HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/30/2008MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 500 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN Tuesday, September 30, 2008 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, September 30, 2008, at 9:32 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Everett Erickson, Vice-Chair; Bob Block, Roger Froemming and Dennis Mosher present. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of September 15, 2008, as presented. West Central Regional Juvenile Center Probation Director, Chuck Kitzman, provided a handout entitled "West Central Regional Juvenile Center Strategic Plan For The Future" dated 9/11/2008 and "West Central Regional Juvenile Center Detention/Program Costs" dated 09/29/08. He briefed the Board on the recent WCRJC Advisory Board meeting held on September 26th. Lengthy discussion took place regarding the projected $230,000 deficit for CY2008. The Advisory Board agreed that the deficit occurred in 2008 and the member payback should be based on 2008 usage. On this basis, Otter Tail County's share for 2008 was reported as $30,873.00. The secure detention per diem will be raised to $195.00 January 1, 2009. The final deficit amount for the center for 2008 will be looked at by the Advisory Board in December and discussions will continue regarding future funding. Local Public Health Act Funding Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, a,nd unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the Local Public Health Act Funding 2009 Assurances and Agreements between the Minnesota Department of Health and the County of Otter Tail for the period of January 1. 2009 through December 31, 2013. Flu Shot Update Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, informed the Board about the annual Flu Shot campaign and flu shot clinics scheduled for small communities, schools, and local businesses. Father's Resource Program Motion by Erickson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County officials' signatures to renew a Contract between Otter Tail-Wadena Community Action Council and the County of Otter Tail for the Father's Resource Program. Otter Tail-Wadena Community Action Council has raised $36,000. The total budget will be $90,000 with $54,000 from federal funding earned through the Child Support Program. The goal of the Father's Resource Program is to increase fathers' positive involvement in children's lives, strengthen families, and decrease the number of non- compliant fathers regarding child support orders. Human Services Contract Approvals Motion by Block, second by Mosher and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County officials' signatures to execute the following Human Services contract renewals: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Page 2 Agency Program Hummingbird Lane Residential Services and Care Center Assisted Livina Joseph & Grace Residential/Homes Plus & Wilhelmy Foster Care Services Dave & Sandy Fithen Residential/Homes Plus & Foster Care Services Richard & Diane Residential/Homes Plus & Mester Foster Care Services Effective Targeted Population Date 09-11-08 Elderly throunh 06-30-09 07-01-08 Elderly and/or throuah 06-30-09 Disabled 07-01-08 Elderly and/or throuah 06-30-09 Disabled 01-01-08 Elderly and/or throunh 06-30-09 Disabled Waiver Review Initiative Funding Information OTC Approved Rate Schedule AC/EW/CADI or TBI Waivered Funds AC/EW/CADI or TBI Waivered Funds AC/EW/CADI or TBI Waivered Funds Human Services Supervisor, Deb Sjostrom, submitted a handout regarding the Minnesota Department of Human Services waiver review process. The State reviewed 10% of Otter Tail County's waivered cases to ensure that all benchmarks that are required by the waiver amendments are being met. Ms. Sjostrom reviewed areas of strength, areas needing improvement, and resulting corrective action. Overall, the