HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/16/1990·CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT :; MINUTES APPROVED ,,.,FUND ... TRANSFER APPROVED R & B REIMBURSEMENT -FINANCIAL HEALTH .·PROFILE .: RESOLUTION i.1991 MINIMUM WAGE ;.ELECTED OFFICIALS MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COONTY CCMMISSIONERS orTER· TAIL COUNTY MINNES0rA May 16, 1990 •Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Canrnissioners of otter Tail County metWednesday, May 16, 1990. Olairinan Olson called the meeting to order at 9:32 a~m., with all rrembers present. Motion was • mad~ by Bert Hovland, seconded by. Sydney Nelson and unani- rrously carried, to approve the minutes of the May 9th meeting, as mailed. . Motion was made by Andy Lind:;Juist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- rrously carried, to approve a transfer of $118,93'.7.86 from the Capital ExpenditureReserveFundto the Building Fund and then fran the Building Fund reimburse the Road & Bridge ··Fund for the folla-iing. payrrents· made by. Road &.Bridge: 1987 --,--Garage #3, Parkers Prairie, heating system Garage #6 , Pelican Rapids , bathroom septic system Garage #8, Battle lake, heating system Garage · #10, Perham, bathroom water & sewer, gas service Garage #15, Vergas, . bathroom, septic. system, carent floor Garage #16 , Dalton i heating sys tern Garage #17, Erhard, bathroom, septic system, well Garage ·#20, New York Mills, doors 1988 Garage #1, Fergus Falls, replace roof & exhaust system Garage #3 1 Parkers Prairie, overhead door and roof repair Garage. #6 , Pelican Rapids , . bathrocrn electrical system Garage #8, Battle Lake, bituminous surface ··Garage. #10, Perham, bathrcx:m, water & SE!Ner · Garage ·· #15, · Ve:tgas'; bathroan electrical & pila.rrnbing Garage #17, Erhard, overhead door & bathroom · ·. 1989 Garage #3, Parkers Prairie, wire garage doors Garage #6, Pelican Rapids, replace roofing Garage · #15 , Vergas, new doors installed Garage #17, Erhard, replace roofing Garage #20, NewYork Mills, replace roof $ 7,681.36 6,372.94 7,784.94 7,352.45 7,417.04 7,561.65 7,908.17 1,499.46 24,084.76 4,366.00 732.00 5,358.49 . 5,333.48 1,513.82 2,781.00 415.30 1,420.00 5,405.00 1,050.00 12,900.00 Wayne Stein, Deputy Auditor/Accountant, reviewed the Financial Health Report as prepared by the State Auditor's office. No action taken. Upon notion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- rrously carried, the folla'1ing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County·Canrnissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that The minimum salary to be paid to the folla'1ing elected county officials for the te:rm camrrencing in January of 1991 shall be not less than the minimum amount set by State law: County Attorney County Auditor County Recorder County Sheriff County Treasurer County Ccmnissioners Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN, this 16th day of May, 1990. . :::: BIDS -ROADSIDE MOWING BIDS AWARDED ROAISIDE ~ ABATEMENTS APPIDVED LICENSES APPROVED PAYMENT APPROVED SS SPACE STUDY BEER LICENSES APPROVED County Board -2 -May 16, 1990 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for the county's :roadside rro.ving for the year 1990, proceeded to open bids whidl were found to be as fella.vs : Area A Area B Area C Steve's Road Mewing, Vergas, MN Arnold Bennet, Frazee, MN Kenneth Anderson, Henning, MN Dennis Johnson, Henning, MN Selner Halvorson, Vining, MN Archie Wahlin, Clitherall , MN Kenneth And:rson, Henning Orlin Johnson, Henning, MN Merle Dittberner, Pai::kers Pr. Car 1 Wallevand, Vining, MN Dennis JChnson, Henning, MN Orlin Johnson, Henning, MN M-1 Merle Dittberner, Pai::kers Pr. MN $31.50 35.95 Area D $30.00 Area H $29.00 $27.49 Area F $27.00 21.48 Area I $30.00 $30. 00 Area G $34.00 40. 30 Area J $34.00 38.15 All bids were turned over to Dennis Berend, County Engineer, and after review, notion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nel - son and tmani.nously carried, to award bids to the lowest bidder, as rea::mrended by the County Engineer and the following bids were accepted: Area A Steven's Road .r.D.ving, Vergas $31.50 per mi. Area B Kenneth Anderson, Henning, MN 27.49 Area C Dennis Johnson, Henning, MN 30. 00 Area D Selner Halvorson, Vining, MN 30.00 Area F Kenneth Anderson, Henning, MN 21. 