HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/10/19910
Minutes of the
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Wednesday, July 10, 1991
1:00 p.m.
Call To Order
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Wednesday, July 10, 1991, at
1:00 p.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Melo. Olson, Chairman;
Harley Windels, Bill Stone, Andy Lindquist and Malcolm Lee present.
Minutes Approved
Motion by Lee, seconded Windels and unanimously carried to approve the July 3, 1991,
minutes as submitted.
Approach Surfacing Policy
Highway Engineer Rick West updated the Board on the Approach Surfacing Policy and the
need for a final review/approval of the County Attorney with expectations of seeking the
Board's approval at an upcoming meeting.
S.A.P. 56-651-11 CSAH No. 51/RR Crossing -Perham
Motion by Windels seconded Stone and unanimously carried to authorize the Highway
Engineer to advertise for bids on CSAH No. 51/RR Crossing Project -City of Perham -
S.A.P. 56-651-11 with the opening of bids to be August 14, 1991.
Premise Permits -Gambling Application
Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board
of Commissioners adopted the following resolution approving a gambling premise permit
for the American Legion Post 30 at Ye Olde School House operated by Gail Suko in Friberg
WHEREAS, the responsibility for the regulation
of lawful gambling and the issuance of
licenses and permits for the conduct of lawful gambling~lies with the Minnesota Gambling
Control Board; and
WHEREAS, the American Legion Post 30 has made application to the Gambling Control Board
for a premises permit to conduct lawful gambling at Ye Olde School House, and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 349.213 provides that the Gambling Control Board may not
issue a premise permit unless they receive a resolution from the County Board approving
the permit; and
otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
July 10, 1991
Page 2
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board is aware of no reason to oppose the conduct of law-
ful gambling by the American Legion Post 30 at Ye Olde School House, and
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, tha~ the Otter Tail County Board of
Commissioners hereby approves the conduct of lawful gambling by the American Legion Post
30 at Ye Olde School House in Friberg Township of Otter Tail County, provided that the
applicants meet all necessary criteria for the licenses and permits required by the
Gambling Control Board.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this application and approval shall be provided
to the Town Board of Friberg Township by sending them a copy of this resolution.
Mel'f.Q&B, Chairman
5th District
Bill Stone, 4th District
Premise Permits -Gambling Application
Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board
of Commissioners adopted the following resolution approving a gambling premise permit
for the American Legion Post 30 at the Wee Town Bar and Grill operated by Kim Kugler in
Friberg Township.
WHEREAS, the responsibility for the regulation of lawful gambling and the issuance of
licenses and permits for the conduct of lawful gambling lies with the Minnesota Gambling
control Board; and
WHEREAS, the American Legion Post 30 has made application to the Gambling Control Board
for a premises permit to conduct lawful gambling at the Wee Town Bar and Grill, and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 349.213 provides that the Gambling Control Board may not
issue a premise permit unless they receive a resolution from the County Board approving
the permit; and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board is aware of no reason to oppose the conduct of law-
ful gambling by the American Legion Post 30 at the Wee Town Bar and Grill, and
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of
Commissioners hereby approves the conduct of lawful gambling by the American Legion Post
30 at the Wee Town Bar and Grill in Friberg Township of Otter Tail County, provided that
O~ter Tail County Board of Commissioners
July 10, 1991
Page 3
the applicants meet all necessary criteria for the licenses and permits required by the
Gambling Control Board.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this application and approval shall be provided
to the Town Board of Friberg Township by sending them a copy of this resolution.
5th District
Bill Stone, 4th District
MII Life Insurance Renewal
Motion by Lee, seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the renewal of the
MII Life Insurance and to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract on behalf of the
Motion by Lee, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the following applica-
tions for abatement:
Elizabeth Township:
Robert/Jean Romanshek
Larry/Jean Hulet
Scambler Township:
Troy Budke
To remove from tax rolls, sold in
To correct owner for 1991, pur-
chased in 1990.
Abate on as omitted, per Erwin
Liquor License Applications
0 Motion by Lee, seconded Stone and unanimously carried to approve the following license
i .,
oiter Tail County Board of Commissioners
July 10, 1991
Page 4
Applicant ~ame
Name of Business
Paul Grabrackewitz
Richville, MN
Type of License
Off Sale Beer
Meeting Closed to Public
At 1:45 p.m. Chairman Olson declared the meeting closed to the public until 2:00 p.m.
for the purpose of discussing labor negotiation strategies relative to a grievance of
the Sheriff's bargaining unit and pursuant to the Attorney-Client Privilege as
authorized in 471.705 Subd ld relative to discussions of pending litigation of Gary A.
