HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/03/1990CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED SERVICE AWARDS HIGHWAY ENGINEER MINUI'ES OF THE ADJCXJRNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNI'Y ca-1MISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNF.SorA July 3, 1990 Pursuant to adjourment, the Board of County Ccmnissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota net Tuesday, July 3, 1990. Chai:rman Olson called the rreeting to order at 9 :31 a.m., with all rrembers present • .Motmon was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve the minutes of the June 27th rreeting, with a correction of the rreeting in the City of Perham being the 6th of July, not the 11th as stated. Dale Ak.e:rman, Chainnan of the Employees Conmittee, together with Linda Hanstad, presented awards to the following employees for years of servire: 10 Year Awards : Steven Andrews Diane Aschnewitz Peggy Avery Mary Barthel Jane Baumgartner Carol Bednar Terry Bennett Michael Boen Kay Brown Michael Brown Janice Cossette Julane Danholt Bruce Eckley Debra Errery Helen Erkenbrack Stephen Handegaaro 5 Year Awards: Marlys Adarrs Richard Ak.ennan Julie Andersen Margaret Anderson Russell Anderson Panela. Barker Betty Beaman D.vight Berven Marsha Bowman David Cossette Penelope Davis Jack Dawkins Bamara D:>h:rer Michelle Dreyer JaAnn Ecker Marlc Ellenson Marlene Engel Michael Fiedler Regina Fogard ~ron Graff Mark Hauge Charlene Hendrickx David Jennen Rodney Jensen William Kalar Lorraine Keller Marilyn Kopperud Larry Krohn Lucille Larson Rebekah Lee Kim Mark r.-t.ichael McCornrl.ck Florence Merz Wendy M:tcalf Frank M:)kler Mark M:Jrris Tirrothy Griep Flo:rense Guse Barbara Hanson Bernard Hartman David Hauser Christine Hausske William Henkes Gary Holen David Johnson William Johnson Kay Kambel -Seufert Allen Keller Jeffrey Kerr Curtis Kettner Charles Kitzman Patty Larum Chester Malecki Peggy Meissner Edgar M:yer Joyce Nerdahl Cheryl Ness Vickie Paurus Irvin Sandahl Alice Sate:ren Beverly Schmidt Joyce Schmidt Beverly Schoon Cheryl Schultz Vickie Schwanke Waldena.r Senyk Kirk Sjolie Dennis Soderstran Melanie SWanson Jeffrey Tharpson Diane Thorson Kevin Newborg Kirsten Olson Nancy Olson Kathryn Ouren D:>nald Pederson David Peterson Nonnan Pierce, Jr. Kathryn Ronning Mary Saenger Panela Schiesser Vicki Schrock Sherran Shale Jerry Schultz Wayne Stein Romaine Stephan lee Ann Sudbeck Ricky SWanberg Danette Tho:rnodson Danhy Tucker Assistant Engineer, Russ Evjen, appeared before the Board and intro- duced Tallack JChnson, State District Engineer, and discussed the inter- im between Engineer Pe:rend' s :resignation and the hiring of a new engin- eer, with no action taken. " OPEN MEEI'ING LAW r~·DISCUSSION :i:RaPURCHASE ;:>JOHNSON :?}LICENSES APPIDVED HRA COMMITrEE \':APPOINTMENT County Board -2 -July 3, 1990 County Attorney Senyk discussed the, o:p3n meeting law, with no action taken. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, the folloong resolution was adopted:. RESOLVED by the Board of County Ccmnissioners of Otter Tail County ·Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on July 2, 1990 , Virginia JOhnson, owner of _reoord of the North 75' of lot 4 , the North 75' of W½ and N 40 ' of E½ of I.ot 5 , the North 50 ' of I.ot 6 and the North 50 ' of lot E, all in Blcbck 9, Original Plat of the City of Pelican Rapids , made application to repurchase said property which was forfeited to the State of Minnesota.