HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/17/2006MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 500 Fir Avenue W., Fergus Falls, MN Tuesday, January 17, 2006 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, January 17, 2006, at 9:30 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Roger Froemming, Chair; Dennis Mosher, Vice-Chair; Bob Block, and Syd Nelson present. Commissioner Malcolm Lee was absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of January 17, 2006, with the following addition: Closed Session -Discussion Regarding Negotiation Strategies Relative to the AFSCME Bargaining Unit (Highway) Approval of Minutes Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of January 10, 2006, as presented. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Nelson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Ag Extension Update Extension Educator, Vince Crary, reported on the Arsenic Water Grant. He had sampled water on 100 different dairy farms in Becker, Clay, and Otter Tail Counties. After the water samples were run, they divided the farms into three categories: low -0-10 parts per billion medium -10-25 parts per billion high -over 46 parts per billion He indicated 20 farms were placed into these categories. Samples of urine, milk, and feed were taken on the high and low category farms. Samples of just urine were taken on the medium category farms. Tissue samples were taken from cows and calves to check for accumulation of arsenic in the tissues. The State of Minnesota will test these samples. Mr. Crary also reported that the Donkey Project was completed. He provided a handout showing the results of the study. The results for 2003 and 2004 grazing seasons revealed close to the same in number of plumeless thistle plants with two cow/calf pairs versus one donkey and one cow/calf pair. He explained that in 2005 there was a dramatic drop in plants in the pastures with one donkey and one cow/calf pair. Mr. Crary gave a brief report on Compost Dairy Barns and provided two newsletters. He indicated he will provide a copy of his AFE Monthly Report to the County Commissioners. OTC Board of Commissioners January 17, 2006 Page 2 Ditch No. 63 Ditch Inspector, Randy Wasvick, reported that work had been done on Ditch No. 63 last fall in Elizabeth in Oscar Township. According to Mr. Wasvick, additional work needs to be completed because some of the tile is not working. There are two 12 inch tiles, a 10 inch tile, and a 14 inch tile going into Altner Lake. Going out of the lake is a 14 inch tile going into three culverts which are 14 inches, 16 inches, and 10 inches, with an 18 inch tile taking it out. The 18 inch tile is unable to handle all the water. In 1997/1998, benefits were redetermined with total benefits of $62,035. The cost of repairs cannot exceed the value of the benefits. It would cost $150,000 to $200,000 to repair the whole ditch system. An engineer would have to be hired. Costs for these repairs would be paid by the property owners. The County does not own the ditch and it is not the responsibility of the County to pay for the repairs. Commissioners requested that Mr. Wasvick schedule an informational meeting with the property owners in the watershed. It was discussed to have the meeting on February 15, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Services Center. Letters will be sent out to notify affected property owners. Commissioner Lee was present at 10:03 a.m. Application for Exempt Permit Motion by Nelson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the LG220 Application for Exempt Permit as submitted by the East Otter Tail Deer Hunters Chapter for an event scheduled on Thursday, February 16, 2006, at the Cactus Gardens in Perham Township. Membership Dues· Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to the Minnesota Rural Counties Caucus, in the amount of $2,100, for Otter Tail County's 2006 membership