HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/05/1990CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUI'ES APPROVED LIQUOR LICENSE APPROVED EMERGENCY GENERATOR EXHAUST FUMES lJrILITY PERMITS APPROVED BEER & SEI'-UP LICENSES APPROVED FIRE,CALL APPROVED ABATEMENTS APPROVED orro TCWNSHIP PROPER1'Y SALE MINUI'ES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNI'Y COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COONTY MINNESorA September 5, 1990 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Comnissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota net vednesday, September 5 , 1990. 01.ainnan Olson called the meeting to order at 9 :30 a.m, with all rrembers present. Motion was made by Andy Lind:Iuist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- rrously carried, to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 22nd as mailed. Bruce Nelson of Dunvilla 8uppe:t Club appeared before the Board re- questing a seasonal on-sale liqmr license of two days, for the pur- pose of catering a wedding reception to be held at Fair Hills Resort September 15th, continuing, runtil 12 :30 a.m., September 16th. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unaninously carried, to approve the seasonal two~y license, subject to approval by the County Sheriff and the Liquor Control Comnissioner. Rick Sytsma, Maintenance Supe:rvisor, reported a problem with fmres frc!:nn the county's errE:rgency generator during the weekly test run, indicating a different exhaust system will be installed. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lind:Iuist and unani- nously carried, to approve the following utility pennits: U.S.West Corrmunications Telephone Cable CSAH #27 (JewettLake) TEKSTAR Cablevision Bmy cable CSAH #10, Eliz. Twp. E.O.T. Telephone Co. Bmy cable CSAH #84 E of T H 10 E.O.T. Telephone Co. Bmy Cable CSAH #51 E.O.T. Telephone Co. Bucy Cable CSAH #67 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to approve applications of Thanas Volberding, for 3.2 beer sales and set-up license at the Hi-Way Park Ballroom, El.no Township. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- rrously carried, to approve payrrent in the anount of $200.00 to the Underwood Fire Depa.rtnent for a fire call in the road ditdl on CSAH #43 one-half mile north of CSAH #1. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- rrousl y carried, to approve the folloong applications for honestead class- ification and/or reduction of tax capacity: Doris M. Hendricks Folden Property overvalued Kurt Youngkrantz Buse Property overvalued Lorraine Lykken Clitherall T Remove soLild waste assessnent, ThOJTBS Papenfuss Ema.line Erickson Curtis Thonpson Wanda Smith Michael Keskitalo B & D Foods Newton Nidaros Pelican T Pine Lake ottertail City Perham C no house Mid-year honestead Buildings overvalued Ag horrestead Property overvalued Seasonal comrercial Wrong classification Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried, to advertise for bids to be received until 10 :30 a.m., Wednesday, October 3, 1990, for the sale of the E 133' of the S 133' of the SE¼SE¼, Section 36 , otto Ta.vnship, minimum bid accepted to be $50.00. ABSENTEE BALIDI' COUNTING BOARD DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERI'Y TAX SALT BIDS County Board -2 -September 5, 1990 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to appoint the following individuals as judges on the Absentee Ballot Counting Board: Macy Trana, Independent Carlton J.Vbrtensen, Independent Janet Becklund, Independent Fepublican Ibrothy Petersen, DFL Motion was made by Andy Lincquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and mani- mously carried, to plare all delinquent 1990 personal property delin- quent taxes into judgment, and the folla.ving report of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1990 is presented: September 5, 1990 BE IT KNCWN, that the County Board of Otter Tail County Minnesota did meet in session on the 5th of September, 1990 , that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Boru:td the list of uncollected personal property taxes for , it.he year 1990 , together with Sheriff Certificate as required by law; and that at said session the Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes. The fol- laving is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for the year 1990, and that the Court Administrator is ordered to issue citations thereon, to-wit: il. Penalty Name & Location Tax & Costs Total Fraki, Dennis, Henning City $ 90.00 $ 16.45 $106.45 G&E Rustic Buildevs, Clitherall 'lwp. 650.00 101.25 751.25 Hegg, Leif, Battle Lake City 18.00 3.49 21.49 Jaros, Jim & Ceorge, carlisle 'lwp. 12.00 2.41 14.41 Stein, Jerry, Star Lake 'lwp. 204.00 36.97 240.97 A'ITESI': The Board, having previously advertised for the seasonal supply of salt, proreeded to open biclsl which were found to be as folla.vs: Cutler Magner Conpany, Duluth, MN Cargill, Minneapolis , MN $33.25 per ton, plus frel surcharge 34. 23 per ton, FOB After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by H1;1h Nord~ and ';11animously carried, to award the contract to Cargill, Minneapolis, MN, in the arrount of $34 .23 per ton, FOB destination, re- jecting the la.v bid of cutler Magner Conpany, because all freight char- ges:·. were to be included in the bid prire. BIDS RECEIVED PERHAM & PINE IAKE TCWNSHIP ROADS S.A.P. 56-667-21 UNUSED HIGHWAY RIGHT- OF-WAY DISPCSAL . PLAT APPROVED McDONALD HEIGHTS. PLAT APPROVED S'IUARI' LAKE ADD 1N LOCAL WATER PIAN PRELIMINARY CENSUS CHALLENGED GIRARD TOWNSHIP PROPERrY LINE PROBLEM.S FERGUS MOrORS BUIIDING LEASE AGREEMENT County Board -3 -September 5, 1990 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for aggregate base, bituminous surfacing & aggregate shouldering on 4. 703 miles of tCM1Ship road in Pe:rham and Pine Lake To.vnships, under p:roj~cts 90 :OlB and 90 :02B, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as folla,.,s : Stan:y Const. Co., INc~, Long Prairie, MN. She:rbrooke Asphalt, Inc. , Pelican Rapids, MN Mark Sq!ld & Gravel Co. , Fergus Falls , MN $176,639.00 203,892.50 221,260.35 After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, semnded by Bert :Aovland and unanirrously carried, to accept the bid of Starry Cons~on Co. , INc. , Long Prairie , MN, in the amount of $1 76 , 6 39 • 00 being the la,.,est bid. The· Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for Briage #96883 on CSAH #67 over the Red Eye River, proceeded to open bids which were, 1found to be as folla,.,rs : ~dwehr Heavy Moving, Inc,, St. Cloud Ril~y Bros • Const. Inc. , Morris Egge Construction, Inc., Pelican Rapids $117,353.20 119,174.20 127,114.75 ,After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, semnded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Landwehr Heavy· Moving, Inc. , Saint Cloud, in the amount of $117,353. 20 , being the la,.,est bid. } ./corrmissioner Lincquist acknowledged receipt of a letter from Ronald Davis requesting penni.ssion to purchase a parcel of unused road right- of-way adjacent to property armed by him. County Attorney Senyk advised the Board efforts are being made by his office and the Hi-Way Department to locate all such properties and dispose of unneeded highway right-of-ways. M:>tion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Mclbnald Heights, located in Section 2 of F.dna Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lind:luist and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Stuart I.ake Add'n, located in Section 34 , Girard Ta,.,rnship. The County's Ccmprehensive I.Deal Water Plan and its proposed implemen- tation was discussed, with a letter pending frcm the Board of Water and Soil Pesources regarding the county's obligation to irrplement without funding. Chainnan Olson reported that he had set up a camnittee consisting of Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, Sherri Shale, Data Processing, and himself, to study the census report and make in-house comparisons. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, authorizing the Olainnan of the Board to file a pro- test with the Bureau of the Census challenging the preliminary census as submitted. Omck. Ha,.,ard and Jim Friberg of Girard Tarmship api:eared before the Board stating a problem exists on property lines as established in Girard Tarmship, requesting infonnation on hCM the problem can be solved. The gentl.erren were advised to seek legal council, with the assistance of the property armers in the area whose properties were affected. Attorney Wally Senyk reported to the Board that in addition to Il'ID Proi=erties, Brenvei Investors and I.ake View Investors should be in- cluded in the lease on the fonner Fergus Motor building. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously car- ried, to alla,., amendrrent of the lease to include all armers as iden- tified. ., l .