HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/03/19930 l) Minutes of the OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Otter Tail county courthouse Wednesday, February 3, 1993 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Wednesday, February 3, 1993, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chairman; Andy Lindquist, Harley Windels, Bill Stone and Virginia Partmann present. Approval of Minutes Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of January 27, 1993, as submitted. Solid Waste Haulers' Licenses Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the following Solid Waste Haulers' License Applications; Ballard Sanitation, Pelican Rapids, MN Beckers Construction Company, Inc., Grand Rapids, MN B.F.I. of Minnesota Inc., Sauk Rapids, MN Brasel's Hauling, Perham, MN City Dray Sanitation, Wadena, MN C & J's Lake Service, Pelican Rapids, MN Fuch's Sanitation, Glyndon, MN Ken's Garbage Service, Clitherall, MN Meyer's Garbage Service, Perham, MN Northern Waste Systems, Wahpeton, ND Rick Odenbrett, Wadena, MN Prairie Dray, Parkers Prairie, MN Toutges Sanitation, Henning, MN. 1993 Solid Waste Service Fees Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to raise the 1993 Solid Waste Service Fee from $6.50 to $7.00 per point effective April 1, 1993. 1993 Solid Waste Fee Schedule Motion by Partmann, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the following 1993 Solid Waste Fee Schedule to become effective April 1, 1993, as submitted by the Solid Waste Director: ITEMS: 1992 1993 Mixed Municipal Waste/Household Waste: per ton $ 27.50 $ 30.00 per container (minimum) 1.00 1.00 per container (30 gallon) 1.00 1.00 per container (50 gallon) 2.00 car load (trunk) 5.00 8.00 pickup/trailer (level box) 12.00 15.00 (j (j ·otter Tail County Board of commissioners February 3, 1993 'Page 2 'Demolition Debris: per yard dump truck (10 yard) car (trunk) pickup/trailer (level box) 'Wbite Goods: major appliances (stoves, freezers, etc.) minor appliances (microwaves, etc.) Batteries: !Tires: car/boat motorcycle truck/tractor commercial passenger car/pickup semi truck/trailer tractor (up to $28) tractor ($28 to $32) tractor (larger than $32) flotation tires (terragator) :Miscellaneous 1 stuffed chairs sofas mattresses carpeting (per yard) televisions Scrap Iron and Metals: refer to local scrap dealers small volumes (cars) pickup/trailers (level box) Brush/Stumps: charge to commercial tree services, MnDOT, cities, etc. Pickup/trailer (level box) Dump Truck ( 10 yds.) per yard ·Non otter Tail County Waste: Joint Powers Counties non Joint Powers Counties (F.A.) Yard Waste: must be clean and free of contaminates 4.50 45.00 5.00 10.00 8.00 .so 1.00 1.50 4.00 10.00 s.oo 5.00 5.00 s.oo 8.00 25.00 5.00 20.00 43.00 192.00 FREE Solid Waste Haulers' License Fee & Bond 6.00 60.00 8.00 16.00 8.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.50 4.00 12.00 18.00 30.00 50.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 .so 5.00 8.00 8.00 25.00 5.00 20.00 2.00 47.67 210.00 FREE .Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to set the Solid Waste Haulers' License fee at $50 with a bond rate of $5,000 effective January l, 1993. u 0 CJ Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners ;February 3, 1993 ,Page 3 1993 Highway Construction Projects Rick West, Highway Engineer, discussed a number of the 1993 highway construction 1projects and changes he recommended in the five year highway construction plan citing ,the need to proceed on certain projects in order to commit appropriate funding. 1Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the modification to the five year highway construction plan as presented by the Highway Engineer. These :modifications are: '1993 PROJECTS DELAYED ONE YEAR {lengthy design procedure requirements}: CSAH 35 reconstruction from Dent south one mile . CSAH 3 reconstruction and bridge replacement over Red River Lake :1994 PROJECTS MOVED AHEAD: Bituminous overlay on CSAH 2 and CSAH 15 . Bituminous overlay on CSAH 18 and CSAH 45 '1995 PROJECTS MOVED AHEAD: :. Bituminous overlay on CSAH 25 '1996 PROJECTS MOVED AHEAD: Bituminous overlay on CSAH 67 from TH 210 north to CSAH 50 Tandem-Axle Trucks with snow Removal Equipment •Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to authorize the Highway :Engineer to set bid opening for 1:00 p.m. on March 16, 1993, on four Tandem-Axle Trucks :with Snow Removal Equipment and to allow interested townships to purchase trade-in units iat the trade-in allowance. Pesticide Applicators' Licenses :Motion by Windels, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to authorize payment to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for ten pesticide applicators' licenses for highway 'maintenance workers at a cost of $10 per license. Computer Update Tim Brand, Director of Data Processing Department, provided a summary to the Board on :the Steering Committee• s progress with regard to the proposed computer evaluation and !selection process. Brand was directed to work with the Committee to determine the word :processing election at the next meeting. Employee-of-the-Month Program ;Terry Hoff, Employees' Committee Chairman, provided information on the Committee' e :progress with the Employee-of-the-Month Program. As part of the program, the Committee will offer Otter Tail County jackets. !Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to authorize the 'expenditure of $221.60, a one-time charge for the logo that is to be used on the :Otter Tail County jackets. Such expenditure is to be taken from the Chairman's :contingency Fund. I Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners February 3, 1993 ;page 4 Approval to Pay Bills U Motion by Windels, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the payment of bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Q Recorder's Office Chairs ,Motion by Stone, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to donate three chairs from 1the Recorder's office to the Otter Tail County Historical Society. Land Surveyors Certificate of Correction to Plat Grand View Heights Kepler's First Addition Motion by Windels, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Certificate :Of Correction to plat by Terry Lee Anderson, Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of :the State of Minnesota, Registration No. 14676. :Pursuant to provisions of Chapter 472, Law of Minnesota, 1955, and Chapter ,505.173,505.174 through 505.177, Law of Minnesota, Terry Lee Anderson, a Registered Land 'surveyor in and for the State of Minnesota declares as follows: '1. The subdivision plat of Grand View Heights Kapler's First Addition was prepared by Martin Aalberg a Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor who is retired from surveying practice. His whereabouts is unknown and he may be deceased. 2. :3. The subdivision plat of Grand View Heights Kapler's First Addition was filed on July 23rd, 1908 in the Office of the County recorder in and for Otter Tail County, Minnesota and was recorded in Book W of Plats on page 3. That said plat contains errors, omissions, or defects in the following particulars to wit: The legal description describing the outside boundaries of this plat starts at the shoreline of Pine Lake. The following calls on the legal description follow hard distance and direction calls. The picture portion of the plat shows that these calls fall on the bank of the shoreline and do not extend to the shoreline itself. It is obvious that the intent of the Surveyor and George R. Kapler and Frances E. Kapler (owners and proprietors of The property prior to platting) was to include the shoreline in the execution of this plat. And that the purchasers of these lots were to own to the shoreline of Pine Lake and enjoy full riparian rights to said shoreline. That the following described property is to be added to the boundaries of said Grand View Heights Kapler's First Addition: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Lot 1 of Grand View Heights Kapler's