HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/13/1990, CALL TO ORDER .· HOVIAND ABSENT : .MINUI'ES APPROVED PAYMENTS.APPROVED ·•· SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT ·: SAP 56-601-29, etc. / SUPPLEMENTAL· AGREEMENT ••· S.A.P 56-601-29, etc. MINUI'ES OF THE AllJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE OOARD OF COUNTY CCMMISSIONERS OI'TER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA June 13, 1990 Pursuant to adjournment, the Boardof County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota :rret Wednesday, June 13~ 1990. Chainnan Olson called the :rreeting to order at 1:02 p.m. with Corrmissioners Nelson, • Ll:naquist, Nordgren and Olson in attendance~ Corrmissioner Hovland absent attending a joint powers insurance trust·neeting. Motion was.made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by AndyLincquist and car-:- ried, to approve the minutes of the June 6th :rreeting as mailed. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, · to approve the folla-1ing payments to take advantage of discount: National Bushing & ·parts, Fergus Falls , MN · Nelson Oil Co., Battle Lake, MN Gappa Oil Co. , Parkers Prairie , MN National Bushing & Parts, Fergus Falls, MN $ 729.33 3,549.60 495 .• 69 341.33 Upon rrotion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, the folla-1ing resolutions were adopted: RESOLVED by the. Board. of. County · Carrmissioners ··of·· Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Proposal on S.A.P. 56-601-:-29 etc., under cx:mtract with Mai:k Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN, pennits the county to add work.to·the ·contract, and WHEREAS, IT IS HEREBY MIJI'UALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: 1. The Contractor will do the work at the Contract Unit Price. 2. The· Contractor will ·do the· work at the sane standards as the Contract~ · 3. · NO extra working days will be added to the Contract. · · · 4. The Contractor shall not·make claim of any .kmnd: or dlaracter what- soever, for any other cost or expense which he may incur, or which he may hereafter incur, in perfonni..ng the wm:k and furnishing the materials. covered by the·-• agreement, and WHEREAS, the County desires to add the folla-1ing. additional work:: 1_, LOCATION: Co1ID.ty Maintenance Material picked up at Bituminous Plant in Dunn·Tc:Mnship, Bituminous material Wearing Course Mixture $33,540.00 32,500.00 $66,040.00 NCW, THEREFORE BE IT RE.SOLVED, the Otter Tail County Board does -hereby approve·the aforementioned Supplemental Agreement. RESOLVED by the Board of County Cornmissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the proposal .. on S.A.P. 56-601.,...29 etc., with. Mark Sand & Gravel Co~ , Fergus . Falls, MN, permits the County . to ·· add work to · the contract, and .: .: WHEREAS, It is mutually agreed and 1ID.derstood that, 1. The Contractor will do the work at the contract unit price. 2. The Contractor will do the work at the sane standards .as the contract •. : 3. Four (4) extra working days will ·be added to ·the contract. 4. The Contractor shall not make claim of any kmdtqr character what-;: soever, for any other ccst or expense whim ~e,.~Y<incur, or which he may. ·hereafter incur, iri': perfonning the wo:rk.. aria furnishing the materials· covered by the agreement, · · NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Aggregate Shouldering in the anount of $40,000.00 under Supplerootrhal Agreezrent at Location: . on C.S.A.H. #35 be and is hereby approved. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 13th day of J1ID.e, 1990 County Board -2 -June 13, 1990 FORGIVENESS OF PENALTY Motion was made·by Hub Nordgren,_ seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, APPROVED -JILEK to allCM forgiveness of penalty on a late payment of tax by Dennis & Marcia Jilek, Eagle lake Township,· where the tax capacity is in the process of being reduced and the troq;,ayer not receiving notice thereof. GAMBLING LICENSE PERMITS PAYMENT APPROVED MUI'CHLER & LYNCH JOINr DITCH #2 EXPENSES SVERDRUP TOWN.SHIP MAJOR DRAINAGE STRUCT. I-CIT -PREMIUM PAYMENT APPROVED GAMBLING PERMIT WAIVER REQUESTED RESOLurION VITAL STATISTICS LAND & RESOURCE TEMPORARY EMPIDYEE HIGHWAY DEPARI'MENI' PAYROLL AtJrHORIZATION PRELIMINARY PIAT APPROVED -IAZY ACRES, 1ST ADD 'N Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to request waiver of the 60 day waiting period on the issuance of gaming licenses for the Fergus Falls Hockey Ass'n at the Riverfront Lounge and the VFW Post #874, both in Sverdrup Township. