HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/31/1990CALL TO ORDER HOVLAND ABSENI' MINUTES APPROVED RECYCLING BUIIDING PELICAN RAPIDS MPC'A FINANCIAL ASSUR- ANCE RESOLurION TODD COUNTY SOLID WASTE DELIVERY UTILITY PERMIT ABATEMENTS APPROVED MINUI'ES OF THE>:ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNI'Y MINNFSOI'A October 31, 1990 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County camri.ssioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota net Wednesday, October 31, 1990. Olainnan Olson called the neeting to order at 12:58 p.m. with Corrmissioners Lind::Jui_st, Nordgren, Olson and Nelson present·, Conmissioner Hovland absenty attending an Insurance Trust neeting. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, to approve the minutes of the October 17th neeting as mailed. Mike Hanan, 1.appeared before the Board, along with Roger Schleske, owner of the proposed recycling center property in the City of Pelican Rapias, and discussed the various requirements the board feels are necessaxiy before purchase can take place. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lind:Jui_st and carried, to proceed with a purchase agreement prior to the seller furnishing marketable title. Hanan also presented a resolution i:equired by the M.P.C.A. relative to the financial assurance account for the Northeast Otter Tail Landfill, as required by the rule structure of the M.P.C.A. Said resolution was referred to the County Attorney for (l:eview. 1 ; The matter of the deli ve:ry of solid waste fran Todd County was dis- cussed as to the splitting of the 18 tons , half to the Fergus Falls incinerator and half to Quadrant. •A.fte:rr sare discussion, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lind:Jui_st and carried, to allav Todd County to be charged an average of the incineration fee for the two facilities for all waste delivered to Otter Tail County regardless of which facility it is delivered to. Motion was made by Andy Lind::Juist, seconded by Hub Nordgren ried, to approve the fol laving utility penni ts : and car- E.O.T. Telephone Co. CS.AH #41, Star Lake Twp. E.O.T. Telephone Co. CS.AH #67, New York Mills E.O.T. Telephone Co. CS.AH #41, Perham Twp. Northern Mechanical Syst. C.R. #136, El.mJ Twp. Bu:ry cable Bu:ry cable Bu:ry cable Steel pipe Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, to approve the follaving applications for homestead classifica- tion, forgiveness of penalty, etc., as presented by the County Assessor: Tern Silbernagel Lar:ry Ott D.N .R. Edna Twp. Maine Maplewood Homestead classification Harestead classification Foregi veness of penalty, etc. FERGUS FALLS A()';)UISITION Upon motion made by Andy Lind::Juist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car- TAX FORFEITED PROPERrY ried, the follaving resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Corrmissioners of otter Tail County .Minnesota, that · WHEREAS, the County Board of Otter Tail County, l\'Tinnesota, has exam- ined into the allegations of the application of the City of Fergus Falls, dated the 23rd day of October, 1990, for the conveyance of certain lands therein described; NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board, that it hereby approves said application and recomrrenas that the sane be granted. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 31st day of October, 1990. PAYMENT APPROVED Mq_I'OROIA, INC. • REA -TAX FORFEITED PARCEL OCTA SNClvMOBIIE ASS'N TRAIL AGREEMENT County Board -2 -October 31, 1990 Motion was made by Sydney G. Nelson, seconded by Andy Lincquist and carried, to approve payment in the arrount of $522.00 to Motorola, Inc. , for operator f:requencies • Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lind::Iuist and car- ried, to table action on a request by the Lake Fegion REA to discon- tinue se:rvice, including removing poles, wires, hardware, etc., frcm the SW¼SW¼, Section 36 , Dead Lake Township, which has forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payrrent of taxes. Motion was made by Andy Lind::Iuist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car- ried, to approve the Minnesota Trail Assistance Program with the State DNR for an appropriation of $14,000 for the OCTA -Fergus Falls/Wee Town Maplewood Snavrnobile Trail Association, and the Cllainnan of the Board was authorized to execute the agreerrent on behalf of Otter Tail County. EIECTION JUDGES TRAINING Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- VIDEO ried, to approve payrrent of $25. 00 to Intertech Video Services for a video used in training election judges. CORRECTION TO PIAT DAYTON HOLI...CW FINAL PAPER CAIMEN'SON, STEEL CUI"rING EDGFS Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, to approve a Surveyors Correction Certificate on the plat of Dayton Holla.v, and the Cllainnan of the Board was authorized to sign said certificate of approval by Otter Tail County. Upon notion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lind::Iuist and car- ried, the follc:Ming resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board on the 9th of May, 1990, accepted the bid of Paper Calnenson & Co., Saint Paul, MN, in the anount of $27,189.08 for steel cutting edges, and WHEREAS, the above material has now been received to the satisfaction of the Board at a total cost of $27,144.10, a decrease of $44. 98 due to less material ordered, NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the anount of $27,144.10 payable to Paper Calnen.son & Co., in full payrrent thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 31st day of October, 1990. FOOD & BEVERAGE ORDIN-Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ANCE HEARING ried, to schedule a hearing for 2 :00 p.m., November 21, 1990, for the pmpose of considering revisions to the Food & Beverage Ordinance. FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, APPROVED to alla.v forgiveness of penalty on late payrrent of tax by the follc:Ming persons, forgiveness granted based upon certification by the postal departrrent, that payments were nailed at a local post-office, missent or cancellation at another postoffice with a late date: Robert & Mazy I.Du Zirnmennan Ottertail City' and Arror Ta.vnship Donald & Marcelyn Dillon Pelican Rapids Roger & Kath:ryn Lervi.ck Scambler Township William & Eloise Claver Gonnan Township Peterson Biddick Canpton Township FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion was made by Andy Lin~uist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- DENIED ried, to deny forgiveness of penalty on a late payrrent of rrobile hare tax by Allen J. Timen, Everts TCMnship. NEW YORK MILIS GARAGE FURNACE -BIDS RECYCLING COORDINATOR VIOLATIONS OF SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE BIDS -BOAT & WATER SAFEI'Y EQUIPMENT County Board -3 -o.::tober 31, 1990 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for a new furnace in the garage at New York Mills, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as fella.vs : King ~chanical Systerrs, Detroit Lakes, MN Hanson's Plumbing & Heating, Vergas, MN $17,802.00 18,775.00 All bids were :referred to the Highway Departnent for review, after which notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to accept the bid of King Mechanical Systems, Detroit Lakes, MN, in the annunt of $17,802.00, being the lavest bid. Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, reported on activities of the Recycling Comnittee, and urged the Board to proceed with hiring a Recycling Coordinator. After sane discussion, notion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to direct Mike Hanan, Larry Krohn and Andy Lindquist to prepare a jcb descrip- tion, to include proposed sala.cy, for a Recycling Coordinator, for a proposed position starting in Janua:ry of 1991. Wally Senyk, Cm.mty Attorney, reported that cla.irrs are being made of violations of the solid waste ordinance, stating that any such violation should be reported to the Solid Waste Office who would then proceed with proper legal action. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for boat & water safety equiprrent, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as fella.vs: 4-Wheel Drive Vehicle: Werner's Auto Sales, Fergus Falls Womer' s Auto Sales, Fergus Falls .Mcx>re Ford, Fergus Falls Minnesota Motor Ccxrpany $15,887.00 ll6 ';648. 00 16,280.00 16,748.00 Boat-Motor-Trailer Corrbination:(1990-1991 Model): Steve's Cycle & Marine, Fergus Falls Simi.son Marine, Inc. , Pelican Rapids carr Enterprises , Inc. , Ottertail, MN Dunkers Marine, Battle Lake Simi.son Marine, Inc. Pelican Rapids Steve's Cycle & Marine, Fergus Falls Dunker's Marine, Pelican Rapids Carr Enterprises , Inc. , Ottertail $ 7,490.00 8,175.00 8,680.00 10,500.00 25..:;30:lIP Motor Motor With Trade With Trade $3,461.00 2,200.00 3,886.00 3,335.00 $2,346.00 2,050.00 3,000.00 2,156.00 All b.failsl were turned over to the Sheriff's Depart:Irent for review, after with notion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to accept the bid of Werner's Auto Sales, Fergus Falls fo:t the vehicle, in the anount of $15,887.00 being the lcwest bid. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, to accept the bid of Steve's Cycle & Marine, Fergus Falls, in the arrount of $7,490.00 for the boat-notor-trailer corribination, being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, to accept the bid of Steve's Cycle & Marine, Fergus Falls, for the 7O,HP notor in the amount of $2,200.00 and the 25 HP rrotor in the arrount of $2,050.00 being the lowest bids. County Board -4 -October 31, 1990 SICK I.EAVE The matter of use of sick leave for imrediate :rrenber of a family was IMMEDIATE FAMILY discussed, with one claim from a person in a miion miit in which this is not part of the union contract. Upon notion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, it was decided all employees should be treated alike and this person should be credited for sick leave for irnrrediate family matter. RICHVIILE A resolution from the City of Richville regarding the request by the RR CROSSING City for signal lights at the Railroad crossing was presented to the Board. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seoonded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to refer the resolution to the Highway Departrrent. NEWI'CN & BLlJFFTCN TWP. A petition from Newton To.vnship and Bluffton Tarmship was received ROAD praying that the oomity take over a to.vnship road running between Sections25 & 36 and 26 & 35, Newton To.vnship and Sections 30 & 31, Bluffton To.vnship. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and lIDanirrously carried, to accept the petition, re- ferring sane to the Highway Depa.rtrrent. ABSENI'EE BALIDI' Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, COONTY BOARD APPOINTEES to appoint Veryle Henrickson and Macy Beth Hruby as Independent Repu- blican judges and Mc:!l Bolton and GaI:y lee as Denocratic-Fanrer-Labor judges, to se:rve on the Absentee Ballot Counting Board. SOIL SURVEY CONTRACT & PAYMENT APPROVED HOLT vs DEUSClI SALT BINS PELICAN RAPIDS BILIS APPROVED Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seoonded by Hub Nordgren and carnied, to approve the contract with the U.S. Dept rbnent of Agriculture and the Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey Agreement No. A-6322-6, for the year ccmrencing October 1 , 1990 , and approve pay:rrent of the quar~ terly amount of $18,653.00 due for the period 7-1-90 to 9-30-90. Attomey Senyk reported on correspondence and contacts with the DNR on the Holt vs Deusch Lake issue. Motion was made by Hub No:rdgren, seconded by Andy Lincquist and carried, to infonn both the DNR and the Holts when the matter will be again brought up so all parties can be present to speak to the issl.Er to be scheduled at a tirre favorable to all concerned. Attomey Senyk reported that he had reviewed the proposed agreerrent between otter Tail County, the City of Pelican Rapids and the State of Minnesota on the storage of salt supplies in a storage bin pro- vided by the State of Minnesota in the City of Pelican Rapids. Senyk indicated it was his opinion a fo:rmal contract was not necessary. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, the folla,.,ing bills were all~d: -5 - VENDOR NAME ....................... . ALEXANDRIA DIESEL SERVICE AMERICAN WHEEL & BRAKE INC. AUTO GLASS ASSOCIATES B & B TV BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BERVEN,DWIGHT BIG A AUTO PARTS BRANDON TIRE BRANDON TV & COMMUNICATIONS BRETZ HARDWARE CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS CARGILL SALT DIVISION CHRISTIANSON ASPHALT PRODUCTS CO-OP SERVICES INC COAST TO COAST STORE-B DAN BARRY'S EXCAVATING DEER CREEK OIL CO. DENNY'S NORTH STAR DIESEL MACHINERY ED'S OUTDOORS EGGE CONSTRUCTION EVERTS LUMBER COMPANY FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC.-FF FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC.-PR FERGUS FALLS,CITY OF FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FISKUM AUTO PARTS-W G. N. EVENSON INC. GARDNER'S GROCERY GENERAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES GERRY'S NAPA AUTO PARTS GOPHER COURIER HALL GMC INC. HANSON'S PLUMBING & HEATING HANSON'S PLUMBING & HEATING HARVEST STATES HEDAHLS INC OF FERGUS FALLS HENDRICKX IMPLEMENT HENNING AUTO PARTS INC. HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HOWE. HENNING,CITY OF INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO. INTERSTATE DETROIT DIESEL INC. INTERSTATE INC. KIMBER AWNING INC. KNOX AUTO PARTS KNUTSON HEATING & AIR COND. LAKE REGION CO-OP ELEC. ASS'N. M-R SIGN COMPANY MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO. MILLER & HOLMES INC. MILLS FARMERS ELEVATOR MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT NERESON CHEVROLET NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTH UNION TOWING & REPAIR CHECK AMOUNT 65.58 173.74 60.08 75.00 151.60 326.69 128.31 741.28 530.88 125.00 9.39 59.28 10977.56 27717.34 423.51 98.92 135.00 41.76 774.21 9.21 48.75 140.00 8.95 168.57 181.34 2699.82 154.43 197.56 ___________ 1.-4--;-z o 650.00 10.70 322.88 15.64 30.85 550.84 266.60 9.35 213.50 13.60 32.79 56.45 18.12 943.09 146.11 114.70 66.08 45.40 6.00 8.35 4538.19 1862.55 128080.02 1037.61 245.97 225.47 51.44 631.10 150.00 ADJOURNMENT -6 - VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC. OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE P.J.'S GAS & GROCERY PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PEDERSON-SELLS EQUIPMENT CO PELICAN CASH-N-DASH PELICAN READY MIX PERHAM AUTO WRECKING INC. PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE PRAIRIE IMPLEMENT INC. R & R READY MIX INC. RICHELS,TOM SHERMAN TANK COMPANY SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO SMOKEY'S MACHINE SHOP STAN MORRILL INC. STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA STEVE'S CYCLE INC. STRAND ACE HARDWARE SWEENEY BROTHERS TRACTOR INC. THOMAS OIL COMPANY-VI VERGAS HARDWARE HANK VERGAS OIL COMPANY VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VOGEL PAINT & WAX COMPANY INC. WADENA ASPHALT COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE EQUIP. WESTSIDE SERVICES WIFALL IMPLEMENT ZITZOW ELECTRIC 89 records listed. CHECK AM'JUNT 43.67 82.11 2758.00 208.56 137.38 27.24 13.00 3396.00 38.16 3314.50 79.92 1825.60 278.40 85.00 22.40 40.00 20.00 74.70 15.90 105.50 35.34 283.70 25.86 524.91 37.19 622.08 363.00 17.40 541.74 50.00 19.80 201668.42 At 3 :50 p.m. , with no further business, Chainnan Olson declared the rreeting adjourned until 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 7, 1990. · -~ ~) Cha.i.nnan A'ITEST: Approved //-7-t.Jl> -4,~hl &tyAAF Clerk