HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/23/19910 0 Minutes of the OTIER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Otter Tail County Courthouse Call to Order Minutes Approved Tuesday, January 23, 1991 9:30 a.m. The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened in session on Wednesday, January 23, 1991 at 9:30 a.m. in the Otter Tail Councy Commissioners' Room of the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Mel 0. Olson Chairman; Andy Lindquist; Bill Stone; Malcolm Lee present and 1st District Commissioner position vacant. Motion by Lee, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve tlie January 15, 1991 minutes. U.S. Fish & Wildlife representative Don Kleven appeared before the Board requesting: Easement Certification Easement Certification Motion by Lindquist, seconded by Lee and unanimously carried the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County that WHEREAS, in accordance with a procedural agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Sen·ice, dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for acquisition oflands by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the County Board on January 23, 1991 and informed said Board that a waterfowel easement be secured from Kenneth B. Jacobson described as T. 132 N., R. 41 W~ 5 P.M;i Sec. 7) Lot 3, Lot 6 except that part lying S. and W. of Lounty ::state Aid Road 35. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereb,r gi:ant approval of the waterfowl easement acquisition by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 23rd day of January, 1991. Motion by Lindquist, seconded by Lee and unanimously carried the following resolut10n was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County that WHEREAS, in accordance with a procedural agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for acquisition oflands by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is requested, and · WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the County Board on January 23, 1991 and informed said Board that a waterfowel easement be secured from Michael L. Nelson described as T. 133 N:z R. 40 W., 5th P.M., sec. 7, NE 1/4 SW 1/4, E 1/2 SE 1/4 SW l/1,. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereb,r grant approval of the waterfowl easement acquisition by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 23rd day of January, 1991. 0 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners January 23, 1991 Page 2 Purchase Redemption Center County Attorney Wally Seny_k re_P,orted to the Board the progress made regarding the Pelican -Rapids Redemption Center liuilding purchase. Vanous options were discussed regarding possible 1mrchase of Parcel A: Mr. Senyk was instructed to contact Roger Schleske to make a suitable offer of $4,500 for Parcel A and report back to the Board Mr. Schleske response. Land & Resource Director Bill Kalar: Emereency Services Conf. Chairman Mel Olson: Reappointment Blde./Maint. Projects Jail Food Service Contract Motion by Lindquist, seconded by Stone and unanimously carried to have Land & Resources Director Bill Kalar represent tbe County at this spring's Governor's Emergency Services Management Conference. Motion by Lindc1uist1 seconded by Lee and unanimously carried to reappoint DaniefRoenl to the Red River Valley Development Association for another three year term. Building Maintenance Supervisor Rick Sytsma reJ:!orted the status of various building maintenance projects which included outdoor lighting in the west parking lot; replacement of obsolete boiler controfs; overhead garage door replacement; exhaust systemf.emergency generator; as well as the Juvenile detention area and utilization of sentenced-to-service individuals in clean-up, snow shoveling