First Addition, on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County, Minnesota; thence easterly along the easterly extension of the North Line of said Lot 1 to the shoreline of Pine Lake; thence southeasterly following along said shoreline to the northeasterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 13 of said Grand View Heights Kapler's First Addition; thence Southwesterly along the northeasterly extension of the Southeasterly line of said Lot 13 to the most Northeast Corner of said Lot 13; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of Lots 1 through 13 of said Grand View Heights Kapler's First Addition to the point of beginning. (.) 0 '0tter Tail County Board of Commissioners 'February 3, 1993 iPage 5 I 5. That the aide lot lines of Lots 1 through 13 of said Grand View Heights Kapler•s First Addition are to be extended northeasterly to intersect the shoreline of Pine Lake. I hereby certify that this Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota, 'Terry Lee Anderson, Minnesota Registration Number 14676 Mileage Reimbursement Rate Change Motion by Portmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to align the current mileage reimbursement rate ($.275/mile) with the rate reimbursed through Medical Assistance ,effective February 16, 1993. This action is intended to assist bookkeeping areas so :that only one rate is in effect. At this time the rate reimbursed through MA is :s. 28/mile. Wadena Airport Expansion ,Dick Wussow and Bill Astle, residents of Compton Township, discussed with the Board the Wadena Airport Expansion as it may affect certain properties in Otter Tail County. The 'Board expressed their need to approach the individual township regarding zoning since :there is no county-wide zoning in place other than that which affects shoreline and wetlands. 1992 Carryover Highway Projects Motion by Lindquist, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to approve the reduction ,in retainage from 5% to 3% on project SAP-56-682-02 and -03 and a reduction in retainage ifrom 5% to 1. 5% on project SAP 56-648-05 & Etc. (East Overlay Project). Adjournment At 1:45 p.m. Chairman Lee declared the meeting adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled .for 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 10, 1993. 'Attest: ,cb:kal 'Attachments OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Byjj/~/L MalColm K. Lee,chairman (j (J () :otter Tail County Board of Commissioners 'February 3, 1993 'Page 6, Attachment A I VENDOR NAME •••....•••.........••... A-1 LOCK AND KEY ACCURATE COMPONENT SALES INC, ACME ELECTRIC ' AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY AMOCO OIL COMPANY ARCHIES ARROWOOD ARVESEN LUNDEEN HOFF SVINGEN & AUTO SAFETY SERVICE B DALTON BOOKSELLER BACHMAN LEGAL PRINTING BARTLEY SALES COMPANY INC. BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BERGE,ANGELA BEST INC. BIG CHIEF AMOCO BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS RECORDS CORP CARLSON OIL CO INC CASH AND DASH CENEX COAST TO COAST COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COMPUTERVISION CORPORATION CONOCO QUIK STOP CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP. COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. CRANE JOHNSON CO. INC.-P DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL, THE DAKOTA ELEVATOR DAKOTAH TRUCK EQUIPMENT DALTON MOBIL & BAIT DAREL JACOBSON CONSTRUCTION DCA INC, DEAN'S COUNTRY MARKET DENNY'S NORTH STAR DESIGNS BY DAVE DICK'S STANDARD DIVE RESCUE INC./INTERNATIONAL DIVERSION AUTO DON'S SERVICE ECOWATER FINANCIAL SERVICES ELDERS RADIO COMM. INC. ELMER'S PAINT & GLASS EXHAUST PROS F & M PLASTICS FARMERS ELEVATOR OF FERGUS FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC FERGUS ELECTRIC CHECK AMOUNT 67.60 118.00 392,15 49.50 162.95 27,13 245,93 82.77 187.40 54.27 84.14 1235.40 408.40 712.70 123.48 10.50 14 .10 275.84 416.59 88.10 160.47 594.42 71.37 1.48 35.01 2410.32 17.60 648.59 1277.86 61.64 2303.61 28.53 82.80 1047.68 67.40 1437.30 700.00 31. 