HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/10/1990CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT MINUTES APPROVED CSAH #16 RESOLUTION COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT REGION IV & WCMIP MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM.MISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA January 10, 1990 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Wednesday, January 10, 1990. Chairman Olson called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m .. with all members present. Motion was made 6y Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, toapprove the minutes of the January 2nd meeting, as matled. JOhn Cordes, Henning, appeared before the Board relative to proposed payments for road dght-of-way on C.S.A.H.16. Mr. Cordes was instructed to work with County Assessor Erwin Siems to see if some agreement can 6e made. Jim Thoreen, Stevens County Coordinator, appeared before the Board to further explain a resolution requested by Stev~ns County for a cooper- ative effort to o6tain grant funds for services, arnter which motioo was made 6y Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED 6y the Board of County Commissioners of ;otter Tail County 1/!innesota, that WHEREAS, Stevens County, Minnesota, has applied for a grant from the · West Central Initiative Fund (WCMIF) for purposes of implementing cooperattve agreements and adm.inistrative practices between and among the ntne counties within the WCMIF area, and WHEREAS, the positive effects of cooperation between counties will likely results in: a) more efficient provisions of services; b) direct dollar savi'ngs to taxpayers; c) more effective use of technical staff or specialists; and d) opportunities to meet new challenges with heretofore inexperienced, often unavailable, employees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby offers its support to the concept of multi- county cooperative efforts and further expresses its willingness to explore potential agreements/working arrangements provided that nothing herein shall bind this board to any contract or obligation. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 10th day of January, 1990. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- APPROVED -SUSAG . mously carried, the following conditional use permit was approved, sub- . ject to conditional requirements: David Susag Star Lake Twp. Construct driveway, parking area, cut for building site, and add ramp PRELIMINARY PLAT Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- APPROVED -MORNINGSIDE mously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of Morningside, to be located in Section 3-137-42. BED & BREAKFASTS Land & Resource Manager ,~alcolm Lee discussed with the Board condi- tional use permits for bed & breakfast establishments, stating the County Attorney's office is preparing wording for proposed policies regarding such establishments. No action taken. INSTALLERS LiCENSES APPROVED LOCAL WATER PLAN PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED POMME DE TERRE WATERSHED PROPOSED LEAF LAKE TOWNSHIP PROPOSED PUBLIC ACCESS ROAD & BRIDGE 1990 CONSTRUCTION PLAN NELSON & NORDGREN EXCUSED LAKE RUNNERS SNOW- MOBILE TRAIL ASS'N County Board -2 -January 10, 1990 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal installers license were approved: Creg Barry David Bjerketvedt Daniel Wegscheid Richard Brogard John Bait Dennis Delzer Don Lee Charles Egge Harold Engebretson Joseph_ Esser LeRoy Fl edt Jim Golombi'ecki Rodney Hanson Kenneth Loser Richard Kiehl Melvin McGowan Kenneth 'Moerke E. M. Noyes Janice Weickert Larry VanWatermulen John Moltzan Vincent Coulter Barry's Excavating Bluffton Hardware Brogard Plbg. & Htg. Boit Construction Delzer Construction, INc. Don Lee & Son of N.Y.M. Egge Construction Engebretson Plbg. & Htg. Esser Plbg. & Htg. Feldt's Plbg. & Htg. Golombiecki's Excavating Hanson's Plbg. & Htg. Ken Loser Excavating Underwood, MN Vining, MN Bluffton, MN Henning, MN Lake Park, MN Dalton, MN New York Mills, MN Pelican Rapids, MN Pelican Rapids; MN Perham, t-AN Frazee, MN Fergus Falls, MN Vergas,. MN Henning, MN Frazee, MN McGowan Clearing & Sodding Ottertail, MN Moerke Excavating Elbow Lake, MN Noyes Const. Co. Fergus Fa 11 s, MN Underground Cont. of Perham Perham, ~N Vergas Backhoe Service Vince's Repair Perham, MN Vergas, MN Otte rt a i 1 , MN Lee discussed the county's local water plan, stating the International Coalition has hired an area hydrologist, E~it Jensen. No actio~. Malcolm Lee, Land & Resource, and Jerry Schultz of Ten Mile Lake Resort discussed the new enlarged campers up to 40 feet in length, wi"th an expanding feattJre to 12 1 in width. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unanimously carried, to set a hearing for the purpose of receiving public input on amendments to the county's shoreland management ordinance, to include such campers and regulations regarding same, and any other changes as may be recommended by the County Attorney or Planning Commission, hearing scheduled for 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 21, 1990. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to authorize Commissioner Lindquist to attend a meeting on the proposed Pomme de Terre watershed to be held January 16th. The Leaf Lake Town Board, with James Keskitalo, Chairman, appeared be- fore the Board requesting assistance from the County on establishing a pu6lic access on West Leaf Lake and changing a road between West Leaf Lake and Middle Leaf Lakes. The County Attonney's office was instructed to research the situation with Carl Peltoniemi, the town- ship's attorney. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Lindquist and unani- mously carried, to schedule the public meeting on the 1990 Road & Bridge Construction Plan for 1 :30 p.m., Wednesday, February 21, 1990. At 2:35 p.m., Commissioners Nelson and Nordgren were excused to leave for a Human Services meeting in the Twin Cities. Commissioner Hovland stated the Lake Runners Snowmob~le Trail Ass'n has been unsuccessful in acquiring grant funds through the Department of Natural Resources and has requested approval of their system with funds being obtained through local solicitations. Because of the liabilities that may be involved, motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to deny the request for approval by the Lake Runners Snowmobile Association of an unfunded snowmobile system. TRANSPORTATION STUDY APPROVED CSAH RULE CHANGE LEADERSHIP FERGUS FALLS PROGRAM E.O.T. EXTENSION SECRETARIAL POSITION OLD TWO-WAY RADIO DISPOSITION WASTE REDUCTION & RECYCLING SEMINAR INLET BEACH PLAJ! CORRECTION ABATEMENTS M.C.I.T. INSURANCE PREMIUMS County Board -3 -January 10, 1990 Motion was made 5y Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, to authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign the 1990 to 2010 State Transportation Needs Survey, as prepared by the County Engineer's office, for transmittal to the State Transportation Study Board. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, a Rules Committee and the Commissioner of Transportation are consMeri'ng changes to the Rules of State Aid Operations, and WHEREAS, proposed rule 8820.3100, Subpart 9, would limit the amount of state aid construction funds to finance the paving of roads with less than 150 projected average daily traffic, and WHEREAS, proposed rule 8820.31-0, subpart 9, may restrict the County Board's ability to plan and construct its County State Aid Highway System and may cause an undue financial hardship; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board recommends to the Rules Committee and the Commissioner of Transpor- tation, that proposed rule 8820.3100, Subpart 9, be removed. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 10th day of January, 1990. Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, stated four employees of the County have been recommended a_s candidates for the "Leadership Fergus Falls 11 program, which will cost each participant $150.00, asking if the Board would 5e willing to assume the cost, or a portion of the cost. Krohn was instructed to check into the program further and report back to tne Board on January 17th. Krohn presented to the Board the job description for a 4/5 time secretarial position in the Extension Office at Perham. No action. Joe Peloquin, Sheriff's office, discussed the al d two-way radios that have been replaced, stating they could not be traded in on the new radios as there was no value. Peloquin was instruct~d to give the old radios to smaller local units of government, or dispose of as he determined best. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, to approve payment in the amount of $28.00 to the Minnesota Waste Reduction and Recycling Regional Workshop representing regis- tration fee for attendance at the seminar by four representatives from Otter Tail County. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, to approve Land Surveyor's Certificate of Correction to Plat involving the plat of Inlet Beach, located in G.L. 3 & 4, Section 14-136-42. Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert to approve the following applications for homestead and/or reduction of tax capacity: Hovland and carried, classification, Brent Cavalli~. Dunn Township Brian Huseth Tordenskjold Homestead for 1985 and 1986 Double assessment on mobile home Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lindquist and carried, to approve payment to Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust for the fo 11 owing: Assessment for 1990 for prior year's liability Worker's Compensation Program, Sept., Oct. & Nov. 1989 . . . $52,100.00 17,299.20 1'.M~t'e--13'Q..a"NV"'---'--"'-~~~~- ,_ /1-90 ART OF THE LAKES PHELPS MILL FESTIVAL ADJOURNMENT County Board -4 -January 10, 1990 Motion was made by Andy Lindquist, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, to approve the agreement between the County and the Art of the Lakes Association for tonduct of the Phelps Mill Festival, and the Chainnan of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to execute said agreement on beha 1 f of the County Board. At 3:15 p.m., with no further business, Chairman Olson declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, January 17, 1990. Chairman Approved /-I 7 ~ 90