HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/18/2008·- MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 500 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN Tuesday, March 18, 2008 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, March 18, 2008, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Everett Erickson, Vice-Chair; Bob Block, Roger Froemming and Dennis Mosher present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of March 18, 2008, with the following changes: Cancellation -Highway Department Agenda Items Addition -Auditor, Wayne Stein, at 10: 15 a.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of March 11, 2008, as mailed. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Mosher, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Assessment Notices Assessor, Bob Moe, reported that tax assessment notices are being mailed. There are approximately 56,000 notices sent out for Otter Tail County. He also briefed the Board on the schedule for the local Boards of Review and the Board of Equalization process. Public Transportation Needs Survey Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, requested permission to provide a Transportation Needs Survey to County employees. The Otter Express has received grant funding to expand public transportation services in Otter Tail County and is exploring options to expand services along State Highway 210. The County Board granted authorization to make this survey available to County employees as requested. County Ditch No. 16 Jeff Stabnow, property owner and member of the Clitherall Lake Association, reviewed the background of discussions as it relates to County Drainage System No. 16 and the Clitherall Lake Outlet. He noted that the permit has not been received from the State Department of Natural Resources (DNR); however, when the permit is received the Clitherall Lake Association is prepared to pay for the work and has hired a company with certificates of insurance in place. Ditch Inspector, Randy Wasvick, indicated that once he receives the permit from the DNR, he will schedule a meeting with the County Board to review the authorized work in the Clitherall Lake Outlet. Clitherall Lake Property Owner, Carl Stromstedt, requested supervision of any work completed in the drainage system. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 18, 2008 Page 2 Western Area Cities Counties Organization (WACCO) WACCO Executive Director, Laurie Mullen, presented 6 defibrillators to the Sheriff's Department which will be used in patrol vehicles. Defibrillators are most effective when used within minutes of the heart stopping; therefore, the Sheriff Department's goal is to equip each patrol car with this device. WACCO received various grant funding and donations in order to provide this service to Otter Tail County and will be providing similar equipment to other entities throughout the summer. Payment Approvals Motion by Froemming, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $3,528.45, from the Capital Improvement Fund to Young & associates for professional services provided to Project No. 0601, construction of 60 Bed Chemical Dependency Health Center. Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $17,518.06, from the Construction Fund to Shultz & Associates, LTD for cost associated with the Ottertail Operations Center (Project 0603) as documented on Invoice No. 2026. Invoice No. 2026 included construction documents, construction administration, furnishings and miscellaneous expenses. Motion by Erickson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $228,421.58, from the Construction Fund to Comstock Construction Inc. of MN for the Ottertail County Operations Center as detailed in Payment Request No. 9. Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $1,623.00, from the Construction Fund to Braun lntertec for the construction of the Chemical Dependency Building (Project FA-07-04304) detailed in Invoice No. 290918. Rick Sytsma, Physical Plant Manager, briefed the County Board on construction progress regarding the CD building. Recess & Reconvene At 10:50 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for committee meetings. The meeting was reconvened at 11 :47 a.m. Conditional Use Permit Extension Request Motion by Mosher, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve the extension of Conditional Use Permit #6400 to October 31, 2008, as requested. Boat & Canoe Trail Land & Resource Administrator, Bill Kalar, informed the Board that the _State DNR has designated the Otter Tail River as a Boat and Canoe Trail. The DNR is in the process of developing the plan and maps showing portages, restrooms, etc. Proposed Amendments to the Sanitation Code Mr. Kalar requested some minor changes to the Otter Tail County Sanitation Code. He requested that these changes be made at the same time as the change in soil separation requirement. The County Attorney will draft a proposed notice to incorporate the proposed changes and bring those amendments back to the Board of Commissioners. Video Conference for Local Elected Officials At noon, the Board of Commissioners viewed a video regarding drinking water, wells, and emerging contaminants. At 1 :01 p.m., Chairman Nelson continued the Board meeting to consider additional agenda items. • OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 18, 2008 Page 3 Law Enforcement Labor Agreements Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the following Sheriff Department Labor Agreements between Otter Tail County and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local #320: Union Grouo Positions Term of Contract Essential Deouties Unit Deoutv & Court Securitv Officer 01/01/2008 throuah 12/31/2010 Non-Licensed Essential Correctional Lieutenants 01/01/2008 through 12/31/2010 Supervisory Unit Correctional Sergeants Jail Proarammer, Disoatch Suoervisor Essential Non-Licensed Dispatchers, Corrections Officers 01/01/2008 through 12/31/2010 Jailer/Disnatchers Sentence-to-Serve Crew Leaders Essential Suoervisorv Unit Lieutenant & Seraeant 01/01/2008 throuah 12/31/2010 Labor Agreement for the GST Unit Motion by Mosher, second by Erickson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the Government Services Technical Unit Labor Agreement between Otter Tail County and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local #320, for the period of January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008, subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney. GASB 45 Post Employment Benefit Valuation Jill Urdahl from Hildi, Inc. provided a post employment benefit valuation report to enable Otter Tail County to satisfy the accounting requirements under Statements of Governmental Accounting Standards Nos. 43 and 45. Ms. Urdahl's report showed only an implicit rate subsidy for Otter Tail County's OPEB, which is primarily health insurance liability. Lengthy discussion occurred regarding the GASB requirements and the potential options to pre-fund portions of the liability. At 1 :42 p.m., Chairman Nelson was absent from the meeting and Vice-Chair Erickson assumed the Chair position. Labor Agreement for the Facilities Maintenance Unit Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the Facilities Maintenance Unit Labor Agreement between Otter Tail County and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local #320, for the period of January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009, subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney. Minnesota's 150th Birthday Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize $115.00 for purchase of a video for the State's Sesquicentennial Celebration. The funds are authorized from the Contingency Fund (01-002-001-0000-6369). Adjournment At 2:07 p.m., a motion was offered by Block, seconded by Froemming, and unanimously carried to declare the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until Tuesday, March 25, 2008. Dated: _ ___,,,O""ti'--"'-,:;__5'----cy-=>----- Attest: J(U!,1, J § Larry Krohr/, Cl~ OTTER T,A;0co0NTYY,l;lOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , I '--, By: , 0.,,#- on, Board of Commissioners Chair OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 18, 2008 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 3/18/2008 FOR PAYMENT 3/18/2008 VENDOR NAME A-1 TROPHY A'VIANDS LLC MARLYS ADAMS AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES RICHARD AKERMAN AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICINN FERGUS FALLS