· for: nonpayment of· the · 19 85 ·.tax, and WHEREAS, the sum of $5,306.55 has been subrnitted,representing aggre--- gate of all delinquent t~s, penalties, costs and assessrrents, NOW, THEREFORE, BE .. IT RESOLVED, the County Board ·does· hereby approve the above repurchase, to he in the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 11th day of July, 1990. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- . mously carried, the follaving applications for license were approved: Beer: Dana.Barringer ArrorVilla Steven Kunz Rocky's Resort Ronald Ovens Jone's Landing Mary Wallace . Hamburger Hollav E. B. Floersch Woodland Beach Resort Kenneth Tho:r:nodson . Deer Lake Resort Mary Ann Erickson District #166 (subject to Sheriff approval) Donald .c. Kane Minneha Beadl Resort (subject to Sheriff approval) Wine: Dale & Mary Erickson Dana Barringer ,Ron Bina . On-'Sale Liquor: District #166 Arror Villa Galaxy Resort AIior Dora Pine Lake Pine Lake Everts Everts Dora Girard Dora Arror Star lake •Marvin Anderson Oakwood Supper Club · Henning (Including Sunday liquor, subject to Sheriff approval) · . Blanche Creek, Inc. Beaver Trap Girard (Including Sunday liquor, subject to Sheriff approval) Set-up: ·Dale Erickson Steve Milette Dana Barringer Dance: Deborah Moberg District #166 Riverfront Lounge Arror Villa Pen:y's D:lra Sverdrup Amor Dora Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to approvethe re-appointnent of Janice J:>alan to the Otter Tail County HRA , for a five year tenn oomrrencing August 1, .1990, :running through August 1, 1995. ABATEMENTS APPIDVED -3 - Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for horrestead classification and/or reduction of tax capacity: Ronald G. Larsen .Marlo.v Klever Janice Sduni.tz U.S.A. Ronald Roller Albert W'litcx:xnbe Fbrrest Helgerson Arlin Abell Frank Vogel Edwin Dirckx Bob Tharpson Ootor Walter Tervola Hemian Anker Rali:n Vaughan Della Haiwick Ema.line Erickson Stei:nan Kuprin David Stock Jess 'Ihonp;on Robert Mitchell Maurice Miller Thanas Trosvik Erwin Tam Curtis Thatp;on Lawrence Kykhoff Ronald Hardyman Vinamt Rd:>ertson Randy Zens Donald Van Cerpen Jack Winger John Heitkanp C. Jerorre Johnson Bernard Walker David Scho:rnack Mel vi.n Sdml tz Rolland R. Klitzke Rolland R. Klitzke Beatrice IDfgren Daniel Hdlenstein Lucille & Jdln Frank Jerry Stein Debra Norgren Bricker Jdlnson Dennis Johnson Richard Hanson Urban Boehlarrl Russell DI.mean Lawrence Fleming Johnny Garcia Michael Hazelhoff Ivan Mallas Lucille M. Cary Martin Ulner Steven Benjamim DoUJlas Dewey Hegstad Oil Boyd Buising Janice Tinm V. Arlene Lundell Dennis Olson Craig Nelson Cerhardt M. Dahlke John Jonson Duane Schroeder Vaun Roy Bntm Dead Lake Henning T Hc:bart Maine Maine Maine Maine M3.ine Maine Maine Newton Newton Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros Nidaros O:rwell Otto Otto otto Pelican T Pelican T Pelican T Perham T Rush Lake Tumuli Tumuli Friberg Leaf Lake Otter Tail T otter Tail T Otto Pine Lake Pine Lake Rush Lake Rush Lake Star Lake Star Lake Star Lake Star Lake Sverdrup Sverdrup Sverdrup Woodside W::x:>dside Battle Lake Erhard City Fergus Falls C Fergus Falls C Fergus Falls C Fergus Falls C Fergus Falls C Fergt5 Falls C Fergus Falls C Fergus Falls Ccnpton Dead Lake Dead Lake Perham T Rush Lake Star Lake Battle Lake Battle Lake Perham C Property has no water or sewer Ag hones tead Residential homestead Tax e.xempt Onitted property Reduce valuation for split Building ove.cval ued Residential hanestead Property ovei:valued & rerrove solid waste charge Property ovei:valued Residential homestead No house , rerroves