operations. Motion by Lindquist, seconded by Lee and unanimous!Y carried to have Karen Jones contact the Sheriff regarding a meetmg to conclude committee recommendation on jail food service management contract. Highway Department Engineer Rick West: '91 Seal Coat Project '91 Traffic Markine Project Schmidt's Bridee Project Laptop Computer CSAH No. 67 Reconstruction Prepayment of Manuals Motion b:y Lindq11ist, seconded by Stone and unanimously carried to authorize the Hig_hway Engineer to proceed with the sand seal projects and report-bade to the Board the status of same. Motion by Stone, seconded by Lee and unanimously carried to p_roceed with traffic marking project as outlined by Highway Engineer Rick West which detailed contracting for striping and/or shared purchase of smaller striping unit and to report objectives to the Board. County Attorney Wal!Y Senyk indicated he had reviewed the addenaum and the original contract agreement. Discussion followed about enterin~ into a new contract since the original contract was signed in 80. This matter will be further explored and reported. · Motion by Lin(l_guist, seconded by Lee and unanimously carried to direct Highway Engineer Rick West to look at the State contract to obtain a third quotation on the laptop computer for price comparisons and report same to Board at next meeting. Motion bY. Lee, seconded by Stone and unanimously carried to direct Highway Engineer Rick West to proceed witli Midwest Testing on additional soils engineering services required on CSAH No. 6T. Motion by_Lindquist, seconded bY. Lee and unanimously carried to authorize -Highway Engineer Rick: West to pre-pay the purchase of nine Pavement Rellabilitation Manuals & Asphalt Pavement Distress Manuals, a total cost of $291. · . 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners January 23, 1991 Page 3 Chairman Olson requested: Joint Powers Meetine Report Coordinator Larry Krohn: Commissioner Lee rep_orted on the Joint Powers Board meeting recently held wherein Lindquist was elected to be co-chairman. Chairman Olson requested ongoing committee reports be made to the Board as these meetings are held. Governor's Budeet Proposal Preliminary estimates were presented to the Board on the Governor's Budget Proposal. Public Officials Insurance Glendaloueh/State Park MPCA/Battle Lake Landfill Extension Committee Abatements Approved Cancellation/Certificate Motion bx Lindquist, seconded by Lee and unanimously carried to obtain a Public Officials & Employees Blanket Bond with Meadowbrook Insurance GrouY, at the lowest quotation rate received on a three-year prepaiil coverage in tlie amount of $1,216. Motion by Lindquist, seconded by Lee and unanimously carried to authorize a resolution of support.I as requested bY. Representative Bob Anderson, for the creation 01 the Gfendalough Game Farm into a State park (attached). Solid Waste Director Mike Hanan and Commissioner Andy Lindquist introduced Bill Meyer, MPCA Coordinator of Groundwater & Solid Waste Superfund Unit, St. Pau1, assigned to landfill closure and Jim Ziegler, MPCA Regional Omce Pollution Control S_peciaiist as well as mdividual meml>ers representing the Battle LaRe Landfill Association as follows: Bert Olson, Citt of Battle Lake; Carl Gilbertson & Dennis Jorud of Clitherall Twp.; and John Everts of Everts Twp, Discussion followed about the need for financial assistance fo permanently close, cap and monitor the Battle Lake landfilf. After len_gthy discussion, Chairman Olson requested Solid Waste Director Mike Hanan to act as liaison between tfie Board and the landfill association and to come before the Board at a later date. Motion bY. Lind(luist.,, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to reappoint Patty Van ~anten to the Extension Committee. Motion by