HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/15/19910 Call to Order Minutes Approved DARE Program Minutes of the OTIER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Otter· Tail County Courthouse ,, Tuesday, January 15, 1991 1:00 p.m. The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened in session on Tuesday, Tanuacy 15, 1991J at 1:00 p.m. in the Otter Tail County Commissioners' Room or the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioner Mel 0. Olson, chairman, and Commissioners Andy Lindquist, Bill Stone, and Malcolm Lee present with the 1st District position vacant. Motion made by Malcolm Lee, seconded by Bill Stone and unanimously carried to approve the January 8, 1991 minutes. Sheriff Gary Nelson made an informational J)rl!sentation of the DARE program, along with a video tape. DARE officer Marlys Adams was introduce□ to the Board and questions/answer session followed. Auditor Wayne Stein presented several bills requesting Board approval on the following for the respective <fepartmenfs as per budget agreement: Boat/Water Vehicle Service Agreements Sheriff's Department: Motion by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bill Stone and unanimously carried to a1rnrove pa~ment to Worner's Auto Sales, Inc. in the amount of $15,887 for a 91 Jeep Cherokee as was budgeted for the Sheriff's Department as a Boat/Water vehicle. Motion by Malcolm Lee, seconded by Bill Stone and unanimously carried to approve payment to Dictaphone Company for service contracts as follows: Tel~phone Coupler 20 Channel Recorder, etc. EQT Extension Service: $54.00 $1,349.00 Computer Purchase Request Auditor Wayne Stein presented a request from East Otter Tail Extension Service to authorize a purcbase for an IBM compatible computer from Data Tex West ofDetroit Lakes in the amount of $2,150, the lowest quotation received. It was noted that this figure represents $150 over budget and that this amount would come from their overall budget. A motion by Bill Stone, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unammously carried to approve purchase provided that 1he $150 come from the Extension Services' overall budget. Highway Engineer Rick West approached the Board on the following matters: Right-of-Way Soils Investigation Procedures for Right-of-Way acquisitions on federal aid projects was discussed witli regard to appraisers to establish values on property. A motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Makolm Lee and unanimously carried to have the Highway Engineer follow the same guidelines for all Right-of-Way acquisitions as outlined by the federal government, regardless of whether the specific project is federally funded. Highwav Engineer Rick West re).lorted on the soils investigation on CSAH No. 67 and was authorized by the Board to continue with Midwest En_gineering to find suitable solutions to the conditions found on CS-AH No. '67 and was directed to obtain quotations for 0 u Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners January 15, 1991 Page 2 Bridge No. 4387 Laptop Computer Oq~anizational Chart exploratory work on future grading projects and report same to Board. Replacement of Bridge No. 4387 (Schmidt's Bridge) was discussed. A motion was made tiy Malcolm we, seconded by Andy Lindguist and unanimously carried to delay the _project from '91 to '92 m order to comply with current standards and to obtain federal funding. Highway Engineer Rick West requested, and was granted approval of tlie Board fo obtain quotations for a laptop computer which is compatible with existing software to be used by fiefd staff during the construction season and in-house in the off season. Chairman Mel Olson requested an updated organizational chart of the Highway Department from Highway Engineer Rick West. Chairman Mel Olson presented the following: '91 Committee Appointments Chairman Mel Olson presented copies of the '91 Committee Appointments as follows: Budget Committee Employee Compensation Committee AMC Delegates Recycling Committee Building & Transportation Committee Joint Powers Board Regional Treatment Center