HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/16/19930 a Minutes of the OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Otter Tail County Courthouse Tuesday, November 16, 1993 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, November 16, 1993, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Harley Windels, Vice Chairman; Andy Lindquist, Bill Stone and Virginia Partmann present and Malcolm Lee, Chairman, absent. Approval of Minutes Motion by Stone, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of November 9, 1993 as submitted. Forgiveness of Penalty Steve Andrews, Treasurer, appeared before the Board to request forgiveness of penalty on a parcel sold by Lloyd Wasvick to Vernon Johanson in November 1992. One parcel on the deed was transferred in the County records within the week, the other was transferred September 1993. An error occurred on the County's part and therefore, forgiveness of penalty was requested. A motion was offered by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to approve the forgiveness of penalty as recommended by the Treasurer. Reclassification/Classification Process Diane Thorson, Chuck Kitzman and Kevin Newborg, members of the County's Reclassification/Classification Committee, discussed and updated the Board on the progress being made with regard to upgrading of the classification system. A motion was offered by Partmann, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to delay all classification and reclassification requests until January 1, 1994, to allow the Committee time to complete their upgrading process. County Drainage Ditch No. 21 After a detailed report by Randy Pope, Interstate Engineering, about portions of County Drainage Ditch No. 21, a motion was offered by Partmann, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to direct the County Attorney to notify the Townships of Maine and Friberg to proceed with culvert installation in accordance with the engineering report. Public Hearing: County Drainage Ditch No. 21 Motion by Lindquist, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to conduct a public hearing to discuss the engineering report on County Drainage Ditch No. 21 at 7:30 p.m. on December 8 1 1993, at the Otter Tail County Courthouse. Employee Health & Dental Insurance Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to reduce the employee's health coverage premiums by 20% and to add self-funded dental insurance, administered by DCA, Inc., to the cafeteria plan. The premium rates for dental insurance are $7/month single and $20/month for family coverage. , Ott.er Tail County Board of Commissioners November l6, l993 0 0 Page 2 Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Portrnann, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the payment of bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Home Health Care Week Proclamation A motion was offered by Stone, seconded Partmann and W1.animously carried to declare November 28 through December 4, l993, as Home Care Week and to offer the following proclamation: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County Public Health has provided Home Care Services to residents of Otter Tail County since l947 and, WHEREAS, over 1,321 persons have received services from Public Health in their homes since January 1, 1993, and WHEREAS, most people prefer to receive medical care and related supportive services in their homes. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the County Commissioners, of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, do hereby proclaim November 28 through December 4, 1993, as Home Care Week. TY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By Attest: Vice Chairman Bid Opening: S.A.P. 56-616-09 The Highway Engineer, after having previously advertised for bids on S.A.P. 56-6l6-09, opened the following bids: Central Specialties, Inc. Long Prairie, MN Delzer Construction, Inc. Dalton, MN Gladen Construction Laporte, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Fergus Falls, MN Riley Bros. Constr. Co. Morris, MN $663,00l.39 $628,099.23 $764,373.56 $SS9,0SS.4l $629,254.22 Rick West, Highway Engineer, will review the above bids and make a recommendation for award at the next Board meeting. p Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 16, 1993 r\ ~ 0 0 Page 3 Final Payments Approved Motion by Stone, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve final payment in the amount of $27,240 payable to Kingsway Construction Inc., Little Falls, MN, for Crushing Salvaged Bituminous Pavement Material as previously awarded. Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve final payment for Roadside Mowing in Areas A, G and J to Steve's Road Maintenance and Orlin Johnson for a total amount of $2,504.61. Radio Connnunications Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to authorize the Highway Engineer to proceed with setting bids for Radio Communication Equipment for the . Highway and Land & Resource Departments. HRA: Small Cities Housing Grant Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone unanimously carried to sign an amendment agreement with the Department of Trade and Economic Development proposing to amend the current grant by $68,400 for flood related home improvements in accordance with the Fergus Falls Housing & Redevelopment Authority1 s Small Cities Housing Grant. Correspondence Acknowledged Vice Chairman Windels acknowledged receipt of a letter of concern for the local SWCD 1 s from James Ayres, Area Conservationist with the USDA 1 s Soil Conservation Service. Discussion followed with regard to the Board having already given this matter careful consideration to this problem. Human Services Computer Larry Krohn, Tom Fawcett, Tim Brand, Leon Anderson and Kevin Newborg presented information to the Board with regard to the Human Services Computer options. After hearing the unanimous recommendation of this group, a motion was offered by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to purchase an IBM AS/400 F10 with mirroring device, to meet the Social Service Department's needs. Closed to the Public ,At 3: 20 p. m., Vice Chairman Windels declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners closed to the public for the purpose of discussion on the performance of individuals subject to its authority pursuant to M.S. 471.705, Subd. ld. (d). The performance being discussed was that of Rick West, County Highway Engineer. A summary report of conclusions regarding the evaluation will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. Open to the Public At 3:42 p.m., Vice Chairman windels declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners open to the public. Minnesota Resource Recovery Association Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to deny the request of the Minnesota Resource Recovery Association for Otter Tail County to participate in-a public affiliate membership. The Board indicated that both incinerator groups, Quadrant and Fergus Falls, were already members. r Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 16, 1993 0 0 Page 4 Northeast Landfill Motion by Partmann, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve an addendum to the Northeast Landfill contract with Kern & Tabery for off-site sand to cover the ash cell. Solid Waste Update Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director, provided an update of solid waste issues pertaining to the Joint Powers Board meeting of November 9, 1993, and negotiations with the City of Fergus Falls. Adjournment At 4:32 p.m., Vice Chairman Windels declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 1:00 p.rn. on Tuesday, November 23, 1993. Dated: 'h,,wunkV,33. JM,q Attest: ~,,~;;!- CB:kal Attachments OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By a calm K. Lee, Chairman Harley Windels, Vice Chairman ,. Ott.er Tail County Board of Commissioners November 16, 1993 0 0 Page 5, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . A-1 LOCK AND KEY AL'S SHOE BOX ALBINSON INC. AMERICAN CORRECTIONAL ASSOC. AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY AMOCO OIL COMPANY ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING INC. ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING INC. ANDERSON,J. ALLAN ARCHIES AUSTIN,MAVIS AUTO SAFETY SERVICE B DALTON BOOKSELLER BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE STANDA~D BCA/TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT BEST INC. BEST INC. BEST INC. BEYER BODY SHOP BJ'S EAST BLESI-EVANS COMPANY BOEN,MICHAEL BRAD RAGAN INC. BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRETZ HARDWARE BUGBEE,CANDY C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CARLSON OIL CO INC CASH AND DASH CHAPIN PUBL/CONSTR BULLETIN CLARKLIFT OF MINNESOTA INC. CO-OP SERVICES INC COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COMPUTERVISION CORPORATION COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. CRAGUN'S CUTLER MAGNER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL, THE DAKOTA ELEVATOR DAKOTA SAFE OF MINNESOTA INC. DAKOTAH TRUCK EQUIPMENT DALTON MOBIL & BAIT DALTON MOBIL & BAIT DAN BARRY'S EXCAVATING DELZER CONSTRUCTION INC. DENNY'S CONOCO DENNY'S CONOCO CHECK AMOUNT 78.23 20.00 171.22 55.00 20.24 146.16 5310.00 1762.50 360.29 125.22 21. 87 953.26 21. 73 239.77 186.50 662.07 27 .35 150.00 7582.47 76.00 10.00 112.74 16.00 96.94 108.22 547.79 124.59 213.60 212.37 5.00 25.56 388.93 399.70 419.58 115.10 341.63 180.00 2451.72 862.96 122.91 388.00 13421.01 1505.94 82.80 165.08 6698.45 138.14 30.00 350.00 8955.00 310.98 47.02 r"' Ot-ber Tail County Board of Commissioners November 16, 1993 0 Page 6, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . DENT HOMECENTER & HARDWARE DEVILLERS,DAMON DICK'S STANDARD SERVICE DOHRER,LORI DOUG'S FRONTIER ECOLAB INC ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION DIV ECONO SALES & SERVICE EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ERICKSON ELECTRONICS ESTES,LARRY EXHAUST PROS FARNAM TIRE CENTER FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC.