKERMAN,RICHARD AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LEASING AMERICAN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY AMTHOR MICROGRAPHICS CO. ARCHIES AUTO GLASS ASSOCIATES BALCUM APPLIANCE BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE,CITY OF BERGE,ANGELA BERVEN,DWIGHT BEST BUSINESS SYSTEMS BEST INC. BEST INC. BIG A AUTO PARTS BLUFFTON,CITY OF BOB BARKER CO BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BRETZ HARDWARE BRETZ HARDWARE C & H DISTRIBUTORS CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CLITHERALL,CITY OF COAST TO COAST STORE COAST TO COAST STORE-P COMFORT INN AIRPORT COMPUTERLAND CORPORATION CONOCO QUIK STOP COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,DENZIL COPY EQUIPMENT INC. CYBERSTAR DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL, THE DAKOTA FOOD EQUIPMENT DALTON,CITY OF DCA INC. DEER CREEK,CITY OF DENT HOMECENTER & HARDWARE DENT,CITY OF DON'S SERVICE EAST OTTER TAIL COUNTY ECONO LODGE EGGE CONSTRUCTION, INC. ELIZABETH,CITY OF CHECK AMOUNT 105.44 346.50 195.65 28.00 3.00 386.39 179.02 1286.79 164.29 10.12 34.37 45.64 420.80 11656.00 162.56 914.24 83.05 83.20 452.63 11660.87 4.00 562.37 370.11 329.99 953.45 47.68 50.16 538.54 101.56 69.98 10.57 37.41 165.39 2715.34 23.71 2016.78 31.53 58.10 262.50 301. 70 83.85 55.49 141. 32 641.30 274.56 12.94 124.86 227.73 31. 20 179.70 562.32 168.23 ' , Otfei:-Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1993 Page 8 0 VENDOR NAME ....................... . ERHARD GAS & GROCERY ERHARD,CITY OF ERICKSON ELECTRONICS FARMERS UNION OIL COMPANY FARNAM TIRE CENTER FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC.-FF FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FOTH & VAN DYKE G. N. EVENSON INC. GALAXY COMPUTER SERVICES GEISER,DONNA GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GOODIN COMPANY GRAINGER INC GREAT PLAINS NATURAL GAS CO. GRIFFITH,NICHOLAS R. HAGEN,ERVIN HALL GMC INC. HANDEGAARD,STEVE HARBOR LINEN HENKES,WILLIAM HENNING ADVOCATE INC.,THE HENNING AUTO PARTS INC. HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HDWE. HENNING,CITY OF HOFF SVINGEN ATHENS & RUSSELL HOME SHOP,THE HUNT,LEON T. INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC. INTERSTATE INC. IVERSON,DAVID JENSON,RODNEY JIM'S SERVICE JOHNSON,ERNEST K & K PLUMBING KAUSLER,RICHARD E. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN KERN & TABERY INC. KIWANIS CLUB INC OF FERGUS KNUTSON,KIM KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER KOEP'S SEPTIC TANK PUMPING KROHN,LARRY KVAMME,SCOTT LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LANEY'S LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LOCATORS & SUPPLIES CHECK AMOUNT 134.26 135.53 237.55 133.51 213.69 156.79 516.82 215.29 225.76 48.04 5.00 15214.10 15.64 245.00 19.85 16.90 12.14 21.03 25.00 10.24 10.00 236.41 46.60 103.43 152.74 11.38 60.84 42.62 450.86 76.00 65.37 157.54 1987.50 1885.75 40.17 5.00 1363.52 71.88 138.45 9.70 39.21 167641.62 36.00 44.32 157.80 30.00 197.01 10.72 339.50 1 71. 