HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/04/2009MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 500 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN August 4, 2009 9:15 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, August 4, 2009, at 9:15 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Everett Erickson, Chair; Roger Froemming, Vice-Chair; John Lindquist, and Lee Rogness present. Commissioner Huebsch was present at 9:16 a.m. Approval of Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of August 4, 2009, as presented. Approval of Minutes Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners meeting minutes of July 28, 2009, as mailed. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Permit Application for Fergus Falls Landfill Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to acknowledge that in accordance with Otter Tail County's Solid Waste Ordinance, Otter Tail County has received a copy of the Permit Application for Construction and Operation for a Class I Construction & Demolition Landfill by the City of Fergus Falls. The copy will be forwarded to Solid Waste Director, Mike Hanan. Resolution in Support of the Otter Trail Riders Trail Association Federal Recreation Trail Grant Application Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2009 -45 Commissioner Huebsch offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has many multi-use trails, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County acts as a sponsor for Otter Trail Riders Trail Association in the State Grant In Aid Snowmobile Trail System, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County supports the grant application made to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the Federal Recreation Trail Grant Program to purchase a new groomer, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County recognizes the fifty (50) percent match requirement for the Federal Recreation Trail Grant Program and recognizes that the Otter Trail Riders Association will pay half the price of a new groomer, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County will act as sponsor for this federal grant and will have no financial responsibility, and OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 4, 2009 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County hereby agrees to accept the grant award and may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County names the fiscal agent for this project as follows: Auditor, Wayne Stein Otter Tail County 510 W. Fir, Fergus Falls, MN 56537 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County hereby assures the grooming equipment acquired through this grant will be maintained for no less than twenty (20) years or until such time as appropriate disposition actions are approved by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Commissioner Rogness seconded the motion, and upon being put to a vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 4th day of August, 2009. Dated: --=o'-"8:...L)...::h...;/...:.;,...c.:od)~----OTT TAIL COUNTY B D OF COMMISSIONERS By: -~::....::.....::::::~:........J.'....._.!...:::~'.'.....::~:::.:...~:::_:_j_ Everett P. Erickson, Board of Commissioners Chair Handout Information Land and Resource Director, Bill Kalar provided the County Board members with informational handouts, a Feedlot Update from the MPCA and an article from the Star Tribune on buffer zones. Extension Committee Reappointment Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried, to re-appoint Patty Van Santen and Julian Sjostrom to a three year term (expiring December 31, 2011) on the Otter Tail County Extension Committee effective January 1, 2009. Funding Report for Communications System Auditor, Wayne Stein discussed with the Board the fact that over the last couple of years the County has been setting aside dollars in the Capital Improvement Fund for the purchase of land for the Sheriff's Communications Systems. Discussion followed. Recess & Reconvene At 9:48 a.m., Chairman Erickson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:00 a.m. Award Presentation Bill Shultz, representative from the Fergus Falls American Legion Post 30, presented the "Henkes- Mortensen Law Enforcement of the Year Award" to Otter Tail County Sheriff's Deputy Mark Haberer for his outstanding work with the West Central Minnesota Drug Task Force. The Board congratulated Deputy Haberer and thanked him for his outstanding service in Otter Tail County. Correspondence OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 4, 2009 Page 3 Commissioner Erickson read a letter received by Commissioner Lindquist from Linda Nelson of Battle Lake thanking the Commissioners for supporting the Citizen's Academy program. MN Highway 108 Flooding Discussion