Lee seconded Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the following applications for homestead classification, forgiveness of penalty, etc. as presented by Auditor Wayne Stein: Paul Torgerson Friberg/Maine Ag Homestead Classification Motion by Lindquist, seconded Stone, unanimously carried to adopt the followmg resolution: RESOLVED, By the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesot~ havm_g examined into the allegations of the application of Wayne ~tein, County Auditor dated January 23rd, 1991, For the cancellation of county auditor's certificate of forfeiture as to certain lands described as: Sub Lot 4, of C.L. 2 Section 2 Township 135 Range 40 And finding the allegations of said ap_plication to be true, that this board hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be granted. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 23rd day of January, 1991. 0 Q 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners January 23, 1991 Page4 Reimbursement -SCS Purchase Redemption Center 210 Bypass Approval to Pay Bills Motion hy Lindquist, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to approve reimbursement to the Soil Conservation Service for costs incurred in furnishing technical assistance in accordance with the Soil Survey Agreement between Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners and the SCS for the period 10/1/90 to 12/31/90 in the amount of $21,950. County Attorney Wally Senyk reported to the Board his offer to Roger Schleske, as previously directed b_y the Board with respect to the purchase price of Parcel A at the Pelican Rapids Redemption Center site. Motion !Jy Lindquist, seconded Lee and unanimously carried to _purchase Parcel A for $4,500 with the understandmg that Schfeske would pay $2,000 in assessments. County Attorney Wally Sen)'.k reported he had received notification that the State of Minnesota has started condemnation proceedings with regard to the 210 Bypass. Senyk was asked to contact otlter taxing entities that wolifd be affected. Motion Lee.,_ seconded Stone and unanimously carried to allow the following buls: 0 Otter Tail County Board o[ Commissioners January 23, 1991 Page5 VENDOR NAME ....................... . A-1 LOCK AND KEY A.M. I. ACCUFORMS & PRINTING INC. ACKLEY,MIKE ADVANCED FILING CONCEPTS INC. ALADDIN SYNERGETICS INC. ALEXANDRIA OFFICE SUPPLY & AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LEASING AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN LEGION POST #30 AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY AMOCO OIL COMPANY ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING INC. ANDERSON,J. ALLAN ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES AUTO SAFETY SERVICES BARBKNECHT,WILLIAM C BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BECKER,.KEN BEN FRAZIER INC. BENDER,MATTHEW BERG,RODNEY L BERGE,ANGELA BESKE,BEVERLY BESKE ,_RUSSELL BEST BUSINESS SYSTEMS BICE,BRADLEY M. BILL'S AMOCO SERVICE BJ'S EAST BLATZHEIM SALES CO. INC. BRAD BOTNER EXCAVATING BRASEL'S HAULING BRETZ HARDWARE BUFF N SHINE CENTER BUTTERWORTH LEGAL PUBLISHING CARR'S TREE SERVICE CASH AND DASH CASS CLAY CREAMERY CENTRAL STATES WIRE PRODUCTS CLAUSEN'S TAILOR SHOP CO-OP SERVICES INC COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COLE PAPERS INC. COMPUTER SPECIALISTS UNLIMITED CONKLIN,LUKE COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,DENZIL COURT'S GAS & DIESEL CRAGUN'S DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL, THE DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. CHECK AMOUNT 262.23 30.45 200.92 256.00 1066.45 73.10 7.95 179.02 835.00 71. 66 299.60 214.42 3260.00 143.52 1050.00 387.61 121. 