HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/08/19920 0 Q Minutes of the OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Otter Tail County courthouse Tuesday, December 8, 1992 7:30 p.m. Call To Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, December 8, 1992, at 7:30 p.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Chairman; Harley Windels, Bill Stone, Malcolm Lee and Virginia Partmann present. Also present were the following: Diane Thorson, Public Health Director Bob Moe, Assessor Chuck Kitzman, Court Services Director Tom Fawcett, Social Services Director Wally Senyk, County Attorney Steve Andrews, Treasurer Larry Dorn, Dorn & Company, Inc. Wayne Stein, Auditor Larry Krohn, Coordinator Dick Kausler, Chief Deputy Sheriff Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director Chet Toso, Veterans Service Officer Rick West, Highway Engineer Other members of Otter Tail County Staff and approximately fifty-five people from the general public were also present. Public Health Department Budget Overview Diane Thorson, Director of Public Health, provided an overview of her department's budget for 1993 as compared to her 1992 budget. Budget Presentation Chairman Lindquist called on Auditor Wayne Stein to review the County's comparisons to the 1992 budget as well as revenues and expenditures. presented for 1993 was 35,014,469 with a proposed levy of $11,837,484. County's Financial Management 1993 budget with The total budget Larry Dorn of Dorn & Co., Inc. spoke regarding the comparison of Otter Tail County's financial planning as compared to some of the other counties in the State of Minnesota. Acknowledgements Chairman Lindquist acknowledged receipt of a number of letters in response to the Truth In Taxation notices recently mailed to taxpayers. A letter of support for the County's wise use of tax dollars was read by Danny Conroy. There were questions from the general public on their individual proposed property taxes and each was referred to Bob Moe, Assessor. Ott8r Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1992 Page 2 0 1993 Tax Levy Resolution 0 The following resolution was offered by Lee, who moved for its adoption for the 1993 Gross Tax Levy: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that There be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County payable during the year 1993, the following amounts for the several County Funds: General Revenue Fund Road and Bridge Fund Human Services Fund Regional Library Fund Debt Service Fund County Building Fund Total Taxable Levy $ 5,393,762 1,200,000 4,486,915 153,207 523,600 80,000 $11,837,484 The resolution was seconded by Windels, and carried, with the members of the Otter Tail County Board Commissioners voting as follows: Harley Windels Malcolm Lee Andy Lindquist Bill Stone Virginia Portmann Adopted this 8th day of December, 1992. OTTER TAIL OF COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner £ M. lcolm K. Lee, s8cond District Co issioner Commissioner Attest: For Against X X X X X Bill Stone, Fourth District Commissioner ",ff,,;,,*-) v~ i~ Partmann Fifth District Commissioner btt8r Tail County Board of Commissioners December 8, 1992 Page 3 W 1993 Otter Tail County Budget Resolution 0 a The following resolution was offered by Lee, who moved for its adoption for the 1993 County Budget: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that That the amount of $35,014,469 be adopted as the County's 1993 Budget, as detailed in the attached Exhibits A, B, and C. The resolution was seconded by Partmann, and carried, with the members of the otter Tail County Board Commissioners voting as follows: Harley Windels Malcolm Lee Andy Lindquist Bill Stone Virginia Partmann Adopted this 8th day of December, 1992. OTTER TAIL COUN )BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: -='? '.,-,~ Commissioner