HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/11/1990CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUI'ES APPROVED BRD OF E<J}ALIZATION MINUTES APPROVED WILKIN COUNI'Y DITCH #9 and #10, lLLEJGAL OurIEI' BALLOI' COUNTJNG BOARD ORDINANCE HEARING REPURCHASE KAMPHAKE BEER LICENSE APPROVED ST. LAWRENCE PARISH LIQUOR LICENSE MR. D's PIER AIRPORI' ZONING BOARD FERGUS FALLS CITY MINUI'ES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CDUNI'Y COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNI'Y MINNESDrA July 11, 1990 Pursuant to adjournnent, the Board of County Comnissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Wednesday, July 11, 1990. Chainnan Olson called the meeting to order at 12: 35 p .m. , with all nernbers present. Motion was nade by Andy Lind:]:uist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried, to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 3rd as mailed. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried, to approve the minutes of the Board of Equalization as sul:xnitted. The Wilkin County Board, together with Wilkin County Attorney Tim Fox and County Auditor carolyn Ellingson, appeared before the Board regarding an illegal outlet onto the ta,mship :road cilitch i.ti 'Beet.ion 16, Western Township, said ditch draining into Wilkin County Ditch #9 & #10. Attorney Fox spoke to the issue, stating either a petition should be presented to allCM an outlet to the county ditch, or a joint authority should be established. In the absenre of either, action should be taken ·to prosecute. No fonnal action was taken. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lind:]:uist and unani- . mously carried, to set a hearing for 1 :30 p.m., Wednesday, July 25, 1990, for the purpose of considering the enactment of the Absentee Ballot Counting Board.Ordinance. Upon notion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- rrously carried, the follc:Ming resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Comnissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS,. Herny Kanphake, CMner of I:bt 2, Block 31, Lakeview Add' n to the City of Parkers Prairie, said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 5th day of Septerrber, 1989, for non payrrent of the 1985 tax, and WHEREAS the sum of $337.63 has been paid, representing one-tenth of the total of all deinqumt taxes , penal ties , ccsts and interest, NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby grant approval of the repurchase of the aforementioned property, to be in the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN, this 11th day of July, 1990. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- rroIBly carried, to approve an application by I.eo Klinnert on behalf of the Saint Lawrence Parish, Otto Ta,mship, to sell beer at a festi- val to be held August:5, 1990, at no fee. Motion was made by Andy Lind:]:uist, seoonded by Bert Hovland and unan- nously carried, to approve the application of Teny D. Wagenrnan and c. Duane Grover, for license to sell intoxicating liquor, including Sunday sales , at Mr. D's Pier, otter Tail To.vnship. Chainnan Olson appointed I.es Nokes and Bill Adams to the Fergus Falls Airport Zoning Board, at the request of the City of Fergus Falls, as otter Tail County's representatives to deal with the installation of an Instnment Landing System at the Fergus Falls Airport. ABATEMENl'S APPROVED ARI' OF THE LAKES FESTIVAL SIGNS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TABLED -INN EXPENSIVE INNS RECYCLING CANIS'IERS BID OPENING County Board -2 -July 11, 1990 M:Jtion was made by Bert Hovland, seronded by Sydney Nelson and unani- rrously carried, to approve the follcwing applications for reduction of tax capacity, ani tted property, and horrestead classification: Phyllis Vordemruggen Bluffton . United Sportsrren Club I:ead Lake Great Plains Natural Gas Fergus Falls T Olarles Beldo Paddock Great Plains Natural Gas Fergus Falls C Loren Thalmann Henning C Ridlard Mren Henning C Bueikle New York Mills Ralph Vaughan New Yoik Mills carr Enterprises Ottertail c Joseph Elliott Ottertail C Harry Wcod Paikers Pr.C Roger Sc:hleske Pelican Rapids. Dale Velo Pelican Rapids H. D. Smalley, Jr. Perham C City :Of Perham Perllarn C Thomas Ri.dlter Perham C Alma Hermelgam Pemam c Richard Kading Perham C Joseph Esser Pemam C Lan:y Weickert Pemam C Brian M:>rt Perham C Kenneth Nelson Perham C Fanrers State Ba.