HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/17/1991MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION June 17th, 1991 The Otter Ta11 County Board of Equa11zation met Monday, June 17th, 1991, w1th Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Andy Lindquist, Mel Olson, Bill Stone and County Auditor Wf!i/ne Stein present. Commissioner Harley Windels was unable to attend the meeting. Members of the Board were sworn in by the Honorable Judge Harlan Nelson. Representing the County Assessor's office were the following: Russell Anderson Edgar Meyer Debbie Thormodson Doug Walvatne The following persons appeared, or submitted written requests for consideration: Donovan Ellwanger, Eastern Township Marilyn Przymus, Inman Township Rf!i/ Bode, Tordenskjold Township Hamilton Vasey, Lot 7 Eleanor Beach-Ottertail City Lyle McMannus, City of Fergus Falls Roger Jensen, Dunn Township Ron Heger le, Aurdal Township Ashur Cordes, Inman Township Harold Marty, Norwegian Grove Sidney Brennan, Jr., Star Lake Township James Evans, Dora Township Harry J. Jackim, Edna Township Dennis Haggstrom representing C. H. Bonrud, Tumuli Township Steve Hames, Aurdal Township Donna Mindermann, Star Lake Township Kevin Klostermann, Everts Township Ronald Zimney, Elizabeth Township lmpi Curtis, Inman Township Wf!i/ne Kispert, Qakwood Golf Course, Henning Township Marvin Anderson, Qakwood Supper Club, Henning Township The following individuals had submitted letters which were mentioned for the records and had either been handled prior to the meeting or efforts would be made to discuss their request with them when they could be reached: Wilma Johnson, City of Fergus Falls James K. O'Toole, City of Fergus Falls Eugene Elhard, Lake Lizzie Oscar R. Lindgren, Pe11can Lake Park, Dunn Township Arthur Espeland, Personal Rep. Glen R. Salts Sr. Estate, Everts Township J. Hegstad, Nidaros Township Jean Dirckx, Maine Township The Board referred all requests for consideration to the County Assessor's office for their review and recommendations. The Board then adjourned at 2 p.m. until the July 10th, 1991 County Board meeting at which time the County Assessor wm make his recommendations and the Board w111 take final action. The Board of Equalization resumed at 2 p.m. on July 10th, 1991. Having reviewed and given consideration to the individual requests presented to the Board of Equalization on June 17th, 1991, the County Assessor made his recommendations to the Board. No action was taken regarding the request of Marvin Anderson, Oakwood Supper Club and Wf!i/ne Kispert, oakwood Golf Course as these request did not relate to property valuations. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Andy Lindquist, seconded by Harley Windels and unanimously carried to instruct the County Assessor to contact each of the individuals requesting consideration from the Board of Equalization regarding the Board's action and to accept and approve the recommendations of the County Assessor as follows: Donovan Ellwanger, Eastern Township No Change ..::_: . .-.:··. .. . .i! . ,, (f; . -·, . .. -·-~_ ;f': · -· -., __ .=:-: · --~: i;:~r:-::_~~\r if.f :~~;~ir~ti7G:::; .. :f t::: \--? :· .:· · -: ., > . .. ··.---- STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Mail Station 334© St. Paul, Minnesota 55146-3340 August .1 4, 1991 '\ Wayne Stein Ottertail Count}' Auditor · Courthouse 121 West Junius Street Fergus Falls, MN 5653 7 Dear Mr. Stein: We have carefully reviewed the minutes of the Ottertail County_ Board of ,)Yo Equalization. we·note that the board took final.action on July 17, 1991. ic,__../,.·o ' . Please be advised that Minnesota Statute 274.14 specifically prohibits county - boards of equalization from taking any action after June 30th. Therefore, any action taken by the 1991 Ottertail County Board of Equalization-is invalid. Please correct your records accordingly. __ If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dale Lambrecht at (612) 297-1968. - Sincerely, ~,4}~- GERALD D. GARSKI, Assistant Director Local Government Services Division GDG/glh AN EQUAL OPPOFlTUNITY E:MPLOYEFI Page 2 Martlyn Przymus, Inman Township Hamilton V8Sf!,/, Otter Ta11 C1ty Raymond Bode, Tordenskjold Township Roger Jensen, Dunn Township Ron Hegerle, Aurdal Township Ashur COrdes, Inman Township Sidney Brennam, Star Lake Township James Evans, Dora Township C.H. Bonrud, Tumu11 Township Harry Jackim, Edna Township Steven Hames, Aurdal Township Donna Mindermann, Star Lake Township Kev1n Klosterman, Everts Township Ron Z1mney, Elizabeth Township lmp1 Curt1s, Inman Township Lyle McManus, City off ergus falls Harold Marty, Norwegian Grove Twp. No Change Reduced from 86,500 to 84,200 Reduced from 1 , 700 to 1 , 1 00 No Change Reduced from 52 ,200 to 44,500 #35-001 Reduced from 3,500 to 1 , 1 00 and # 45 Reduced from 2,600 to 2,300. Reduced from 44,300 to 42,200 Reduced from 56,200 to 55,000 No Change 2 Lots reduced from 700 to 300 1 Lot reduced from 1 ,800 to 300 Reduced from 82,300 to 75 ,800 Reduced from 82,500 to 60,200 No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change On J~ Q~1ness the Board of Equalization A,Uourned Chairman ApprovAti 7-trT-t/t Attest: / 1/ /} Clerk "a«y ~