4 8 Area G Orlin Johnson, Henning, MN 34 • 00 Area H Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN 29.00 Area I Orlin .Johnson, Henning, MN 30.00 Area J Orlin Johnson, Henning, MN 34.00 M;:,tion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rocn.sly carried, to approve the follc:wing applications for hanestead classification and/or reduction of tax capacity: Mark & Jody Borgen Rehart Lake property overvalued Wm. & Eileen Osborne Norwegian Grove Mid-year hanestead M:>tion was made by Andy Ll.ndquist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- rrously carried, to approve the follc:wing applications for licenses: Set-up License: Tan Lorine The Peak Supper Club Leaf M:>untain On-Sale Liquor License : Ixmald Herzog Mable Murphy's Fergus Falls Wine License: Donald Herzog Mable Murphy's Fergus Falls M:>tion was made by Andy Lina:ruist, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve payrrent in the arrount of $5,082.00 to Mutchler & I.¥nch Associates, for professional services in connection with space study needs for the I:epartrrent of Human Services. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- 1rously carried, to approve the folloo.ng applications for license.to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor: Louis L. Lepacek Sleepy Hollc:w F.esort Robert J. Weng Lakeside Market (off-sale) Tordenskjold Arror County Board -3 -May. 16, 1990 ,, DEAD LAKE HAYLAND BID OPENING The Board, having prevd:<i>usly advertised for bids to be received for the 1990 hay crop onthe N¼NE¼ of Section 24, Dead Lake Tavnship, proceeded to· open bids which were f01.md to be as follavs : Larry Rosenthal, Richville, MN Arvin Widness, Richville, MN $165.00 60.00 Since the tine of advertising, it had been noted the hay crop had suffered from frost, and it was agreed the land could be worked and another type of crop put in. It was also agreed that when the land is sold at the tax-forfeited land sale, possession could not be taken until the 1990 crop is off. Receiving no oral bids from those sub- mitting sealed bid with surety, notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, to accept the bid of $165.00 from Larry Rosenthall for the 1990 crop year, allaving un- til November 1., 1990 to remove the crop. REGIONAL TREATMENT Olainnan Olson announced a team challenge for Regional Treatrrent Cen- .·. CENI'ER -TEAM CHALLENGE tennial Celebration, urging all county commissioners to participate in the festivities .. · RECYCLING CANISTER ;;. PLACEMENI' Olainnan Olson also presented a letter from Mary Ann Anderson relative to recycling,urgingthe placerrent of recycling canisters at the Pamida parking lot and also out at Westridge Mall. No action taken. ~:: __ '1c. f, DUMPSTERS -TO BE SOID Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Officer, appeared before the Board and dis- cussed disposal of the dumpsters that will no longer be needed by the County. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney G. Nelson and unanirrously carried, to authorize Hanan to advertise and sell 28 excess dumpsters. DUMP TRUCKS -TO SELL Hanan also discussed the two trucks located at the northeast land fill that are no longer in use. MJtion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to authorize Hanan to sell the 1966 GMC and the 1969 International trucks no longer needed. ', WALKING FLCX)R TRAILERS The• matter of the two walking floor trailers, which had been purchased with grant fund assistance 1and no longer needed, was also discussed ~• · SOLID WAS'IE · SENTENCING TO SERVICE · CREW Cl:IIEF APPROVED and the proposed disposal with no action taken. Hanan advised the rrove of the dump site at the Battle Lake Landfill is taking place, and also discussed the proposed transfer sites in the Pelican Rapids area and at Quadrant in Perham, with no action taken. County Attorney, Wally Senyk, Sheriff Gary Nelson and Dick Kausler and Al Keller of the Sheriff's Departrrent, appeared before the Board regarding the Sentencing-to-Service program. After consideration, notion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- rrously carried, to authorize the committee to proceed with the esta- blishnent of a job description for the hiring of a crew chief, effective July 1, 1990. { OI'I'ER TAIL RIVER CLEAN-Kim Pederson, Otter Tail Power Campany Coordinator for the otter Tail UP PROJECT River Project, appeared before the Board and discussed said project requesting cooperation from the County for disposing of solid waste by the various committees assisting in the project. MJtion was . SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanirrously carried, authorizing Otter Tail Power to prepare sane -cype of pennit to be used in the disposing of refuse at the county facilities, including the northeast landfill and the Henning transfer station. Olainnan Olson appointed the Errployee's Committee and the Personnel Committee to set up a program involving the county employees in the cleaning of the river through Phelps Mill Park. Malcolm Lee, Shoreland Managerrent Director, discussed the grant application, funds to be·used for the new Shoreland Management ordinance. No action taken. SUPPLEMENI'AL AGREEMENT t:' _S.A.P. 56-601-29>, etc. LICENSES APPIDVED f:c·:_,~--ABANOCNMENT ~-''OITERI'AIL VALLEY RR t~i: : _ VIKING LIBRARY· SYSTEM --HEPORI' BILIS ALLavED •,,._ ' l•,.._,..:.,_ .. [• ,•_. County Board -4 -May 16, 1990 Upon notion made by Bert Hovland, seoonded by Andy Lindquist and unanirrously carried, the follO¥ing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Ccmnissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the proposal on S.A~P. 56-601-29, etc., with Mark Sand & Gravel Co. , permits the oounty to add work to the contract, and WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed and understood that: 1. The Contractor will do the work at the Contract Unit Price 2. The Contractor will do the work at the -same standards as the Contract 3. · Four extra working day will be added to the contract. 4. The Contractor shall not make claim of any kind or character whatsoever, for any other oost or expense which he may incure, or which he may hereafter incur, in perfonning the work and furnishing the materials covered by the agreement. 5. The Contract shall do the project· on Monday-Thursday in one week and not on any Holiday, NOW, THEREFORE,-BE IT RESOLVED, additional work shall be: Bituminous material Wearing course mixture Bituminous It)aterial for tack coat $5,869.50 5,538.75 212.00 $11,620.25 Adopted·at Fergus Falls, MN this 16th day of May, 1990. M:>tion was made by Andy Lincquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanim::rusly carried, to approve the following applications for license: Beer Licenses: Francis Peasley Gerald M. Schultz Fred Kalk Wine License: Gerald Schultz Set~up License: Gerald Schultz ·Danae· License: Francis Peasley The Last Resort Ten Mile Lake Resort Sunset Beach Resort Ten Mile Lake Resort Ten Mile Lake Resort The Last Resort Elizabeth Twp. Tumuli Girard Tumuli Tumuli Elizabeth The Board was·presented with a letter from Robert SWanberg, canmunity Development Director, . Steams County, advising of a meeting sdleduled for Wednesday, May 23, 1990, 7: 00 p.;m. , to discuss the proposed aban- _donment of the ottertail Valley Railroad. Dave Barton, Director of the Viking Library, appeared before the Board, along with other members of the library board, and re:[X>rted on the activities of the library system. No action taken. U:[X>n notion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- nously carried, the follO¥ing bills were allowed: VENDOR NAME ..•.........•••••.•..... A-1 LOCK AND KEY AABERG,JANICE AL'S REFRIGERATION ALADDIN SYNERGETICS INC. AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY AMOCO OIL COMPANY ANDERSON,CRAIG ANDERSON,J. ALLAN ASHBY EQUITY ASSOCIATION AUTO SAFETY SERVICES BARTHEL,JOHN THOMAS BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BECKER,KEN BENDER,MATTHEW BERGE,ANGELA BERGER,MARY BEST BUSINESS SYSTEMS BEYER'S BODY SHOP INC BIG A AUTO PARTS BILL'S AMOCO SERVICE BJ'S EAST BRUCE A LIESCH ASSOC INC. BUFF N SHINE CENTER BUSINESS RECORDS CORP C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CAL-VAN TOOLS CARLSON OIL CO INC CARR ENTERPRISES INC CASH AND DASH CASS CLAY CREAMERY CENTRAL STATES WIRE PRODUCTS CO-OP SERVICES INC COLE PAPERS INC. CONTRACT PROGRAM SPECIALISTS COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. COOPER,DENZIL CRAGUN'S DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL, THE DAKOTA ELECTRIC DAKOTA HOSPITAL DAKOTA TRUCKING CO DALTON MOBIL OIL CO. DAYS INN DENT OIL COMPANY DEPT. OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY DICK'S STANDARD. DON'S SERVICE DOUG'S FRONTIER EAST OTTER TAIL TELEPHONE CO ECKLEY,BRUCE ECOLAB CHECK AMOUNT 35.55 7.81 532.00 157.68 274.20 204.10 49.20 254.09 14.81 193.95 11.67 234.35 137.90 22.40 75.36 51.35 99.06 1104.98 11.90 61.50 18.25 203.40 15.00 370.67 31.64 1168.41 119.41 68.26 594.04 1512.95 315.48 58.70 20.80 540.28 13188.73 57.10 251.42 628.91 957.60 301.68 10.00 1774.00 