Assistant County Engineer, Chuck Grotte and Mn/DOT Representative Mark Waisanen discussed the flooding on Trunk Highway 108, 1.8 miles east of CSAH 21 to 1.26 miles east of CSAH 30. There are two property owners affected by this flooding. Mr. Waisanen provided a handout with pertinent data from the past few years. In July 2006, the water elevation was 1324.5' and the existing roadway elevation was approximately 1327'. In October 2006, the roadway elevation was raised to approximately 1329'. In June of 2009, the water elevation was 1329.5'. Mn/DOT will begin working in September to raise the roadway elevation to approximately 1333' and install a centerline equalizer pipe. The work is scheduled to begin in mid September and the estimated completion date is mid October. A lengthy discussion followed. Project Commuting Request Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve a request for commuting with County vehicles for two employees while working on S.A.P 56-601-47 & Etc, County Wide Seal Coat project as recommended by the Highway Engineer. Capital Expenditure Request Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to approve a Capital Expenditure of approximately $30,000 for 50 computers for the Human Services Department, replacing 50 computers that are over 5 years old. Vehicle Replacement Request Human Service Director, John Dinsmore submitted a request to replace two high mileage vehicles. Human Services will be retiring two high mileage, high repair vehicles in accordance with the Board's 2008 directive to reduce their fleet by 10%, bringing their fleet total from 18 to 16. This request would replace two additional vehicles that are high mileage, high repair vehicles. Discussion followed regarding the need for replacing these vehicles and the past volume of usage of the Human Services fleet. The Board asked that Mr. Dinsmore return with additional information next week regarding usage and repair costs of Human Services vehicles. Adjournment At 11 :02 a.m., Chairman Erickson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 9: 15 a.m. Dated: __ d;=.,_/~11-+/_.:i.~oo_'J~---- Att,st ~d Larry~ Clerk OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /J.~ Everett P. Erickson, Board of Commission rs Chair CB/kc OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 4, 2009 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/04/2009 FOR PAYMENT 8/0412009 VENDOR NAME A'VIANDS LLC AREA LAKES CONSTRUCTION INC ATCO INTERNATIONAL BARRY EXCAVATING INC BETTY'S PANTRY BLUESTONE TECHNOLOGIES INC BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BREITBACH CONSTRUCTION CO CAROLINA SOFTWARE CDW GOVERNMENT INC CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS CITIZENS ADVOCATE AND VERNDALE COMMUNICATION BRIEFINGS COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING DAKOTA PRINTERS LLC FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS SCHOOL DIST 544 FOTH & VAN DYKE GALL'S INC GOPHER STATE ONE CALL HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING HENNING AUTO PARTS INC HEWLETT PACKARD COMPANY TONYA HOLT INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS JOYCE JOHNSON PHD KARVONEN & SON FUNERAL HOME KELLY SERVICES INC LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE CORP LAKES RADIO LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC MANNY'S -ROCKY'S BAIT MARCO INC ST LOUIS MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO THE MIDWEEK MIDWEST TESTING LABORATORY MIDWESTERN MAT RENTAL & SUPPLY NETWORK CENTER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHSTAR TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC OTIS ELEVATOR CO OTTER TAIL CO EMPLOYEES COMMIT OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC OVERLAND MECHANICAL SERVICES PEPSIAMERICAS PROTECTION SYSTEMS INC QUARTERMASTER RED BARN PLAT BOOKS ALLISON RIESTENBERG CHERI SCHULTZ SEWER SERVICE SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC STATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS STATE OF MINNESOTA' STEINS INC STEVE'S SANITATION INC STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC TITAN ACCESS ACCOUNT TWILIGHT IND ULTEIG ENGINEERS VERGAS AUTO REPAIR VIKING COCA-COLA WHITE BANNER UNIFORM SHOP ZIEGLER INC FINAL TOTAL ... AMOUNT 7,150.93 432.15 365.00 150.00 189.83 6,201.30 332.75 131,916.19 8,112.47 1,432.81 68.35 153.00 132.00 1,879.15 10.65 21,100.00 6,900.00 615.53 23,958.68 134.46 42.70 140.00 106.00 1,076.58 39.75 1,672.35 450.00 680.00 1,324.80 250.00 156.00 1,700.00 268.71 137.75 505.35 232.06 61,373.19 191.88 743.00 84.48 135.00 4,920.00 113.04 291.00 68.59 17,586.00 1,677.03 159.90 5,049.00 34.97 630.00 840.00 42.59 200.00 304.74 8,058.66 260.14 432.00 , 1,002.10 468.20 73.28 1,058.27 3,806.36 242.00 12.42 440.32 301.00 367.12 $330,983.58 ---... -. .