HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/15/2009MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 500 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN September 15, 2009 9:15 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, September 15, 2009, at 9:34 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Everett Erickson, Chair; Roger Froemming, Vice-Chair; John Lindquist, Doug Huebsch and Lee Rogness present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board agenda of September 15, 2009 as mailed. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of August 25, 2009 as mailed. Flu Planning Update Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, provided a report on a recent Flu Plan update that she received on-line. There are no major new items to consider. School is in session and H1 N1 is present as well. Ms. Thorson stated that if you have a fever of 100 degrees and have a cough or sore throat, you should stay home. Schools will report to the State if more than 5% of the schools population is absent or more than 3 children absent in a classroom due to illness. Screening tests for H1 N1 are not being offered; therefore, only people with severe symptoms should go to the clinic. For health reasons, a motion was offered by Lindquist, seconded by Rogness, and unanimously carried to encourage all County employees to obtain the seasonal flu shot. Ms. Thorson briefed the Board on the method of planned distribution for H1 N1 immunizations after the vaccine has been received. Immunizations will be provided to health care workers first and then the high risk criteria will be applied. Health care providers will not be administering the H1 N1 immunizations; however, if the Public Health Department needs help with the immunizations, health care providers are wiling to supplement temporary staffing needs. Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to allow the Public Health Department to subcontract with area health care providers to supplement staffing to administer H1N1 immunizations. Ms. Thorson also updated the Board regarding the Minnesota Information Connection System and Emergency Health Outreach program, which are programs to keep track of immunizations and educate ethnic groups. State Health Improvement Planning Contracts Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the following SHIP Contracts: Contract with Lake Region Healthcare for SHIP Project Coordination Contract with University of Minnesota Morris for SHIP Evaluation Contract with Clay County for SHIP Planning & Interventions OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 2 Dog Bite Hearing County Attorney, David Hauser, opened a Dog Bite Hearing based on the Otter Tail County Animal Health and Controls Ordinance regarding two dogs owned by Rebecca Frazier. This matter was originally scheduled on August 11, 2009, but notice to the dog owners had not been completed. Notice for today's hearing was completed by the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office. Dog Owner, Rebecca Frazier, was not present for the hearing. Under oath, Diane Thorson testified for the Public Health Department and explained the history of the two dog bites by Ms. Frazier's dogs named Lily and Sena. Because of the owner's failure to respond to the Public Health Department's inquiries, Ms. Thorson recommended that the dogs be euthanized. Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to recommend that the two dogs owned by Rebecca Frazier named Lily and Sena be euthanized based on the findings that both dogs have a record of two bites (off the owner's property) and because the owner has been uncooperative. The County Attorney will draft formal findings in the case. Probation Facility Tour Probation Director, Chuck Kitzman, reported that an annual site tour of a juvenile detention facility in Minnesota, with Advisory Board members and commissioners, has taken place in past years. He recommended that because of the economic situation and tight budgets, the annul tour not take place this year. Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried not to take a juvenile facility site tour this year due to limited budget; however, encourage that this practice continue next year. Approval to Pay Bills & Claims Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Adjournment At 10:13 a.m., Chairman Erickson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:15 a.m. on Tuesday, September 29, 2009. Dated: _ _:O=-..o/y/2..;:,;i'-'-7--"/::>oo=_,_'l __ _ ; 0~ TAIL COUNTY H~AN SERVICES BQARD B. ~~ G~ Everett P. Erickson, Human Services Board Chair Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, September 15, 2009, at 10:35 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Everett Erickson, Chair; Roger Froemming, Vice-Chair; John Lindquist, Doug Huebsch and Lee Rogness present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of September 15, 2009 with the following additions: After 2:00 p.m. -Contract Approval for Sheriffs Office After 2:00 p.m. -Additional Budget Discussion Approval of Minutes OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 3 Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners meeting minutes of September 1, 2009, as mailed. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Preliminary 2010 Budget and Levy Discussion Auditor, Wayne Stein, reported that the Otter Tail County proposed levy and budget must be adopted today. He provided a lengthy briefing and power point presentation regarding Department of Revenue requirements, special levy information, use of reserves to reduce building debt, and various examples that could be used for the preliminary budget. Planning Commission Recommendations Conditional Use Permit-"Barky's Resort'1/Marc & Kathy Gruenenwald: Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to replace a mobile home on the resort with a condition as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as Pt of GL 3, Section 32 of Amor Township; Otter Tail Lake (56-242), GD. Conditional Use Permit Thomas Meinhover & D. Gluesinq: Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a commercial business with a condition as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as N1/2 NE1/4 E of Twp Rd ex Plat (39.36 AC), Section 35 of Rush Lake Township; Rush Lake (56-141), GD. Wind Tower Discussion: Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, briefed the Board regarding the Planning Commission's discussion regarding wind towers. As stated in the Planning Commission minutes, the following items should be addressed on the Conditional Use Application when approval to install a wind tower is being considered: 1) The proposed size -a maximum of 20 kwl (for residential use). 2) The proposed setback(s) to lotline(s), shore impact zone & road right-of-way-1 x's the height+ 10'. 3) A proposed Decommissioning Plan. Mr. Kalar stated that these additions would require an amendment to the Shoreland Management Ordinance or a separate countywide ordinance dealing with wind towers could be drafted. Conditional Use Permit -William J. Boediqheimer: Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and carried, with Erickson opposed because an ordinance has not been adopted, to approve a Conditional Use Permit to erect a wind tower with a condition as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as Pine Lake Shores Lot 3 Blk 1, Section 35 of Gorman Township; Little Pine Lake (56-142), GD. Conditional Use Permit -Roy Stoerinq: Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for topographical work for a building site as requested. The property is described as Pt of GL 3, (11.10 AC), Section 7 of Dead Lake Township; Star Lake (56-385), GD. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 4 Conditional Use Permit-Otter Tail County Highway Department: Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to install a water level control system to drain water from CSAH 24 as presented. The project is located in the E ½ SW ¼ between CSAH 24 & Co Ditch #56, Section 28 of Trondhjem Township; Unnamed Lake (56-1016), NE. Recess & Reconvene At 11 :25 a.m., Chairman Erickson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 11 :32 a.m. Liquor License Application Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve application for license: VFW Post612 420 E Washington Ave Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Temporary On-Sale Liquor October 2 and 3, 2009 Red Horse Ranch Arena Public Hearing for County Ditch #56 as an Outlet the following Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to establish October 13, 2009 at 1 :00 p. m. for the Public Hearing regarding use of County Ditch #56 as an Outlet for the CSAH No. 24 Highway Pumping Project. Payment Approval Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $10,106.25, from the Construction Fund to Comstock Construction, Inc. of MN for the Otter Tail County 60 Bed State Operated Inpatient Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility (request No. 19). Bid Review & Recommendation -S.A.P. 56-624-15 After previously advertising for bids, the following bids were received and opened at 1 :00 p.m. on September 2, 2009: J & J Excavating, Inc. Staples, MN Kuechle Underground, Inc. Kimball, MN Young Excavating, Inc. Hackensack, MN Ellingson Drainage, Inc. Harwood, ND Hough, Inc. Detroit Lakes, MN Feldt's Plumbing LLP Detroit Lakes, MN Quam Construction Co., Inc. Wilmar, MN $118,108.12 $125,236.30 $131,278.34 $135,990.54 $142,379.00 $146,219.90 $146,612.05 