HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/18/1990L, T /;· k .. ~ ~;•, .,,_;.;,,..----•,..: ,·.---.: •.. .]"i...; ·. i MINUI'ES OF THE MEEI'ING OF THE OITER TAIL coUN.rY BOARD oF mUALizATroN June 18, 1990 _The otter Tail County Board of F.qualization :rret M:mday, June 18, 1990, with Corrmi.ssioners .Hub Nordgren, Mel O. Olson, Andy Lindquist, Bert Hovland, Sydney G. Nelson, and County Auditor Sylvia G. Bergen.id' present. ~rs of the Board were sworn in by District Court Judge Harlan Nelson. The following persons appeared, or submitted written requests for consideration: Donovan· Ellwanger, Eastern TCMl1Ship Art Klinnert, Maine Township Jarres Neumann, Eleanor Beach, lot 2 Dr. Rd:>ert C. Reed, Dora Township I::ennis Dahl, ottertail City Cathy Mueller, ottertail City Jessie·• Rasmussen, Scambler TCMl1Ship Sidney L. Brennan, Jr., Star lake TCMnShip David· Bjo:r:k, · Buse T0'111ship Edward Gorentz, Dora T0'111ship Nels Hagen, Eagle Lake Melvin Easton, Hobart TCMnship J. J. Schons, Friberg Filrrore:Trites, Henning HCMard Steen, Sverdrup Township Tom Hoyt, ottertail City Gerald Benson, Fergus Falls TCMnship L. E. Anderson, Vergas Randy Mann, Carlisle Pat Dougherty , Rush Lake Ta,mship Warren Bellefeuille, Dora Township Martin Punt, Girard The Board adjourned fromti:rre to ti:rre, and after consideration and review by the County Assessor, notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unaninously carried, to accept the recomrrendations of. the County Assessor and<the,folloong changes were approved: Donovan Ellwanger, Eastern Township Reduce $3,500 on building Dennis Dahl, ottertail City Redua: $17,300 on buildings Cathy Mueller, ottertail City SdJdney L. Brennan, Jr. Star lake TCMnship David Bjo:r:k, Buse TCMnship Nels Hagen, Eagle Lake TCMnship Melvin Easton, Hobart TCMI1Ship Reduce $2,400 on building Redure $800 on building, $2,000 on land Reduce $16,300 on buildings Reduce $2 , 300 Reduce $2 ,100 ._...J ~ • . ! .-f; .:::.: .. /•· ,.· i.~ .:-~ ... ~ -.-, ·.;:~. ', :17 ">;;}~ Board of Equa:li zation Howard Steen, Sverdrup Randy Mann, Carlisle L. E. Anderson, !bra Township Gerald Benson, Fergus Falls Township Martin Punt, Girard To.vnship -2 -June 18, 1990 Reduoe $2,500 on land, $1,500 on building Reduce $6,800 on land Reduoe $1,000 on land Reduce $600 on buildings Reduoe $6,000 on three lots At 1:22 p.m., on July 3, 1990, with no further business, motion was ma.de by Andy Lind:Jui_st, seconded by Sydney G. Nelson and unanim::>usly carried, to adjourn. Approved 7 --) /-.. 9 D