Malco'lm K. Lee, ' Secdnd District Commissioner tJ~ els rict Commissioner Attest: :,I}_ Larry t41fj Clrt For Against X X X X X Bill Stone, Fourt -District Commissioner a District Commissioner Appropriations for county Extension The following resolution was offered by Lee, who moved for its adoption: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the sum of $178,916 be set apart from the General Revenue Fund and appropriated subject to the order of the Dean and Director of the Min_nesota Extension Service of the University of Minnesota for the support of County Extension work in Otter Tail County for the year beginning January 1993, in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Sections,38.33 -38.38 1990. The resolution was seconded by Stone, and upon the following roll call vote the resolution was adopted. ... ' . .., . Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners 0 0 0 December 8, 1992 Page 4 Harley Windels Malcolm Lee Andy Lindquist Bill Stone Virginia Partmann For X X X X X Against Adopted this 8th day of December, 1992. OTTER TAIL COUNTY OF COMMISSIONERS: Bill Stone, Fourth District Commissioner Sec6nd District Commissioner d111HM• Auw.1 Vir9 a Partmann Fifttt District Commissioner rict Commissioner Attest: ~ Larry Kr~, Adjournment At 9:08 p.m. Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting adjourned until the regularly scheduled Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. on December 16, 1992. Dated: __________ _ Attest: Larry Krohn, Clerk cb:kal Attachments OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By Andy Lindquist, Chairman 0 SUMMARY BUDGET STATEMENT Exhibit A. REVENUES 0 TOTAL TAX LEVY TAXES (OTHER) SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL FEDERAL STATE OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICE FINES AND FORFEITS INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS MISCELLANEOUS OTHER SOURCES BUDGETED USE OF AVAILABLE FUNDS TRANSFER IN SHERIFF CONTINGENT FUND TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL 1993 BUDGET 11,837,484 343,050 26,600 135,700 5,171,466 12,496,520 47,000 2,040,207 237,300 867,054 1,364,081 22,728,978 444,500 3,507 448,007 35,014,469 TOTAL 1992 BUDGET 11,148,297 319,636 19,912 110,332 3,638,200 12,326,827 33,000 1,826,086 266,600 672,700 1,040,562 20,253,855 159,400 3,300 162,700 31,564,852 0 SUMMARY BUDGET STATEMENT EXPENDITURES 0 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY HIGHWAYS HEALTH & SANITATION WELFARE CULTURE & RECREATION CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & ASSISTANCE UNALLOCATED DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL INTEREST & FISCAL FEES OTHER USES 0 TRANSFER OUT SHERIFF CONT FUND DESIGNATED FOR SUBSEQUENT YEAR'S CAPITAL EXPEND DESIGNATED FOR WASTE MGMT CONTINGENCY DESIGNATED FOR DEBT SERVICE-JAIL DESIGNATED FOR SHERIFF'S DESIGNATED FOR DEBT SERVICE-DITCH DESIGNATED FOR BUILDING MAINTENACNE MISC. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND BALANCE INCREASES TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES TOTAL 1993 BUDGET 4,231,696 3,442,049 8,925, (1)(1)(1) 1,918,712 12,335,080 246, (1)7(1) 431,053 523,192 1,112,904 1, 055, (1)(1)(1) 471,723 ------------ 34,692,479 ------------ 3,507 4, 5(1)(1) 33,1(1)(1) 34,632 (1J (1J 246,251 321,990 35,014,469 TOTAL 1992 BUDGET 3,849,576 3,246,603 7, 938, (1)(1)(1) 1,666,627 11,065,275 226,032 424,804 193,645 745,240 985, (1)(1)(1) 534,84(1) ------------ 30,875,642 ------------ 3,300 7,000 5 (1J. (1)(1)(1) 35,525 3,702 21,854 567,829 689,210 31,564,852 ... ', ,' (.;li:xhibi t c. TOTALS NAME DEPT, BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERCENTAGE 1993 1992 (DECREASE) CHANGE --------------------------------------- COIIIIISSIONERS 002 137,933 135,685 2,248 l.66X COIIIIISSIONERS CONTINGENCY 002-001 1,000 1,000 0 0,00Y. --------------------------------------- 