State commended the Human Services Department and may use the collaboration with the Public Health Department in case management as a model for other counties. The State also encouraged Otter Tail County to provide more in-home care to reduce residential care in the future. Approval to Pay Bills & Claims Motion by Froemming, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Findings of Fact & Order in Dog Bite Case Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the Findings of Fact and Order dated 09/30/08 regarding the dog owned by Nathan Tonneson. Adjournment At 10:41 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 14, 2008. Dated: _ __._.to"-+/'""' '-l'-1/-"o-"8'------ Attest: Lart'fff:/ C~ Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, September 30, 2008, at 11 :05 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Everett Erickson, Vice-Chair, Bob Block, Roger Froemming and Dennis Mosher present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of September 30, 2008 with the following additions: Discussion Regarding Fort Juleson Letter Update Regarding Perham Resource Recovery Center Approval of Minutes OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Page 3 Motion by Froemming, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of September 23, 2008 as presented. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Erickson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Final Plat Motion by Erickson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Andrus L. Watkins entitled "Teddy's Point" located in Section 7 of Dora Township; Dora Lake (56-503). OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION #2008-55 WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has 203 lakes of 150 acres or less, which are classified as either general development or recreational development lakes. 190 of these are general development lakes, and 13 are recreational development lakes; and WHEREAS, these classifications have not been addressed since they were originally established in the late 1960's and adopted by the original Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance on October 15, 1971; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County is experiencing increased development on the shores of these small lakes, as the larger lakes have become more fully developed; and WHEREAS, it is increasingly apparent that the standards for general development and recreational development lakes are not adequate environment protection of these waters; and WHEREAS, the standards for natural environment lakes is outlined in Minnesota Rules 6120.3000, subpart 1a.A., and Minnesota Statute§ 103F.201 through .221 and_ accurately describes Otter Tail County's lakes of 150 acres or less: A Natural environment lakes are generally small, often shallow lakes with limited capacities for· assimilating the impacts of development and recreational use. They often have adjacent lands with substantial constraints for development such as high water tables, exposed bedrock, and unsuitable soils. These lakes, particularly in rural areas, usually do not have much existing development or recreational use. This definition, other than much exposed bedrock, clearly describes Otter Tail County lakes. Recreational use on these lakes is limited to some fishing and hunting, and not the other kinds of use associated with general development and recreational development lakes; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2008, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive information about whether or not the County should request that the DNR reclassify lakes in the County of 150 acres or less as natural environment lakes for the purposes of shoreland management, and at such hearing comments were generally in favor of requesting reclassification, and the County Board determined that it should; and OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Page4 WHEREAS, attached to this resolution and marked Exhibit A is a list of the 203 lakes in Otter Tail County which should be reclassified as natural environment lakes; and WHEREAS, also attached is a map, marked Exhibit B, which identifies the location of the lakes for which reclassification is being requested; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County excluded from its request from classification those lakes which are in or adjacent to municipalities within Otter Tail County or boundaries with other counties; and WHEREAS, in discussions with the Department of Natural Resources, the County has learned that lakes of 150 acres or less generally are classified as natural environment lakes, and no one has been able to explain why these lakes in Otter Tail County were not originally classified as natural environment lakes, and would more appropriately be classified as natural environment lakes; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County believes that the 203 lakes of 150 acres or less in Otter Tail County, which are now classified as general development or recreational development lakes, would be more appropriately classified as natural environment lakes. NOW, THEREFORE, Otter Tail County hereby requests, pursuant to Minnesota Rule 6120.3000, subpart 4, the Commissioner of Natural Resources reclassify the lakes listed on Exhibit A as natural environment lakes. It having been moved by Mosher and seconded by Block and passed on a unanimous vote, the Otter Tail County Commissioners adopt the foregoing resolution. Dated: /0/61 fo'l -~=-+-, -+1 ~-- By-:::4~~~:.....::::'-::t---,"--t=:........::-"-------n Board of Commissioners Shoreland Management Ordinance Discussion County Attorney, David Hauser, explained that at the last Planning Commission meeting, it was expressed by one of the members that Otter Tail County may need to look at zoning. Zoning areas using criteria such as off-shore aquatic vegetation, deep slopes, sensitive areas, appropriate area for building and septic system locations, lake depth, and tubidity were discussed. Discussion took place regarding the option of allowing Conservation Plats without multipliers and requiring a Conditional Use Permit for lot and block development. Another idea discussed was creating more than one Natural Environment Lake standard(s). One goal for zoning would be to assist developers in understanding what developments might be accepted. The GIS Department will develop some examples/models using a township and different criteria to assist the Board in determining what factors to consider. Payment Approval Motion by Erickson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize a payment for FY2008/2009 to the Otter Tail Family Services Collaborative, in the amount of $300, for the Board of Commissioners partnership. Closed to the Public OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Page 5 At 11 :50 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners closed to the public for the purpose of evaluating the performance of Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, pursuant to M. S. Chapter 13D.05 Subd. 3. Commissioners Nelson, Erickson, Block, Froemming, and Mosher were present for the evaluation. A summary of performance conclusions will be provided at the next regular County Board meeting. At 12:08 p.m., Chairman Nelson declared the Board of Commissioners' meeting recessed for lunch break. 