-.:: Richville Lynette Widenan Ridlville Non-harestead Buildings on personal property Wrong.classification Harrestead classification Wrong classification Building :re-evaluated PemJve solid waste dlarge Rerrove solid waste charge Nan-harestead Building overvalued Serondary parcel lot overvalued Building overvalued Building overvalued P::rop:rty m.ervalued Rerrove solid waste charge Residential horrestead Property split, rerrove house Property split, ani tted house House noved off in 1988 Building overvalued Residential han.~tead Sold to public, tax ~ Sold, now residential hanestead M:lbile horre, hanestead class fut.ion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and llllani- rrously carried, to allow the placing of two 4' x 8' signs on County Road #1 at ,the intersection of CSAH #l and CSAH #45, and· two 4' x 8' signs on the north side of river approximately one-half mile north, signs.to be placed by the UndeI:WOOd Lions Club for the Art of the Lakes Festival, to be put up on July 11th and rerroved irriir'cediately . after the festival is over on July 15th. M:>tion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried, to table•action on a request for a conditional use penni t by Inn E:xp:nsi ve Inns , at Elbow Lake and Shallow Lake, for a road to be co~tructed;1 to serve a proposed subdivision, lllltil .July 18th, requesting that the Land & Resource Office rreet with representatives from the I:ep~t of Natural Resourres at the proposed project site, and the~ Corps of Engineers if the matter falls within their jurisdiction, to view and make recornrrendation to" the Board. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be rereived for canisters to be used by the Recycling program, proceeded to open bids which were folllld to be as follows: Structural Steel $2,950.00 each · Alexandria Engineering 3,267. 00 each Rayfo, Inc. 3,580.00 each Dakota Truck 3,792.00 each ABM 4,088.00 each Haulers Equip. Co.,, Inc. 6,085.00 each All bids were turned over to Arr!Y Beske, Recycling Coordinator/Educa- tor, for review, with action to be taken August 8, 1990. County Board -3 -Julyll, 1990 COODTI'IONAL USE PERMIT, Motion was made by Bert. Hovland, sea:mded by Hub Nordgren and unani- HOLZ.MAN -TABLED mously carried,. to table action on the conditional use application of Mai:y Jeanne Holzman, Otter Tail Lake, for construction of a road, 1 ,~ to allav Hub Nordgren and ·Wm. Kalar to view the project, and .make g. reccmren:dation to the Board. >C()NDITIONAL USE PERMITS Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- APPIDVED nously carried, to approve· the follaving applications for conditional use pennit, as recarrmmded by the Planning Commission: · (.~~:. ~.f f~ ', (. i:: .. ,. \- v SOUI'H VIEW FILING (:. EXTENSION i I ,. ,-. Ul'ILITY PERMITS ic·' APPROVED / ' _1..;, .. ;~;,·_SUPPLEMENTAL CONI'RACT Ff, #S.A.P. 56-651-10 URBANK, CSAH #59 Raym:md A~ ·. Kratzke Clarence Mielke Clarence Mielke Janes Scott R.E. Bergquist Richard Lorsung Lida Ta-mship Landscape-area·for m:,..,ing purposes Rush·Lake. Rush Lake Edna Dunn Effington_ (Head) Add . 15 carrper units (Marian) Add 15 units Level ice ridge Establish·condaninium classification at Dunnvilla Fill lav area r-t>tion was made by-Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to grant .ari additio:iial)l20 days· for the filing of the final plat of South View~ Marion Lake. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- nously carried, to·approve the follavingapplications for utility pennit on county highway right.:...of-way: City of Perham · City of Perham ' E.O.T~ Telephone Co •. E.O.T. Telephone Co. · City of Per.ham,. across Highway #80 , gas service .Gas main, north of County Shop · Dead· Lake Township, CSAH #14 , bmy cable · ~ Vall.ey,;r ·GS.1\Hi1#75 -& TH #210, bury cable Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney, Nelson and unani- mously carried, the follCMing :resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners·· of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Proposal.on S.A~P. 56-651-10 with Sherbrooke Asphalt,'wnc. penni.ts the County to add ·wo:rk to the Contract, and WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed and understood that 1. The Contractor will do the wo:rk at the Ctract Unit Price , 2. The · Contractor will do: the wo:rk at the sane standards as the Contract 3. One . extra wo:rking day will be aided to the oontract 4. The Contractor shall notmake claim of any .. kind or character whatsover, for any -other cost or expense· which he may incur, or which he may hereafter incur, in perfonning the work and funtlshing the materials oove:red by the agreerrent, NCW, THEREFORE BE TI' RESOLVED, Additional wo:rk shall be added as follows:· 18" CS Pipe, CUlvert 18" CS Pipe Apron 18" Steel catch basin. oover $1,252.98 . 96. 74 207.86 $1,557.58 1990. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 11th day of July, A request was presented by Assistant Engineer, Russ Evjen, fran the City of Urbank· for the resurfacing of C3AH #59 and expansion for parking~ No action taken. ,. ·:1~-· ·,1 .. ; .-~: ,.1.--. .• ·-1 .. ,.,.; CALL FOR BIDS S.A.P. 56-667-21 LIDA ROAD CONSTRUCTION C.P. 89-0lB, T735 FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY DENIED -PEI'ERSON ASH DISPOSAL LIABILrrY rrASCA COUNI'Y · GROUP LIFE INSURANCE RENEWAL -MII O.T. HRA CAFETERIA PLAN PUBLIC DEFENDER SOLID WASTE AGREEMENT CITY OF FERGUS FALLS filcr'ENSION SERVICE ADJOURNMENT Cotm.ty Board -4 -July 11, 1990 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanircously carried, authorizing advertising for bids to be received until 10:00 a.rn., Wednesday, September 5, 1990, for grading, sur- facing and bridge construction on Bridge #96883, tm.der S.A.P. 56-677-21. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and tm.ani- rnously carried, to advertise for bids to be received until 2 :00 p.rn., Wednesday, August 8, 1990, for construction of a township road in Lida, under County Project #89-0lB, T735. Greg Peterson, Fergus Falls, appeared.before the Board requesting ·forgiveness of penalty on late paynent of a personal property tax, stating reason for delay was the statement was received while he was out of the country and had not returned by payment deadline. Motion was made by Andy Lind:!uist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, with Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting "no". County Attorney Senyk infonred the board a new contract has been signed between Itasca Cotm.ty and Quadrant, necessitating a new ash disposal liability agreement between Otter Tail Cotm.ty and Itasca Collllty. The contract is to be signed by Quadrant prior to Otter Tail County's execution. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seoonded by Andy Lindquist and tm.ani- rnously carried, to approve renewal of the group life insurance with MII Life at the folla.ving rates: Employee Life Insurance/$1,000 Enployee AD&D Ins-ur:ian:::e/$1,000 Dependent Life Insurance/Unit $.28 .04 .82 The Board offered no abjections to the Otter Tail Cotm.ty HRA's expansion of the grant application to include ten additional housing units. Larry Krohn, Cotm.ty Coordinator, discussed the proposed cafeteria benefit plan, stating the oo.rmri.ttee will rreet to prepare recomrrendations for implerrentation by Januacy 1, 1991 Krohn infonred the Board the oontract with the public defenders is soon to expire, and discussed plans for a new contract. No action taken. Proposed amendments to the Solid Waste Agreerrent with the City of Fergus Falls were discussed, with oopies to be distributed to each board rrember for review prior to acceptance. No action taken. A letter fran the University of Minnesota Extension Service, detailing a new oontractual agreement with all ootm.ties for Minnesota Extension prograrrs ·was presented to the Board and discussed. No action taken. At 3:15 p.rn., with no further business, Chainnan Olson declared the rreeting adjourned tm.til 9: 30 a.rn. , Wednesday, July 18, 1990. . 'ffig..Q<Q_({Jc~ Chainnan ATI'EST: Approved ~ , ; _& -9 l) lf.; ,.J 581tyv,r Clerk