00 294.80 95.85 35.35 250.00 592.11 87.80 35.00 198.00 10.65 48.01 413.76 52.58 14.27 205.50 (j 'otter Tail County Board of Commissioners February 3, 1993 ' Page 7, Attachment A VENDOR NAME .................•.••... FERGUS FALLS,CITY OF FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W FLATEN SUNDBERG,ELLEN LORENE FOTH & VAN DYKE GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GOLDEN RING TRUCKING INC. GOODIN COMPANY HANDEGAARD,STEVE HANSON,BARBARA R. HANSON,MARJEAN HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HENOTEX (1981) INC. HOBART HOOLEON CORPORATION INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INTERSTATE INC JACK MURRAY LAW ENFORCEMENT JACKSON,JILL JADER,JOEL JADER,KATHLEEN JIM BORTNEM ENT. INC. JIM'S SERVICE (j' JIM'S TRUCK & TRAILER SERVICE JOHNSON,GARY KOEHLER,LOREN KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER LAGERQUIST CORPORATION LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LAW ENFORCEMENT RESOURCE LEE,MALCOLM LINDQUIST,ANDY LOCATORS & SUPPLIES MA A 0 M-R SIGN COMPANY MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION FUND MID-STATES ORGANIZED CRIME MIDWEST PRINTING MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MN MOTOR COMPANY MN STATE SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION MPD INDUSTRIES INC. NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL INFORMATION DATA NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON FORD NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS CHECK AMOUNT 90905.61 160.60 1884.67 2193.75 9.78 9.95 6953.50 34.95 275.00 30.70 68.15 70.67 252.32 125.74 600.00 116.19 61.50 62.62 6418.39 440.00 6.00 64.72 64.72 60.00 12.85 89.50 157.78 159.00 11. 00 227.27 174.00 775.00 472.85 105.05 109.64 15.19 40.00 4415.23 58.05 150.00 169.86 116.89 10.84 1198.39 350.00 214.19 30.05 34.90 599.35 28.90 173.19 3760.00 (J () 0 ·otter Tail County Board of Commissioners February 3, 1993 ; Page 8, Attachment A VENDOR NAME •.••••••••..•...•••••••• OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC ORANDI MEDICAL PA ORLYN PEDERSON COMPANY OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OUTOKUMPU ELECTRONICS INC, OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY P.J'S GAS AND GROCERY PAMIDA INC. PARK INN INTERNATIONAL PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE PEBBLE LAKE AUTO REPAIR PELICAN TOWING AND REPAIRS PERHAM CITY PERHAM FARM SUPPLY PERHAM LINEN PERHAM OASIS INC PERHAM RADIATOR REPAIR PERHAM SUPER AMERICA PHOTO CENTER,THE PINE PLAZA TV & APPLIANCE POLIPNICK,DICK POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRAIRIE LUMBER COMPANY PRIMETEC LEASING INC. QUADRANT COMPANY RATWIK ROSZAK BERGSTROM REDETZKE,DEL RICK'S TIRE SERVICE ROGNESS TRUCKING INC. ROTHSAY TRUCK STOP RYAJ::l'S REPAIR SAUCK ,.ROLAND SCHMIDT,ROBERT L. SCOTT'S REPAIR SHERWIN WILLIAMS SOUTH MILL SERVICE STALKER LAKE INDUSTRIES STANISLAWSKI,HAROLD STATE TREASURER STEIN'S INC, STENERSON LUMBER STONE,WILLIAM STOP-N-GO STORES INC STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPLY INC. SWANSON SURPLUS CENTER TAB PRODUCTS CO. TEAM ELECTRONICS TOW AND SNOW CHECK AMOUNT 63.20 108.72 1450.00 725.89 314.09 120.00 4671. 53 225.00 11,98 104.62 50,37 268,65 36,50 49.86 166.78 28.76 180.04 215. 81 10.06 56.89 41.50 701. 69 22.62 319.45 172.50 74.26 20.79 2350.00 44927.56 62.50 22.27 80.98 25.00 7.50 62.14 345.82 150.00 61.98 365.58 215.55 186.38 39.48 27.00 1405.36 84.50 339.58 404.82 31.31 186.86 1854.96 76.68 35.00 0 :,: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners February 3, 1993 Page 9, Attachment A VENDOR NAME .•...................... U OF M, MN EXTENSION SERVICE UGSTAD PLUMBING INC. UNIVERSAL SERVICES VAN WECHEL,LORI VERGAS OIL CO. VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VOSS LIGHTING WADENA HIDE & FUR COMPANY WAL-MART WEBER,TERRY WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY 168 records listed. CHECK AMOUNT 299.75 12.69 79.88 27.50 808.38 77.35 888.85 1.07 6.39 16.32 30.08 491.36 ============= 208896.20