HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/09/1990CALL TO ORDER ·:, NORDGREN ABSENT MINUTES APPROVED. AS CORRECTED OPEN .MEETING IAW MINUTES OF THE ADJOORNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOI'A May 9, 1990 Pursuant to adjourmrent, · the Board of County Carmissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota net Wednesday, May 9 , 1990. . Chairrran Olson called the rreeting to order at 12 :35 p.m., with Cornnissioners Nelson, Hovland, Lindquist and Olson present, Corrmissioner Nordgren absent attending a regional rreeting of NACo in Anchorage, Alaska. Motion was made by B~rt Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carr.-.-- ried, to approve the minutes of the rreeting of May 2, 1990 , as cor- rected. ComtyCoordinator I.4rry Krohn and County Attorney Wally Senyk dis- cussed the open meeting lat\7 legislative changes , . 1 .·· . its affect on Otter Tail Comty Board meetings. and notices to the media. No action taken. · MN COUNTIES INSURANCE Upon notion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and ·· TRUSI' BOARD carried, Ccmnissioner Nordgren being absent, the follaving resolu- tion was adopted: WAS'IE EDUCATION WORKSHOP REGISTRATION ABATEMENTS APPROVED . BEER, WINE & LIQUOR LICENSES APPROVED RESOLVED by the Board of Comty Corrmissioners of Otter Tail County · Minnesota, that The Minnesota Comties Insurance Trust Board be allaved certain discretionary decisions for the purpose of providing other services and opportunities mder the joint p:,wers board, as detennined by the joint ~ers board; and the Otter Tail Comty Board does hereby adopt the joint pavers agreement as presented, revised March 16, 1990. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 9th day of May, 1990. Motion was made by Andy Ll.ndquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve payment in the arromt of $30.00 to the Minnesota Office of Waste Management, representing pre-registration fee for the Carmnmi ty Waste Education workshop, to be held May 23rd in -Detroit Lakes, MN r Ari¥ Beske, Reclycing Coordinator, attending. Motion was·rnade by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Ll.ridquist and car- ried, to approve the following applications for hcmestead classifi- cation as presented by the Comty Assessor: Ridlard& Marlene Neppl Aurdal Residential harestead Kim & Vicki Elmer Arror Residential hcmestead I.ester & Valdine Rachels Buse Ag honestead Bonita Ronning. Dora Residential harrestead Wm. & Judi th Butler Dunn Residential harrestead Lynn & Ruth Nellenroe Ll.da Residential harrestead M:>tion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, to approve the follaving applications for licenses: Beer: Dana Barringer Arror Villa Arror Township Steven L. Lehmann Mosquito Heights Pine Lake Tavnship Thanas M •. Lorine. The Peak Supper Club Leaf M:>mtain Wine: Dana.Barringer Arror Villa Arror Township Thanas M. Lorine The Peak Supper Club Leaf Mountain · On-Sale Liquor: Victor Yager Comt:ry Manor M:>tel Campton ; •I } ' .-i ·-·i ·1 -1 ,; BEER, SEI'-UP & DANCE ·LICENSES APPROVED : ;..,;WEST CENI'RAL RDC •·DrssoUJTION County Board -2 -May 9, 1990 Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, to approve the folJJ.aving applications for license, subject to approval by the County Sheriff: Beer: Diane R. Wanner Donald G. Blank . Set-up: Diane R. Wanner Donald G. Blank Dance: Diane yvanner Blue Horizon Hidden Acres Blue Horizon Hidden Acres Blue Horizon Rush Lake Tavnship Candor Tcwnship Rush Lake Tavnship Candor Tavnship Rush Lake Tavnship Commissio~er Ll.ndquist.presented a letter fran C.,ordon Hydukovich re- garding the West Central Regional Develop:rrent Commission, requesting infonnation on an opinion poll and Otter Tail County Board's reasoning and the effect the dissolution of the carrmission had on the County. By general consent, Cormnissioner Ll.ndquist was authorized to respond to the questionnaire stating 'the reasoning for dissolution was the carrmission created another layer of government, a levy · was necessary to continue.operation, thatthe county was accorrplishing the same thing with less noney, and the county was in favor of the dissolution. · SN™MOBILE TRAIL An application from the Lake Runners Trail Association was reviewed ASS'N GRANI' APPLICATION by the Board, for a new trail project proposal to the MN' OOR, at a APPROVAL total arrount of $16,500.00 with $14,850.00 being grant funds. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, to approve the request for funding, and the Chai:rman of the Board was authorized to sign the agree:rrent on behalf of Otter Tail County. ~r-< U.S.FISH AND WILDLIFE ~t·SERVICE ACQUISION k:.·;·APPROVED .