HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/25/1990----.,_-;, ---_-_--,.-··· ._... .. " ' .:, . ,, i----.-• -CALL TO ORDER NORDGREN ABSENT · MINUTES APPROVED ,GAMBLING LICENSE EVANSVILLE SPORI'SMAN'S .CLUB PAYMENT APPROVED ;:BARR ENGINEERING · BOIX DE SIOUX WATER ~·-SHED DISTRICT r··:sP:OCIAL ASSESSMENTS i·< '•,: BIDS -HAY CROP TAX-FORFEITED LAND ,; --BEER LICENSES ,/ • -EMPLOYEE-CUSTOMER -RELATIONS FILM· MINUI'ES OF THE AruCXJRNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF.COUNTY C(Ml[[SSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOI'A April 25, 1990 Pursuant to adjounurent, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Wednesday, April 25, 1990. Chainnan Olson called the neeting to order at 12 :42 p.m., with Commissioners. Olson, Lind- quist, Hovland · and Nelson present, Commissioner· Nordgren absent to attend a regional meeting of .the A.M.C. M:>tion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, to approve the minutes of the April 18th meeting, as corrected. · RepresentJ.ati ves --of the Evansville Sportsman's Club and Vic Yaeger, manager of the Country Manor Motel,. Restaurant -and ·r.ounge, appeared _before the Board requesting. waiver of· the 60 day waiting period for the issuance of a gambling penni.t. After consideration, motion was made by AridyLindquist,. seconded by Bert.Hovland and carried, to · retain the :policy of restricting gaming licenses to only those organi- zations within the county, and not recomrrend a.license for the Evans- ville Sportsrrans Club at the Country Manor .M::)tel·, Restaurant and I.ounge. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- -ried, to approve payrrent in the _arrount of $4,227.34 to Barr Engineering •·· forprofessional services in connection with the Phelps Mill Dam, _ during the period of December 4 i 19 88 ' through Decemter 31, 19 88, said l bill having n9t been received prior. ,·; Upon notion made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried,· the·follo.17ing resolution was.adopted: -RESOLVED. by the Board oLCourity Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources, on the 28th day-of February, 1990, issued an order, based on findings of fact and con- clusions· of law, that certain lands described in· the Findings of Fact be excluded--fram the .Bois de Sioux Watershed District, NCW, THEREFORE,,BE-IT RESOLVED, the. Otter Tail County Auditor is hereby authorized.and directed to abate the special assessments for theBois_de Sioux Watershed District on the following parcels for the year 1990 , removing such assessrrents from the tax records: SW¼SW¼, Section 28-132-43 S½SE¼ Section 29-132-43 NE!--.iNE¼: Section ·,32-132~43 W---iNW¼ Section 33-132-43 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, authorizing the County Auditor to advertise for bids to be re- ceived for the 1990 hay crop on the N¼NE¼ of Section 24'-135-40, until 10 :30 a.m. ·, Wednesday, May 16, 1990. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, to approve the follo.17ing applications for license to sell non- intoxicating malt liquor: Gerald R. Smith Pelican Beach Store Michael J. Herrquist Balrroral Golf Course Dunn Ta.-mship (off-sale) Otter Tail Township Motioriwas made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried~ to-authorize all the Departrrent Heads.make.the detennination as to - 'Who· or ho.17 many of the employees in his or her -departrrent would view the presentation put on by the Extension Service Hone-Economist Angela Berge on custorrer relations. REPURCHASE .. BECKER COUNI'Y TRANSFER r: -. STATION cosr RECOVERY County Board April 25, 1990 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, the follaving resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Comnissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that ·· WHEREAS, First National Bank of .Fergus Falls, owner of record of the North·. 216' of· I.ot 3,~~,.Block· 1, W:stga.te, City of Fergus Falls, said property having. forfeited to the State of-Minnesota for non- payirent of taxes,{ has made application to repurchase, and having paid the total. of $11,416.86, being the aggregate of all taxes, penalties, costs and interest, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED i the County Board does hereby approve said purchase,. to be in the best public interest arid relieve undre hardship. . Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 25th day of April, 1990. M:Jtion was made by .Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lind:Iuist and car- ried, instructing the County Attorney to draft a letter to the Becker County Board requesting payment.in the amount of $67,489.74, to cover Otter Tail•~.County 's. contribut.1.oh to the transfer station in Detroit Lakes that is· no:·,. longer utilized by Otter Tail County. (_ -•REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY Lany Krohn, County Coordinator, advised the Board the Steams County \ ·-: 'MEEI'ING Planning Departrrent has scheduled a rreeting to which' members of the :,-otter Tail County Board are invited, to discuss the proposed Regional •:i Railroa_<:i-Authority;. r-btion .was-.. nade by. Bert Hovland, seconded by :f''._ Sydney Nelson and carried with Ccmnissioner Olson abstaining, to CAFEI'ERIA BENEFITS (:"t'I'EMPORARY PERMIT St IAST RESORI' • 1'" . ;~: ' ;:;; -CORRECI'IONS OF 1990 ,-· TAXES '. :~, ;· .. RESOllJTION -PAYMENT · WITHOUT PENALTY appoint Andy Lindquist -and M:l o. Olson to attend the, rreeting as representatives of the otter Tail County Board. Krohn.discussed proposals fort.he implerrentationof a "ca,feteria benefits"plan for.county employees. Chainnan Olson appointed Bert Hovland and Sydney Nelson to review-proposals, for reccmrrendation to the Board, enrollrrent starting in October, effective Janua:ry 1, · 1991. Francis Peasley from the Last Resort on~ I.ong·Lake, appeared before the Board requesting a temporary conditional use penni t for the resort . which has not been open for approximately five years. Motion was made by Bert -Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson· and carried, to allav the Last Resort to run under a temp:)ra:ry permit, until such decision has been resolved through the hearing_procedure with the .Qtter Tail County Planning Ccmni.ssion. Steve Andrews, Treasurer, and Erwin Siems , County A.sse_ssor, appeared before the Board regarding clerical error corrections.and the time frane -for '.corrections by May· 15th. Upon notion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the follCMing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County canmissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota.,: -that · WHEREAS the tirre frarre between this date and the due date of payment of taxes by May 15th does nav allav for a tirrely correction and re- turn of payment prior to May 15th, NOJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, those corrections in the 1990 tax statements due to errors in the -county offices, be processed as -f; .·. quickly as :possible, allaving payment within fifteen days of post- -mark of the corrected staterrent, without additional penalties. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 25th day of April, 1990. :i EMPLOYEES' ASS'N r•. : •· FERGUS FAUS ?{··TIF -I 1-5 . CAN DENSIFIER i;. BID ACX::EPI'ED ti . SAFE'TY EOUIPMENT )·-._ ? · ·RECYCING CENl'ER · .. HAMMERS CONSTRDCrION >RECYCLING BUIIDING .PAYMENT .B.L. LANDFILL . · LEASE AGREEMENT ADJOURNMENI' County Board -3 -April 25, 1990 Kroon announced to the Board,. that the Employees' Association in the Social Services Depart:.rrent have acoeptedthe tentative offer of the Cotmty Board. · James Nitchals, Fe:rgus Falls City Administrator, and Gordon Hydukovich, . City Planner, appeared·before the Board and.discussed the latest Tax Incre:rrent Financing Plan District I 1-5, urging the County Board to attend the hearing on said prof.X)Sal which is to be held on Monday, April 30th • Arey' Beske and Mike Hananof the Solid Waste Departnent appeared be- fore the Board and reported upon checking other.finns in the oost of can densifier, detennined the bid as submi. tted by Bruce Mooney Associates, Inc., Allison Park, PA, was not out of line, and re- camrcended the Co1.n1ty Board accept said bid.. Motion was. then made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, to accept the bid of Bruce Mooney Associates, INc., in the anount of $21,700.00 for can densifier, REM conveyor with magnetic separagor and freight to Fergus Falls, being the only bid received. · Commissioner Nordgren arrived at 2:53 p.m. from the M-C rreeting. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seoonded by Andy Lind:Juist and imani- nously carried,. to instruct Mike Hanan and Arey' Beske to have the necessary safety equiprent installed in the twotruck.s and bobcat usedat the recycling center. A warranty on the roof and foundation on the recycling building by Hammer's Construction Co~; was presented to the Board and reviewed by Beske and Hanan, after which notion was made by Sydney NelsoN, seconded by Bert Hovland and tmanim:msly carried, to· approve paynent in the anotmt of $16,140.00 to Hammers Construction Ccrrpanyr Perham, MN. Hanan presented·a lease agreerrentbetween Otter.Tail County and the Battle Lake Landfill Association for an additional 40 acres on which the 001.n1ty will place a transfer station. Motion was made by Andy Lind:!uist, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanircously carried, to approve the lease agreement and the Chainnan of the Board and the Cotmcy Auditor were instructed to execute·said lease on behalf of the County. , At 3: 34 p.m. , with no further business Cha.innan Olson declared the rreeting adjourned tmtil 9 :30 a.m. , Wednesday, May 2, 1990. ATTESI': Approved 5-~-90