HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/17/1992MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE I OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION JUNE 1 7th, 1992 The Otter Tail County Board of Equalization met Wednesday, June 17th, 1992, at 9:30 a.m., with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Andy Lindquist, Virginia Partmann, Bill Stone, Harley Windels, and County Auditor Wf!Yne Stein present. Members of the Board signed an oath to fatthfully execute and dtscharge the duttes of the County Board of Equaltzatton accordtng to law and to the best of their ability and understanding. Representing the County Assessor's office were the following: Bob Moe, County Assessor Russell Anderson, Appraiser Edgar Meyer, Appraiser Debbie Thormodson, Appraiser Doug Walvatne, Appraiser The following persons appeared, or submitted written requests for consideration: Name: Township/City Topic Herbert Christianson Otter Tail Township Valuation & Classification W. C. Smith* Edna Township Valuation Ormand Barasa* Rush Lake Township Valuation Norman Meyer Rush Lake Township Valuation Gwen Dockendorff* Edna Township Valuation Robert & Ellen Ratney Matne Townshtp Valuatton Wc1yne Horgen Girard Township Valuation Paul Moen Buse Township Valuation Willis Shasky Perham Township Classification LeVerne Brendemoen Fergus Falls City Valuation Harold Marty Norwegian Grove Township Valuation of Ag Property David Warstler Girard Township Valuation Wynn Rylander Girard Township Valuation Jo11ne Kr1ngler and Carol Musselman Dora Township Classification Stephan Techam* Deer Creek Township Classification C. 0. & Loretta Buchan otto Township Valuation A. R. Bergantine* Maine Township Valuation Steven Ludovissie Rush Lake Township Valuation Richard and Laura Benhardus Maplewood Township Valuation Leo Chr1st1ansen Lida Township Valuation Roger Robb Otto and Pine Lake lownship Valuation Warren Wasescha Dora and Star Lake Township Valuation Ben Hovgaard* Amor Township Valuation Bette Ross Dead Lake Township Valuation of Combined Lots Donna Mindemann Star Lake Township Valuation James Schreiner* Lida Township Building Valued On Wrong Parcel Larry Loll Girard Township Valuation James Fett Lida Township Valuation Richard Nymark Hobart Township Valuation Michael Bailey Ottertail City Valuation Marvin Anderson Girard Township Valuation Mark Steinweg Girard Township Valuation Duane Huebsch Perham City Valuation Huebsch Woodcraft Perham City Valuation H1lary Barry Dead Lake Township Valuation Bernard Walker Otto Township Valuation Gerald Galena Fergus Falls City Valuation 0rayden Hatlie Everts Township Valuation Allan Braaten Amor Township Valuation Sidney Brennen Star Lake Township Valuation I Page 2. *These individuals did not attend their local board of equalization. The County Board of Equalization determined at the beginning of the meeting that the Board would listen to their concerns, but would take no action to adjust valuation or make changes to property classifications. Chairman Lindquist along with Bob Moe, County Assessor explained to the individuals that the County Board of Equalization has no authority to grant adjustments if the property owners have not had contact with or attended their local board of equalization. The fo11owlng individuals had made an appointment to meet with the County Board of Equalization but did not appear: John Schrom, Otto Township Glen Shaw, Rush Lake Township Byron Stanton, Star Lake Township. The fo11owing individuals had submitted letters which were mentioned for the records and had either been handled prior to the meeting or efforts would be made to discuss their request with them when they could be reached: Melvin Bjone, Fergus Falls City Phy111s Lewis, Girard Township Violet and Rosalie Fritz, Dora Township John Schrom, Otto Township. The County Board of Equalization having heard and discussed the concerns of all individuals in attendance at the meeting referred all written and oral requests for consideration to the County Assessor's office for their rechecking, review and recommendations. The County Board of Equalization then adjourned at 4:45 p.m. until June 30th, 1992 at 2 p.m., at which time the County Assessor wi11 make his recommendations and the Board wi11 take final action. The County Board