\ · CCNDITIONAL USE PERMIT .APPROVED Upon motion made by Andy Ll.ndquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, the following resolution was .adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Camnissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that In accordance with a Procedural Agreerrent between the Minnesota De- pa.rbnent of Natural Resources and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board for.acquisition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife: Service rret · with the County Board on May 9, 1990 and infonred said Board that a purchase agramnBI1t had been secured from Dennis C. Schmidt on a par- cel located in Section 31-131-39, aescribed as follavs: Beginning at the SE corner of the SW¼SE¼, thence northerly approx. 300 11 to a stake; thence.Wly approx. 858' to a stake; thence Sly approximately 330' to a stake; thence Ely approx. 858' to the point of beginning, including the right to construct and maintain a water control structure along the north boundary of the above described tract. Said water control structure will serve to prevent or other- wise irrpede the flav·of water from the remainder.of·the SW¼SE¼ over and across the above-described tract. NCW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County. Board has considered the above request and does hereby approve acquisition by the u. s. Fish and Wildlife Service. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN' this 9th day of May, 1990 • Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car"'.'" i:'ied, to approve the fol.J.aving applications for conditional use pennit, subject to conditional :require:rrents: Stuart Ystebo Maine Tavn.ship John Jenson John Carlson Pelican Ta.vnship Tordenskjold 'Iwp. Construct utility sheds on back lots Cut ridge and level lot CU<:t, & grade for walk-out baserrent HIGHWAY DEPARIMENI' BID OPENING i · .DUMP BOXE'S .· SWANSTON EQUIP. ·, SNCM REMJVAL mt)IPMENT -• , I · LITl'LE FALIS MAqIINE .. CUITING EDGES PAPER CAIMENSON I 'HERBICIDES CSTLUND CHEMICAL County Board -3 -May 9, 1990 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for certain equipment.and suppli~s for use by the Highway Department, proceeded to open bids , 'Which · were found to be as follows : Two Dlll'rp Boxes · & Hydraulic Systerrs : Swanston Equip. Co:rp., Fargo, ND Dak.otah Truck, West Fargo Midland Equip., Eden Prairie, MN Sanitation, Fargo, ND J-Craft, Kimball, MN $19,560.00 20,388.00 21,174.00 24,140.00 No bid After review and upon reccmnendation of the County ·Engineer, notion was made by Sydney Nelson, seoonded by Andy Lindquist and carried, to accept the bid of SWanst;on Fquiprent Co:rp., Fargo, ND in the arrount of $19,560.00, being the lowest bid. · SNCW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT: Little .Falls Machine, Little Falls, MN $22,320.00 After · review and upon reoornrrendation of the · County Engineer, notion was made by Andy Lind:Juist, seoonded by Bert Hovland and carried, to accept the bid of Little Falls Ma.chine, Little Falls, MN, in the arrount of $22,320.00 being the only bid received. etmING EDGES: Item #1 Item #2 Item #3 Paper, Calmenson & Co., St. Paul $2l:,'.23L:25 ·;$2,·293.'75 $3,6640:08 Zieger, Inc. , Bloomington, MN . No bid . . . No hid 3; 6 72. 70 After review and l.JIX)n recx:mneniltion of the CountynEngineer, notion was made by Bert Hovland, seoonded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to accept the bid of Pap:?r, Calmenson, Saint Paul, MN, in the arrount of $27,189.08, total bid, being the lowest acceptable bid. · SEASONAL SUPPLY OF HERBICIDES: Ostlund Cllernical, Fargo, ND Battle Lake, Cenex, Battle Lake Edwards Contr. Hampton, IA Andree Products, INc. , Hopkins, MN 30 Gal.Bar. 55 Gal. $ ,, ., ' ' ' 10.44 12.20 $'9.84 10.14 10.25 11.95 110 Gal. After review and l.JIX)n reccmnendation of the County Engineer, notion made by Andy Lindquist, seoonded by Bert Hovland and carried, to accept the bid of Ostlund Chemical, Fargo, ND, in the arrount of $9.84 per 55 gallon drums, being the lowest bid. LICENSES APPRJVED j;. i·WATER PLAN & SARA ;{ .. ·PUBLIC LIBRARY \\-.:-~' . ,·."-;;~_ f{ . :LAND' & RESOURCE i::-: SUMMER EMPLOYEES ;;_-f' , .. r ;'· .. I;: \ ': PICK-.UP PROPOSAIS , . LAND & RESOURCE }:;, .RESOLUTION k:;"PR~ 55 ".,r" County Board . -4 -May 9, 1990 Motion was·.··made· by Sydney Nelson, seconded. by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, to approve the following applications· for licenses : Installers License: Bradley·Bother System Cleaners Licenses: Al Dahl Dewayne c. Erickson Jahn Petennann Dennis Ahmdt Brad Bother Excavating Al Dahl Construction Dewey's Septic Tank Pmpg. Petennann Pumping Sherbrooke Septic Se:rv. Fergus Falls, MN Detroit Lakes, MN Lake Park, MN Fergus Falls, MN .··Pelican· Rap;i.ds Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lind::Iuist and car- ried, .to approve the plat of Morningside Point,, \located in G.fo 5 ~.11 1 Section 3,,;.:Duhri Tamship. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, to place the county's Comprehensive Local Water Plan and the Comty's SARA on.file in the Fergus Falls Public Library. Ivbtion· was made by Bert. Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, to grant approval to the Land & Resource Managerrent office for hiring four individuals for the sumrrer rronths. '::~-; Wm. Kalar, Land & Resource Manqgerrent presented the following proposals •. ) for the purchase of a pick-up for use by I:iand & Resource .Management:· Fergus Dodge, Fergus Falls,.MN $12,095.00 Womers, Fergus.Falls; MN 10,100.00 Womers , Fergus . Falls , . MN 12 , 186. 00 · The proposals were · returned to Kalar for review and recormrendation at a subsequent rreeting. Upon motion made by Andy. Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, the. follaving. resolution was adopted: ··;::: RESOLVED.by the Board of Courity Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that ~, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety has continued to prarote efforts to ensure ccrnpliance with the.55 m~p.h.: !5J;eed limit. through funding of County Sheriff's concentrated speed:enforcerrent efforts ; . iarid · WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Public.Safety has established P~ . ject 55 for 1990 to achieve the above stated purpose, · prorroting law enforcerrent and traffic safety; and WHEREAS, the County is eligible to receive up to $13,000 in reiburse- rrent for participating in Project 55 to be donducted·beginning on May 11, 1990 and extending through September 3, 1990, to offset any in- creased overtimepatrol costs; NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that otter Tail County enter into agree-.< rrent with· the .State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety for the following purposes , to wit: to reimburse the County for rroney spent for approved activities in. connection with Project 55 for additional traffic lawenforcerrent on County·state Aid Highways within said Comty to increase oompliancewith the 55 m.p.h. speed limit, BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the. County Board arid Comty Auditor be andthey hereby are authorized to e:xecute such agreerrent and any arrendrrent thereto, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that anoopy of this resolution be forwarded to Gary Nelson, County Sheriff. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 9th day of May, 1990. -·: ., ,=. ;- :;RADIO EXJUIPMENI' FINAL PORI'ION PROPOSAL i.< . ACCEPI'ED -_,. :: .; :SHERIFF REPORI' ON :/ · PROPERI'Y SEIZED & r .ICR's RECYCLING CENI'ER SURFACING '· OITER TAIL RIVER ' · CLEAN-UP )\· STEP INCREASE COUNI'Y ENGINEER .. AIATaJRNMENT . . ' ' County Board· -5 -May 9, 1990 Motion was .made ·by Andy· Lind;Juist, seconaed by Sydney ·Nelson and car- ried, to accept a proposal d5fum Elders Communication, Inc., Fargo, North Dakota, in the anount of $8,312.00 for installation and check- out of the final, :p:>rtion of the radio equiprrent for the Sheriff's Radio System .upgrading project, as recnmrrenaed by John R. DuBois, oonsul ting engineer, subject to approval by the County Attorney. Motion was. maae by Bert Hovland, seoonaed by Andy Linci:;Iuist and car- ried, to. approve payment in the anount of $2,747.45 to John R. DuBois, Consulting Engineer, for professional services and expenses in con- nection with the Action Plan associated with Public Safety '!Wo-Way Radio Syste:rrs,. for the feriod fran August 4, 1989tb February 15, 1990. Sheriff Gary Nelson·appeared before the Board and.presented re:p:>rts on proferty: seized in. otter Tail County unaerthe new forfeiture law, sha-,ing a total of approximately $17,375. 77 being received. Nelson also presented a· re:t;x:>rt showing a 94% increase in initial oomplaint re:p:>rts being received fran 1973 to·l989, sha-,ing a comparison between the number of personnel serving the City of Fergus Falls, with :p:>pu- lation and miles of roads, and otter Tail County 'personnel. No action taken. Motion was made by Andy Lind:Jui_st, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, to advertise. for bids to be received until 10 :00 a.m., Wednes- day, June 6, 1990, for surfacing the pm:king lot and tile drivcWay at the recycling center in Fergus Falls. Afr\Y Beske, Recycling eoo-rdinator/Educator, advised the Board of a project sponsored by otter Tail Power Company to clean up the otter Tail River running through otter Tail. County. She stated various organizations are going to assume res:p:>nsibility of cleaning portions of the river and a request has been maae of the county board to alla-, those organizations , such as Boy Soouts , etc. , be allowed to dump the non-recyclable ite:rrs reoovered from the river at the disposal sites in the county without charge. No action taken. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, to approve a step increase for County Engineer, r:ennis Berend, to a Range 23, Step 6, retroactive to May, 1989, when the step in- crease should have taken place, but was erroneously omitted. At .2 :48 p.m., with no further business, Chainnan Olson declared the m:!eting adjourned until 9: 30 a.m. , Wednesday, May 16, 1990. Chail):¥.Q {l{l)(k,..,y_/ ATrEsr: Approved 5--/~ -9-0 Cleik