4-H Update 4-H Coordinator, Tammy Nordick, provided copies of a 4-H newspaper entitled "The Land" dated September 12, 2008. She reported that National 4-H Week is October 5-11, 2008. She demonstrated how she will be teaching Kitchen Science to children and provided several products including kool-aid playdoh, polymer rubber, and slime -all made out of kitchen products. Minnesota State Transportation Fund Resolution For Construction of County Bridge No. 56534 Project No. S.A.P. 56-599-54 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2008 -56 WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a Grant from the Minnesota State Transportation Fund for the Construction of County Bridge No. 56534 (Project No. S.A.P. 56-599-54) over the Otter Tail River on Ridgewood Circle, And; WHEREAS, The amount of the grant has been determined to be $573,341.40 by reason of lowest responsible bid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County of Otter Tail does hereby affirm that any cost of the bridge in excess of the grant will be appropriated from the funds available to the County of Otter Tail, and that any grant monies appropriated for the bridge but not required, based on the final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota State Transportation Fund. It having been moved by Froemming and seconded by Block and passed on a unanimous vote, the Otter Tail County Commissioners adopt the foregoing resolution. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 30th day of September, 2008. Dated: _ _,/'-o-+-/ 0_1'-+/-"-0-=-8 ___ _ Attest: L~ t(t_ Larry K~ n,lerk T BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: _,,_U"--A,,<"-...µ, l&s::...:..,:;,.~_-----.._,,., _________ _ ard of Commissioners Chair Purchase Approval Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Highway Engineer to purchase a Large Format Plotter from Mathison's of Fargo, in the amount of $4,467.68 plus tax. This expense will be paid out of the Capital Improvement Fund. Fort Juelson County Attorney, David Hauser, briefed the Board on a letter to be sent to the owner of the historic Fort Juelson property. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Page 6 Payment Approvals Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $2,605.35, to Young and Associates, from the Capital Improvement Fund for services provided for the 60-Bed Chemical Dependency Health Center project. Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the following costs incurred under the provision of Minnesota Statute 609.35: Lake Region Healthcare Meritcare Hospital Case No. 08017747 Case No. 0811746 County Canvassing Committee $1,033.25 $ 459.00 Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to appoint Commissioners Erickson and Froemming to the 2008 County Canvassing Committee which will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, November 10, 2008 to canvas the results of the Tuesday, November 4, 2008 State General Election. County Vehicle Policy Mr. Hauser referred to the Otter Tail County Vehicle Policy, September 22, 2008 Draft, and summarized several changes and clarified language in Sections H., I. & J. He noted that employees currently using County vehicles for commuting may appeal to the Personnel Committee and would need to provide a cost benefit analysis which would be considered on a case by case basis. Motion by Block, second by Froemming, and carried 4 -1 with Mosher opposed, to adopt the Otter Tail County Vehicle Policy as presented effective January 1, 2009. Commissioner Masher's opposition was related to his opinion that the policy should include reducing the number of vehicles owned by the County. Performance Evaluation Summary Motion by Mosher, second by Erickson, and carried with Nelson abstaining, to approve a satisfactory performance evaluation with areas that need improvement for Assessor, Robert Moe. The motion also reappoints Assessor, Robert Moe for a 4-year term as Otter Tail County Assessor effective January 1, 2009. Perham Resource Recovery Facility Commissioner and member of the PRRF Coordinating Committee, Roger Froemming, reported that the Committee has decided to hire a lawyer to work on a Joint Powers Board Governance for the facility. County Attorney Office Staffing Motion by Erickson, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize the County Attorney to approve an increase of 8 work hours per week for a current employee on a temporary basis. Closed to the Public -Real Estate Discussion · At 3:09 p.