Coalition Personnel/Classification West Central Area Agency on Aging Law Library Extension Committee Lindquist Orson Stone 1st District Commissioner All Five Board Members County Att9rney Coordmator Human Services Director Lee 1st District Commissioner Lindquist 1st District Commissioner Lee Lindquist Stone Olson Stone Olson Lee Lindquist Stone Mel Olson instructed Coordinator Larry Krohn to send a copy of the '91 Board appointments to each of the 1st District Commissioner candidates. Coordinator Larry Krohn presented the following for Board approval: Renewal of EAP Agreement Motion by Malcolm Lee, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve renewal agreement with Lakeland Mental Health for the Employees' Assistance Program. 0 a Q Otter Tai! County Board of Commissioners January 15, 1991 Page 3 Insurance Premium Other matters included: Law Enforcement Mediation Hie;hway Nee;otiations Motion by Bill Stone, seconded by Malcolm Lee and unanimously carried to approve payment of $35,024 to Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust for tfie annual assessment statement issued on Trust I Workers Compensation. Coordinator Larry Krohn advised the Board of a meeting change with the Bureau of Mediation regarding the Law Enforcement Teamsters Local 320 negotiations. These negotiations will take place on February 12, 19911 at 11:00 a.m. Commissioner Bill Stone was i!1structed to attend this meeting per '91 committee appomtment. Negotiations on the Highway Department AFSCME are slated for 1:30 p.m. on January 30, 1991. Commissioner Bill Stone was instructed to attend this meeting per '91 committee appointment. Shoreland Ordinance Meetine; A special meeting addressing Shoreland Ordinance has been set for January 28, 1991 at 7 p.m. This is an informational meeting for Count:i: Cpmmissioners, Board of Adjustment and Planning Comm1ss10n members. MPCA School Data Processini: Committee Art of the Lakes Phelps Mill Mower /Tractor Committee Solid Waste Committee Purchase Redemption Center Adopt-A-Hie;hway Proe;ram Bills Approved A letter was received from the MPCA inviting Larry Krohn as a presenter at an upcoming ground water and solid waste school for MPCA staff on February 6~7, 1991. Chairman Mel Olson instructed Coordinator Larry Krohn to acknowledge the letter and send a substitute to attend. Request by Mel Olson to attend Data Processing Committee meeting held at 8:30 a.m. on January 22nd to discuss user's fees. Andy Lmdquist to attend. A letter was received from Art of the Lakes regarding improvements needed at Phelps Mill CountyJ>ark for the '91 summer festival on July 13, 14. It was agreed to address the restroom odor control problem with chemicals. Motion by Andy Lindquist, seconded b_y Malcolm Lee, and unanimously carried to approve rebuilding of Allis-Chalmers tractor /mower. Motion by Malcolm Lee, seconded by Andy Lindquist, and unanimously carried to appoint Julian Sjostrom fo the Extension Committee. Motion by Bill Stone, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried to reappoint both Ur. George Palmer and Lyle Rosenow to the Solid Waste Committee. Roger Schleske reported to the Board regarding the Pelican Rapids Redemption Center buildin_g purcllase agreement and his progress. County Attorne)' Wally S-enyk was inslructed to continue to work with Mr. Schlesl<:e in this matter. A motion _by Malcolm Lee, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carriedhwith Mel Olson opposing, to approve the payment of the second alf of property taxes payable in 1990 in fhe amount of $1,133 provided the County could occupy building 1/31/91. County Attorney 'Nally Senyk reported he had reviewed the documents regarding the proposed county Adopt-A-Highway program. A copy of this J?roposal was referred to Meacfowbrook Insurance Group for thetr recommendations regarding liability. The following bills were approved for payment: C Q 011crTnil County Boartl of Commissioner.. Junua1y 15, l!J!Jl Page 4 VENDOR NAME ....................... . AMERIDATA ANDREWS & MEISTER DRUG ARCHIE'S PLACE ATTACHMENTS INTERNATIONAL AUTO GLASS ASSOCIATES BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BIG A AUTO PARTS BILL'S AMOCO SERVICE BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BRANDON TIRE BRANDON TV & COMMUNICATIONS BRASEL'S HAULING BRETZ HARDWARE BUTLER MACHINERY CO. CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS CAROL & GENE'S OK HARDWARE CATCO CO-OP SERVICES INC COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. D-A LUBRICANT CO. DAY-TIMERS INC. DENT HOMECENTER & HARDWARE DENT,CITY OF ED'S OUTDOORS FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC.-FF FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC.-PR FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS,CITY OF FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W G. N. EVENSON INC. GERRY'S NAPA AUTO PARTS HALL GMC INC. HEDAHLS INC OF FERGUS FALLS HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING L.P. GAS CO. HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HDWE. HENNING,CITY OF INDEPENDENT PRINT SHOPPE INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO. INTERSTATE DETROIT DIESEL INC. JIM'S SERVICE KEN SAURER'S GARBAGE SERVICE LAMPERT BUILDING CENTER-FF LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC. MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC. MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MARLYS' UPHOLSTERY MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC. MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT CHECK AMOUNT 260.40 12.76 5.75 51.75 261. 18 146.54 566.22 464.17 77.20 456.08 754.89 196.20 26.50 42.70 57.90 75.12 33.81 69.09 738.45 38.21 635.10 31. 67 23.28 1200.00 20.91 219.97 296.46 130.46 2699.81 58.38 57.03 26.52 95.83 190.04 189.28 33.90 456.00 86.68 976.48 11. 25 12.50 185.61 118.00 100.17 18.55 485.20 36.91 2113.50 10.00 151.90 80.80 61. 62 , Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners January 15, 1991 ,, Page 5 VENDOR NAME ....................... . MINNESOTA TRANSP. ALLIANCE NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NEW YORK MILLS HERALD NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PELICAN CASH-N-DASH PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM FARM SUPPLY PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGA'rE PHOTO CENTER,THE R & R READY MIX INC. RAY'S OIL COMPANY REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. RICK'S TIRE SERVICE SANITATION PRODUCTS SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SMALL ENGINE REPAIR INC. SOBERG'S·STANDARD SERV & RAD STAN MORRILL INC. STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA STENERSON LUMBER STRAND ACE HARDWARE STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPLY INC. SUPER TRUCK SALES INC. TORKELSON HEATING & AIR COND. UNIV. OF MN DEPT. OF CONFER. VERGAS HARDWARE HANK VERGAS OIL COMPANY VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WADENA PIONEER JOURNAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PARTNERS WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WEST,RICHARD K. WESTSIDE SERVICES WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC. ZIEGLER INC. 95 records listed. CHECK AMOUNT 1255.00 176.32 677.00 15.00 204.93 45.37 190.11 182.94 12.00 583.94 101. 60 18.75 22.50 22.50 47.55 25.00 70.80 469.20 119.29 20.10 30.00 8.35 324.61 18.50 25.00 117.02 26.20 189.41 118.93 105.84 35.52 5.00 75.00 20.98 832.00 92.35 25.50 58.30 211. 59 47.66 137.16 5150.00 19.27 =---===---·-= .-:~•i_y1::,, •. ,i .'l -~-; . _ ·'•, b~ihilJOtfitii1.!ilil'J~'H1 -~rd !_-=}'.' \.)!>L, jil)': ,· u1 ·--~ri},2ih~?tb'~)~J-_: .. 0~o·,~-r .. n :~.-!j:_''.1 ·19'1 ::,ilc.i:Jt,. ~q:·J OJ lrrsuc::Juo-b~·: q :-;··.1:t $yd r:;i:i H;:'v EJ ,. .. , ,,:1r,,·, -_. .hf bdu2,'e:r•~ . .: -~-~-rd ht·-:~hc,,:.id 1: r 0 ,/""\ - -o f. 0 ~ Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners January 15, 1991 Page 6 Closed to Public ATIEST: Clerk iaay ~ At 3:4() p.m. Chairman Mel Olson declared the meeting adjourned and closed the meeting to the public for the purpose 01discussing with the County AttorneY, active investigative da1a and pursuant fo the Attorney-Client Privilege as authonzed in 471.705 Subd 1 d. \~ Appro~7