dues. Approval of Plat Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried, to approve the Inman Township Cemetery First Addition Plat. Otter Tail County Credit Card Motion by Block,· second by Mosher, and unanimously carried, to authorize an Otter Tail County Credit Card through Wells Fargo's Express ONE MasterCard to: Margaret Williams, Mental Health Case Manager -30 day limit of $750.00 BWSR Block Grant Funding Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, provided a handout regarding the 2006 Natural Resources Block Grant. The handout provided information about the 2006 Block Grant and what each County will receive. The handout also provided Otter Tail County's grant dollars ($102,700.00) and the required match ($105,655.00). Of these funds Land & Resource Management will receive $60,211.25, East Otter Tail SWCD will receive $34,845.45, and West Otter Tail SWCD will receive $25,032.30. ,· ' OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 17, 2006 Page 3 2006 County Board Committee Appointments Ch . F air roemmma ma d f . e the ollow1na anno1ntments: AMC Delegates Five Seated Commissioners County Coordinator County Attorney Hiahwav Enaineer Natural Resources Committees: International Coalition Lee Judicial Ditches Mosher Lee Noxious Weed Appeal (statutory) Lee-West Froemmina -East Shoreland Rules Revision Committee Block Soil & Water Conservation District (EOT) Nelson Soil & Water Conservation District (WOT) Mosher Financial Committees: BudgeUAudit Committee Block Nelson Capital Improvement Committee Mosher Froemmina Investment Committee Lee Mosher Facilities: Building Committee (statutory) Nelson Lee Criminal Justice Planning Advisory Committee Block Lee Personnel Related Committees: Personnel Committee Mosher Lee Labor Manaaement Committee Block Public Health Labor Manaaement Committee Block Human Services Labor Manaaement Committee Froemmina Decartmental Policv Committees: Courtroom Securitv Committee Mosher Employee Safety Committee Froemmina Extension Committee (statutory) Froemming Mosher Highway Committee ' Mosher Nelson Land & Resource Committee Block Lee Block Radio -Communications Froemming Solid Waste Committee Lee OTC Board of Commissioners January 17, 2006 Page 4 Technology Committee Board Aooointments to other On:ianizations: Aariculture Advisory Representative AMC District IV Jail & CD/Meth Steering Committee Area Transportation Partnership Committee Community Health Services (CHS) Advisory Board County Solid Waste Coordinatina Committee Family Services Collaborative Executive Committee Lake Region Community Partners Lakeland Mental Health Center Law Librarv /statutory) Long Range Planning Task Force Minnesota Department of Corrections Advisory Board Minnesota Rural Counties Caucus (MRCC) RTC Re-use Task Force Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) (Reaional MnDOT) Wadena Community Action Council West Central Area Aaency on Aaina (WCAAA) West Central MN EDD (economic development) Western Area City County Cooperative (WACCO) (if member in 2006) WCR Juvenile Center Advisory Board Block Lee Nelson Block 2 yr term beainnina 7/1/05 Lee Nelson Alternate -Froemmina Froemmina Block Nelson Mosher Block Block Froemming Mosher Nelson Alternate -Froemmina Delegate -Nelson Alternate -Froemmina Block Lee Office not available for Counties until 1/1/07 Nelson Block Nelson Nelson Nelson Alternate -Chuck Kitzman Adjournment/Closed Session At 11 :05 a.m., Chairman Froemming declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of · Commissioners adjourned until Tuesday, January 24, 2006. Following the adjournment, Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners went into a closed session for purposes of discussing labor negotiation strategies relative to the AFSCME (Highway) Bargaining Unit. Dated: I -~ :I-;;;t.eo0:> OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: ~ ~ LanyKrn, Clerk CB/ab 1/17/2006 12:16:22 