of Equa11zation resumed at 2 p.m. on June 30th, 1992. Commissioner Lindquist was not in attendance due to an illness requiring hospitalization. Having reviewed and given consideration to the written requests that had been received and to the individual requests presented to the Board of Equalization on June 17th, 1992, the County Assessor made his recommendations to the Board. It should be noted that the County Assessor's recommendations to the Board include changes to the following individuals who did not request consideration of either their valuation or classification, but were the result of an Assessor's correction, comparison or due to the action taken by the Assessor on a property that had a request for consideration: Michael Arone, Girard Township Thomas Peterson, Otto Township Leonard Krause, Buse Township Douglas Hawkinson, Everts Township Marian Schiervhein, Everts Township After consideration and discussion, a motion was made by Bill Stone, seconded by Virginia Partmann and unanimously carried to instruct the County Assessor to contact each of the individuals requesting consideration from the County Board of Equalization regarding the Board's action and to accept and approve the recommendations of the county Assessor as follows: Name Herbert Christianson Norman Meyer Robert & Ellen Rainey Wayne Horgen Paul Moen Willis Shasky LeVerne Brendemoen Harold Marty David Warstler Wynn Rylander Parcel# 46-000-31-0115-001 46-000-31-0116-902 53-000-06-0033-003 38-000-32-0247-007 29-000-99-0295-000 29-000-99-0296-000 06-000-99-0302-000 51-000-01-0002-000 71-004-99-0401-000 42-000-26-0222-000 42-000-26-0222-001 29-000-99-0361-001 29-000-99-0362-000 29-000-99-0361-000 Recommendation No Change No Change Reduce land value by $4,900. No Change No Change No Change Reduce land value by $1 ,600 .No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change I Page 3. Joline Kringler and carol Musselman C. G. & Loretta Buchan Steven Ludovissie Richard & Laura Benhardus Leo Christiansen Roger Robb Warren Wasescha Bette Ross Donna Mindemann Larry Loll James Fett Richard Nymark Michael Ba11ey Marvin Anderson M ichae 1 Arone Mark Steinweg Duane Huebsch Huebsch Woodcraft H1lary Barry Thomas Peterson Bernard Walker Leonard Krause Gerald Galena Grayden Hatl1e Douglas Hawkinson Marian Schjervhein Alan Braaten Sidney Brennen 16-000-18-0104-000 47-000-99-0328-000 53-000-23-0155-000 53-000-23-0156-001 39-000-18-0151-001 37-000-99-0789-000 52-000-36-0249-000 47-000-01-0009-000 16-000-99-0253-000 56-000-99-0343-000 14-000-99-0375-000 14-000-99-0376-000 14-000-99-0377-000 14-000-99-0378-000 56-000-99-0271-002 29-000-99-0700-000 37-000-99-0790-000 32-000-32-0212-004 74-000-99-0279-000 29-000-99-0763-000 29-000-99-0720-000 29-000-99-0779-000 77-000-15-0012-000 77-000-15-0011-009 14-000-25-0201-000 47-000-99-0327-000 47-000-99-0329-000 06-000-99-0301-000 71-002-99-0199-000 25-000-99-0951-000 25-000-99-0953-000 25-000-99-0955-000 02-000-99-0492-000 56-000-21-0166-001 Change c lassif icat ion to Ag-Non- Homestead and increase land by $1,100. Reduce land value by $2,300 and reduce the building value by $5,200 No Change No Change No Change Reduce land value by $800 Reduce land value by $500 Reduce land value by $1 ,000 No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change Reduce building value by $5,500 No Change Increase land value by $1,200 No Change Reduce bu11d1ng value by $ 1 ,800 Reduce building value by $ 1 ,200 Increase land value by $4,400 (Assessor's Correction) Reduce land value by $4,000 and reduce building value by $1 ,500 Change classification to 1 /2 homestead and reduce land value by $500 Reduce land value by $1 ,300 No Change Reduce building value by $2,700 ( Result of Assessor's Action) Increase land value by $2,600 and reduce building value by $700 Reduce land value by $1,600 (Assessor's Comparison) No Change Reduce land value by $6,500 Reduce land value by $6,500 (Assessor's Correction) Reduce land value by $6,500 (Assessor's Correction) No Change No Change On June 30th, 1992, at 3:55 p.m. with no further bus1ness a motion was made by V1rg1n1a Partmann, seconded by B1ll Stone and unanimously carried, to adjourn the County Board of Equalization. Respectively submitted, U0f®-ib.u.; Wayne Stet ~ County Auditor Clerk, County Board of Equalization