Koehl Excavating, LLC Hancock, MN Gladen Construction, Inc. Laporte, MN Mark & Brenda Const, Inc. Dba Delzer Construction, Inc. Fergus Falls, MN Sellin Bros. Inc. Hawley, MN Johnson Excavation Ottertail, MN Chad Monson Excavating, LLC Corrected Bid Wilmar, MN OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 5 $147,694.70 $150,365.00 $151,828.35 $155,747.60 $162,243.90 $171,457.78 $171,458.20 Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to waive the minor irregularities in the bid documents of J & J Excavating and award this Water Level Control Project to J & J Excavating, Inc. as the low bidder in the amount of $118,108.12. The form that was not completed did not give J & J Excavating an unfair advantage and it was not substantive. For emergency reasons to begin pumping before winter, work on this project needs to begin as soon as possible. Soil Borings Agreement for CSAH 67 Project Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to authorize the Highway Engineer to enter into an agreement with Braun lntertec for soil borings for the CSAH 67 project at an approximate cost of $5,470.00. Highway Equipment Purchase Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch, and carried with Rogness abstaining, to approve the purchase of an X724 All-Wheel Steer Garden Tractor with a 62 inch Mower Deck form RDO Equipment Co. of Fergus Falls as the low bidder at a quotation cost of $3,300.47. Final Payment Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve Final Payment to Lakes Paving Division of Strata, in the amount of $3,655.95, for completion of S.A.P. 056-677-021 as requested in Final Estimate No. 5. Recess At 12:03 p.m., Chairman Erickson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for lunch break. Pierre duCharme Star Lake Court Remand Consideration At 1 :00 p.m., Chairman Erickson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reconvened and opened the consideration of the Pierre duCharme Court Remand matter. The sign-in sheet reflected 18 members of the public in attendance. County officials present were all five seated Commissioners, Land & Resource Management Administrator, Land & Resource Management Office Manager, County Attorney, and County Coordinator. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 6 County Attorney, David Hauser, stated that the Pierre duCharme case was remanded back to the County Board for purposes of making a decision at the direction of the Appellate Court. Originally, the County Board had denied the petition. There were some changes in the proposal which the Appellate Court found were not considered. It was remanded to make findings regarding the changes. Since the time that this matter was before the County Board, three of the five commissioners are new members. Mr. Hauser noted that the process in this matter will consist of the Land & Resource Administrator providing a review and recommendation as was advised by the County's attorney who handled the appeal; allow the proposer to provide comment, and allow the public to make comment. In considering this remand, what has occurred in the past is the record in this matter. The Appellate Court is requesting specific findings in either granting or denying the proposed conditional use. The 16 factors in the Shoreland Management Ordinance are used when issuing a Conditional Use Permit. Land & Resource Administrator, Bill Kalar, provided the Board with several packets of information inciuding; 1) a portion of the Otter Tail County SMO document, 2) Chronology regarding the duCharme Conditional Use Application, and 3) Density calculations and comparisons. Mr. Kalar referred to the current SMO which is dated May 1, 2008. The duCharme CUP request was filed under the January 1, 2004 SMO rules; however, Mr. Kalar was of the understanding that the current standards should be applied. He referred to the definition of Cluster Development in the current SMO, the standards that apply to cluster developments, and the sixteen (16) factors to be considered when an application for a CUP request is submitted. Mr. Kalar referred to the chronology packet which details the history of the duCharme request and he showed a map of Star Lake. He pointed out the west arm (channel) of Star Lake and the proposed location of the cluster development. There is a bridge that allows access to the main portion of Star Lake from the west arm. The application originally was presented to the County on October 24, 2007. The request was for a 45 unit campground, common building, pool, and 19 boat slips. The docking arrangement was not identified. The Planning Commission heard the request on November 14, 2007 where there was considerable discussion and public input. At the conclusion of the meeting, the application