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners closed to the public for a real estate discussion in reference to the Sara Lee Property in Fergus Falls. The closed session is authorized under Chapter 13D.05 Subd. 3(c) (3). Present were Commissioners Mosher, Froemming, Block, Erickson, and Nelson, the County Attorney, County Coordinator, and Board Secretary. Adjournment OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Page 7 At 3:15 p.m., upon completion of the Closed Session, Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until Tuesday, October 7, 2008. Dated: _ __,/'-"o<-+-/ =-01-'-+-/ ::;_O.::...P __ _ r I CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/30/2008 FOR PAYMENT 9/30/2008 VENDOR NAME A'VIANDS LLC JANICE AABERG RICHARD AKERMAN AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY SCOTT ANDERSON BAN-KOE SYSTEMS INC BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BEN FRANKLIN BOB BARKER COMPANY INC BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC CENTRAL SPECIAL TIES INC CENTRAL STATES WIRE PRODUCTS I CHEMSEARCH CITIZENS ADVOCATE AND VERNDALE CLINICAL & FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COMSTOCK CONSTRUCTION INC COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP DENZEL'S REGION WASTE INC DEX EAST EGGE CONSTRUCTION INC MICHAEL EULL FARGO GLASS AND PAINT CO FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT CITY FERGUS FALLS FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERRELLGAS DAVID FIEDLER FIRST LAB FOTH & VAN DYKE FRONTIER POWERSPORTS G & K SERVICES GALL'S INC GODFATHERS EXTERMINATING INC GRAINGER INC GRANT CO DAC JARED GREFSRUD HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS KEEPRS INC CY'S UNIFORMS KELLY SERVICES INC LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE CORP LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP LAKEWAY MARKET LLC LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LAWMEN SUPPLY COMPANY INC MARIE LEVANG ROGER LEWIS JANET LINDBERG LITTLE BEAR TOWING KAREN LUNDIN MAAO MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC MARCO MARCO INC ST LOUIS AMOUNT 6,185.84 42.49 6.92 508.71 31.50 970.00 78.84 21.25 5.52 74.24 3,822.67 25,105.60 6,059.91 932.63 176.09 1,250.00 9,056.90 544,839.85 74.44 587.12 15.34 1,925.00 2,432.50 101.44 3,122.00 47.40 1,953.75 49.19 169.47 150.00 39.00 19,920.77 203.30 2,157.88 30.41 138.66 1,333.20 4,508.03 66.00 142.68 6,059.93 56.05 817.67 296.10 750.00 270.83 1,000.00 348.44 148.91 179.95 156.00 154.43 25.20 1,350.00 1,848.00 63.70 225.21 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Attachment A, Page 2 MIDWESTERN MAT RENTAL & SUPPLY MINN KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC MINNESOTA LIFE MN DEPT OF CORRECTIONS MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY KURT MORTENSON MPELRA NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT NETWORK CENTER COMMUNICATIONS NICE THREADS NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC NOVA FIRE PROTECTION NTOA OBERMILLER NELSON ENGINEERING OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STA OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED KIRSTEN OLSON OTIS ELEVATOR CO OTTER TAIL CO EMPLOYEES COMMIT OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTERTAIL BAKERY OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC WALLACE PEARSON PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PETE'S AMOCO PINNACLE BLACK SIGNS POWER PLAN PROTECTIVE SAFETY SYSTEMS LLC QUARTERMASTER THE RAZOR BLADE COMPANY RED HORSE RANCH ARENA INC RINGDAHL AMBULANCE SERVICE ROYAL TIRE INC SELECT ACCOUNT SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SIGNWORKS KEVIN SONSTEBO SOUTH MILL SERVICE SOUTHTOWN C-STORE SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC STADUM PLUMBING & GRAVEL LLP JAMES STEWART STREICHERS U S POSTMASTER UL TEIG ENGINEERS UNICEL UNICEL FERGUS FALLS UNIFORMS UNLIMITED VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING COCA-COLA VOSS LIGHTING WELLS ROAD GRADING WILKIN CO ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE GREGORY WILLIAMS NICHOLAS WILLIAMS •••• FINAL TOTAL.. ..... 