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve paynent in the anount of $240. 00 out of the Human Services Fund, to Mutchler & Lynch Associates for services during the rronth of May, 1990, for rroving a portion of the Social Services Depart:rrent to rental space. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to table payment of a bill received from Wilkin County in the anount of $2,766.53 for expenses on Joint Ditch #2, for additional info:rmation. Motion was made by Andy Lincquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, approving payment of $415.00 to Sverdrup TCMnShip for half of the re- maining cost needed to complete a major drainage structure project approved and constructed in 1989. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve paynent in the anount of $1,440.00 to Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust for changes in the county's insurance coverage. Motion was nade by Andy Lind:Juist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to reqrest waiver of the 60 day waiting period in the issuance of a gambling license for the Pelican Rapids Ladyslipper Ducks Unlimited for a gaming operation at the Pelican Supper Club •. Upon rrotion nade.by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson: and car- ried, the follCMing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County· Comnissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that Pursuant to Chapter 484 of the 1990 Regular Sessions Law, the County Board does hereby permanently transfer the duties of Vital Statistics to the Office of the County Recorder. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of June, 1990. Motion was made by Andy Lind:juist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, to allOW' a terrporary employee in the Land & Resource Management office to continre as a terrporary employee in said office during the surrmer rronths of 1990, conditioned upon a letter of the County Attorney · that such action is not in violation of employrrent practices and PERA requirements. Because of the absence of a County Engineer, rrotion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to authorize Gerald Frederick, Accountant in the Highway Departrrent, and Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, to sign all payroll authorizations. for the Hi~ay Departrrent until such time a County Engineer has been hired. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, to approve a preliminary plat of Lazy Acres, 1st Add'n, to be located in Section 5 of Rush Lake TCMnShip. PRELIMINARY PLAT Motion was made by Andy Lincquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, APPROVED -M::>RNING.SIDE to approve a preliminary plat of Morningside Shores, 1st Add'n. to be SHORES, 1st ADD'N located in Section 29-131-42. Cm.mty Board -3 -June 13, 1990 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Motion was made by Andy Ll.ncquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car- APPROVED ried, to approve the folloong applications for conditional use permit: LICENSES APPROVED SOLID WASTE HAULER LICENSE -EGGERMONI' MAXIS RENI'AL SPACE Rhienhold Axel Pine Lake Twp Construct driveway Francis Peasley Elizabeth Twp. Re-open "last Resort" Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lincquist and car- ried, to approve the follaving applications for licenses: Sewage Disposal System Cleaners License: Howard Molander Lakes Purrping Roger Haugse South Turtle Lake Res. Nonnan Perrin No:rmrs Purrping Roland .r.brton .r.brt's Septic Se:rvice John Lake Lake Construction Raman Koep Sewage Disposal Installers Ll.cense: Lester o. Hemes Randy Vareberg Allan Roggenkarrp H & L Excavating Lake Region Well Drilling Roggenkarrp Exe. & Trenching Detroit Lakes, MN Underwood, MN Ashby, MN Audubon, MN Sebeka, MN Parkers Prairie, MN Dalton, MN Vergas, MN Wadena, MN A request for a solid waste haulers license for Wm. Eggenront was presented to the Board, with V.:irre Anderson spokesman, Earl Harring speaking in support, along with several other supporters present. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, sea::mded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, to table action nntil Jnne 20th, at which time Commissioner Hovland and Solid Waste Director Mike Hanan can be present. A press release was presented annonncing that the-Connty is pur- suing rental space for the accounting depa.rt:rrent of the Social Se:rvices, for space for the new MAXIS state system. ARI' OF THE LAKES Camnissioner Lincquist reported on several requests by the Art of FESTIVAL -PHELPS PARK the Lakes for the annual sUITirer festival at Phelps Mill. A double wide approach is requested, with the county furnishing recyclable materials to accomplish the task. The REA is to furnish increased transfonrer capacity to handle the load anticipated for the festival. The Art of the Lakes is planting and replacing lest trees at the park for use of the park. Big Dipper will be fumishing a 40 yard roll-off refuse container at a cost of $160.00. BIDS -RECYCLING CONI'AINERS STS CREW LEADER Arcw Beske, Recycling·Coordinator, discussed the purchase of additional recycling containers, with notion made by Andy Ll.ndquist, seronded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to advertise for bids to be received for recycling rontainers, by 2 :00 p.m., Wednesday, July 11th. Spencer Lnncquist, Probation and Parole Officer, and Al Keller, Jail Coordinator, appeared before the Board and presented the job description for the Sentencing-To-Serve (STS) Crew leader position. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, to proceed with advertising for the position. ABATEMENTS APPROVED BEER, WINE, SEI'-UP DANCE & LIQOOR County'Board -4 -June 13, 1990 l]Fon rrotion rrade by Sydney Nelson, seoonded by Andy Lind::_ruist and car- ried, the follaving applications for reduction of tax capacity and/or homestead classification were approved: Levi Brc::,..jn Wn. Skarlca John Wientjes Orville Johnson Robert Johnson Richard H. Pool Arror Corrpton Corliss Corliss Dead Lake Dead Lake Charles Anger, et al Dead Lake Charlotte Hink Effington David Severson Everts Terence Orristianson Girard Parkers Energy Park. Pr. T. Sandra K. Floberg Tumuli Ibu;las Krarrer Rush Lake Clayton W. Swanson Saint Olaf Gary L. Burl<s S"verdrup Dcnald Salzer Tumuli cabinet Connection Fergu:; Falls C Larry I.erl:>akken Fergus Falls C Nachurs Plant Food Fergus Falls C Horreavrers s & L Fergus Falls C . Clayborn Av. Part. Park. Pr. C. Walter Boe Pelican. Rap. Tony Sc::haffran Urba..'"'lk Prop:rty overvalued Residential hanestead Mid-year residential horrestead Mid-year residential horrestead Property overvalued Seasonal recreational Wrong lakeshore frontage used Property overvalued Ag hanestead Property overvalued Property o"verval ued Ag haiiest.ead Property overvalued Residential horcestead Property O"vervalued Residential honestead Property overvalued Residential horrestead Personal property rewroed Residential horrestead Property O"vervalued Mid-year horrestead Property overvaltEd Upon notion rrade by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car- ried, the folloong applications for license were approved: Beer Licenses : Brenda Minge Jeffrey 'Iweeton Cyril A. Flem Brian Evenson Allen F. Olase Lawrence Iverson Kim Kugler Ibnald Bistodeau Janes Ellis Ibnald H. Johnson Percy Sheldon Paul Graba.I:kewitz Wine Licenses : Jeffrey 'I\,.ieeton Brenda Minge Dance: Ibnald H. Johnson On-Sale Liquor: James H. Ellis Ibnald H. JChnson Set-up Licer.ses : Perr..-7 Sheldon Spanky's Hobart Zorl:>az II Rolling Hills Birchwood Golf Ethel Beach Res . Big Orief Pe:rham Scarrbler Pelican Wee Tcwn Store Woodland Parl< Res. Graystane lodge Pelican Sl.JH)er Club B.P.O. Elks #1093 Sunset Bay Resort Zo:rbaz II Spanky's Girard Dane Prairie. Friberg Girard Everts Pelican Dane Prairie Cead Lake Perham Hobart Pelica11 Supper Cl. Pelican Graystone lodge Everts (Inc. Sunday) Pelican Supp:r Club Pelican 3.P.O. EL~s #1093 Dane Prairie County Board -5 -June 13, 1990 CS.AH #1, CONDEMNATION Waldemar Senyk, County Attorney, and Kurt Mortenson, Assistant County COMMISSIONERS FINDING Attorney, reported on the results of the Condermation Ccmnissioners report on award of damages on the construction of CSAH #1 near Arror, stating said award to be $74,959.00, in total. CireED TO PUBLIC At 3: 30 p.m., notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nord- gren and carried, to close the meeting to the public for the purpose of discussing the camnissioners findings on the condemnation proposed award of damages for CS.AH #1. ADJOORNMENI' At 4 :00 p.m., with no further business, Chainnan Olson declared the meeting aq.ourned until 9 : 30 a .m. , Wednesday, June 20 , 1990 • Chainnan nm cO-~ Approved t -~0-9 O ATI'EST: