HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/23/2006MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 500 Fir Avenue W., Fergus Falls, MN Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday. May 23. 2006, at 9:30 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Roger Froemming, Chair; Dennis Mosher, Vice-Chair; Bob Block, Syd Nelson, and Malcolm Lee present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board agenda of May 23, 2006, as mailed. Approval of Minutes Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of May 9, 2006, as mailed. Campaign against Underage Drinking Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, provided posters and postcards directed towards parents against underage drinking. Postcards were sent to parents of high school graduation students in Otter Tail County. Public Health Grant and Contracts Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, briefed the County Board on training provided for people who serve alcohol. The Department's plan is to submit an application for a second grant for the Safe Communities Coalition Grant. Motion by Nelson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County officials' signatures to execute the following Contracts: Amendment #1 to the FY06 Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Health and Otter Tail County for Public Health Preparedness and Response to Bioterrorism Grant, in the amount of $12.114.00. Project Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Health and Otter Tail County for the Infant Follow-Along Program which targets children with birth defects and follows their progress for the first three years to identify developmental problems. The State provides Otter Tail County $2,502.52 to provide staff time, with the State providing the computer system and Special Ed Cooperatives providing for some mailing and supply expenses. Smoke Free Ordinance Update Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, updated the Board on second hand smoke work. She stated that there has been feedback on the grid that was handed out previously to adjust the draft ordinance to exempt certain types of businesses from the ordinance. A random survey regarding smoke free buildings and second hand smoke will be completed in Otter Tail County and Dr. Rathge will present the outcomes of that survey to the Board in a couple of OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 23, 2006 Page 2 weeks. Chairman Froemming stated that he understood that the Board would be voting on the draft smoke free ordinance at today's meeting. Ms. Thorson noted that the timeline has been adjusted somewhat and the Public Hearing likely would not take place until July. Civil Rights Plan Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County officials' signatures to execute the Otter Tail County Department of Human Services Civil Rights Plan dated 5/1/2006. The plan is updated every three years and will be forwarded to the State of Minnesota. Human Services Contracts Motion by Lee, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County officials' signatures to execute a Joint Powers Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The contract provides $30 per MinnesotaCare application processed by the County for the State, not to exceed $18,060.00 for the period of April 10, 2006, through June 30, 2007. Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute a Host County Contract between Gull Harbour of Moorhead, MN, and Otter Tail County for CY06 for Intensive Residential Treatment and Crisis Stabilization for adults who have severe emotional disturbance. Legislative Session Update Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, provided a Legislative Update. A major law that was passed relative to Human Services was 23 million dollars of extra revenue for the Child Care Subsidy Programs. The bills that did not pass were new dollars to replace lost dollars for the Family Services Collaboratives and State dollars to replace lost federal funding for Child Welfare Targeted Case Management. The loss of this federal funding could result in approximately $250,000.00 reduced revenue to Otter Tail County's Human Services Agency. Family Services Collaborative Motion by Block, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the County Attorney's office as a member of the Family Services Collaborative. This would replace the membership previously held by the Otter Tail County Extension Service. Bills & Claims Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services bills & claims as presented. Adjournment At 10:31 a.m., Chairman Froemming declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2006. Dated: -~o~<.,"-1-( l...._~,.,/1-'D=/o~--OTTER TAIL COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD Attest: ~ ~ Larry Kr n, Cerk Call to Order OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 23, 2006 Page 3 The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, May 23, 2006, at 10:45 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Roger Froemming, Chair; Dennis Mosher, Vice-Chair; Bob Block, and Malcolm Lee present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of May 23, 2006, with one addition as follows: Land & Resource Agenda -Blue Heron Bay Schedule Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of May 16, 2006, as mailed. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Assessor's Office Assessor, Bob Moe, reported that after further review of additional information provided from Children's Corner and two tax court cases, he has decided to give Children's Corner a tax free status. He stated that there are currently 8 people signed up for the County Board of Equalization meeting on June 14, 2006. A 2006 State Board of Equalization Agenda was provided. Nutrition Education Program Regional University of Minnesota Extension Director, Nancy Frosaker-Johnson, presented a Memorandum of Intent which is an agreement executed with each county that has nutrition education assistance in their county extension program. Otter Tail County has two Nutrition Education Assistants and the program is based on a federal grant from the USDA. Otter Tail County provides in-kind contributions to the program, which targets food stamp eligible audiences and schools that have reduced lunch programs. Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the Federal Fiscal Year 2006 Memorandum of Intent between Otter Tail County and the University of Minnesota Extension Service Nutrition Education Program. Commissioner Syd Nelson present at 11 :05 a.m. Public Friendly GSC Building Land & Resource employee, Joyce Thompson, talked to the Board regarding the Government Service Center. She stated that the building is a beautiful building; however, it is not always the most user friendly for the public that come to use the services. She suggested enhancing the building with signs that are more readily seen and read, and possibly a map (kiosk) similar to what malls have that give the public an awareness of where they are in the building and where they need to go. Another suggestion would be something in the kiosk that states the main services each department provides. OTC Board of Comm1ss1oners' Minutes May 23, 2006 Page 4 Food Service Contract Richard Akerman, Detention Facility Administrator, requested approval of an Agreement with A'viands, LLC. whereby A'viands would use the County's kitchen facilities to provide meals for the Fergus Falls Community Behavioral Health Hospital and for the Detox Center run by Productive Alternatives. Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve a Food Service Management Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and A'viands, LLC, with one contract language change that the meals are for the Detox Center run by Productive Alternatives. A'viands would pay $0.50 per meal to Otter Tail County with a projection of $8,000 to $10,000 per year revenue. Application for Exempt Permit Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve, with no waiting period, the LG220 Application for Exempt Permit as submitted by St. Lawrence Catholic Church for an event scheduled to be held on Sunday, August 6, 2006, at the St. Lawrence Catholic Church. Otter Tail Water Management District Board Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to appoint the following individuals to a four year term, effective July 1, 2006, on the Otter Tail Water Management District Board: Raymond Mounts Ottertail, MN William H. Barber Ottertail, MN Corrections Approved Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the following correction to Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2006 -33: Resolution currently reads: "South 25' of Sub Lot A of Government Lot 8 Lying N of & Parallel with Northern Pacific Railroad." Corrected to read: "South 25' of Sub Lot Z of Government Lot 8 Lying N of & Parallel with Northern Pacific Railroad." Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the following correction to the May 9, 2006, Otter Tail County Board Minutes: Richard Carlund County Ditch No. 29 Beavers $700.00 Randy Wasvick County Ditch No. 63 Viewing 22.52 The second payment documented to Randy Wasvick for Ditch No. 63 is to be stricken from the record. Sale of Tax Forfeited Land Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to establish a sale date at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, June 26, 2006, for the following tax forfeited land: Parcel 80-000-32-0027-000 Section 32, Township 133, Range 41 South 25' of Sub Lot Z of GL 8 Lying N of & Parallel With Northern Pacific Railroad High Water Discussion OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 23, 2006 Page 5 Highway Engineer, Rick West, stated that the County Board previously discussed the possibility of proceeding with a Storm Water System to drain rain water from North and South Turtle Lakes. He stated that a preliminary cost estimate was requested to determine if it is f~asible to proceed with the project. Mr. West reported a preliminary cost estimate of $225,000.00. He stressed that this is very preliminary because detailed design work has not been completed. County Attorney, David Hauser, stated that the next step is to determine how property owners will be assessed. Lengthy discussion took place regarding proceeding with bids for the project for a better estimate of cost for the Public Hearing, assessment of properties and various ways the assessment could be accomplished, and the need for a control structure into South Turtle Lake. Commissioners agreed that the County should proceed with shooting elevations and the corresponding mapping along with continued d,esign work. The County Attorney requested that DNR Hydrologist, Terry Lejcher, offer his opinion at an upcoming Board meeting. Notification that elevation will be occurring will be accomplished through the Lake Associations and/or the South Turtle Lake LID. Mr. West briefed the Board on County Road 88 which is near flooding in the area of the race track. He discussed the need to pump to the Pelican River and stated that the City of Fergus Falls may support sharing costs if the County pumps water north. • Highway Department Contracts Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute a Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Bauerly Bros, Inc. of Sauk Rapids, MN, for work on CSAH No. 65, CH 134, Rocky Ridge Road and County Garage Lot in Henning (S.A.P. 56-665-07 & Etc.). This approval is contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney. Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute a Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Central Specialties, Inc. of Alexandria, MN, for work on CSAH No. 67 (S.A.P. 56-667-30), contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney. Recess & Reconvene At 12:37 p.m., Chairman Froemming declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for lunch break and a Building Committee meeting. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 2:06 p.m . • Sheriffs Operations Center in Ottertail Sheriff, Brian Schlueter, provided a Schematic Floor Plan for a proposed Sheriff's Operations Center in Ottertail. He referred to a previous map that showed 33% more calls in the lakes area in the middle of the County. This Operations Center would include dive team and rescue/swat storage, vehicle storage, emergency operations center, and investigation and evidence processing. Mr. Schlueter stated that a survey showed 7 out of the top 1 O concerns are related to law enforcement and the expectation of the public of what law enforcement is doing has increased. Architect, David Shultz, provided a briefing in regards to the design, construction, and future expansion possibilities of the building. Physical Plant Manager, Rick Sytsma, stated that the next phase to proceed with this project would be to develop construction documents and put the project out for bids with an estimated spring, 2007, construction start date. Motion by Lee, second by Block, to proceed with development of OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 23, 2006 Page 6 • construction plans, at an estimated cost of $175,000.00, for the proposed Sheriff Operations Center building in Ottertail, MN. The cost of developing the construction plans would be paid out of the Physical Plant Operations Capital Improvement Fund. Discussion continued. Commissioner Mosher requested that the jail expansion be slowed down if this Operations Center is approved. Commissioner Nelson requested the dollar amount needed each year to bond for this project and the proposed operational costs of the building such as utilities, janitorial, etc. He expressed concern about increases in the levy each year. Chairman Froemming called for a roll call vote: Commissioner Lee Commissioner Nelson Commissioner Block Commissioner Mosher Commissioner Froemming Yea X X X X X Nay • Commissioner Bob Block was absent at 2:46 pm. in order to attend the Family Services Collaborative meeting. Final Plat -"l. Nielsen Addition" Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat o_f Larry D. & Carol I. Nielsen known as "L. Neilsen Addition", a four lot subdivision, Section 28 of Dunn Township, Lake Lizzie (56-760). Shoreland Management Ordinance Discussion Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, provided copies of meeting minutes and discussion items from a meeting held May 18, 2006, in which the DNR presented the State Alternative Shoreland Management Standards and a letter from Chuck Erickson dated April 10, 2006. In addition, Mr. Kalar provided a copy of legislation that became effective on April 21, 200q, regarding the replacement and repair of boat storage structures on public waters. Resort Owner, Cheryl Harris, noted that there were many members of the 46 member Shoreland Rules Revision Committee that were not present at the recent meeting and requested that the County Board move forward with decisions regarding the County's SMO. Lengthy discussion took place regarding classifications/districts, large cluster developments, issues resorts are experiencing, adequate protection for the environment in relation to large cluster developments, current State standards, and the potential of only changing a few items at a time. Mr. Kalar suggested that the County's current SMO addresses large clustey developments; however, could be improved by changing the language for "open space" and "density calculation". Blue Heron Bay EIS Schedule Mr. Kalar reviewed a schedule from Consultant, Wenck & Assoc., regarding the Blue Heron Bay EIS timeline. May 16, 2006, Board of Commissioners Minutes • Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to amend the May 16, 2006, minutes, Page 1, under the heading "Sheriff Department Staffing" as presented. • Adjournment OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes May 23, 2006 Page 7 At 3:47 p.m., Chairman Froemming declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 6, 2006. Dated :,_....1.o ......... !.../-l-<>6-">lo-1-l_....o'-"~"----1 l OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest:~~ Larryohn,Clerk CB/kd 5/23/2006 11:03:07 OTTER TAIL COill!TY .Z\.UDITOR PANELSON 'RECEIPTS J>_ND DISBURSEMaiTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Otter Tail County Warrants May 23, 2006 Page 1, Attachment A IFD65 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 WARR.ANTS APPROVED ON 5/23/2006 FOR PAYMENT 5/23/2006 VENDOR NAME A'VIANDS LLC .Z\.UTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS BR.ANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CULLIGAN WATER COND CUSTOM BUSINESS FORMS DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS PAT ECKERT ECONO SALES AND SER.VICE ELK RIVER FORD MARK ENGLUND FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP CITY FERGUS FALLS FERRELLGAS GE CAPITAL GR GRAPHICS INC ST LOUIS ERVIN HAGEN TERRY HOFF DAVID HOLMGREN INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER INTERSTATE INC KELLY SERVICES INC ANDREW KLINNERT LAY-E REGION HEALTHCARE CORP LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LARRY'S SUPERMARKET MERIGEN MEDICAL MGK WELDING MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC MINN KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC MOORE ENGINEERING INC JAMES NELSON NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC NORTHWEST DIVERS OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC OTTER TAIL CO EMPLOYEES COMMIT OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL VALLEY P.AILRO;~ OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC PITNEY BOWES PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC RAY'S OIL COMPANY REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC RICK LEITCH E.'i.CKHOE SRVC & PJ MARVIN ROBINSON ROYAL TIRE INC AMOUNT 4,192.80 4.89 597.14 55.33 36. 31 90.99 2,059.59 101.68 423.25 21,833.30 15.32 1,719.40 2,907.18 57. 95 372.74 510.74 6.26 42.07 157.30 125.55 25.00 19,702.50 2,341.80 83.10 1,966.70 768.00 515.00 6.54 336.20 348.88 2.98 32.90 3,078.75 65.00 103,549.24 14.19 49.33 237.28 84.50 1,048.29 32,311.81 6,126.80 2,470.25 90.79 259.76 36.13 2,445.75 9.78 1,842.53 Otter Tail County Warrants May 23, 2006 Page 2, Attachment A 5/23/2006 I 11:03:07 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PA!'iELSON REC:cIPTS AJ.'!D DIS2URS2MENTS SYS,E,,! WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS _Z\.PPROVED ON 5/23/2006 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME SANDBAGS WAREHOUSE SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU JERRY SHULTZ SOUTH MILL SERVICE STEINS INC UNITED RENTALS HIGHWAY TECHNOL VALLEY SOFT WATER LTD JOYCE VALLEY . VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WADENA CO AUDITOR TREASURER GARY WASKOSKY WASTE MANAGEMENT WEST PAYME,-lT CENTER 'AMOUNT 3,977.78 : 9. 70 134,99 ' 9. 69 149.65 94.79 56.26 73.76 1,096.72 562.86 95.00 1,207.60 2,588.10 IFD56 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 5/23/2006 FINAL TOTAL-------$225,216-47 ****