68 120.37 106.50 68.25 18.90 92.88 65.58 10.00 14.80 170.00 47.44 41.60 52.60 836.30 120.00 53.00 49.27 24.00 77.06 52.15 402.44 1165.46 503.49 22.00 23.90 16.80 836.73 825.90 24.40 2142.64 77.13 108.08 79.25 299.60 1301.53 87.20 0 Q Q Otter Tail County Doard of Commi!-sioncrs January 23, 1991 Page 6 VENDOR NAME ....................... . DAREL JACOBSON CONSTRUCTION DENNY'S NORTH STAR DEVOKE DON'S SERVICE DOUG'S FRONTIER DRAKE DDS,TERRY A. EAST OTTER TAIL COUNTY EAST OTTER TAIL TELEPHONE CO ECKLEY,BRUCE ECOLAB ELDERS COMM ELKS LODGE EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES ESSER PLUMBING & HEATING ESTES,LESLIE EXECUTEAM EXHAUST PROS EXPERIENCE IN SOFTWARE INC. FAITH AND FELLOWSHIP PRESS FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC FEMLING,CECIL FERGUS FALLS HRA FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS FALLS,CITY OF FERGUS MOTORS INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERRELLGAS FIFTH GENERATION SYSTEMS FILM COUNSELORS ASSOCIATES INC FIRST NATIONAL BANK FIRST TRUST FLOOR TO CEILING STORE FLOOR TO CEILING STORE FOOD SERVICE OF AMERICA GEISER,DONNA GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GENERAL TIRE SERVICE GIRARD'S BUSINESS MACHINES INC GLADSON,DONALD GOEPFORD,BILL GOODIN COMPANY GOODIN COMPANY GOV. FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC. GRAF-VORWERK AND ASSOCIATES GRUNEWALD,CHARLES HANDEGAARD,STEVE HANSON,BARBARA HANSON,MARJEAN HANSON,ROBERT HARDEE'S HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER CHECK AMOUNT 656.40 15.50 387.03 508.54 71.64 60.00 7.75 90.00 7.53 652.18 164.50 168.75 89.00 21.10 436.56 57.75 13.95 160.00 29.67 20.90 618.88 2434.00 1037.09 2597.98 72181. 03 147.16 267.72 109.60 49.50 102.09 226.00 57.50 189.95 667.00 7459.07 116.85 117.96 386.80 181. 02 80.16 13 6. 8 0 125.28 198.44 55.00 400.00 2877.00 25.35 70.91 254.25 47.00 20.95 178.10 • 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioner.; January 231 1991 Page 7 VENDOR NAME ....................... . HEFTE,PEMBERTON,SORLIE & RUFER HOFF,PETER HOLIDAY HONEYWELL HONEYWELL HORGEN,MICHAEL HOVLAND,BERTON IDENTICATOR CORPORATION INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP. INSIGHT INTERSTATE INC IVERSON,DAVID L. JIM'S SERVICE K-MART KELLER,ALLAN KNUTSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR LACHOWITZER,FRANK LAGERQUIST CORPORATION LAKE REGION FAMILY DENTAL CEN. LAKE REGION HOSPITAL LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKESIDE TRANSFER INC. LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LIBERTY TRANSPORTATION INC. LINDQUIST,ANDY LOCKWOOD,ROBERT E. LOTUS MAINE REPAIR SHOP MAPLE LANE RESORT MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION FUND MEDICINE SHOPPE MELBY GRAPHICS METZ BAKING COMPANY MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MN ASSOC FOR COURT ADMIN MN ASSOC OF CO PLANNING & ZONE MN ASSOC OF PROBATE REGISTRARS MN ASSOC OF VETERANS SERV OFFC MN CLE MN CO ATTORNEY'S ASSOCIATION MN CO AUDITOR'S ASSOCIATION MN CO RECORDER'S ASSOCIATION MN DEPT OF AGRICULTURE MN MOTOR COMPANY MN STATE ASSOC CO TREASURER MN STATE AUDITOR MN STATE DEPT OF EDUCATION MN STATE SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION MN SUPREME COURT MORE-4 CHECK AMOUNT 285.00 35.00 1499.73 86.01 931. 73 72.40 132.50 108.65 430.52 189.60 25.50 43.46 7. 3 6 97.70 15.36 3.18 109.00 491.20 215.60 82.00 666.12 3404.00 25.95 520.00 205.44 259.44 8.00 18.00 30.84 29.85 20.00 335.84 32.00 347.55 134.75 64.00 75.00 100.00 70.00 160.00 34.80 61. 