70 775.00 410.20 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1993 Page 9 VENDOR NAME ....................... . M-R SIGN COMPANY MAKELA,JIM MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MARSHALL AND SWIFT MDRA MEDICINE SHOPPE MEYER'S SERVICE STATION MID-CO TV SYSTEMS INC. MIDWEEK,THE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MILLER'S BOBCAT MILLER,PEGGY MILLS AUTO REPAIR MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MINNESOTA STATE AUDITOR MN CO ATTORNEY'S ASSOCIATION MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MN ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVE MN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION MN VALLEY TESTING LABORATORIES MONITOR TIRE DISPOSAL INC. MORTENSON,KURT A NAPA AUTO PARTS NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL VETERANS LEGAL SERV NELMOR CO. INC. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON,DEAN NEW YORK MILLS,CITY OF NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TOWING NORTH UNION TOWING & REPAIR NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS ORLYN PEDERSON COMPANY OSWALD PUBLISHING CO OTTER TAIL CO HUMANE SOCIETY OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE OTTERTAIL GLASS COMPANY PAMIDA INC. PAMIDA PHARMACY PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARKERS PRAIRIE,CITY OF PARTA PRINTERS INC. PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN RAPIDS,CITY OF PELICAN READY MIX CHECK AMOUNT 207.67 375.00 474.44 136.95 280.00 15.77 386.82 297.50 23.16 384.68 59.70 68.00 100.00 260.40 300.51 225.00 515.50 50.00 56.25 1888.00 1666.80 40.03 123.74 2.58 60.00 1237.10 403.00 21.73 481. 64 20.60 270.80 50.00 197.03 3746.54 127.80 1293.83 27.65 23.10 548.22 12.00 120.00 1214.10 129.01 40.07 453.00 761.97 409.39 22.00 68.72 25.20 1087.89 1828.82 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1993 Page 10 VENDOR NAME ....................... . PELICAN TOWING AND REPAIRS PERHAM CITY PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM PRINTING PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PERHAM STEEL PERHAM SUPER AMERICA PERHAM,CITY OF PERKINS CO SHERIFF PIERCE CO,THE POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC. R & R READY MIX INC. RAY'S OIL STATION RICHVILLE,CITY OF RICK'S TIRE SERVICE ROISUM,WAYNE ROTHSAY,CITY OF ROYAL TIRE SCREEN GRAPHICS SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SMALL ENGINE REPAIR INC. STATE OF MINN DEPT OF ADMIN STEIN'S INC. STOLLER,JULIE STONE,WILLIAM STOP-N-GO STORES INC SWANSON SURPLUS CENTER SWEENEY BROS. TRACTOR CO. TODD'S WELDING SHOP INC TRI STATE XEROGRAPHICS TYSDAL,MARIE U OF M CENTER FOR FARM U OF M, MN EXTENSION SERVICE UNDERWOOD,CITY OF UNIVERSAL SERVICES URBANK,CITY OF VERGAS ACE HARDWARE VERGAS OIL CO. VERGAS,CITY OF VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VOSS LIGHTING WADENA PIONEER JOURNAL WALTER F. STEPHENS JR. INC. WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP WELLNITZ,M.E. WEST CENTRAL LIGHTING SUPPLY WEST CENTRAL LINEN SERVICE INC WEST CENTRAL MN ASSESSMENT WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY CHECK AMOUNT 22.00 389.68 55.31 22.00 12.00 1634.51 20.00 410.00 1434.57 15.50 43.88 45.30 13731.65 25.56 43.75 152.08 45.00 83.44 14 9. 3 9 51. 52 27.81 11.40 6.00 11.74 1390.52 20.00 263.62 360.96 11.99 286.20 834.82 30.00 18.95 79.88 17377.75 157.46 184.35 184.38 48.06 894.23 251.68 25.00 109.56 98.73 21.80 128.95 53.87 32.38 204.65 10.00 9.00 171.11 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1993 Page 11 VENDOR NAME .......... , ............ . WEST SIDE MOBIL WEST,RICHARD K. WESTSIDE MOBIL WORDMARC INTERNATIONAL CORP. YOUNGS ZUEHLKE,DUANE 214 records listed. CHECK AMOUNT 59.46 89.79 102.51 1177.50 149.04 208.75 ============= 299854.66