-FF FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERRELLGAS FORTWENGLER ELECTRIC SHOP FRAZEE FORUM GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GOLDEN RING TRUCKING INC. GOODIN COMPANY GORDY'S ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR GRAINGER INC GROVER-LINDBERG DISTR. INC. HALL GMC INC. HALVORSON,JOHN HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING TRUSTWORTHY H.DWE. HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOC. INC. HINTGEN-KARST & ASSOCIATES INC HOLIDAY HONEYWELL HUNT,LEON T. INDEPENDENT,THE INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP. INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO. INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATION SERV INTERSTATE DETROIT DIESEL INC. JIM BORTNEM ENTERPRISES JIM'S SERVICE K & K PLUMBING KANTRUD,LARRY KERN & TABERY INC. KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY L & L SERVICE , CHECK AMOUNT 3.07 50.51 266.31 11.25 88.35 213.61 381.81 19.08 43.66 118.36 7.67 127.35 20.00 9.42 369.63 55.90 54.00 191.87 44.98 195.97 3.41 69.00 43.80 33.25 275.00 94.48 114.25 119.71 793.64 210.98 48.99 212.73 137.31 7.09 104.70 649.31 922.73 1000.00 45.68 175.27 43.99 409.04 64.16 194.90 73.14 60.00 431.10 48.00 31. 00 137196.00 15727.74 4.25 I ' 0 Ot-ter Tail County Board of Commissioners November 16, 1993 Page 7, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . LAGERQUIST,CORPORATION LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. LINDQUIST,ANDY LOCATORS & SUPPLIES MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MARK,KIM MATTINGLY,IRVING L. MENGE,GREG METZ BAKING COMPANY MEYER'S SERVICE STATION MIDWEST TEST LABORATORY MILLER & HOLMES INC. MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MISSISSIPPI TOOL SUPPLY INC. MN ASSOC OF SWCD MN CO TREASURERS ASSN MN MOTOR COMPANY MN STATE AUDITOR MOE,ROBERT MORTENSON,KURT A NAPA AUTO PARTS NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON FORD NELSON,DEAN NELSON,GARY NEW YORK MILLS HERALD NEWBORG,KEVIN NORTH CENTRAL INSTRUMENTS NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN POWER PRODUCTS INC. OFFICE SYSTEMS INC OLSON OIL CO. OLSON OIL COMPANY INC OLSON,NANCY ORR SCHELEN MAYERON & ASSOC OTTER SUPPER CLUB OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY INC. P.J'S GAS AND GROCERY PAMIDA INC. PARK INN INTERNATIONAL PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PEBBLE LAKE AUTO REPAIR PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PENROSE OIL COMPANY CHECK AMOUNT 234.08 810.00 192.18 63. 84 180.92 14468.25 10.00 23.82 62.00 21.30 243.68 66.50 1229.04 135.45 151,45 133.60 566.71 60.00 780.00 229.31 452.50 163.58 54.88 126.24 258.67 273.38 490.97 822.09 74.08 28.49 57.82 469.72 154.00 212.41 191.80 1021.58 74.51 6778.19 139.96 362.47 5.00 2776.85 112.56 1424.97 113.81 20.35 104.05 56.76 117.69 657.15 327.60 330.51 .-·Ot•t;er Tail County Board of Commissioners November l6, l993 0 Page 8, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . PERHAM AUTO WRECKING PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO. PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL & PERHAM OASIS INC PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PERHAM SUPER AMERICA PETERSON,MAUREEN PHOTO CENTER,THE PIERCE CO,THE PRAIRIE AUTO SERVICE -NAPA R & R READY MIX INC. RATWIK ROSZAK BERGSTROM RAY'S OIL COMPANY REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. RICK'S TIRE SERVICE ROBERTSON WELL DRILLING INC. ROISUM,WAYNE ROY'S AMOCO S G DISTRIBUTING INC. SAUNDER'S HARDWARE SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION SCOTT'S REPAIR SEWER SERVICE SHERATON INN MIDWAY SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SKOGEN,MAURICE SOUTH MILL SERVICE STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA STARRY CONSTR. CO. INC. STEIN'S INC. STENERSON LUMBER STEVE'S CYCLE STRAND ACE HARDWARE STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPLY INC SUPER TRUCK SALES INC. TAMKE,RICHARD L. TCI OF CENTRAL MINNESOTA THOMAS KAO CHINESE RESTAURANT THORMODSON,DEBBIE TODD'S SHOP TOM'S STANDARD TORVINEN'S AUTO BODY U OF M OFFICE SPECIAL PROGRAM VERGAS ACE HARDWARE VERGAS OIL CO. VERGAS,CITY OF VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING PIPE SERVICES CO. WADENA ASPHALT COMPANY WAL-MART CHECK AMOUNT 74.55 5282.01 380.00 44;90 114.35 1263.09 504.13 8.48 94.87 368.20 112.08 9.59 1343.37 136.42 571. 82 20.00 40.00 59.64 133.62 328.21 32.78 5150.00 28.80 620.25 73.45 158.22 31. 68 10.00 594.90 41.24 3205.30 692.94 27.41 114.06 15.19 800.00 1.43 104.30 111.02 86.27 10.00 35.00 16.40 56.52 147.00 60.90 175.23 1524.65 906.15 1810.00 53.36 20.45 ,,.. -·Ott•er Tail County Board of Commissioners November 16, 1993 Page 9, Attachment A VENDOR NAME ....................... . WALVATNE AUTO REPAIR WALVATNE,DOUG WEBER,TERRY WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP WES' FUEL STOP WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP WEST CENTRAL LIGHTING SUPPLY WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING & ASSOC. WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. 218 records listed. CHECK AMOUNT 152.29 8.18 28.09 16.20 67.23 470.38 82.78 110.00 101.65 220.05 ============= 285212.94 0 Posting Date: November 10, 1993 Notice of Public Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has scheduled a meeting with Wilkin County on Wednesday, November 24, 1993 at 1 :00 p.m. in the Commissioners' Room, Fergus Falls, to discuss Joint County Ditch #2. ***** This notice is posted to confonn with M.S. 471.705.