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION OTC Warrants January 17, 2006 Attachment A, Page I IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 1/17/2006 FOR PAYMENT 1/17/2006 VENDOR NAME A-1 LOCK AND KEY A'VIANDS LLC AMERIGAS JERRY BERNS BERT'S TRUCK EQUIPMENT OF MIID BIG FOOT GAS & GROCERY BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BOTNER EXCAVATION SERVICES LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC BRANDT & MAGNUS P.A. BRETZ HARDWARE KENT BUESSELER CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CATCO CHECKERS COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES CROSSCOUNTRY COURIER INC CULLIGAN WATER COND DAKOTA FLUID POWER INC DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY CAIS ECONO SALES AND SERVICE ENVIRONMENTAL WOOD SUPPLY LLC FARGO FREIGHTLINER FERGUS FALLS NEWSPAPERS INC CITY FERGUS FALLS FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FIRST LINE MEDICAL FLOOR TO CEILING STORE FORCE AMERICA G & K SERVICES GE CAPITAL GERALD N EVENSON INC GR GRAPHICS INC ST LOUIS HALL GMC INC MARK HAUGE HEDAHLS HEADQUARTERS HENNING AUTO PARTS INC HENNING HARDWARE KEN HOESCHEN SHELDON HOLM SANDY HOLO K-MART KELLY SERVICES INC LINDA KESKITALO L & L SERVICE LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE CORP LAKEWAY MARKET LLC AMOUNT 38. 29' 6,894.27 307.59 6.00 23.63 949 .04 l 73. 77 1,026.50 64.36 750.00 1,204.31 62.60 369.38 26.42 263.23 212.84 340.99 60.00 69.27 44.22 94.81 10.00 502.59 9,000.00 220.07 223.25 80,834.95 6,330.00 450.06 1,344.51 1,756.61 2,114.84 233.65 16.26 417.80 133.37 83.99 231.43 110.35 79.32 2,427.76 121.46 24.00 s.oo 1,954.91 290. 92 31.50 941. 80 7,820.60 OTC Warrants January 17, 2006 Attachment A, Page 2 1/17/2006 12,16,22 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 WARRANTS APPROVED·ON 1/17/2006 FOR PAYMENT 1/17/2006 VENDOR NAME LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LAWSON PRODUCTS INC M & I LOCKBOX MCCC M·R SIGN COMPANY INC. MCCC MI 33 JACKIE MCGRAND MN OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNO MN STATE AUDITOR NELSON DODGE GMC NELSON INTERNATIONAL NEW YORK MILLS HERALD ·NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC NORTHSTAR TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC ONYX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LL OS I ENVIRONMENTAL INC OTTER TAIL CO PUBLIC HEALTH OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OVERLAND MECHANICAL SERVICES PARK REGION CO OP PERHAM CO OP CREJ\MERY PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN CITY PERHAM PETE'S AMOCO PITNEY BOWES PRO AG FARMERS CO OP PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER INC QUALITY TOYOTA RAY ALLEN MANUFACTURING CO INC RECYCLING ASSOCIATION OF MINNE RIVER BEND INDUSTRIES ROTHSAY FARMERS CO OP ROYAL TIRE INC CHERI SCHULTZ SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU · SOUTH MILL SERVICE SOUTHTOWN C-STORE ST JOSEPH EQUIPMENT INC WAYNE STEIN STEINS INC STEVE'S SANITATION INC STORAGE CONNECTION SUPER SEPTIC INC OF PELICAN RA SUSAN ULSCHMIO VALLEY SOFT WATER VALLEY SOFT WATER LTD WALLWORK TRUCK CENTER WASTE MANAGEMENT WELLER OIL CO AMOUNT 830.00 92.38 9,235.42 1,099.20 11,536.60 JS.CO 334.62 336.50 76.20 74.47 63.78 1,432.99 6,500.00 20,513.30 so.co 227.40 317.00 27.00 7,335.79 9,130.36 34.55 66,107.73 2,835.33 162.97 913. 65 379.87 59.02 614.70 185.00 117 .54 7.00 302.20 76.39 3,250.00 16. 90 211. 00 13.15 447 .14 300.13 272.41 548.76 300.00 77,19 46.80 37.06 27.50 747.67 486.66 175.60 1/17/2006 12:16:22 COUNTY 56 OTC Warrants January 17, 2006 Attachment A, Page 3 IFD66 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION PAOE 3 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 1/17/2006 FOR PAYMENT 1/17/2006 VENDOR NAME WEST PAYMENT CENTER WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE ZIEGLER INC 4-H PLAT BOOK PROJECT FINAL TOTAL ...... . AMOUNT 1,302.50 655.02 673. 90 37.25 $281,363.12 ****