Nelson and Dean A. Nelson regarding the Sheriff hiring his son; and the veterans
preference action being brought by David L. Olson regarding his termination in 1974 as a
Meeting Open to the Public
At 2:04 p.m. the County Board reconvened in open session.
Board of Equalization Report
Having reviewed and given consideration to the individual requests presented to the
Board of Equalization on June 17, 1991, the County Assessor made his recommendations to
the Board. No action was taken regarding the request of Marvin Anderson, Oakwood Supper
Club and Wayne Kiepert, Oakwood Golf Course, as these requests did not relate to
property valuations. After discussion, a motion was made by Lindquist, seconded Windels
and unanimously carried to instruct the County Assessor to contact each of the in-
dividuals requesting consideration from the Board of Equalization regarding the Board's
action, and to accept and approve the recommendations of the County Assessor as follows:
Donovan Ellwanger, Eastern Township
Marilyn Przymus, Inman Township
Hamilton Vasey, Ottertail City
Raymond Bode, Tordenskjold Township
Roger Jensen, Dunn Township
Ron Hegerle, Aurdal township
Ashur Cordes, Inman Township
Sidney Brennan, Jr., Star Lake Township
James Evans, Dora Township
C.H. Bonrud, Tumuli Township
Harry Jackim, Edna Township
Steven Hames, Aurdal Township
Donna Mindermann, Star Lake Township
Kevin Klosterman, Everts Township
Ron Zimney, Elizabeth Township
Impi Curtis, Inman Township
Lyle McManus, City of Fergus Falls
No Change
No Change
Reduced from 86,500 to 84,200
Reduced from 1,700 to 1,100
No Change
Reduced from 52,200 to 44,500
#35-001 Reduced from 3,500 to
1,100 and #45 Reduced from 2,600
to 2,300
Reduced from 44,300 to 42,200
Reduced from 56,200 to 55,000
No Change
2 Lots reduced from 700 to 300
l Lot reduced from 1,800 to 300
Reduced from 82,300 to 75,800
Reduced from 82,500 to 60,200
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
Octer Tail County Board of Commissioners
July 10, 1991
Page 5
0 Harold Marty, Norwegian Grove Township No Change
Note: Complete minutes of the Otter Tail County Board of Equalization of June 17, 1991,
are located at the otter Tail County Auditor's Office.
Solid Waste Advisory Committee
The Board acknowledged the interest of Brad Froslee, 4-H club member, and encouraged his
attendance and participation as an ex-officio member of the Solid Waste Advisory
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Land Easements Approved
Motion by Lindquist, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to approve the acquisition of
land by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the purposes of waterfowl easement rights
from Fredrick E. Carlson and Gloria A. Carlson, husband and wife, of Evansville, MN and
another easement from Donovan N~ Olson and Rosalie s. Olson, husband and wife, of
Wendell, MN, with legal descriptions as follows:
T. 131 N., R. 40 W., 5th P.M., Section 36, Sl/2 NEl/4
NEl/4, Nl/2 SEl/4 NEl/4.
T. 131 N., R. 41 w., 5th P.M., Section 25, the east 5
chains of the SEl/4 SE l/4 SWl/4, the west 6.5 chains of
the SWl/4 SW l/4 SEl/4, the south 153 feet of the west 6.5
chains of the NWl/4 SWl/4 SEl/4.
At 2:55 p.m., with no further business, Chairman Olson declared the meeting adjourned
until 9:30 a.m. on July 17, 1991.
By~Q~ Mel o.i;Cairman
otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
0 y
I i
'i i
June 17th, 1991
·The Otter Tall County Board of Equal1zet1on met Monday, June 17th, 199 I, with Comm1ss1oners
Meilcolm lee, Anct, Lln~ulst, Mel Olson, Bill Stone and County Aud1tor Wt1yne Stein present.