77.67 27.75 19.00 40.00 58.72 122.02 65.50 90.00 7.31 148.88 , VENDOR NAME~ ...................... . ELDERS COMM EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES EVERTS,JOHN EXHAUST PROS EXHAUST PROS FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FABRICATORS, INC. FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS FALLS,CITY OF FERGUS MOTORS INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERRELLGAS FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH FLOOR TO CEILING STORE FM DA-SOTA ELEVATOR FOOD SERVICE OF AMERICA GEISER,DONNA GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GR GRAPHICS INC GRAF-VORWERK AND ASSOCIATES HANDEGAARD,STEVE HANSON,BARBARA HARRISON MARKER & INSTRUMENT HEDAHLS AUTO CENTER HENNING ADVOCATE HERITAGE BUILDING SPECIALTIES HOLIDAY HOLM,KATHY HONEYWELL HYDROENGINEERING INC. INDEPENDENT PRINT SHOPPE JENSON,RODNEY JIM'S SERVICE JOHNSON,CARL ~ KBRF KELLER,ALLAN KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN KJJK KUGLER'S CUSTOM FENCING LAGERQUIST CORPORATION LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKESIDE TRANSFER INC. LAMPERT BUILDING LANTERN,THE LINDQUIST,ANDY LUICK,GLORIA LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MN MASTER MARK MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION FUND MCDOWALL COMPANY MEDICINE SHOPPE CHECK AMOUNT 180.00 118.00 30.00 103.60 81.90 160.50 3231. 39 351.00 519.20 52493.84 252.35 22.55 86.45 1968.75 .72.00 82.80 4466.94 67.70 209.96 72.50 900.00 95.06 18.00 1816.70 14.46 107.44 37.50 1173.03 9.83 884.00 1062.50 114.00 141.33 32.00 132.32 420.00 155.34 36.70 327.00 610.00 140.00 5348.50 246.40 139.66 105.61 143.76 6.00 58.90 224.00 125.00 668.95 385.51 , VENDOR N.AME •••••••••••••••••••••••• MEMORIAL HOSP. AND HOMES METZ BAKING COMPANY MIDWEEK,THE MIDWEST PRINTING MILLER'S BOBCAT MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. MN ASSOC OF CO ADMINISTRATORS MN CO ATTORNEY'S ASSOCIATION MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MN MOTOR COMPANY MORE-4 MORRIS,DEBORAH MUELLER,ANNE NP U G NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON,GARY NELSON,MICHAEL NORDGREN,HUB NORMANDY INN NORTH UNION TEXACO OEHLER,DANIEL OK TIRE STORE INC OLSON,MEL OLSON,NANCY ORANDI MEDICAL PA OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL DEPT PUBLIC HEALTH OTTER TAIL GLASS OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTERTAIL FARM CENTER PACIFICORP CAPITAL INC. PAMIDA STORE PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE PARTA PRINTERS INC. PAURUS,VICKI PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN VALLEY HEALTH CENTER PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM OASIS INC PERRIN RECYCLING PETE'S BODY SHOP PETTERSON,VIC PHOTO CENTER,THE PHYSICIANS DESK REFERENCE PRAIRIE DRAY PRO COM SALES PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC. R L POLK AND COMPANY REINHART INST FOOD INC CHECK AMOUNT 35.72 522.07 106.16 161.00 11.00 599.00 150.00 31.50 330.00 280.43 126.90 4.51 8.62 35.00 61.65 664.25 52.84 10.00 315.02 213.85 457.61 30.00 13.00 80.00 4.77 1060.00 575.52 398.93 1623.40 167.30 75.00 144.50 1136.30 129.67 27.41 296.01 11.10 103.63 237.60 19.80 126.00 520.21 1810.45 505.70 270.72 448.91 33.95 75.79 1092.38 389.41 59.00 3026.89 ADJOORNMENI' VENDOR NAME ....................... . REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. ROBINSON TEXTILES ROCKWOOD CORPORATION,THE RUDE DDS,R.C. SCHMITZ FORD SCHOENBERGER FUNERAL HOME SCHWANKE,VICKI SENYK,WALDEMAR SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SEWER SERVICE SHERATON NORTHWEST SHERWIN WILLIAMS s~AN~s~wsx.,HARo~g STAR TRIBUNE STATE TREASURER STEIN'S INC. STENERSON LUMBER STEVE'S WELDING STOP-N-GO STORES INC STRUTHERS M.D.,LEWIS E. TRAVEL GALLERY TRUSTWORTHY HARDWARE TUNGSETH,CHRISTINE U OF M, MN EXTENSION SERVICE UNDER-MART VAL-U-SALES VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIGEN,DAWN VILLAGE APOTHECARY W/M PARTNERS S/E NORTH DAKOTA WAHL,GARY WALL,MAXINE WES' FUEL STOP WESTMARC CABLE WORNER'S AUTO SALES INC CHECK AMOUNT 41.25 266.04 174.50 57.00 34.70 138.00 27.10 25.97 149.33 60.00 120.43 59.35 74,30 97.50 20.00 482.30 . 222.91 51.00 686.53 97.50 477.00 29.48 11.99 1193.95 12.88 400.95 395.24 11.49 11.16 775.00 425.02 35.00 121.40 84.50 222.16 132411. 78 At 2 :50 p.m. , with no further business, Chairman Olson declared the rreeting adjourned until the afternoon of May 23, 1990 Chai~Q~ ATI'EST: Approved.,5-,R.3-9 Q ,l_/. < .L ~ J;q1.,, ~ hi iL