- . GAMBLING. PERMIT WAIVER REQUESTED HIGHWAY ENGINEER CANDIDATE INI'ERVIEWS • SOLID WAS'IE FLCW ·CONTROL · :FINAL PAYMENI' -··RECYCLING BUILDING . ·HAMMERS CONSTRUCI'ION ::<l . ,"fl" '· r➔.• :-,·.::,;FINAil PAYMENI' i;t\CAN DEN'SIFIER (';f/' ' jn ;.· ! :,· ;' REDEMPI'ION CENTER ,_._ AD FC>R ·BIDS -PERHAM ~-.; ' . . '. ' County Board -4 -September 5, 1990 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to request waiver of the 60 day waiting period in the issuance of a gambling license by the Gaming Division of the Depart- ment of Revenue for the· American legion Post 30, Fergus Falls , MN, at Wee Villa Resort, Elizabeth Ta.-mship. Cormri.ssioner Hovland reported that-the canmittee-had interview-ea ten candidates for the position of Highway Engineer; with three finalists to be intervi.ewed·by the Board on September 12th. Commissioner Hovland :rtepo:ntedt'on a discussion by the Joint Powers Board relative to fla.vcoritrol at the incinerators in otter Tail County. No action taken • Upon notion made by Andy Lind::]:uist, seconded by !,-Syd t-Ie~on ; and unani- .. mously carried, the follo.ving resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board, on the 16th of August, 1989, accepted the bid of Harnrers Const., Inc., Perham, MN, in the arrount of $283,000.00 for the construction of a recycling building in the City of Fergus Falls, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Comty Board at a total cost of $229,184, a reduction of $53,816.00 due to change orders, NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby autho- rized and directed to issue a warrant in the arrount·of $2,914.00 to Hanuner's Construction, Inc., Perham, MN, as final payrrent thereof. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 5th day of September, 1990. Upon notion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Carmissioners of otter Tail Cotmty Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on April 25, 1990, the County Board accepted the bid of Bruce Mooney Associates, Inc., in the arrount of $21,700-.00 for a · can densifier, REM conveyor with magnet separator, and freight to Fergus Falls, and · WHEREAS, the above contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Comty Boaiidat a total ca;t of $18,675.00, a decrease of $3,025.00 due to no delive:r:y of the conveyor, magnetic separator, and less freight, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Audi tor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the arrount of $18,675.00 to Brure Mooney Associates, Inc., in: full payment thereof. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 5th day of September, 1990. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- nously carried, to authorize advertising for bids to be received until 10 :00 a.m. , Wednesday, October 3, 1990, for construction of the redemp- tion center in Pe:rham. County Board -5 -September 5 , 1990 RESOLtJrION -WASTE Upon motion made by Andy Lind:]uist, seconded by Bert Hovland and MANAGEMENT PASS-THROUGH unaninously carried, the follaving resolution was adopted: FUNDS RECYCLING AND WASTE MANAGEMENI' PLAN MPCA AIR EMISSION CONTOOL HEARINGS RESOLVED by the Board of County Conmissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 115A.551, by Dererrber 31, 1993, each county in Greater Minnesota will have as a goal to recycle a minimum of 25 percent by weight of total solid waste generation, and each county must develop and implement or require political subdivisions within the county to develop and implement prograrrs, practices, or nethods designed to neet its recycling goal; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 115A.552 counties shall ensure that residents have an opportunity to recycle; .and WHEREAS, the legislature has appropriated funds to be distributed by the Office of Waste Managerrent (Office) to counties for the develop- nent and implementation of waste reduction and recycling programs; and WHEREAS, to be eligible to receive these state ·funds, counties must neet the requirenents set forth in Minn. Stat. 115A.557, subd. 3; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail Cotmty desires to receive these state funds; Na-J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that as a condition to receiving funds under Minn. Stat. 115A.557 ("the state funds"), the County agrees to the follaving: 1. The County will use the state funds only for the puqx::,ses set forth in Minn. Stat. 115A.557, subd. 2; and 2. The County has created and will maintain a separate account in its general fund· to