HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/27/2008MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 500 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, May 27, 2008, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Everett Erickson, Vice-Chair; Bob Block, Roger Froemming and Dennis Mosher present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board agenda of May 27, 2008, as mailed. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of May 13, 2008, as presented. Probation Department Probation Director, Chuck Kitzman, reported that a DWI Court update will be presented at a noon lunch meeting on May 28th by the DWI Program Team. Mr. Kitzman also briefed the Board on legislative bills passed that are related to probation and/or the court system. Chairman Nelson reported on the bonding bill which included $150,000 for preliminary engineer and design plans for the Regional Treatment Center as it relates to the WCR Treatment and Correctional Facility concept. Nurse Family Partnership Program Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, requested approval to provide temporary assistance to the Supporting Hands Nurse Family Partnership. Motion by Block, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Public Health Director to sign a Purchase of Service Agreement between Otter Tail County and the Supporting Hands Nurse Family Partnership Joint Powers Board for the period of May 27, 2008 through December 31, 2008, subject to the approval of the County Attorney. Otter Tail County will provide nursing assistance to Supporting Hands through this contract. Ms. Thorson briefed the Board on a recent meeting regarding the Nurse Family Partnership program. This program works extensively with at-risk first time parents to establish good parenting patterns and practices. Public Health Department Ms. Thorson reported that she will be attending a national conference which will focus on youth interested in health careers. She briefed the Board on activities of the Safe Communities Coalition including improved rates of seat belt use. Income Maintenance Programs Human Services Supervisors, Barb Dehrer and Bev Schoon, provided caseload statistics and program information for CY2007 relating to the various Income Maintenance Programs. Minnesota Families Investment Program and Child Care services have been reduced significantly due to changes in eligibility. The Medical and Food Support programs have grown. Ms. Dehrer briefed the Board on the new computer system being used to data enter information for eligibility for various OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 27, 2008 Page 2 programs and Ms. Schoon emphasized the need for more funding for emergency assistance for families with children because of the increased burden of the cost of energy for transportation and heating homes. The MinnesotaCare processing by Otter Tail County has resulted in 638 cases processed and a reimbursement total for 2007 of $19,140.00 as well as decreasing the processing time for these applications at the state level to about 21 days. Energy Assistance Program Administrative Assistant, Peggy Meissner, provided statistics for 2006, 2007, and 2008. Ms. Meissner stated that the funding, this year, was exhausted on April 18th so the County couldn't help people with disconnects after that point. Discussion continued regarding the number of requests for assistance with heating costs, the fact that other agencies were also out of funding, and future concern for people on a fixed budget, especially senior citizens. Human Services Legislative Update Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, submitted the Legislative Update from the Minnesota Association of County Social Service Administrators dated May 20, 2008. Approval to Pay Bills & Claims Motion by Erickson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Adjournment At 10:28 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 10, 2008. Dated: -----'"""'""•-'-'-"'"'~/ o,._fJ.,_ ____ _ I, • OTTERT Attest: )~ ~ Larry Krohn, Cler Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, May 27, 2008, at 10:35 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Everett Erickson, Vice-Chair, Bob Block, Roger Froemming, and Dennis Mosher present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of May 27, 2008, with the following addition: Lease Assignment for U.S. Bank Building Approval of Minutes Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of May 20, 2008, as presented. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Erickson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. • OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 27, 2008 Page 3 Performance Evaluation Summary The County Board acknowledged a commendable Performance Evaluation Summary for County Coordinator, Larry Krohn; and requested that the summary be placed in his personnel file. CSAH 9/CSAH 20 Corridor Study Motion by Erickson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County officials' signatures to execute an agreement between Otter Tail County and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for a Corridor Study/Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the modification or possible realignment of CSAH 9 and CSAH 20. Approximate cost of the proposal is $130,844.00 with an option that may require traffic volume studies for an additional $6,800.00. Lake Elevations