Commissioner Herley Wln~ls W!S unable to attend the meetlno. Members of the BD!trd were
sworn in by the Honorable Judge Harlsn Nelson. Represenllng the County Assessor's office were the following:
Russell Anderson
Eo,ar Meyer
Debbie Thormodson
Dou,;i Walvatne
The following persons appeared, or submitted written requests for consideration:
Donovan Ellwan03r, Ei,stern Township
Merilyn Przymus, Inman Townsh1p
Roy Bode, TordenSkJold TownS/llp
Hamilton Vasey, Lot 7 Eleanor Bea:::h-Ottertail City
Lyle McMennus, City of FerQtls Fells
Roger Jensen, Dunn Township
Ron Hegerle,Aurdal Township
Ashur COrcles, Inman Township
HM-old Mitrty. Norwegian Grove
Sidney Brennen, Jr., Star Lake Tovmship
James Evans. Dora Townsh1p
HarryJ. J.oc:klm, Edna Township
Dennis Haogstr:-om representing C. H. Bonrud, Tumuli Township
Steve Hames: Aurdel Township
Donne M1nderinemn, Star Lake Township
Kev1n Klostermann, Everts Township
Ronald Zimney, Ellzebeth Township
Imp! Curtis, Inman Township ,
Wll'yne K1spert, OakwOOO Golf course. Henning Town..nlr:
Marvin Anderson, Oakwood Supper Club, Henning TO'Nnship
The following individuals had submitted letters which were mentioned for the records and hOO
either been handled prior to the meeting or efforts would be me:E to discuss their ra:::iuest with
them when they could be reoc:hed: ·
Wilma Johnson, C1ty of Fergus Falls
James K. O'Toole, Clty of Fergus Falls
Euo,ne Elh8rd, Loke L1221e
Oscer R. L in(iJ:ren, Pellam lake Perk, Dunn Townsh1p
Arthur Espeland, Personal Rep. Olen R. Soils Sr. Estate, Everts Township
J. Hegstoo, Nlderos Townsh1p
J880 D1rckX, Maine Township
The Board referred ell requests for consideration to the County Assessor's office for their
rev1ew and re:ommendetions. The Board then OOjournad at 2 p.m. unt11 the July 10th, 199 !
County Board meeting at which time the County Assessor will make his recommendations and the
Board w111 take final action.
The Board of Equal1zat1on resumed at 2 p.m. on July 10th, 1991. Hevlng revlewed and given
considerat1on to the individual ra:::iuests presenteo to the Board of Equalizetion on June 17th,
1991 , the County Asressor made his recommendeit1ons to the Board. No tciion was taken
regarding the request of Marvin AJ'JOOrson. Ol:lkwoo:1 Supper Club !md Wll'yne K ispert, Oak:woo:1
Golf Course as these rEK:1uest d1d not relate to property valuatlons. After discussion, a motion
was mam by Commissioner Andy llnll:lulst, seconood by Harley Wlndels end unan1mous!y
carried to instruct the County Assessor to contact each of the 1nd1vidui,ls requesting
consideration from the Board of Equalization regarding the Board's i,;:tion arid ta 5Xept end
approve the recommendations of the County Assessor as follows:
Donovan Ellwan93r, Eastern Townsh1p No Change
I ' I
l !
. j ! I
Mer11yn Przymus, Inman Township
· Hllm llton Vasey, Otter r,11 City
Raymond Bode, Tordenskjold Township
Roger Jansen, Dunn T!M'nship
Ron Hegerle, Aur~I Township
Ashur.Qnes, /nman TOY1nship
Sidney Brennom, Ster Leike Township
James Evans, Dore Township
C.H. Bonrud, Tumull Townsh1p
Harry Jack Im ,.Edne Township
Steven Homes, Aurdal Township
Donne M1ndermann, Star LBk.e Township
Kev1n Klosterman, Everts Township
Ron Ztmney, El1zebeth Township
lmp1 Curtis, Inman Township
Lyle McManus, C1ty of Fergus Falls
Harold Nerty, Norwegien 0rove Twp.
Reduoed from 86,500 to 84,200
· Reduoed from I , 700 to I, I 00
Reduced from 52 ,200 to 4.q ,500
•35-00 I Reduced from 3,500 to
I • 1 00 end • 45 A:edUCOO from
; 2',600 to 2,300.
' Reduced from 44,300 to 42,200
Reduced from 56,200 to 55,000
No Change
2 lots reduced from 700 to 300
1 Lot reduca:l from 1,800 to 300
Reduoedfrom 82,300 to 75,800
Reduced from 82,500 to 60,200
No Chenoa
No Change
No Chern):!
No Chan93
No Chang:i
On July 10th, 1991 wlt 1:':u#, Q_
o further bus mess the Board of Equa'llzet1on Adjourned.
Approva:t 7-r1-qr
Attest: / ,/ /J
Clerk Jllo/ q,K