HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/28/2008; " ,. MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 500 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN Tuesday, October 28, 2008 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, October 28, 2008, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Everett Erickson, Vice-Chair; Bob Block, Roger Froemming and Dennis Mosher present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board agenda of October 28, 2008 with the following changes: 9:55 a.m. -Probation Department Agenda Items Canceled 9:55 a.m. -Physical Plant Operations Pay Requests Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of October 14, 2008 as presented. WCAAA Program Update and Transform 2010 West Central Area Agency on Aging Director, Mark Tysver, provided several handouts and briefed the Board regarding the agency and their partnership with the Land of the Dancing Sky. Mr. Tysver discussed the nutrition program, the Senior LinkAge Line Call Centers, and Transform 2010. Transform 2010 is a collaborative venture to prepare for the retirement of the baby boomers and aging of our society. Mr. Tysver stated that funding is received from the federal government through the Older Americans Act (Title Ill dollars) and the State of Minnesota contributes about $145,000 annually for nutrition (meals) for seniors. Findings & Order for Dog Bite Hearing PHN, Kristin Erickson, reported on a follow up visit related to a recent Dog Bite Hearing for a Chihuahua named Skippy owned by Tammy Lee Mavaro. Discussion followed. Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as presented by the County Attorney. Cell Phone Stipend Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, provided a Public Health Cell Phone Policy which provided for two options for payment of cell phone usage for work purposes. Ms. Thorson stated that the State Auditor's would prefer that there was one option for payment of cell phone usage for work and they preferred the stipend option. Motion by Erickson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve Option 1 as presented which reimburses employees a maximum of $24.00 per month for work cellular phone usage. Payments for 60 Bed CD Construction Project Motion by Block, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize payment to General Contractor, Comstock Construction of Fergus Falls, for the following change orders for the construction of the 60 Bed Chemical Dependency Facility (Architect's Project #0601 ). Change Order#22 $22,043.00 Change Order #23 7,216.00 Change Order #24 9,674.00 Change Order #25 $2,923 00 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 28, 2008 Page 2 ADOPTION MONTH NOVEMBER 2008 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2008 -58 Commissioner Froemming offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the family, serving as the primary source of love, identity, self-esteem and support, is the very foundation of our communities, our state, and our Country. WHEREAS, adoption gives children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or abused a precious second chance at happiness; a chance to love and be loved and to reach their full potential in a secure, supportive environment. WHEREAS, in Sept. 2007, there were 1,574 children under State guardianship, many waiting to be adopted into a family. Of the 1,574 children, 650 were waiting for an adoptive family. WHEREAS, in 2006, there was an average of 636 children waiting for an adoptive family, on any given day, in the State of Minnesota. The increase of 100 children, since 2005, of children waiting for adoptive homes is a testimony to the need to place adoption services as a priority in Otter Tail County, and throughout the State of Minnesota. WHEREAS, the majority of the families seeking children for adoption are pursuing the adoption of younger children. In 2007, of the children waiting to be adopted in the State of Minnesota, 38% were 12-18 years old; 25% were 6-11 years old; 37% were under 6 years old. 58% are siblings that need to be adopted together. 21 % have been chronically neglected or abused. 51 % have been diagnosed with a psychological or medical disability. WHEREAS, both the public and private sectors are working together as a "team" to find adoptive homes for the children throughout the Counties and the State of Minnesota. NOW, THEREFORE, we, The Otter Tail County Human Services Board, by virtue of the authority vested in us as County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, do hereby proclaim November as ADOPTION MONTH in Otter Tail County. In honor of this event, we encourage community agencies, religious organizations, businesses and others to celebrate adoption, honor families that grow through adoption, further an awareness of the changes and issues in adoption, and focus attention on those children who live in the shadow of an uncertain future while they await permanent families. Commissioner Erickson seconded the motion and upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted: Dated '(Jt1o-Mt,k,, l,5. ,< 1a8:" If UMAN SERVICES BOARD Attest ~ ~ LadyKron, Clrk OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 28, 2008 Page 3 Energy Assistance Program Update Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, and Administrative Assistant, Peggy Meissner, submitted a Home Energy Assistance Data handout for 2006, 2007 and 2008. They reported that the federal government increased the heating assistance to the State of Minnesota from 78 million dollars to 148 million dollars. For 2009, Otter Tail County