CHERI ANDERSON JEFFREY ARNDT STACIE ASCHNEWITZ AUTO SAFETY SERVICE BACHMAN PRINTING COMPANIES BARNA GUZY & STEFFEN LTD BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BOBCAT OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC MARLENE CARLSON CARL TON CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR CHARTER COMMUNICATION RYAN CHESHIRE CIT TECHNOLOGY FIN SERV INC CITIZENS ADVOCATE AND VERNDALE JOANN CLINE CO OP SERVICES INC COLLEGE WAY AUTO INC CONVERGENT SOLUTIONS GROUP LLC COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES CULLIGAN WATER COND CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING CUTLER MAGNER COMPANY D & T VENTURES LLC JEAN DEAL DENZEL'S REGION WASTE INC DEX MEDIA EAST EGGE CONSTRUCTION INC ROBERT EHLERT FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS FALLS SCHOOL DIST 544 FERRELLGAS FORKLIFTS OF MINNESOTA INC FOTH & VAN DYKE FRANK'S AUTO BODY SHOP OF PERH GALL'S INC GE CAPITAL (CA) GLENDE-NILSON FUNERAL HOME GODFATHERS EXTERMINATING INC GRAINGER INC NICOLE HANSEN DAVID HAUSER HEAL THPARTNERS MEDICAL GROUP HEDAHLS HEADQUARTERS HENNING AUTO PARTS INC HENNING HARDWARE AMOUNT 120.00 2,769.25 25.00 1,774.01 5.07 96.52 382.70 80.50 100.00 90.09 954.27 437.05 2,261.80 27.34 118.09 23.55 2,897.83 104.50 40.00 51.28 62.35 202.92 189.86 55.65 185.66 5,317.78 140.64 279.56 587.81 347.19 52.37 10.65 9,060.83 464.00 31.72 966.96 20.50 85.00 129.87 396.36 5,716.06 317.82 206.93 109.23 5,603.78 50.00 91.00 372.74 295.00 132.06 187.10 128.23 1,075.19 284.00 109.10 31.67 117.71 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 18, 2008 Attachment A, Page 2 HENRY'S FOODS INC HIGH PLAINS TECHNOLOGY SHELDON HOLM SANDY HOLO TONYA HOLT INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR ITASCA CO SHERIFF DEPT JARED GREFSRUD JEAN'S JK SPORTS K.I.D.LEASING KEITH COUNTY COURT KELLY SERVICES INC KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP LAKES RADIO LAKEWAY MARKET LLC JULIE LEITCH LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. MAIN STREET GAS & GOODS MANNY'S -ROCKY'S BAIT MARCO INC ST LOUIS MCCC Ml 33 MERITCARE MEDICAL GROUP MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC MN CO ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION MN CO RECORDERS ASSOCIATION MN DEPT OF COMMERCE MN OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNO MOORE MEDICAL LLC NAPA STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA NELSON BROS PRINTING KEVIN NEWBORG OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED GLEN OLIPHANT OTTER TAIL TELCOM OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC PARK REGION CO OP PENROSE OIL COMPANY PEPSIAMERICAS 447.25 PERHAM CO OP CREAMERY PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PETE'S AMOCO PHELPS FAMILY FORD PINE PLAZA TV APPLIANCE & CAMP POSTMASTER PRO AG FARMERS CO OP PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER INC QUARTERMASTER REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC THE SAND CREEK GROUP LTD SCOPE TECHNOLOGIES CORP SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SHERBURNE CO SHERIFF SHERWIN WILLIAMS SHOOTING STAR CASINO LODGE SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATOR SOUTHTOWN C-STORE STEINS INC STREICHERS 453.29 3,908.56 226.99 229.29 18.86 54.86 177.11 7,081.19 50.00 186.00 29.80 195.00 256.44 8.87 679.06 812.22 2,764.75 69.23 210.00 4,883.45 9.53 186.24 1,423.05 2,174.26 1,863.03 310.02 2,821.47 120.00 5.17 49.00 250.00 375.00 1,200.00 243.68 235.08 430.31 381.22 219.67 59.99 1,256.05 5,038.82 684.90 3,245.88 6,743.31 123.00 2,080.14 805.04 111.78 96.00 975.86 81.02 136.03 64.48 77.90 5,348.86 1,308.75 74.13 42.60 40.61 585.75 35.87 2,110.23 1,192.42 121.37 TEEMARK CORPORATION KELLY THOMAS TITAN ACCESS ACCOUNT TNT REPAIR INC HEIDI TOSO TRI STAR RECYCLING SUSAN ULSCHMID UNIFORMS UNLIMITED VERGAS 66 VOSS LIGHTING WADENA CO AUDITOR TREASURER WADENA CO SHERIFF WALLWORK TRUCK CENTER WASTE MANAGEMENT WEST PAYMENT CENTER WHITE BANNER UNIFORM SHOP SHARON WICKLUND 3RD DISTRICT SHERIFF'S ASSOCIA .... FINAL TOTAL .. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 18, 2008 Attachment A, Page 3 181.16 138.01 232.96 66.03 20.19 2,656.29 82.48 126.06 2,596.20 290.90 718.62 40.00 656.87 27,923.63 2,715.43 456.48 32.83 50.00 $152,238.03 ••••