HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/25/19930 0 Minutes of the OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Otter Tail County Courthouse Tuesday, May 25, 1993 1:00 p.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, May 25, 1993, at 1:00 p.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chairman; Andy Lindquist, Harley Windels, Bill Stone and Virginia Fortmann present. Approval of Minutes Motion by Windels, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of May 18, 1993, as submitted. otter Tail Lakes Property owners' Association Stan Fetters, on behalf of the Otter Tail Lakes Property owners' Association, discussed with the Board specifics on the contiguous lot situation and the process their Association had taken with regard to contacting legislators. The Board expressed its approval for the efforts of this group with regard to contiguous lots. Motion by Lindquist, seconded Fortmann and unanimously carried to direct the Land & Resource Management Director to prepare a press release informing the public of new legislation which becomes effective July 1, 1993, regarding contiguous substandard lots under the same ownership. Northeast Landfill Update Mike Hanan, Director of the Solid Waste Department, outlined the permitting, construction, closure and asbestos plans for the Northeast Landfill. He provided a proposed timeline for the permitting and construction. Motion by Stone, seconded Fortmann and unanimously carried to authorize the Solid Waste Director to proceed with requests for proposals for professional landfill construction management. Motion by Windels, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to discontinue acceptance of asbestos effective June 30, 1993, at the Northeast Landfill. Bid Award: Roadside Mowing -Area I Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried, after consulting with the county Attorney, to award the bid for roadside mowing of Area I to the lowest bidder: Wahlin, Archie Clitherall, MN Mile $45.00 Addt'l Acres $15.00 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 25, 1993 Page 2 Bid Opening Extended, Phelps Mill Dam Project Motion by Stone, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to extend the bid opening on the Phelps Mill Dam Repair Project from June 1, 1993, to June B, 1993. The Highway Engineer will be responsible for publication of the extension. Phelps Milli Roofing Repairs Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to authorize the Highway Engineer to proceed with appropriate roofing repairs to the log house in addition to the previously authorized repairs of the mill's overhang roof. Abatements Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the following Applications of Abatement for Payable 1993 property taxes: Carlisle Township: City of Fergus Falls Abate to an exempt status. Dane Prairie Township: Dale and Lynee Drewelow 09-200-99-6004-000 13-000-99-0251-001 Abate to a 75% Homestead Classification. Effington Township: Richard & David Ruckheim 21-200-99-6004-000 Abate to cancel this tax as was also assessed on parcel #6003. Everts Township: State of Minnesota 25-000-14-0077-000 Abate this parcel to exempt status for 1993 Tax. Remove solid waste points. Richard L. Miller 25-000-99-074B-OOO Add special assessment code# 2514 in the amount of $33.60 per Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District. Girard Township: State of Minnesota 29-000-27-01B6-002 Abate this parcel to exempt status for 1993 tax. State of Minnesota 29-000-28-0192-000 Q Abate this parcel to exempt status for 1993 and remove the solid waste points. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 25, 1993 Page 3 Hobart Township: "-) Rodney and Olive Hanson 32-000-15-0118-000 Abate this parcel to a 75% Relative Homestead on the second house, garage and one acre, Newton Township: Dennis Sazama, Sr. 40-000-99-0361-000 Abate this parcel to residential non-homestead as applicant has ag homestead on parcel #20-000-16-0094-000. Parkers Prairie Township: Darwin and Iona Bernu 47-000-35-0233-000 Abate to remove the solid waste points off this parcel. House is unlivable. Tordenskjold Township: Charles and Judith Peterson 58-000-12-0088-000 Abate this parcel to calculate as a 75% ag homestead. Fergus Falls City: Q George and Lorraine Karch 71-002-99-0699-001 Abate this parcel to a 75% relative homestead. Roger L. and Lynette Hutchins 71-003-99-0783-000 Abate this parcel to correct the Market Value as the computer only calculated the land value for tax purposes. New York Mills City: Donald and Lola Malcolm 73-000-99-0111-000 Abate this parcel as computer did not calculate correctly. Solid waste should be 11 points. Parkers Prairie City: City of Parkers Prairie 75-000-99-0182-000 Abate to remove the solid waste points. Building is located on parcel #183. First National Bank of Parkers Prairie 75-000-99-0257-000 Abate to split this parcel per the Auditor's office. John Chattin 75-000-99-0259-000 Abate to split this parcel per Auditor's office. Otter Tail County Board of commiaaionera May 25, 1993 Page 4 Pelican Rapids City: (.) Wallace Hafatad and Shirley Berry 76-000-99-0595-000 0 Abate this parcel to residential homestead. estate being added into the description. The deed was recorded without the life Perham City: Timothy and Cheryl Strom 77-000-99-0035-001 Abate this parcel to exempt statue for 1993 tax. Purchase date shown on CRV was shown as of June 1992 in error per Bob Moe. Liquor License Applications Motion by Lindquist, seconded Windele and unanimously carried to approve the following applications for license: Hidden Acree Donald Bland Vergas, MN Blue Horizon Diane Wanner New York Milla, MN Thomae F. Stich corner Store Battle Lake, MN Pelican Supper Club• Donald H. Johnson Pelican Rapids, MN on-Sale/Off-Sale Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor License On-Sale/Off-Sale Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor License On-Sale/Off-Sale Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor License Liquor License, Sunday Liquor License and On Sale Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor License • Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office and the submission of the required insurance papers. Balmoral Golf Course, Inc.