request was tabled to January 9, 2008 for a more detailed plan, reduction in density, work with the DNR regarding the docking, and address the twelve (12) Planning Commission considerations listed in the 2004 SMO. At the January 9, 2008 Planning Commission meeting, the plan was revised from 45 units to 30 units and boat docking was limited to 8 boat slips. The camping units were scattered throughout the property. At this meeting, the Planning Commission recommended denial for four (4) reasons: 1) potential cumulative impact and the sensitive characteristics of the west arm of Star Lake, 2) increase in traffic on land and water, 3) insufficient vegetation to screen the proposal from CH 41, and 4) the General Development standard is inadequate. This recommendation was heard by the County Board on January 15, 2008 and the County Board referred the request back to the Planning Commission for additional review. On February 20, 2008, the Planning Commission reviewed the second revision to the proposal, which was 30 RV sites, with the notable change of no access to the lake proposed and as such, no boat docking proposal was submitted. The second revision went back to the County Board without a recommendation. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 7 On February 26, 2008, the County Board voted to deny the request. The denial was based on the January 9, 2008 Planning Commission reasons which dealt with the 45 unit RV request, not specifically the 30 unit request. An appeal was filed and on June 30, 2009, the court remanded this case back to the County for consideration of the 30 unit proposal with no boat slips. Discussion occurred regarding recommendations from the DNR hydrologist, Terry Lejcher. Density comparisons, water frontage calculations, and area calculations were also discussed. Chairman Erickson asked for public comment: Deb Wallwork pointed out that Terry Lejcher stated that the GD standard is not adequate to understand the situation of the west arm of Star Lake because of the sensitivity of the area. She asked what the density standard would be if the west arm of Star Lake was based on the Natural Environment standard. Mr. Kalar answered that, under the NE standard, the first tier calculation would allow 9 units and the second tier would allow 3 units based on area. With water frontage calculations, the number of units would be 15 for this property. Mr. Krekkelberg, attorney representing the duCharmes in this particular matter, noted that neither he nor his client received notice of this meeting; however, they want to get this issue resolved and are willing to waive the notice issue. He stated that it is important to read the decision from the Court of Appeals to frame why the meeting is being held in terms of what the Court of Appeals has found. The question raised regarding adequacy of the GD standard was directly addressed by the Court of Appeals and they determined that this is not a relevant issue in this matter. Mr. Krekkelberg referred to Page 10. The Order from the Court of Appeals states that the County failed to make adequate findings as to why the applicant's proposed mitigation would not alleviate the concerns about traffic, density, and screening. This is not a new application and Mr. Krekkelberg noted that the appropriate standards to be used are the standards in place at the time of the original application. It is the duCharmes position that the Court of Appeals was very clear in making the determination that the County Board's decisions did not adequately take in to account the fact that the concerns raised were being eliminated by the adjustments and changes proposed by the duCharmes. The County simply needs to make the findings that the concerns have been addressed and to grant the permit. Mr. Krekkleberg referred to a proposal sent to him by the County's Attorney, Jay Squires, which his client has accepted as a way of resolving this matter. Mr. Hauser agreed that the SMO that must be considered is the Ordinance in place at the time of making the application which, in this case, is the 2004 SMO. Mr. Kalar addressed the proposal from Mr. Squires. The recommendation Mr. Kalar made to the County's attorney was a recommendation for discussion only as the County Board is the only body with decision-making authority in the case. Mr. Kalar reviewed his recommendation of 26 units, zero boat slips, no lake access or lake usage from the development, a proposed conservation easement, no watercraft docking, mooring, or beaching in that area, no structures in the first tier, large trees for screening, and restrictive lighting. Again, Mr. Kalar stated that this was a recommendation for discussion. Mr. Krekkelberg clarified that Mr. Squires had been working on a resolution and faxed him conditions that were recommended by staff in August of 2009 and his client faxed back a letter to accept those conditions. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 8 Chairman Erickson opened the floor to the public: Glen Shaw, a property owner in the area, spoke against the development and noted that many people are against the development but would not speak as those comments are already part of the record. His position was that the Court of Appeals did not say the County Board made the wrong decision, only that it should have been looked at more in depth. Chairman Erickson referred to the following letters of opposition that were received: A petition in opposition of the development containing 22 signatures of people on or surrounding Star Lake. Barry Rongen, property owner in the area, presented a letter of opposition that was read for the record. Jeff & Karen Birch submitted a letter with concerns about compatibility with the surrounding area, environmental impact on soils, fish & wildlife, and increased boat and car traffic. A letter from Attorney, Tami Norgard, was presented in opposition of the development with the opinion that the remand in the matter is based on a procedural issue not environmental factors. Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, to deny a Conditional Use Permit for a 30 unit RV campground for the following environmental reasons/concerns: 1) the density on this part of Star Lake is too greaUastronomical (#4 in the 01/01/04 SMO), 2) the shallow nature of the west arm of Star Lake with only 39% of this area being 10 ft. or more in depth (#2 in the 01/01/04 SMO), 3) adverse effects of the proposed conditional use application in terms of significant impact on emergent vegetation and additional pressure on the lake and this fragile area as these campers use the public access (#12 in the 01/01/04 SMO) and 4) the lack of adequate water frontage for the proposed use due to aquatic vegetation (#10 of the 01/01/04 SMO). Chairman Erickson called for a roll call vote. Motion carried as follows: Commissioner Rogness Commissioner Huebsch Commissioner Lindquist Commissioner Froemming Commissioner Erickson Yea X X X X X Recess & Reconvene Abstain At 2:18 p.m., Chairman Erickson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 2:25 p.m. Shared Use of Communications Facilities Agreement Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute a Partnership Agreement for Communications Facilities at a Parkers Prairie Site between the County of Otter Tail and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Agreement No. 95246). Budget & Levy Discussion OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 9 Discussion took place regarding certification of a County budget that assumes none of the current nineteen vacant positions will be filled and no Cost of Living Adjustment except for existing union contracts. Commissioners discussed a potential unallotment of State funds for 2010 in the amount of $700,000. If that would occur, an additional $700,000 would need to be cut from the preliminary budget. They discussed the projected State deficits and noted that the next forecast should be available in November. After the levy is set today, it cannot be increased; however, the budget may fluctuate as changes occur. Commissioners stated a need to obtain financial statistics regarding the Dairy Diagnostics Program. Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution: Proposed 2010 Budget and Net Property Tax Levy for Payable 2010 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2009 -50 Gross County Property Tax Levy (Non Debt) - Gross Debt Levy - Veteran Home Bonds Ottertail Operations Center Bonds Ethanol Plant Bonds Government Services Bldg. Bonds Total Gross County Property Tax Levy County Program Aid (Certified) Net County Property Tax Levy - Gross/Net Lake Improvement District Levies - Pelican Group of Lakes Pine Lakes McDonald, Kerbs & Paul South Turtle Lake Imp. Total Net County Levy Including Lake Improvement Districts - Special Taxing District Levy - Otter Tail County HRA Proposed Total Net Property Tax Levy RECAP - Gross Tax Levy (Total) County Program Aid Net Tax Levy (Total) Payable 2010 Payable 2009 Percent 29,555,450 28,085,228 5.23% 44,125 336,288 743,064 749,505 31,428,432 1,975,762 29,452,670 110,000 20,650 19,790 0 29,603,110 416,000 30,019,110 31,994,872 1,975,762 30,019,110 132,100 522,480 0 999,482 29,739,290 2,193,823 27,545,467 100,000 13,550 0 0 27,659,017 357,000 28,016,017 30,209,840 2,193,823 28,016,017 66.60% 35.64% 25.01% 5.68% -9.94% 6.92% 10 00% 52.40% 7.03% 16.53% 7.15% 5.91% -9.94% 7.15% OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 10 WHEREAS, on or before September 15, 2009, Otter Tail County