138,933 136,685 2,248 l. 64Y. COURT ADIIINISTRATION 013 567,364 553,911 13,453 2.43¾ co. PUBLIC DEFENDER 014 180,997 151,093 29,904 19.79Y. 7TH JUDICAL DIST 016 0 1,371 (1,371) -100.00,: --------------------------------------- 748,361 706,375 41,986 5.94Y. OCOUNTY COORDINATOR 031 148,499 141,559 6,940 4,90Y. --------------------------------------- 148,499 141,559 6,940 4,90¾ AUDITOR 041 352,559 341,051 11,508 3.37Y. IIOTOR VEHICLE 042 80,891 76,166 4,725 6.20X TREASURER 043 178,341 176,031 2,310 l. 31Y. ASSESSOR 044 405,892 331,093 74,799 22.59X STATE AUDIT COST 045 42,500 40,000 2,500 6.25Y. DATA PROCESSING 061 478,884 350,974 127,910 36.44¾ ELECTIONS 063 35,000 50,000 (15,000) -30.00X COUNTY ATTORNEY 091 508,193 470,431 37,762 8.03Y. CO ATTORNEY CONTINGENT 092 5,000 5,000 0 0.00¾ --------------------------------------- 2,087,260 1,840,746 246,514 13.39¾ a oxhibit c. TOTALS NAIIE DEPT. BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERCENTAGE 1993 1992 <DECREASE> CHANGE --------------------------------------- COUNTY RECORDER 101 156,906 156,242 664 0.42X CT HOUSE OPERATIONS 112 454,328 438,578 15,750 3.59¾ VETERANS SERVICE 121 100,600 96,591 4,009 4.15X LAND & RESOURCE 122 230,536 176,000 54,536 30.99X BOARD OF ADJUSTIIENTS 123 10,033 5,550 4,483 80. 77'1. PLANNING COIIMISSION 124 23,500 23,500 0 0.00'/. HRA 125 6,204 6,230 (26) -0. 42'1. --------------------------------------- 982,107 902,691 79,416 8.80'/. QSHERIFF CONTINGENCY 201-001 3,507 3,300 207 6. 27'1: 201 1,471,941 1,396,637 75,304 5.39X SHERIFF KITCHEN 202 174,000 198,307 (24,307) -12.26X JAIL 203 1,229,268 1,159,777 69,491 5.99X BOAT & WATER SAFETY 204 67,467 67,467 0 0.00'1. CORONER 205 42,963 34,925 8,038 23.02X CIVIL DEFENSE 206 3,038 2,768 270 9.75'1. --------------------------------------- 2,992,184 2,863,181 129,003 4. 51'1. ECONOIIIC DEVEL & ASST 500 33,750 33,915 (165) -0.49'1. SCDP PROGRAII 500-001 5,000 8,000 (3,000) -37.50¾ REGIONAL TREATIIENT CENTER 500-003 17,100 19,000 (1,900) -10.00X TOURISM 502 5,000 5,000 0 0.00¼ ---------------------------------------a 60,850 65,915 (5,065) -7.68¼ "'Exhibit c. TOTALS NAIIE DEPT. BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERCENTAGE 1993 1992 <DECREASE> CHANGE --------------------------------------- O.T.C. HISTORICAL SOCIETY 501 39,689 39,688 1 0.00X N. y. !'I. CULTURAL CTR. 501-001 0 0 0 ERR FAIR ASSOCIATION 505 24,000 22,800 1,200 5.26X PHELPS IIILL 507 24,174 23,900 274 1.15X --------------------------------------- 87,863 86,388 1,475 1. 71X WEST COUNTY AGENT 601 97,547 93,790 3,757 4. 01X EAST COUNTY AGENT 602 81,369 89,576 (8,207) -9.16X OW.O.T. SOIL & WATER 603 41,000 39,273 1,727 4.40X SOIL & WATER 604 41,000 39,273 1,727 4.40X E. 0. T. 0. T. C. EXTENSION COIIII. 605 1,727 2,300 (573) -24.91X WEED CONTROL 606 60,253 56,823 3,430 6.04X SOIL SURVEY 800-6810 87,857 87,857 0 0.00X RECYCLING l'IATCH 800-0000 0 0 0 ERR PREDATOR CONTROL 800-6855 9,500 11, 112 (1,612) -14. 51X --------------------------------------- 420,253 420,004 249 0.06X TELEPHONE 800-6200 45,000 60,000 (15,000) -25.00X POSTAGE 800-6210 86,000 78,000 8,000 10.26¾ UPS CHARGES 800-6215 3,000 2,800 200 7. 14X LIABILITY INSURANCE 800-6335 521,619 500,395 21,224 4.24X 0 exhibit C. TOTALS NAME DEPT. BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERCENTAGE 1993 1992 <DECREASE> CHANGE --------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS 800-6800 112,975 82,761 30,214 36. 517. HUMAN SOCIETY APPROP 800-6856 25,350 21,128 4,222 19.98¾ RETIREES INSURANCE 800-6860 34,560 27,756 6,804 24. 51¾ SALES AND USE TAX 800-0000 50,000 0 50,000 ERR 0. T. SEWER DISTRICT 800-0000 6,145 6,450 (305) -4.73¾ --------------------------------------- 884,649 779,290 105,359 13.52¾ ---------------------------------------TOTALS 8,550,959 7,942,834 608,125 7.66¾ ------------------------------------------------ 0 0