* Michael J. Hemquist Battle Lake, MN on-sale/Off-Sale Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor License • Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office. Birchwood Golf Course• Brian L. Evenson Pelican Rapids, MN on-Sale/Off-Sale Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor License • Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office. Sunset Bay Resort* Gina and Paul Grabarkewitz Richville, MN Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License • Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office. Otter Tail County Board of commissioners May 25, 1993 Page 5 Pantry N' Pub• Camilla Eveland 0 Fergus Falls, MN on-Sale/Off-Sale Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor License 0 • Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office. Country Manor* Victor B. Yager Wadena, MN on Sale Liquor License • Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office and the submission of the required insurance papers. Strom's Steakhouse• Cheryl Strom Perham, MN On Sale Liquor and Sunday Liquor • Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office. Note this is transfer from Thunder Road Steak House. Repurchase Resolution Motion by Lindquist, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on May 25, 1993, Gordon Peterson, the following legally described parcel: and Wand Approximately 44' on Lake, heir of Ruth L. Peterson owners of record of Tri. Tract in Sub Lot A Approximately 196' E made application to repurchase said property which was forfeited to the State of Minnesota on August 13, 1992, for nonpayment of the 1988 tax. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve the above repurchase, subject to the sum of $633.66 being submitted by May 31st, 1993, representing the aggregate of all delinquent taxes, penalties, costs, assessments and fees that would have accrued had the property not forfeited to the State of Minnesota, to be in the best public interest and to relieve undue hardship. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 25th, day of May 1993. Dated:ffeM (, IPJ--3 Attest: Larry Krohn, Clerk 0'71/'~ B'/1! ~OMMISSIONERS By Malcolm K. Lee, Chairman 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 25, 1993 Page 6 Final Plat: Hillside Terrace Motion by Lindquist, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the final plat of Hillside Terrace, Long Lake, Section 10, Elizabeth Township. Sewage Disposal Installers Licenses Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the following Application for Sewage Disposal Installers License renewals: Nels Thorson Excavating Co., Nels Thorson, Detroit Lakes, MN Roggenkamp Excavating & Trenching, Allan Roggenkamp, Wadena, MN Conditional Use Application: West Point Shores Motion by Portmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to direct the Planning Commission to recommend whether or not an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) should be completed for the proposed plat of West Point Shores on otter Tail Lake. Proposed BTU Energy Tax Rick Sytsma, Building Maintenance Supervisor, provided specific information from Otter Tail Power Company on the affect the proposed BTU Energy Tax would have in certain areas such as electricity, gasoline, etc. Minnesota Department of Corrections: Inmate Detention Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to offer the following resolution regarding State of Minnesota Department of Corrections for inmate detention contracts for fiscal year 1993. BE IT RESOLVED that on May 25, 1993, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners approved a contract with the State of Minnesota for fiscal year 1993. The following persons are hereby authorized to sign the contract and any amendments or supplements that are necessary. 1) Gary A. Nelson, Sheriff 2) John Halvorson, Detention Facility Administrator Executed this 25th day of May, 1993. Attest: ~~y ~ z..coMMISSIONERS By Malcolm K. Lee, Chairman Phone Line: Jury Calls Motion by Portmann, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the addition of an additional telephone line in the Court Administrator's Office, as budgeted, for the purpose of juror calls, 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners May 25, 1993 Page 7 Shoreland Grant Funding Motion by Portmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman to execute necessary DNR documents on behalf of Otter Tail County for grant monies of $15,000. Westridqe Mall: Tax Court Motion by Windels, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman to execute a Stipulation for Entry into Judgment on the Westridge Mall Tax Court matter. Classification Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to accept the recommendation of the Reclassification Committee to classify the position of Engineering Technician I, Highway Department, at a Range 11 effective June 1, 1993. Long Range Planning Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to accept the Recommendations For Consideration offered by the Long Range Planning Task Force with the next step to proceed with mission statements from each department within the County. At 4:10 p.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 1, 1993. ~~yr ~COMMISSIONERS By------------Malcolm K. Lee, Chairman Krohn, Clerk cb:kal