Highway Engineer, Rick West, submitted lake elevations for Crooked Lake, Johnson Lake, Vinge Lake, Oscar Lake, and the North/South Turtle Lake system. REGULAR TO MUNICIPAL ADVANCE RESOLUTION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2008 -42 Upon a motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has obtained the Commissioner's approval of the plans for the following County State-Aid Project(s): Project# S.A.P. 056-682-008 Project# S.A.P. 056-677-021 AND, WHEREAS, said County is prepared to proceed with the construction of said project(s) by providing county regular funds to supplement the available funds in the County Municipal Account, and WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced by the County is desired in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 162.08, Subd. 5 & 7 and Minnesota Rules 8820.1500, Subp. 9. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Commissioner of Transportation be and is hereby requested to approve this basis for financing said construction project(s) and to authorize repayments from subsequent accruals to said Account, in the amounts as herein indicated. Transfer the Yearly Municipal Construction Allotment, beginning in 2009, to the Regular Construction Allotment until the borrowed funds are repaid in full to the Regular Construction Allotment Account. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 27'h day of May, 2008. Dated: __ __,,O'-'t,,0<...1.,_/=0,..$.,_/..,.o'-'i:,..._ __ OARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: ~~ t:L-Larry Ki-otrn7erk OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 27, 2008 Page 4 Agency Agreement No, 92914 for Federal Participation in Force Account for S.P. 56-591-01, M.P. SRTS 5608 (184) Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2008 -43 Upon a motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.36, the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as Agent of Otter Tail County to accept as its agent,. federal aid funds which may be made available for eligible transportation related projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the County Board Chair and The County Board Clerk are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail to execute and enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation prescribing the terms and conditions of said federal aid participation as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement No. 92914", a copy of which said agreement was before the County Board and which is made a part hereof by reference. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 27th day of May, 2008. Dated: _ ___JQ{,t,,;1,c;,,.wlub.l.::3L/t..Jo,!,J!.j ___ _ / ' Att,st Laoy~ if [ Application for Cleaning County Road Ditch Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve clean out of a ditch along County Highway No. 15 in Western Township by Brutlag Farms Inc. as presented on the application dated May 23, 2008. Final Plat Land & Resource Administrator, Bill Kalar, explained that the Final Plat known as "Larson's Lakeview Addition" was previously approved; however, the Recorder was unable to record the plat because of a reference to a vacated plat underneath the new property as being the legal description for lots 9-23 of Baker's Addition of Sand Beach. The Final Plat was corrected and is being presented for approval again. Motion by Erickson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Kenneth R Larson Trust entitled "Larson's Lakeview Addition" located in Section 5 of Everts Township; Otter Tail Lake (56-242) and Round Lake (56-297). RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2008 -44 Upon a motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County enter into a grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety for the project entitled SAFE & SOBER COMMUNITIES during the period from October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009. • ' OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 27, 2008 Page 5 The Sheriff of Otter Tail County is hereby authorized to execute such agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office and to be the fiscal agent and administer the grant. Dated: __ ,.,O"'i;'-'(,_..0,..-3._,_/ ..... o"-'gL-__ _ OTTE~,;tirNTY c OF COMMISSIONERS By: rli Attest: ~~ ¢ Larry ~ cirk SydNels n,Board of Commissioners Chair Squad Car Light Bars Motion by Erickson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to accept two light bars from the State of Minnesota to be installed in new squad cars. The value of a light bar is approximately $1,900.00. County Drainage System No. 16 Ditch Inspector, Randy Wasvick, reported that Ditch Viewers are working on the benefits on Ditch 16. The tillable land is complete and the next step is to figure out the lakes. This is a challenge because it is difficult for the viewers to go out with maps. The GIS Department has developed a computer ditch process. A laptop will be used in the field and the data will be entered in the appropriate fields. Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Ditch Inspector and Viewers to use the GIS computer ditch process for the Redetermination of Benefits around the lakes for County Drainage system 16. The cost for the GIS Department is $40.00 per hour while assisting with this system. Federal Boat & Water Grant Motion by Mosher, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to accept federal funding, in the amount of $29,200.00 with $23,000.00 to be used for purchase of a boat and $3,500.00 for a side- scan sonar as presented by Chief Deputy, Stacy Paulseth. Temporary Staff-Solid Waste Department Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Solid Waste Director to hire one full time, temporary employee and one half time, temporary employee who have previously been employed by the City of Fergus Falls at the incinerator building (RTC grounds). Mr. Hanan has offered these employees Step 3 of the appropriate salary grade. Perham Resource Recovery Facility Solid Waste Director, Mike Hanan, opened discussion regarding the Perham Resource Recovery Facility. Lengthy discussion took place. Motion by Block, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to confirm that Otter Tail County wishes that the counties and City of Perham form a Joint Powers Board for governing the Perham Resource Recovery Facility as previously defined by resolution and then, discrepancies in the contract can be resolved with the by laws developed for the proposed Joint Powers Board. Additionally, it is the consensus of the Board that the governance of the facility must be resolved before an expansion will be considered by Otter Tail County. Draft Junkyard Ordinance Mr. Hanan provided copies of a draft Junkyard Ordinance. Visual Chaos Committee members presented the need for a Junkyard Ordinance last fall and this is a continuation of the review for the proposed Ordinance. Motion by Block, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to establish four public informational meetings throughout the County regarding a proposed Junkyard/Nuisance Ordinance. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 27, 2008 Page6 Assignment and Assumption of Lease Motion by Mosher, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the Assignment and Assumption of Lease Agreement between Otter Tail County and Bremer Bank effective May 1, 2008. Adjournment At 12:18 p.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 3, 2008. Dated: ---"°""""'_,_l.,..o..::a3ulc...,e.<,J8'."'---r I CB/kd By: ~OF COMMISSIONERS Syd Ne so , B ard of Commissioners Chair • • OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 27, 2008 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 5/27/2008 FOR PAYMENT 5/27/2008 VENDOR NAME A'VIANDS LLC BRIAN ARMSTRONG GAYLON BAKKEN BEYER BODY SHOP INC HEATHER BRANDBORG BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC BRIGGS CORPORATION BROWNELLS INC CHEMSEARCH CO OP SERVICES INC COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES CRONATRON WELDING SYSTEMS INC CUTLER MAGNER COMPANY DIESEL COMPONENTS HELEN ERKENBRACK EXTREME MARINE LLC FARGO TIRE SERVICE INC FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS TOWNSHIP FIRST LAB GALL'S INC GE CAPITAL (CA) GOPHER STATE ONE CALL GRAINGER INC PATRICK GRIFFIN H & R CONSTRUCTION CO HITESMAN & ASSOCIATES PA INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS INTERSTATE INC JKSPORTS GARY JOHNSON KEEPRS INC CY'S UNIFORMS KELLY SERVICES INC MARCIE KNUDSEN KNUTSON ELECTRIC REBUILDING LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC ELIZABETH LAPOS LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC MARCO MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY COMPANY MIDWEST PRINTING CO MN CO INSURANCE TRUST MN DEPT OF COMMERCE MN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 0 MN OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS MN ST COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL MN STATE AUDITOR MN VIEWERS ASSOCIATION ROBERT MOE NF FIELD ABSTRACT CO LLC NAPA FERGUS FALLS NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT NATIONAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC AMOUNT 4,449.30 213.10 271.88 64.43 5.00 29,244.22 254.77 745.64 798.60 8,952.34 832.95 2,808.61 3,003.51 139.15 5,179.53 1,123.26 191.80 506.24 127.00 8,227.33 3,388.00 19.50 195.00 73.98 372.74 22.40 356.36 80.19 701.73 216.00 152.00 84.38 316.06 49.92 1,192.09 1,454.87 44.40 66.30 206.28 199.26 2,160.82 4,159.32 49.08 353.58 1,728.00 45.00 150.00 100.00 1,000.00 2,423.87 100.00 115.14 525.00 30.30 1,275.89 1,008.27 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 27, 2008 Attachment A, Page 2 \ NATURES GARDEN WORLD NETWORK CENTER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHERN LATH CO OFFICE DEPOT OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED OTTER TAIL CO PUBLIC HEALTH EXPRESSONE OTTER TAIL CO TREAS OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE OVERLAND MECHANICAL SERVICES PEPSIAMERICAS PITNEY BOWES PRAIRIE IMPLEMENT INC PRO AG FARMERS CO OP RDO TRUCK CENTERS REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC SEEBA'S SHOP SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALLI SIGNWORKS SOBERG RADIATOR 80.00 STEINS INC TOOL CRIB OF THE NORTH UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIVERSITY OF MN PRINTING SERV VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VICTORY CORPS VOSS LIGHTING WADENA CO AUDITOR TREASURER WALLWORK TRUCK CENTER WEST PAYMENT CENTER WHITE BANNER UNIFORM SHOP WILLIAM MITCHELL LAW REVIEW ZITZOW ELECTRIC **** FINAL TOTAL ....... 24.00 1,545.57 657.64 136.64 121.80 800.00 41.00 30.00 374.50 278.03 585.36 2,443.00 61.05 8,338.00 429.70 66.00 65.00 210.91 527.18 5,410.88 97.95 162.84 119.28 2,076.28 268.90 260.52 1,218.35 537.30 618.12 352.00 70.00 176.00 $119,738.19 **** •