must adopt a Proposed Budget for Fiscal/Calendar Year 2010 and must adopt and certify a proposed net property tax levy for Payable Year 2010, and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Auditor's office has accumulated the Departmental and outside agency requests, and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Budget Committee has met to discuss and review in general terms levy and budgetary guidelines, as well as, the proposed department budgets and various agency requests, and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Budget Committee and Capital Improvement Committee will complete additional review and discussion, as needed and required, of the 2010 proposed tax levy and budget prior to final adoption in December of 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that The amount of $31,428,432 be adopted as Otter Tail County's Proposed Gross Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2010 representing a 5.68% increase over the Gross Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2009, and that the amount of $29,452,670 be adopted as Otter Tail County's Proposed Net Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2010 representing a 6.92% increase over the Net Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2009, and that The amount of $150,440 be adopted by Otter Tail County as the Proposed Lake Improvement District Property Tax Levies for the payable year 2010, representing a 32.49% increase from the Lake Improvement District Property Tax Levies as adopted by Otter Tail County for the Payable Year 2009, and that The amount of $416,000 be adopted by Otter Tail County as the Proposed Otter Tail County HRA Special District Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2010, representing a 16.53% increase from the Property Tax Levy as adopted by Otter Tail County for the Payable Year 2009. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount of $69,600,000 be adopted as Otter Tail County's Proposed Budget for the General Fund, for the Budgeted Special Revenue Funds and for the Budgeted Debt Service fund for the Fiscal/Calendar Year 2010. Dated: _.;6'-'"14-j"'-,;i::::~;..:I c):c_;;:_oo_"l.:...._ __ OTTER TAIL COUNTY ~ARD ~RS B~U0JZ/ ~6 - Everett P. Erickson, Board of Commissioners Chair Closed to the Public OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 11 At 3:37 p.m., Chairman Erickson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners closed to the public to discuss pending litigation as the County is named as a defendant along with Otter Tail Ag Enterprises. The closed session is authorized by attorney-client privilege, Chapter 13D.05 Subd. 3b. Present were all five seated Commissioners, County Attorney, County Coordinator, and Board Secretary. Commissioner Froemming was absent at 3:55 p.m. Adjournment Upon conclusion of the closed session, at 4:14 p.m., Chairman Erickson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until Tuesday, September 22, 2009. Dated o+ I a~/ .:;_oo? T I Attest ~ µ Larr0fro: Cle OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By~~PG~ Everett P. Erickson, Board of Commissioners Chair CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/15/2009 FOR PAYMENT 9/15/2009 VENDOR NAME A'VIANDS LLC CYNDI ABBOTT ABG MAINTENANCE INC ACME ELECTRIC CO ALEXANDRIA TECHNICAL COLLEGE AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN WELDING & GAS INC AMERICINN FERGUS FALLS CHERI ANDERSON JOSEPH ANDERSON ARVIG COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AUTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS BALLARD SANITATION INC BARNA GUZY & STEFFEN LTD BATTLE LAKE BOY SCOUTS TROOP 3 BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BEN FRANKLIN BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED BEYER BODY SHOP INC HEATHER BRANDBORG BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC BRIGGS CORPORATION WADE BUGBEE JOHN BUSHMAN CABELA'S INC CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPA CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMARKE CATCO PARTS AND SERVICE CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS RYAN CHESHIRE CITIZENS ADVOCATE AND VERNDALE CO OP SERVICES INC COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITAL COOK'S COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP MYRON CORDES CULLIGAN CULLIGAN WATER COND CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR PEARLIE DEAN DHS SOS ARC 472 EPG COMPANIES INC MICHAEL EULL EVERGREEN EQUIPMENT INC EVERTS LUMBER CO EXTREME MARINE LLC FARMERS CO OP OIL ASSN FARNAM TIRE CENTER FARNAM'$ GENUINE PARTS INC FARNAM'$ GENUINE PARTS INC PR FASTENAL COMPANY FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT AMOUNT 11,035.10 50.00 170.40 106.86 2,025.00 208.42 222.44 