has received an allocation for heating assistance in the amount of $935,000 along with $374,000 for crisis situations. Discussion took place regarding a resolution that may be submitted to the Association of Minnesota Counties at the District meeting and the value of weatherization. State of Minnesota Proclamation Motion by Block, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to support the State of Minnesota County Financial Worker and Case Aide Day proclamation signed by Governor, Tim Pawlenty. Provider Contract Amendment Motion by Erickson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve an Amendment to the 2008 Provider Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Gull Harbor (rule 36 limited partnership of Duluth). The amendment to the 2008 Provider Contract provides a 2% increase in reimbursement rates effective October 1, 2008. Approval to Pay Bills & Claims Motion by Erickson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Adjournment At 10:40 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 12, 2008. Dated: tl/,A/qf OTTER~ UN Y HUMAN SERVICES BOARD By: ~,v; /4,ly- Syd Nelson, Human Services Board Chair Attest: ~ ~ LarryKro, Clerk Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, October 28, 2008, at 11 :00 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Everett Erickson, Vice-Chair, Bob Block, Roger Froemming and Dennis Mosher present. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of October 21, 2008 as presented. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Erickson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 28, 2008 Page 4 Approval of Agenda Motion by Erickson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of October 28, 2008 with the following additions: Perham Resource Recovery Facility Update 12:10 p.m -GIS Coordinator, Sherry Leabo 12:25 p.m. -Physical Plant Manager, Rick Sytsma Red River Basin Commission Outreach Coordinator, Janeen Stenso, submitted several handouts regarding the activities of the Red River Basin Commission including 13 goals and objectives. The RRB includes Manitoba, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. Ms. Stenso requested Otter Tail County support for the following resolution: RED RIVER BASIN RESOLUTION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2008 -60 Commissioner Erickson offered the following and moved its adoption: Forward: The land and water resources within the Red River Basin are crucial to the health of the economy, the resilience and prosperity of communities, the health of fish and wildlife, and the well being, health and enjoyment of everyone who lives, works, and visits the basin. The complex geopolitical nature of the Red River Basin presents challenges to effective integrated land and water management. To overcome these challenges, we need to work together across boundaries in a spirit of cooperation and friendship to achieve common goals for land and water management. The Red River Basin Resolution is a good-faith agreement among basin residents and organizations and is not a legally binding document nor does ii interfere with any existing laws, agreements, treaties, or policies. WHEREAS, we recognize that our actions today impact the legacy we leave the next generation; WHEREAS, we realize that working together allows us to develop and implement creative solutions to problems that work toward the betterment of the whole basin; WHEREAS, the Red River Basin Commission (RRBC) is a unique organization that facilitates a cooperative approach within the basin as a well established forum for identifying, developing and implementing solutions to cross boundary issues; WHEREAS, the RRBC has developed the Red River Basin Natural Resource Framework Plan (RRB- NRFP) through in-depth basin-wide consultation as a guideline to help unite the basin in achieving a collaborative and cooperative approach to land and water management within the basin; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County hereby declares support for the RRB-NRFP in principle as a guideline for moving forward with a shared vision for the future; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County will do our part by implementing projects, programs, and actions in our area as we are able that will contribute to this shared vision. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 28, 2008 Page 5 Commissioner Block seconded the motion and upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted: Dated: II /Ji(o.i OARD OF COMMISSIONERS • Attest: ~ tiL Commissioners Chairman Lar0i<ro: Cler 4-H Update Extension Educator, Donna Geiser, briefed the Board on 4-H Leadership activities and introduced Junior Leadership Workshop member, Cole Heifort. State Auditor Exit Conference State Auditor, Bob Johnson, conducted an Exit Conference regarding the 2007 Otter Tail County Financial Statements. He submitted revenue and expenditure fund balances, cash balances, and unreserved fund balances. Mr. Johnson reviewed the schedule of findings and stated that the County's financial report is very good. Red River Basin Commission Funding Request Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and carried with Block and Nelson opposed, to decline a funding request of $400 to the Red River Basin Commission. The Outreach Coordinator's presentation indicated that the RRBC was not requesting funding, only a resolution of support for the Basin's activities. This funding has not been included in the County's budget. Ottertail Operations Center Equipment Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $3,493.20, from the Construction Fund to Marco for the following Ottertail Operations equipment purchases: HP Laserjet M3035Xs MFP Mono Laser P/S/C/F FB ADF 1200DPI 256MB HP Laserject M3035 MFP Mono Laser P/S/C FB ADF USB 1200DPI 256MB Sales Tax Total $1,823.00 1,457.00 213.20 $3,493.20 Application for License Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the following application for license: Big Chief, Inc. Tobacco 22518 Big Chief Road Fergus Falls, MN Construction Fund Payment -CD Facility Motion by Erickson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $467,824.50, from the Construction Fund to Comstock Construction, Inc. of MN for the 60 Bed State Operated Inpatient Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility as detailed in Payment Request No. 8. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 28, 2008 Page 6 LMC Training LMC Co-Chairs, Sherry Leabo and JoAnn Cline, requested training for Labor Management Committee members conducted by Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Fergus Falls at a total cost of $1,200 for all members. Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve $1,200 for LMC training conducted by the Community College in Fergus Falls.-· Land Use Process Discussion GIS Coordinator, Brian Armstrong, showed a power point presentation regarding land use and land planning in Otter Tail County. He discussed the value of a study area when co,r1sidering land use planning. He stated that it will be difficult to pick regions and construct a model that will apply in other areas of the County because of the vast land use diversity in the County. Lengthy discussion took place regarding the best process/method for beginning to validate the current land uses. Land & Resource Administrator, Bill Kalar, offered his opinion that the County needs to define a short term goal, which would be to determine information the county currently has; then, define long term goals. Commissioners directed the GIS Department and Land & Resource Department to proceed with the short term goal of gathering current uses, consider what additional information is available and report back to the Board with that information. Ottertail Operations Center Payment Motion by Erickson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $213,273.65, to Comstock Construction of Fergus Falls for 98% completion of the Ottertail Operations Center project. This payment reduces the retainer on the project. Perham Resource Recovery Facility Commissioner Froemming reported that the Coordinating Committee voted in favor of hiring an Attorney Id move forward with developing paperwork to implement a Joint Powers Board Governance Agreement for the facility. Commissioner Froemming voted against the proposal because it may be tied to an expansion of the facility. The City of Perham and other three counties voted in favor of hiring an Attorney. Adjournment At 1 :26 p.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. Dated //-~-()'( CB/kd I • • OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 28, 2008 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 10/28/2008 FOR PAYMENT 10/28/2008 VENDOR NAME A-1 TROPHY A'VIANDS LLC ALL CREATURES VET HOSPITAL ARM REGISTRATION OFFICE BACHMAN PRINTING COMPANIES JANE BAUMGARTNER BEAR GRAPHICS INC SUSAN BOLSTAD BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC CATCO PARTS AND SERVICE CONVERGENT SOLUTIONS GROUP LLC COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CYBERNET DAKOTA WHOLESALE TIRE DEX EAST E & J PRESS ECONO SALES AND SERVICE FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP CITY FERGUS FALLS FERRELLGAS GALL'S INC DAWN GODEL HEARTLAND AUDIO INC SHELDON HOLM INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS KELLY SERVICES INC LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LARSON'S BIO AG LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING SERVI LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LEWIS WELDING & EQUIPMENT LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC MARCO MATHISON COMPANY MIDWESTERN MAT RENTAL & SUPPLY NACVSO NATIONAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC NELSON BROS PRINTING NETWORK CENTER COMMUNICATIONS OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED OLSON STITZEL AMERICAN LEGION OTTER TAIL CO EMPLOYEES COMMIT OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL TELCOM WALLACE PEARSON PHILLIPE LAW OFFICE PITNEY BOWES PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER INC QUARTERMASTER REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF M ROTHSAY FARMERS CO OP ROYAL TIRE INC SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC AMOUNT 6.00 6,554.80 233.42 150.00 354.33 35.81 289.20 57.34 199.65 3,243.07 288.37 292.88 25.00 492.92 26.60 421.74 1,334.89 156.00 2,037.40 2,668.38 145.66 103.68 62.42 23,537.20 236.57 3,957.22 259.36 375.00 341.00 880.00 115.37 49.31 113.95 200.00 4,467.68 74.07 60.00 7,900.00 88.61 3,874.56 499.19 100.00 10.00 1,677.86 2,553.45 660.60 1,01150 1,435.00 75.85 279.65 86.98 4,500.00 12.50 606.76 190.22 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 28, 2008 Attachment A, Page 2 SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SHESHUNOFF INFORMATION SERVICE STOLPMAN LAW OFFICE STREICHERS SYNERGY GRAPHICS MARCIA THOMPSON TOUTGES SANITATION TRANQUILITY BUILDING SERVICES TRI STAR RECYCLING UNIFORMS UNLIMITED VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY DAVE WEINRICH SHARON WICKLUND ZACK JONES & MAGNUS .... FINAL TOTAL ...... . 7.92 554.90 97.11 7.44 37,220.16 79.67 74.88 452.63 2,009.97 62.16 208.12 79.99 10.28 1,575.01 $121,849.26 •••• :