74.07 89.50 5,954.74 90.00 100.00 229.87 225.00 69.23 387.50 125.00 117.15 320.00 40.00 2,220.00 67.96 8.00 362.50 140.43 107.77 38.00 365.76 14.05 166.57 7,354.00 910.16 103.23 95.33 202.08 133.13 3.38 1,050.00 133.95 122.50 1,500.00 1,448.46 1,880.48 523.38 12.08 142.44 100.00 484.72 978.64 12,830.24 72.00 5.75 78.76 320.00 233.51 296.79 42.59 929.70 170.23 146.26 72.32 420.00 831.44 29.75 29.75 $697,087.11 .... OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Resolution 2008 -55; Exhibit A, Page 1 Otter Tail County Lakes 150 Acres or Less DOWLKNUM LAKE NAME ACRES CLASS TOWNSHIP NAME TWP RANGE SECTION 56000800 LONG 92 GD EASTERN 131 36 15,22 56001100 UNNAMED 39 GD EASTERN 131 36 24 56001400 MUD 103 GD PAD!XJCK 137 36 14, 15 56001700 GRAVEN 27 GD PARKERS PRAIRIE 131 37 02,03 56002800 UNNAMED 36 GD PARKERS PRAIRIE 131 37 19.20 56003200 UNNAMED 42 GD PARKERS PRAIRIE 131 37 21,28 5600J300 UNNAMED 14 GD PARKERS PRAIRIE 131 37 28 56004800 UNNAMED 17 GD ELMO 132 37 35 56004900 ALMORA 41 GD ELMO 132 37 35,36 56005300 UNNAMED 79 GD DEERCREEK 134 37 25. 36 56006100 UNNAMED 54 GD BUTLER 137 37 19,20 56006300 MUD 71 OD BUTLER 137 37 23,24 56007000 EDNA 115 GD BUTLER 136 40 18,19 EDNA ll5 GD CORLISS 137 38 13,24 56007200 UNNAMED 22 OD EFFINGTON 131 38 SE03 56007500 UNNAMED 30 GD EFHNOTON 131 38 05,08 56007600 UNNAMED 16 GD EFFINGTON 131 38 NW06 56007800 UNNAMED 10 GD El>FlNOTON 131 38 06,07,08 56009000 MEYER 36 GD EFFINGTON 131 38 28,29 56009100 UNNAMED 20 OD Ef1'1NOTON 131 38 29 56009300 SIEH 67 GD EFFINGTON 131 38 33,34 56009500 PERCH 59 OD !'OLDEN 132 38 33 PERCH 59 GD EFFINGTON 131 38 E04 56009600 UNNAMED 29 GD FOLDEN 132 38 33 IJNNAMED 29 GD EFFINGTON ]31 38 W04 56009700 UNNAMED 31 GD FOLDEN 132 38 ll 56010500 CROOANIIJNNAMED 47 GD FOLDEN 132 38 26,35 56010800 UNNAMED 25 GD FOLDEN 132 38 SW30 56011200 UNNAMED 45 GD FOLDEN 132 38 34,35 56013100 lNDIAN 118 GD CORLISS 137 38 05,08 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Resolution 2008 -55; Exhibit A, Page 2 DOWLKNUM LAKE NAME ACRES CLASS TOWNSHIP NAME TWP RANGE SECTION 56013!00 UNNAMED 28 GD !<"OWEN 132 38 18 UNNAMED 28 GD NIDAROS 132 39 13 56013700 UNNAMED 24 OD FOLDEN 132 38 31 UNNAMED 24 GD NIDAROS 132 39 36 ~014500 UNNAMED 58 GD LEAF MOUNTAIN 13l 39 02 56014700 UNNAMED 33 GD LFAF MOUNTAIN 131 39 os. 06, 07, 08 56014HOO MILLPOND 50 GD T.EAF MOUNTAIN 131 39 08,09 5601SIOO UNNAMED 21 OD LEAF MOUNTAIN 131 39 16 56015900 WNO 43 GD LEAF MOUNTAIN 131 39 08, 17 56017100 BULLHEAD IOI GD NIDAROS 132 39 05,08 56017200 UNNAMED 29 OD NIDAROS 132 39 OS,08,09 S60]7500 UNNAMED 38 GD NIDAROS 132 39 11, 14 56017700 UNNAMED 46 OD FOWHN 132 38 18 UNNAMED 46 OD NIDAROS 132 39 13 56017900 UNNAMED 43 GD NIDAROS 132 39 15, 16 56018100 UNNAMED 32 GD NIDAROS 132 39 NC2S 56018300 UNNAMED 36 GD NIDAROS 132 39 25,26 56018400 UNNAMED 57 GD NIDAROS 132 39 25,36 ~18600 UNNAMED 37 OD NIDAROS 132 39 27,28 56019000 UNNAMED 29 GD NIDAROS 132 39 35 56020500 UNNAMED 5 OD OTTER TAIL 134 39 28 56020700 SHERMAN 23 GD OTTER TAIL 134 39 EC33 56011600 UNNAMED 21 OD RUSHLAKF. 135 39 28,33 S6022800 UNNAMED 18 GD GORMAN 137 39 NF.34 56023200 UNNAMED 39 OD LFAF MOUNTAIN 131 39 NW07 UNNAMED 39 GD EAGLE LAKE 131 40 12 56023400 UNNAMED 41 OD LEAF MOUNTAIN 131 39 18 UNNAMED 41 OD EAOLELAKE 131 40 13 56024800 UNNAMED 45 OD HAOLELAKE 131 40 01, 12 56025700 UNNAMED 27 GD EAOJ,EL/\KE 131 40 13, 14 56025900 UNNAMED 126 OD EAGLE LAKE 131 40 17.20 !6026100 UNNAMED 45 GO EAOLELAKH 131 40 EC20,21 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Resolution 2008 -55; Exhibit A, Page 3 DOWLKNUM LAKE NAME ACRES CLASS TOWNSHIP NAME TWP RANGE SECTION 56026300 UNNAMED 70 GD EAGLELAKE 131 40 21 !6026400 UNNAMED 30 GD EAGLE LAKE 131 40 21,28 !6029900 UNNAMED 48 GD EVERTS 133 40 07 56030300 MOLLY STARK 143 RD EVERTS 133 40 23,24 !6030400 UNNAMED 26 GD EVERTS 133 40 28,29,32,33 56031800 BOLTON 41 GD DEAD LAKE 135 40 03,04 56032700 INDIAN 40 GD DEADLAKE 135 40 33,34 56032900 MINK 66 GD EDNA 136 40 04,05 56033200 WENDT 47 GD EDNA !Jo 40 05,08 56033300 UNNAMED 77 RD EDNA 136 40 07, 08, 17, 18 56033700 CEYNOWA 99 GD EDNA 136 40 11, 12~ 13, 14 56034400 UNNAMED 35 GD EDNA 136 40 26 56035100 PICKEREL 27 RD EDNA 136 40 29, 30, 31, 32 !6036100 KEYES 41 GD HOBART 137 40 12 56036200 GERTRUDE 16 GD HOBART 137 40 12~ 13 56036500 LITTLE ROSE (MUD) 32 RD HOBART 137 40 17, 18 5603!1200 UNNAMED 42 GD ST OLAF 131 41 04,05 56039400 UNNAMED 45 GD ST OLAF 131 41 05,08 56040100 UNNAMED 59 GD ST OLAF 131 41 16, 17,20,21 56042100 HANSON 49 GD ST OLAF 131 41 05 HANSON 49 GD TORDENSKJOLD 132 41 32 56042600 UNNAMED 27 GD TORDENSKJOLD 132 41 06,07 56042900 UNNAMED 16 GD TORDENSKJOLD 132 41 10, 11 56043400 UNNAMED 25 GD TORDENSKJOLD 132 41 14,23 56043800 UNNAMED 35 GD TORDENSKJOLD 132 41 29,32 56043900 UNNAMED 34 GD TORDENSKJOLD 132 41 30 !6044500 MUD 109 OD SVERDRUP 133 41 02,0J 56044600 UNNAMED 37 GD SVERDRUP 133 41 03 56045300 UNNAMED 22 GD SVERDRUP 133 41 11 56045600 UNNAMED 35 GD SVERDRUP 133 41 13 56045900 UNNAMED 25 GD SVERDRUP 133 41 16 56046000 UNNAMED 22 GD SVERDRUP 133 41 16, 17 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Resolution 2008 -55; Exhibit A, Page 4 DOWLKNUM LAKE NAME ACRES 56046280 UNNAMED 28 S6046300 JOHN 46 56046'500 UNNAMED 27 56047000 UNNAMED 16 56047300 UNNAMED 15 56047400 UNNAMED 20 56048300 DUCK 89 DUCK 89 56048700 UNNAMED 52 56049300 SWNG 97 56049700 ZORNS 42 56049800 MARIA 45 ~00 DORA 27 560!!1800 CLUB 27 56052000 PLEASANT 35 56052100 UNNAMED 13 :56052400 UNNAMED 26 UNNAMED 26 56053800 SCIIRAMS 29 56056700 UNNAMED 76 UNNAMED 76 56057280 BATES 68 DATES 68 56058700 MUD 53 56058800 UNNAMED 53 56059000 UNNAMED 31 56059100 UNNAMED 39 56059280 UNNAMED 51 560S9600 UNNAMED 51 56059900 UNNAMED 36 56060100 UNNAMED 22 56060800 UNNAMED JO CLASS GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD RD GD GD GD OD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD TOWNSHIP NAME TWP RANGE SECTION SVERDRUP 133 41 SC17 SVERDRUP 133 41 20,21 SVERDRUP 133 41 2S,36 SVERDRUP 133 41 35 MAINE 134 41 06,07 MAINE 134 41 08, 09, 16 MAINE 134 41 03,04 STAR LAKE 135 41 33,34 STARLAKE 135 41 15, 16 STAR LAKE 135 41 20 STARLAKE 135 41 28,29 STAR LAKE 135 41 28,33 DORA 136 41 07,08 DORA 136 41 29,32 DORA 136 41 33 DORA 136 41 35 CANDOR 137 41 33,34 DORA 136 41 04 CANDOR 137 41 NC12 SVERDRUP 133 41 07, 18 AURDAL 133 42 13 FRIBERG 134 42 24 MAINE 134 41 18, 19 TUMULI 131 42 04,09 TUMULl 131 42 05,06 TlJMULl 131 42 05,08 TUMULI 131 42 05,06 TlJMULl 131 42 08 TUMULI 131 42 10, 11 TUMULI 131 42 13, 14, 23, 24 TUMULI 131 42 14, 15 TUMULI 131 42 18 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Resolution 2008 -55; Exhibit A, Page 5 DOWLKNUM LAKE NAME ACRES CLASS TOWNSHIP NAME TWP RANGE SECTION S606UOO ALKALI 86 OD TUMULI 131 42 19 56061200 UNNAMED 70 OD TUMULI 131 42 20,29 56061600 UNNAMED 32 OD TUMULI 131 42 26,35 56061800 UNNAMED 12 OD TUMULI 131 42 35 56062300 UNNAMED 19 OD DANE PRAIRlli 132 42 06,07 56062500 UNNAMED 19 OD DANE PRAIRIE 132 42 07,18 56063300 UNNAMED 34 OD DANE PRAIRIE 132 42 15, 16 56064200 UNNAMED 52 OD DANE PRAIRlli 132 42 22,23 56064300 UNNAMED 22 OD DANE PRAIRlli 132 42 W23 56064400 UNNAMED 21 OD DANE PRAIRlli 132 42 EC23 56066200 MUD 47 GD AURDAL 133 42 04,09 56066300 LOON Gl GD AURDAL 133 42 04,09,10 5606U00 UNNAMED 25 OD AURDAL 133 42 11 · 56067500 LITTLE 38 OD AURDAL 133 42 22,23 56067700 NELSON 89 GD AURDAL 133 42 23,24 56068800 UNNAMED 34 01) FRIBERG 134 42 03 56069000 TONSETH 139 RD FRIBERG 