344.58 98.00 72.00 200.00 137.80 819.00 117.00 243.20 777.86 14.07 44.74 1,247.58 182.60 3,090.00 155.93 176.00 10.00 196.94 1,641.60 257.61 20.29 662.71 68.35 205.70 71.75 2,601.26 40.13 295.34 997.98 1,909.89 65.24 83.28 10.65 1,126.71 31.89 13609 1,200.00 690.36 1,043.00 13.34 1.82 618.46 236.34 18.00 207.56 29.91 69.75 930.50 692.73 36.00 380.99 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Attachment A, Page 2 CITY FERGUS FALLS FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH FLINT HILLS RESOURCES LP FOTH & VAN DYKE FRANK'S AUTO BODY SHOP OF PERH FRONTIER POWERSPORTS GALL'S INC JACE GILBERTSON GODFATHERS EXTERMINATING INC GOPHER STATE ONE CALL DALE HABERER HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVI HEDAHLS HEADQUARTERS HENNING AUTO PARTS INC HENRY'S FOODS INC HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS IN RANGE LLC INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS J EGGUM METALS & RECYCLING J.P.COOKE CO JILL JACKSON JK SPORTS JOHNSTON FARGO CULVERT INC K.I.D.LEASING CHARLES KAMPA LARRY KANTRUD KEEPRS INC CY'S UNIFORMS KELLY SERVICES INC JOONHO KIM KRISTI'S TROPHIES L& LSERVICE LAKE REGION DENTAL CENTER LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE CORP LAKES RADIO LAKEWAY MARKET LLC ELIZABETH LAPOS LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LARSON'S BIO AG PAT LARUM LAWMEN SUPPLY COMPANY INC LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICES INC LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING SERVICE LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. MARCO MARCO INC ST LOUIS THE MIDWEEK MIDWESTERN MAT RENTAL & SUPPLY MINN KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC MN CO ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION MN CO INSURANCE TRUST MN CO RECORDERS ASSOCIATION MN DEPT OF CORRECTIONS MN MOTOR COMPANY MOORE MEDICAL LLC 3,742.75 7,700.00 1,468.90 9,477.00 78,438.76 574.62 959.20 80.74 54.59 11.75 338.31 33 05 66.00 70.00 29.10 46.90 353.78 844.40 212.99 149.72 660.11 7,085.20 8,535.00 109.30 36.30 30.00 250.12 256.44 32.01 102.94 154.08 1,653.78 132.00 69.75 53.00 399.00 1,602.84 104.00 3,419.26 72.98 1,000.00 145.50 67.29 67.00 1,000.00 6,539.88 713.37 3,669.24 59.67 451.35 266.50 84.48 97.26 190.00 2,187.00 50.00 180.00 207.86 42.38 NAPA FERGUS FALLS NAPA OF PERHAM NAPA STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA NELSON AUTO CENTER NELSON BROS PRINTING NETWORK CENTER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED OLSON OIL CO INC KIRSTEN OLSON RICHARD OLSON ONE CALL LOCATORS LTD OTTER TAIL CO EMPLOYEES COMMIT OTTER TAIL CO PUBLIC HEAL TH OTTER TAIL CO RECYCLING OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE OVERLAND MECHANICAL SERVICES PAMIDA INC 008 PAMIDA PHARMACY PARK REGION CO OP PELICAN RAPIDS BASEBALL ASSOC I PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PEPSIAMERICAS PERHAM ACE HARDWARE PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN CITY PERHAM PETER'S LAWN SERVICE PHILLIPE LAW OFFICE PITNEY BOWES PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC PREMIUM WATERS INC PRO AG FARMERS CO OP QUARTERMASTER QUILL CORPORATION REED BUSINESS INFORMATION RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC ROTHSAY FARMERS CO OP ROYAL TIRE INC SCALESONLINE.COM CHERI SCHULTZ SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SEWER SERVICE SHERWIN WILLIAMS SHOREMASTER FABRIC PRODUCTS SIGELMAN STEEL & RECYCLING INC SIGNWORKS PAUL SIMENGAARD SOUTHTOWN C-STORE STATE OF MINNESOTA STEINS INC STEVE'S SANITATION INC STINAR STURDEVANT STOLZ POST 1 STRAND HARDWARE & RADIO SHACK STREICHERS STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Attachment A, Page 3 58.68 114.56 351.44 1,434.99 112.22 7,318.22 196.16 127.44 171.34 964.40 93.78 2,718.60 202.54 137.00 64.00 115.22 2,959.04 16,547.00 504.44 2,781.65 36.69 9,277.93 99.98 350.00 177.16 939.31 162.08 164.48 65,082.90 96.19 97.00 1,441.44 380.48 31.84 54.00 21.63 87.59 216.48 343.12 272.75 41.54 2,173.84 239.39 97.21 13,475.00 18.54 260.00 98.08 25.00 43.71 582.47 110.68 1,393.99 1,152.00 2,202.43 3,521.28 100.00 308.98 2,680.22 73.28 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 15, 2009 Attachment A, Page 4 SWANSTON EQUIPMENT CORP THYSSEN KRUPP ELEVATOR CORPORA TITAN ACCESS ACCOUNT TOWMASTER TRANE TRI STAR RECYCLING UNIFORMS UNLIMITED VERGAS 66 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING COCA-COLA WADENA ASPHALT INC WASTE MANAGEMENT WHITE BANNER UNIFORM SHOP WINMAR HME XEROX CORPORATION ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE ZIEGLER INC 210 LUBE EXPRESS •••• FINAL TOTAL ...... . 4,488.75 1,556.96 2,215.08 293.09 1,128.00 6,344.30 435.89 1,130.62 248.27 220.16 122,007 08 49,895.04 218.00 396.00 168.42 532.83 778.46 111.50 $521,642.06 ....