solid waste charge Property overvalued Harestead classification Ag horres tead Steel bins assesi,ed on wrong parcel Property overvalued Tillable land overvalued Peduce solid waste charge Ag hcirestead Renove solid waste dlarge Ag horrestead Property ovei:valued Ag hcrrestead Renove solid waste dlarge Seasonal-recreational Agricultural non-hcnestead Camercial horrestead Comrercial hoITEstead Seasonal recreational Building overvalued Residential horrestead Homestead classification Building overvalued Property overvalued Seasonal recreational Residential hanestead Ag horrestead Mid-year seasonal horrestead Buildings overvalued Omitted property Property overvalued Residential horrestead Ag-horrestead No clvelling, renove solid waste charge Prcperty ovei:valued Property overval ood Mid-year hanestead Residential mid-year horrestead Residential homestead Building tom down, rerrove solid waste charge Primary horrestead Pesidential hanestead Half hcnestead Renove solid waste charge Renove bulk tank from lease Ag horrestead Qni tted property, pl us solid waste charge Split off parcel Residential horrestead Buildings assessed on wrong lot Renove building value P.e11Dve solid waste charge Seasonal recreational Residential harestead WATER PLANNING BOARD TEMPORARY APPOINI'EE WASTE TO ENERGY COMMITIEE MEEI'ING ACTING ENGINEER TOM NICHEI.S STATE PUBLIC ACCESS PROBLEM3 CLITHERALL CITY BUX:I< OFF CS.AH #5 VETERANS AFFAIRS OFFICERS CONFERENCE POMME DE TERRE RIVER ASS'N MEEI'ING LICENSES -COLONIAL IDUNGE, PERHAM ETHANOL USAGE BILIS .ALU:M.ED County Board -4 -July 3, 1990 Motion was,;rrade by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to appoint wm. Kalar, to act as a temporai:y rrember on the Ccrnprehensive Water Planning Board until a pennanent pa:;ition has been established. Corrmissioner Nordgren announced a Waste to Energy meeting to be held in the Corrmissioner' s Room, on Friday, July 13th, at 9 : 30 a .m. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried, to retain Wilkin County Engineer Torn Richels, at $30.00 per hour, 24¢ per mile, as needed upon authorization of the Assistant Engineers, for.the required signatures on munty projects. Gai:y Nelson, County Sheriff, reported on problems at the state public access , Portage Lake in particular. After some discussion, the follo- wing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Nordgren who rroved for its adoption, seconded by Andy Lindquist, and carried unanimJusly: WHEREAS, law enforcement officials have been experiencing increas±ng problems at the various State Public Accesses throughout otter Tail County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The otter Tail County Board does hereby petition the Minnesota Departrcent of Natural Resources to address the increasing number of problems experienced at said public accesses by restricting activities allo.ved. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 3rd day of July, 1990. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconaed by Hub Nordgren and unani- rrously carried, to approve the blocking off of a one block segrrent of CSAH #5 in the City of Clitherall, August 25th, from 4:00 p.m., to midnight, for a pig roast and festivities, subject to approval. by the County Sheriff. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- rrously carried, to authorize one of the otter Tail County Veterans Affairs Officers to attend the Veterans Services Officers conference in September. Chainnan Olson announced a rreeting of the Pornrre de Terre River Ass 'n to be held July 25, 1990, at 8 :00 p.m. , in the mnference roam at the Agriculture Research Center in M:>rris , MN. M:>tion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- rrously carried, to approve the following licenses for Richard Stoderl at the Colonial Lormge, Perham Ta-mship: Off-sale Beer, On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor, Sunday Liquor and Dance, all subject to review and approval by the Cormty Sheriff. M:>tion was made by Andy Lindquist, semnded by Bert Hovland and rmani- rrously carried, to follCM up on the use of ethanol by the various munty vehicles, requesting that vouchers submitted mntain inforrration that ethanol is being used. Upon notion made by Sydney Nelson, semnded by Bert Hovland and rmani- rrously carried, the follCMing bills were allowed: I -5 - VENDOR NAME • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A-1 LOCK AND KEY ACKLEY,CHRISTINA ACKLEY,MIKE AL'S REFRIGERATION ANDERSON,JODI ARCHIES BARBKNECHT,WILLIAM C BARRY EXCAVATING,GREG BERG,RODNEY L BERGEN'S BRIST,JASON BUTTERWORTH CALLAGHAN AND COMPANY CHRISTIANSON,ART CLAUSEN 1.S TAILOR SHOP COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,KAREN DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DEGNER,BARB DELZER,TED DOUGLAS,MICHAEL J. EAST OTTER TAIL TELEPHONE CO ECKER,DARYL EXPERIENCE IN SOFTWARE INC. FERGUS CONCRETE PRODUCTS FERGUS ELECTRIC FM DA-SOTA ELEVATOR GENERAL MTCE OPERATION GLADSON,DONALD GOEPFORD,BILL GOODIN COMPANY GOODIN COMPANY GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICES GREFSRUD,JON GRINNELL,JASON HANAN,MIKE HANSON,BARBARA HANSON,MARJEAN HANSON,PATTY HARDEE'S HAROLD F. SWENSON .ffEINRICHS,PHIL HERITAGE BUILDING SPECIALTIES HOLIDAY INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INTERSTATE INC JENSEN,LISA K&K PLUMBING KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN KMG COMMUNICATIONS KNUDSON,DANIEL KNUTSON HEATING & AIR COND. CHECK AMOUNT 27.46 44.48 90.00 898.23 21.04 91.40 40.56 200.00 61.92 102.22 50.00 197.20 45~55 87.84 18.00 104.20 165.48 758.09 10.00 180.00 28.56 90.00 67.20 201.00 12.50 270.00 82.80 1213.97 120.24 136.80 100.49 113.86 139.00 60.00 17.90 135.53 27.36 278.00 31.60 50.09 100.00 58.16 75.80 71.53 71.63 31.78 42.55 764.00 66.00 42.00 91.78 2858.99 . lIDJOURNMENI' -6 - VENDOR N.AME ••••••••••.••••••••••••• KNUTSON HEATING AND AIR COND KORDEL LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAMPERT BUILDING LUNDSE'l"l'ER, SHIRLEY MANDERUD,VIOLA MARK,KIM MN COUNTIES INSURANCE TRUST MN WASTE TO ENERGY ASSOCIATION MORTENSON,KURT A NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NELSON,SYDNEY NORDGREN,HUB ORANDI MEDICAL PA OTTERTAIL FARM CENTER PAMIDA STORE PERHAM FIRE & RESCUE ASSOC PINE.PLAZA T.V & APPLIANCE POUCHER PRINTING AND LITHO PRINTING RESOURCES REDETZKE,DEL ROSTAD-BARRY SEPTIC TANK RUSTAD,VIRGINIA SCHOENBERGER FUNERAL HOME SEIDEL,JENNY STAR TRIBUNE STEIN'S INC. TESKE,JEROME THE WALL STREET JOURNAL THORMODSON,DEBBIE TRIPLE R EQUIPMENT U OF M VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY W.W.,GRAINGER INC. WALL,MAXINE WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY 88 records listed. CHECK AMOUNT 1.58 3090.00 1726.00 56.24 10.00 22.56 6.54 10.00 2900.00 59.08 10.44 225.40 533.44 800.00 4.13 560.62 102.50 519.95 928.00 32.04 28.28 35.00 2.5.75 100.00 21.52 97.50 581.85 62.00 217.00 31.18 10.49 300.00 34.55 36.63 35.00 235.50 24095.56 At 1 :22 p.m., with no further business, Olainnan Olson declared the rreeting adjomned until the afternoon of July 11, 1990. A'ITEST: Ch~ Q_CJilJ4_fl"--,! Approved 1-J J, 9D