134 42 03,04,09 56069200 UNNAMED 45 OD FRIBERG 134 42 SE05 S6069300 UNNAMED 21 GD FRIBERG 134 42 NC05 S6069400 UNNAMED 20 OD FRIBERG 134 42 wcos 56069800 UNNAMED 23 GD FRIBERG 134 42 13, 14 56070200 RICE 26 OD FRIBERG 134 42 16, 17 56070300 MCCOY 28 OD FRIBERG 134 42 17, 18 56071200 UNNAMED 14 GD FRIBERG 134 42 01,02 UNNAMED 14 GD MAPLEWOOD 135 42 35,36 56072000 UNNAMED 20 OD MAPLEWOOD 135 42 07,08 56073100 KEPPLE 25 GD MAPLEWOOD 135 42 22 S6074300 UNNAMED 21 OD MAPLEWOOD 135 42 SE33 56077900 UNNAMED 58 GD BUSE 132 43 01 UNNAMED 58 OD DANE PRAIRIE 132 42 06.07 56080200 UNNAMED 16 GD AASTAD 131 43 20 56081000 UNNAMED IS GD AASTAD 131 43 30,31 --··--- OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Resolution 2008 -55; Exhibit A, Page 6 DOWLKNUM LAKE NAME ACRES 56081200 UNNAMED 26 UNNAMED 26 56081SOO UNNAMED 38 56083500 UNNAMED 21 !16083800 UNNAMED 19 !16084100 UNNAMED 49 56084300 UNNAMED 19 56084700 UNNAMED 77 56084900 UNNAMED 28 56085200 UNNAMED 45 56085300 UNNAMED 34 560115400 JOHN 36 56085500 UNNAMED 29 56086800 UNNAMED 19 UNNAMED 19 56086900 UNNAMED 28 56087500 ALTNER 57 56087800 UNNAMED 50 56088100 UNNAMED 57 56-088600 UNNAMED 28 56089200 UNNAMED 44 5608%00 FOGELBERG 29 56090100 UNNAMED 28 56090400 UNNAMED 45 56090900 UNNAMED 40 56091100 UNNAMED 34 56091600 UNNAMED 37 56092700 UNNAMED 32 56093000 UNNAMED 41 !6093800 UNNAMED 40 56094600 UNNAMED 17 UNNAMED 17 CLASS GD GD GD GD GD GD GD OD GD OD GD OD GD OD GD GD GD OD GD OD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD OD OD GD GD TOWNSHIP NAME TWP RANGE SECTION BUSE 132 43 36 AASTAD 131 43 01 BUSE 132 43 ECOi BUSE 132 43 NE16 BUSE 132 43 18, 19 BUSE 132 43 21,28 BUSE 132 43 22.21 BUSE 132 43 23,26 BUSH 132 43 SE24,25 BUSE 132 43 26,27 BUSE 132 43 26, 35 BUSE 132 43 28 BUSE 132 43 36 ELIZABETH 134 43 31 FERGUS FALLS 133 43 06 ELIZABETH 134 43 03 ELIZABETH 134 43 07, 18 ELIZABETH 134 43 14, 15 ELIZABETH 134 43 20,21 ELIZABETH 134 43 NC28 ERHARDS GROVE 135 43 01 ERHARDS GROVE 135 43 11 ERHARDS GROVE 135 43 17, 18 ERHARDS GROVE 135 43 20,21 ERHARDS OROVE 135 43 26,27 ERHARDS GROVE 135 43 32 PELICAN 136 43 Cl2 SCAMBLER 137 43 05,08 SCAMBLER 137 43 IO, II SCAMBLER 137 43 24 CARLISLE 133 44 12 FERGUS FALLS 133 43 N07 DDWLKNUM LAKE NAME ACRES CLASS 56097500 FIBSTAD 56 OD 56097600 UNNAMED 29 OD 56097700 SKOGEN MARSH 41 OD 56097800 UNNAMED 47 OD -CHRJSTOPHERSON so GD 56098400 UNNAMED 9 OD 560988ll0 UNNAMED 23 GD 560!19700 UNNAMED 90 GD 56100000 UNNAMED 30 OD 56100200 UNNAMED 48 OD 56100500 UNNAMED 34 GD 56100600 MOEN 117 GD MOEN 117 GD 56100700 ORANRUD 81 GD 56101500 NELSON 69 GD 56101900 ORENA 93 GD GRENA 93 OD 56102200 ALFRED 39 OD 56102600 SANDS 52 GD !l(il03300 UNNAMED 25 GD 561113700 COLNESS 81 OD 56104000 ANNIE 99 OD 56104600 UNNAMED 48 GD :56106200 UNNAMED 13 GD 56112700 UNNAMED 63 RD 56114800 MUD 114 RD 56134500 UNNAMED 45 OD 56152400 TWIN 78 RD 56160000 ALFRED 33 GD 56162600 KEMP so RD 56162700 HOFFMAN 147 RD 56162800 BROWN 84 RD DOWLKNUM LAKE NAME ACRES CLASS 56162900 ARCHIE 33 RD ARCHIE 33 RD OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 30, 2008 Resolution 2008 -55; Exhibit A, Page 7 TOWNSHIP NAME TWP RANGE SECTION CARLISLE 133 44 02,03, 10, 11 CARLISLE 133 44 03 CARI.ISLE 133 44 03, 04, 09, IO CARLISLE 133 44 03, 10 OSCAR 134 44 NEOl OSCAR 134 44 CO! OSCAR 134 44 EC!l, 12 OSCAR 134 44 25 OSCAR 134 44 29 OSCAR 134 44 32,33 OSCAR 134 44 NE36 TRONDHJEM 135 44 35 OSCAR 134 44 02 TRONDHJEM 135 44 01 TRONDHJEM 135 44 28,33 NORWEGIAN GROVE 136 44 35,36 TRONDHJEM 13S 44 01 NORWEGIAN GROVE 136 44 02, 03, 10, 11 NORWEGIAN GROVE 136 44 07 NORWEGIAN GROVE 136 44 12 NORWEGIAN GROVE 136 44 21,28 NORWEGIAN GROVE 136 44 25 NORWEGIAN GROVE 136 44 34 PERHAM 136 39 06 SVERDRUP 133 41 05,06 EDNA 136 40 20 GORMAN 137 39 31 MAINE 134 41 23,24 NORWEGIAN GROVE 136 44 11 DORA 136 41 04,09 DORA 136 41 13, 14,23,24 DORA 136 41 24,2S TOWNSHIP NAME TWP RANGE SECTION EDNA 136 40 30 DORA 136 41 25