credit the state funds ; and 3. The County has established and will maintain accounting procedures to ensure that the state funds will be spent only for the purposes authorized by Minn. Stat. 115A.557, subd. 2; and 4. By October 4, 1990, the County will submit to the Office of Waste Managerrent a solid waste management plan anendrrent that ( a) inplerrents the statuto:ry goal of recycling, by December 31, 1993, at least 25 percent by weight of total solid waste generated; (b) identifies nechanisms for providing financial incentives to solid waste genera- tors; and, (c) includes a household hazarcbus waste managerrent plan neeting the requirerrents of Minn. Stat. 115A. 96, subd. 6; and 5. By July 1, 1991,;, the Cotmty will spend local revenue equal to 25 percent of the state funds disbursed to the Cotmty during the State's 1991 fiscal year (July 1, 1990 -June 30, 1991); and 6. By August 1, 1991, the County will suJ::xni. t to the Office a report that (a) details how the County spent the state ftmds disbursed to it during the State's 1991 fiscal year; fbY provides evidence that it spent local revenue equal to 25 percent of the state funds dis- bursed to it during the State's 1991 fiscal year; and (c) describes the resulting gains achieved in sold waste management practices. Adopted this 5th day of September, 1990, by the otter Tail Cotmty Board of Cormni.ssioners. Solid Waste Director discussed the cotmty's Solid Waste Managerrent Plan and the pending approval by the end of the year. Also discussed was the bookkeeping system :requirements for recycling and marketing. The matter of the petition prel:;ented to the County Board by Joe Merz was brought before the Board for final action. whereupon motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously car- ried, to encourage the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to hold hearings on the proposed rules to air emission revised air quality control in the northwest region of the State of Minnesota. CANISTER SITE AGREEMENI'S HENNING TRANSFER STATION MAINTENANCE AGREEMENI'S SOLID WASTE PUBLIC ACCESSES EOC -DCN SWENSON APPOINI'ED JAIL FOOD SERVICE FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY APPROVED -LEI'H ADJOURNMENT County Board -6 -September 5, 1990 Attorney Senyk discussed the recycling canister site agreerrents in various areas throughout the cotm.ty, wi. th no action taken. Attorney Senyk discussed the Henning transfer station agreerrent, stating amendrrents to the original agreement have been drafted and Ieqllire approval. MJtion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and tm.an.imously carried, to approve the additional two pages and the Chairman of the Board and Col.IDty Auditor were authorized to execute the amendrrents on behalf of the Col.IDty Board. Various items discussed involving the joint powers board were the maximum and minimum tonnage requirerrents, a request f:rom Wilkin Cotm.ty to change their tonnage f:rom 8 minimum, 12 maximum, to 6 minimum, 14 maximum; the request f:rom Wilkin Cotm.ty that Big Dipper not deliver waste from Wilkin Col.IDty, and the flow control should all cotm.ties be allowed to change their minimum and maximum tonnage agreerrents. No action taken. County Attorney Senyk reported on infonnation received from the Depart- rrent of Natural Resources that the cotm.ty could take over enforcerrent of various state public accesses, including into the county's public parks jurisdiction as to hours, alcohol consumption and other restric- tions placed on cotm.ty parks ano. public accesses. . The matter of liability responsibility should the cotm.ty decide to include the state's public accesses was also discussed with no action taken. MJtion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and tm.ani- rrously carried, to appoint Don Swenson to the Economic Developrrent Corrmission. Larry Krohn, Cotm.ty Coordinator, annotm.ced a meeting scheduled for 9 :00 a.m., September 7, 1990, with a food service contractor and Bruce Eckley to consider food service for the jail. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and tm.ani- rrously carried, to allow forgiveness of penalty on late payrrent of tax by Duane Leth, Clitherall City, due to an error in the cormty offices, as reoornrrended by Steve Andrews, Cotm.ty Treasurer. At 2: 28 p.m. , wi. th no further business , Chairman Olson declared the rreeting adjourned tm.til the afternoon of September 12, 1990. Chainnan A'ITEST: ~dl-~k Approved 9-)~ -90