HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/01/2005MINUTES OF THE I OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONEI S Government Services Center, 500 Fir Av~. W. Commissioners' Room Tuesday, March 1, 2005 9:30 a.m. Call to Order · · \ The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, March 1, 2005, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services C~nter with Commissioners Bob Block; Chair, Roger Froemming; Vice-Chair, Dennis Mcisher, Mal -olm Lee, and Syd Nelson present. < · Approval of Agenda Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve th~ County Board agenda of March 1, 2005, with additions as follows: \ . 10:50 a.m. -Request for Approval of Premise Permits · , Human Services Director, Personnel Committte Approval of Minutes _\ Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to appr,, ve the County Board minutes of February 22, 2005, as mailed. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve I ayment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of the officral minutes, whrch 1ncludei the following lodging payment as follows: \ · Shooting Star · Detention Center Administrator, Richard f-kerman -· Detention Center Asst. Administrator, Al Keller I Request to Remove a Condition on CUP #6092 Viking Valley Hunt Club Owners, Les & Bette Bensch, provided a !handout sl!lmmarizing the timetable of events relative to the Conditional Use Permit issued in 1988 fo~ their Shooting and Hunting Club. Mt. Bensch explained that the Conditional Use Permit process was completed; however, when the permit process reached the County 1 Commissipners meeting, two additional requirements were added to the permit. Mr. Bensch stated that the non- transferability condition is causing a problem because he is un~ble to sell the property. His opinion is that the condition is outside of County law and goes beyond the kuthority of the County. Discussion took place regarding the need for a Condition~! Use Pern\it because the Hunting Lodge is outside of 1,000' of the lake(s). Mr. Bensch stated that othet businesses in the area have not been required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit.! He stated that Condition No. 4 on the CUP was added by resolution of the County Commissioners and \requested that it be removed by resolution or motion. County Attorney, David Hauser, provided his legal opinion that the Hunt Club is a commercial use and requires a Conditional \use Permit to operate. He recommended that a condition on an existing permit riot be take1 off by motion of the County Board because -the public would not have notide of the fCtion and an opportunity to give their opinions. Chairman Block requested furth1er researcm on this issue and requested that the item be placed on the agenda of _the n~xt regular County Board meeting. I OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 1, 2005 Page2 · • Board of Review Schedule · Assessor, Bob Moe, handed out the Board of Review schedules to the County Board. Mr. Moe stated that April 4th is the_ first meeting and they run through May 1 ih, with the · County Board of Equalization scheduled in June. He noted that ag land values will increase because of the sales ratio. Approval of Final Plats Motion by Lee, second by Mosher,_ and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Michael_ Vipond known as Interlaken,. located in Section .22 pf Dunn Township; Elbow L11ke (56-774) and franklin Lake (56-759). _, . .I .• ' . .. , Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Don Tomlinson known as Tomlinson Oaks, consisting of three backlots, located in Section 31 of Corliss Township on Little Pine.Lake (56-142f .; 1 I • ~. , ' • , Security Cameras --. _ Physical Plant Manager, Rick Sytsma, and MIS Director, -Tim Brand, discussed the current capabilities of the camera surveillance system in the Government Services Center and the cost to add cameras. Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize security cameras in the.GSC building at an approximate cost of $1,000 per camera. . . Change Order Requests -Project No. 0202-6 Motion by Lee, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve Change Order No. MC #3, for Manning Mechanical of Fargo, ND, in the amount $6,761-.00; for remodeling at the 505 _South Court building. Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve Change. Order No. TC #1, for G & R Controls•of West··Fargo, ND; in the amount of $13,100.00, which will allow temperature control to be networked and controlled from the office in the Government Services Center. ' . Vending Machine Report ·Mr. Sytsma provided a vendirig machine report for period ending December 31,, 2004, and reported net income of $2,305,39, which will be used ~or depreciation. '·, · Premise Permit -, Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2005 • 13 Commissioner Froemming offered the following a'nd moved its adoption: WHEREAS,· the ·responsibility for the • regulation of lawful gambling and the issuance of 'licenses arid permits for the conduct of lawful gambling lies with 'the Minnesota Gambling Control Board; and · • ·,. · WHEREAS, the Ottertail"Lions Club, Ottertail, MN; has m·ade an application to the Gambling Control Board forthe purpose of conducting lawful gambling at Lenny's Dining and Dancing, located at 30255 Ph"elps Mill Road in Maine Township of Otter Tail County; and - ·- OTC Board of Comlissioners' Minutes March 1, 2005 Page 3 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 349.213 provides that the Gambling Control Board may not ' issue a premise permit unless they receive a resolution from the Otter Tail aunty Board of Commissioners approving the application for a permit; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is aware of no r ason to oppose the conduct of lawful gambling by the Ottertail Lions Club, Ottertail, MN, atl Lenny's Dining and Dancing, located at 30255 Phelps Mill Road in Maine Township of Otter llail County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail Co~ni Board of Commissioners hereby approves the conduct of lawful gambling by the Ottertail Lions Club, Ottertail, MN, at Lenny's Dining and Dancing, located at 30255 Phelps Mill Road i~ Maine Tdwnship of Otter Tail County, provided the applicant meets all the necessary criteria for t 1e licenses and permits as required by the Gambling Control Board. IT IF FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this application and approval shal be provided to the Township of Maine by sending them a copy of this resolution. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion, and upon being put to a vote, w s unanimously carried. Adopt~d.at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 1st day of March, 2005. Dated: _ __,,De,:3~/_..o:,a,S'-'l'-'o .... 5..L----r I Attest ki ~ LarfyKro n, ~ OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF C • MMISSIONERS By: ;~ zt;L:. \J:c,,.~ Rob Block,ounty Board Ch Premise Permit Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2005 -14 I Commissioner Froemming offered the following and moved its adoption: I WHEREAS, the responsibility for the ·regulation of lawful gambling and t e issuance of licenses and permits for the conduct of lawful gambling lies with the Minne~ota Gambling Control Board; and · l WHEREAS, the Ottertail Lions Club, Ottertail, MN, has made an application t the Gambling Control Board for the purpose of conducting lawful gambling at the Sparetirlie Bar & Grill, located at 43521 Fort Thunder Road in Perham Township of Otter T~il County; land WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 349.213 provides that th~ Gamblinb Control ~oard may not issue a premise permit unless they receive a resolution from the Otter Tail C, unty Board of Commissioners approving the application for a permit; and OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 1, 2005 Page4 WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is aware of no reason to oppose the conduct of lawful gambling by the Ottertail Lions Club, Ottertail, MN, at the Sparetime Bar & Grill located at 43521 Fort Thunder Road in Perham Township of Otter Tail County: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby-approves the conduct of lawful gambling by the Ottertail Lions Club, Ottertail, MN, at the Sparetime Bar & Grill,-located at 43521 Fort Thunder Road in Perham Township•ofOtter Tail County, provided the applicant meets all the necessary criteria for the licenses and permits as-required by the Gambling Control Board . . . IT IF FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this application and approval shall be provided to the Township of Perham by sending them a copy of this resolution. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion, and upon being put to a vote, was unanimously carried. · ' Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 1st day of March, 2005. ' . Dated: __ __.__.o._3-'-+-/'"'o ... 8'-+-'las=>--<----OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , I Attest kt'f. ~ Larry,rohn:c1er . ' J '' ,, ... Law Enforcement Collective Bargaining Agreements Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the following Collective Bargaining Agreements between the County of Otter Tail and the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local #320, for the period of January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2007: Sheriffs Departmer:,t Essential Non-L[censed Jailer/Dispatchers Sheriffs Department Essential Deputies Unit Sheriff's Department Essential Supervisory Unit • . , • Post Employment Health Plan County Coordinator, . ~arry Krohn, presented an updated draft of the non-union post employment health plan which is consistent with the PEHP language· in several of the Collective Bargaining Agreements. A separate Elected Officials Post Employment Health P)an policy was also submitted for review. Mr. Krohn will e-mail the draft 0 non-ynioi;i PEHP to . Department Heads and return to the Boar!'.! for final approval. -. Performance Evaluation Summary Motion by Froemming, second-by Mosher, _and unanimously carried to approve the positive Performance Evaluation Sum_mary of Solid Waste Director, Mike Hanan, as.presented, and to direct that the summary be placed in his personn,el file. . · Area Transportation Partnership Committee Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to appoint Commissioner, Malcolm Lee, to the Area Transportation Partnership Committee. , OTC Board of Com issioners' Minutes March 1, 2005 Page 5 Adjournment At 11:17 a.m., Chairman Block declared the meeting of the Otter Tail Commissioners adjourned until Tuesday, March 8, 2005. Dated: Q3 (6g IDS I J OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COM I , CB/kd l • ~ --I ... · Otter Tail C unty Warrants March 1, 2005 Page 1 Attachment A ·• 3/01/2005 11:15:10 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM IFD66 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION I WARRANTS APPROVED ON 3/01/2005 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME A'VIANDS LLC AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES INC AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING INC BACHMAN PRINTING COMPANIES BARBER RAZOR BLADE CO BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE COMMISSIONER OF-TRANSPORTATION EAGLE POINT SCOTT ELLINGSON FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS AS MYRON GRAFF H & T CORP OF MINNESOTA MARILYN HELLER HENNING AUTO PARTS INC HENRY'S FOODS INC SHELDON HOLM . INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS IN MICHELLE JORGENSON KELLY SERVICES INC . MARY KENNING PHD L & 0 ACRES TRANSPORT INC LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP MCCOLLOUGH WELDING MN CO INSURANCE TRUST . MN POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY MN WEIGHTS AND MEASURES MOTOROLA MUDPUMPER MUDJACKING NATIONAL IMAGING SYSTEMS NETWORK CENTER COMMUNICATIONS OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER PAMIDA INC 008 PINK BARRACUDA DIVE SHOP PITNEY BOWES PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER INC ALLEN RICKS SCHMITZ FORD INC SCHWAAB INC SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SEWER SERVICE . SHERWIN WILLIAMS SHOOTING STAR CASINO LODGE SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC DAVID STADUM STREICHERS SUNMART FOODS · VALLEY SOFT WATER AMOUNT 2,680.75 2,918.63 50.45 2,814.50 241.76 122.50 63.27 100.00 2,583.15 64.95 2,088.00 535.00 5.73 1,101.60 200.00 12.87 630 .22 124.34 5,392.29 I 12.00 1,156.00 1,250.00 28,336.74 52.40 ·10.65 1,844.00 I 400.00 . 375.00 689.06 1,800.00 339.98 8,831.45 89.36 5.90 24.00 1,462.25 602.38 87.96. 77.79 32.16 47 .30 65.00 '232.70 159,15· 1,541.15 48.00 79.82 135.43 5.50 I I I I COUNT 56 I PAGE 1 3/01 2005 Otter Tail County Warrants March' 1, 2005 Page 2,'~ttachment A 3/0i/2005 11:15:10 :PANELSON OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR. RECEIPTS AND.DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS.FOR PUBLICATION COUNTY 56 IFD66 PAGE 2' WARRANTS APPROVED ON' •3/01/2005 FOR PAYMENT:· 3/01/2005 **** VENDOR NAME VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS WALTERS PHOTOGRAPHY• ROGER WALVATNE ;, FINAL TOTAL .....•• AMOUNT 225.23 ,15'. 63 96.00 ' . I..