HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/25/19920
Minutes of the
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Wednesday, November 25, 1992
1:00 p.m.
Call To Order
The Otter Tail County Board of Conunissioners convened Wednesday, November 25, 1992, at
1:00 p.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee,
Vice-Chairman; Harley Windels, Bill stone and Virginia Fortmann present.
Minutes Approved
Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the
November 18, 1992, minutes as submitted.
Print Presented
Donna Piekarski, representing Norwest Bank, presented Otter Tail County with a framed
and numbered print which had been conunissioned by the bank in honor of its anniversary.
Bids: Crushing Aggregate Shouldering. Class l
Rick West, Highway Engineer, having previously advertised for bids for Crushing
Aggregate Shouldering, Class 1, opened the following bids:
Dave Larson Excavation
Little Falls, MN
Egge Construction $62,100
Pelican Rapids, MN
Kingsway Construction, Inc. $56,300
Little Falls, MN
Sherbrooke Asphalt $41,160
Pelican Rapids, MN
Motion by Windels, seconded Fortmann and unanimously carried to accept the
recommendation of the Highway Engineer to award the bid for Crushing Aggregate
Shouldering, Class l, to Dave Larson Excavation, Little Falls, MN, in the amount of
Final Payments
Motion by Windels, seconded Partmann and unanimously carried to approve final payment in
the amount of $3,047.66 to Egge Construction, Inc., Pelican Rapids, MN, for Grading &
Aggregate Base as awarded on April 22, 1992.
Motion by Windels, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve final payment in
the amount of $298.94 to Phillip McGrand, contract mower of Area A as awarded on
April 15, 1992.
otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
November 25, 1992
Page 2
o Purchase Approved
Gary Nelson, Sheriff, together with Joe Peloquin, Captain, provided two proposals for an
All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) to be used for rescue and other purposes. Motion by Fortmann,
seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the purchase of an ATV from
Lloyd's Marine, Inc. of Battle Lake, MN, in the amount of $3,700 which represented the
lowest quotation and to purchase the trailer to haul same from either of the two dealers
since both quoted $420. Both expenditures are within departmental budget. second
proposal was from Steve's Cycle of Fergus Falls.
Leachate Treatment Resolution
Upon motion made by Fortmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried by a roll call
vote, the following resolution was adopted:
Roll Call Vote:
Aye: Windels, Stone, Fortmann and Lee
Nay: None
RESOLVED by the otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, that:
WHEREAS, Chapter 400 of Minnesota Statutes gives counties the responsibility for solid
waste management; and
WHEREAS, eight counties in West Central Minnesota are participating in a regional
project for solid waste disposal at two resource recovery facilities located in
Otter Tail County, Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has implemented waste education, recycling and other programs
which have reduced the need for municipal solid waste land disposal; and
WHEREAS, the regional solid waste project has utilized two municipal solid waste
landfills for solid waste that bypasses the resource recovery facilities for any reason
but the reduced volume of solid waste now requires only one municipal solid waste site
for the eight participating counties; and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County and the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, are cooperating in
efforts to select a single site for a new solid waste land disposal facility, which is
dependent in significant part on the availability of an economical means of leachate
management; and
WHEREAS, the City of Fergus Falls has formulated plans for a solid waste land disposal
facility which would include leachate disposal through the city's waste water treatment
facility; and
WHEREAS, a permit is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Water and
Wastewater Division for leachate disposal at the wastewater treatment plant; and
WHEREAS, any further planning for landfill permitting and construction for the multiple
county regional project is dependent on approval of the Fergus Falls Leachate Management
otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
November 25, 1992
Page 4
1993 Employee Benefits
After a presentation by Larry Krohn, Coordinator, regarding the Blue Cross Blue Shield
health insurance premiums and the provisional rate offered by the carrier, a motion was
offered by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to take advantage of a 2.4%
discount for participating in a mental health network resulting in a net 15% increase in
health premiums for 1993.
Property Tax Appeals
Motion by Partmann, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the Chairman's
signature on the property tax appeals for entry into judgement of Resolution Trust
Corporation and Sidney L. Brennan.
At 3:22 p.m. Vice-Chairman Lee declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on
Wednesday, December 2, 1992.
Dated: ,{(},f// ,4, If (13=
By :;h{t-t:1 ,a7
MalColm K. Lee, V ~-Chairman I
Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
November 25, 1992
Page 3
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
supports the following:
l. That the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Water and Wastewater Division issue a
permit to the City of Fergus Falls for leach~te disposal at the city's wastewater
treatment facility as soon as possible and prior to the issuance of a landfill
construction permit.
2, That the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency expedite the approval process for the
leachate disposal permit because time is critical in the planning process for the
eight county regional project for waste disposal.
Dated:_...:.l.::2:..-_,.:l""---'f-'---=.1=-•---OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /
c,,· /,' By ,,,,
Assessment Certified
Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to certify an additional
$149.65 assessment against parcel 41-000-09-0075-001 for abatement cost incurred per
M.S. 145A.04, Subd. 8. The breakout of the costs are as follows:
Labor & equipment rental charges from the
Otter Tail County Highway Department which were
paid by the Public Health Department
Solid Waste charge at the Henning Transfer
Additional assessment cost incurred
Motion by Stone, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to reimburse the Otter Tail
County Public Health Department and the Otter Tail County Waste Management Department,
in the amount of $97.65 and $52 respectively, for abatement cost incurred per
M.S. Chapter 145A.04, Subd. 8.
M.C,I.T. Dividends
Motion by Partmann, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the recommendation
of the Auditor to place dividends in the amount of $83,694 and $1,186 received from the
Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust for Property and casualty Insurance, into the revenue
funds that paid the original premium.
The request
the Board.
Forgiveness of Penalty
for forgiveness of penalty of Donald Meyer, Western Township, came before
This matter was referred to the Treasurer to comply with existing County