50 290.00 290.00 10.00 227.06 290.00 2051.77 46.80 275.00 152.00 48.02 • 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commisr.ioncrs January 23, 1991 Page 8 VENDOR NAME ....................... . NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION NCDA NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON,GARY NELSON,SYDNEY NEULEIB,MICHAEL NORDGREN,HUB NORDICK CONSTRUCTION NORTH CENTRAL INSTRUMENTS NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHWEST DIVERS OFFICE SYSTEMS INC OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OLSON,BERTON OLSON,MEL ORANDI MEDICAL PA ORLYN PEDERSON COMPANY OSTERFELD,JIM OTTER SUPPER CLUB OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF DEPT OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER OTTER TAIL DEPT PUBLIC HEALTH OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTERTAIL FARM CENI"ER OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY PC MAGAZINE PC SOURCES P.J'S GAS AND GROCERY PAGE,KEN PALAN,JANICE PAMIDA STORE PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARSONS TECHNOLOGY PAURUS,VICKIE PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM LINEN PERHAM OASIS INC PERHAM PRINTING PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PERKINS PERRIN RECYCLING PETTERSON,VIC PHOTO CENTER,THE PIERCE CO, 'rHE PLATT,PHILIP POOL,JUANITA PRAIRIE DRAY PRIME COMPUTER PRISCHMANN,DIANE QUADRANT COMPANY CHECI< AMOUNT 238.77 25.00 24.50 1898.65 47.36 36.20 51.90 293.76 5262.80 1656.22 408.54 85.00 1975.00 181. 77 617.52 60.00 1750.00 55.68 162.00 97.87 90.59 399.10 161. 73 2658.42 75.00 178.99 63.88 34.97 9.97 i6.20 8.41 56.60 98.98 4554.70 34.00 28.85 32.66 15.65 631.49 20. 31 20.00 25.00 1560.34 84.80 54.66 47.60 10.00 30.00 81.62 5022.58 60.00 19035.98 • • 0 Otter Tail County Doard or Commissioners January 23, 1991 Page 9 VENDOR NAME ....................... . REDETZKE,DEL REINHART INST FOOD INC REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. SAGEN,DORIS SAMUELSON,SHELDON SCHMITZ FORD SCHWARTZ,ROBERT SECURITY STATE BANK SEWER SERVICE SHERWIN WILLIAMS SOUTH MILL SERVICE STANISLAWSKI,HAROLD STATE TREASURER STEFFENS STEIN'S INC. STENERSON LUMBER STOP-N-GO STORES INC STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPLY INC SWANSON'. SURPLUS CENTER TAMKE,RICHARD THORMODSON,NELVIN TJ'S WELDING INC. TREADWAY GRAPHICS TRI-COUNTY HOSPITAL TRITES,DAVE TRUSTWORTHY HARDWARE TRW U OF M U OF M U OF M U OF M OFFICE SPECIAL PROGRAM U OF M, MN EXTENSION SERVICE UMMHC URLACHER,DAVID UW-STEVENS POINT VERGAS OIL CO VERN CHAREST OIL VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VOSS ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. W/M PARTNERS S/E NORTH DAKOTA WALKUP CONSTRUCTION WATKINS,AARON WENTWORTH,BRIAN WES' FUEL STOP WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTMARC CABLE WESTSIDE SERVICES WIEBE'S GARAGE WILKOWSKI,ROBERT WORDMARC INTERNATIONAL CORP. WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC CHECK AMOUNT 11. 04 1681. 70 16.50 10.00 17.41 22.00 178.72 70.00 60.00 150.95 3297.90 217.00 130.00 242.09 635.04 76.29 814.21 2950.00 229.40 21.15 41. 00 5.00 18 .13 1099.77 235.20 238.32 4496.35 95.00 165.00 353.83 240.00 218.77 515.00 63.44 210.00 27.27 199.82 1277.04 30.72 159.72 1050.00 10.00 5.75 108.40 20.00 507.50 89.05 43.45 15.00 21. 60 2350.00 116.50 • 0 a () Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners January 23, 1991 Page 10 VENDOR NAME ....................... . YSTEBO DRYWALL CO. INC. 261 records listed. CHECK AMOUNT 44.16 205611. 09 • • 0 0 Otter Tail County Board of Commissioner:s January 21, 1991 Page 11 Coordinator Larry Krohn: Labor Negs. -Outside Party Motion by Lindquist1 seconded Lee and unanimously carried to retain the law firm 01 Ratwick, Roszak, Bergstrom 8i Maloney, AMC Commissioners' Wkshop Commissioner Bill Stone reported on information he received at the AMC commissioners' workshop, Closed to Public Chairman Clerk At 2:50 _p,m, Chairman Olson declared the meetin_g adjourned and closed tlic meeting to the public for the purpose ordiscussing with the County Attornc;y active investigative dafa and pursuant fo the Attorney-Client Privilege as authorized in 471.705 Subd Id. Approved