HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/20/2005•
Government Services Center
Dead Lake Room
Thursday, January 20, 2005
1:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Sharon Wicklund called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1:07 p.m.
Attendance: Brian Armstrong, Karen Cannell, John Dinsmore, David Hauser, Karan Johnson, Cheryl Ranum,
Heather Severson-Tanez, Tina Tungseth, and Sharon Wicklund.
Excused Absence: Rick Denzel, Larry Krohn, Sydney Nelson, and Jodi Wentland.
Unexcused Absence: Dwight Serven, Tim Brand, and Mark Englund.
Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
Karan Johnson read the Norms of Behavior.
Review of Minutes
Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of December 16, 2004 by consensus.
Review of Agenda
.. ommittee members approved as presented, the agenda of January 20, 2005 by consensus with two (2)
Under Discussion Items:
A. Problem Solving Form-Insurance Coverage for Health Clubs
B. Problem Solving Form-Plug-Ins
Discussion Items
A. Problem Solving Form-Insurance Coverage for Health Clubs
Identified Issue: Blue Cross/Blue Shield is making available to policyholders a benefit of $20/month if
policyholder actively participates in a health club.
Description of Current Situation: This benefit is not available to Otter Tail County employees due to our
status of being "self-insured".
Recommended Options: The County to provide the same financial benefit to their employees, as in the
long run, it would help to decrease funds paid out for health care needs.
Form Competed by: Kim Kampbel-Seufert on 01/03/05, presented by Karan Johnson.
Action Agreement by LMC: The Labor/Management discussed the following:
• Would Otter Tail County provide this benefit?
• Apparently Blue Cross/Blue Shield is offering a $20 rebate to their insured; not to the self-insured.
• If people stay physically fit, there is a cost savings in the long run.
• Blue Cross/Blue Shield administers Otter Tail County's health insurance; we are self-insured
through Lakes Country .
• The County is pooled together with other counties and cities.
• Possibly have Kathy Domholt present up-to-date information.
Labor/Management Committee Minutes
January 20, 2005
Page 2 of 3
• If all employees received the health benefit of $20 month, that would be an approximate total of
$96,ooo. A
• Discussed the possibility of the Wellness and Insurance Subcommittees getting together to revieJ!I'
• Whenever something is subsidized, it's not long before the initial cost rises.
The following consensus was reached by the Labor/Management Committee:
• Sharon Wicklund will discuss with the Wellness Committee and report status at the March meeting.
• John Dinsmore will check into health related grants and report back at the March meeting.
• Heather Severson-Tanez will research to see if there are programs offered through the Public
Health Department.
B. Problem Solving Form-Plug-Ins
Identified Issue: Revisit the issue of Plug-Ins for County Night workers; many private companies provide
this service for their night staff.
Description of Current Situation: Presently when temperatures are extremely cold, night workers need to
leave the Detention Facility to start vehicles numerous times during their shift or fluids gel in their vehicles
which can damage the automobile motor. The County has provided a battery pack which only deals with
the issue if staff have a poor battery in their vehicle. The fluid gelling in cold temperatures, becoming too
thick to circulate which ultimately damages the staff vehicles, is the real issue. Sheriffs Department
employees work 24 hours/7 days a week no matter what the weather is. It is important that we be able to
get back and forth from work. If we have difficulty getting our vehicles going in the morning and we have to
work again that night shift, it can be an undue hardship on the staff, some who drive quite a distance to
work. The battery pack has been depleted on numerous mornings and not available for all workers
because ii needs to be charged in between. It is helpful, but not a solution to the problem.
Recommended Options: Provide 6 plug-ins for the Detention Facility night shift workers and 2 plug-ins •
Dispatchers. Sheriff's Department Deputies drive their squads to work with little down time, so it does not
become an issue for them. Check with other County Department Heads who have night workers to
determine a need within their departments, if they pole their department and determine that the request is
valid then this should be provided to them. In 2001 discussion item listed an approximate cost of 200-amp
circuit with 20 plug-ins at $5,000, we are only asking for 6-8 plug-ins, which would be less than half of that
Form Completed by: Tina Tungseth on 01/19/05.
Action Agreement by LMC:
Consensus reached by the Labor/Management Committee that this is a department issue that should be
addressed to the Department Head.
C. Create List of Discussion Items
John Dinsmore distributed a list of Examples of Work Site Labor/Management Committee Topics to the
LMC Committee members. The Labor/Management Committee reviewed the distributed list and created
the list below as items the committee would like to discuss:
Rank Topic ·No. of "
No. ·No. Votes Items for Discussion
1 8 7 Fitness Programs
2 22/42 6 Reclassification of Positions Procedure/Job Reclassification
3 7 4 Comparable Worth
4 35 3 Employee Training Needs (e.g.; meth)
4 41 3 Training: Supervisory/Leadership/Time Management
• Rank Topii: ._. No. of __
No . No~ -Votes
4 67 3
5 38/71 * 2
5 15/4 2
5 46 2
6 45 1
6 63 1
6 53 1
6 72* 1
6 60 1
6 73* 1
* Added to List of Topics
Labor/Management Committee Minutes
January 20, 2005
Page 3 of 3
Items for Discussion --
Employee Security
Work Efficiency Strategies/Workload Analysis
Employee Suggestion System/Surveys of Employees
Dress Code
What's Working, Good News
Workplace Behavior Guidelines
Citizen Survey/Citizen Information Method
E-Government (Use of Website)
Consensus was reached by the Labor/Management Committee to discuss this list further at the March
Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates
The Public Health Labor/Management Committee has been working on:
• Held Flu Shot Clinics.
The Human Services Labor/Management Committee has been working on:
• • John Dinsmore distributed information that the Human Services LMC has or is working on, which
o Mission Statement
o Worksite Human Services LMC Goals
o Membership
o BMS Problem Solving Method
o Worksite LMC Priorities -2004
o Accomplishments Since 2001 Inception of Worksite LMC
Human Services Labor/Management Topics
Hiring Process
Flex Time/4-10 Hour Days
Compensatory Time
Performance Appraisal System
Funeral Leave for Co-Workers
Clean Windows
Food Machines
Diversity Training
Next Meeting
The discussion items for the March agenda include:
• Update of Insurance Coverage for Health Clubs
• List of Discussion Items
New York Mills Office
Office Aids (Printers, Cell Phones)
Vacation Request
Program Coverage
Administrative Time (Income Maintenance)
First Aid -Hepatitis B Shot
ID Tags
Office Space
.t 3:00 p.m., Sharon Wicklund declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee
adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 17, 2005.
'" Attachment
Subcommittee Formed: □Yes [gJ No
Identified Issue: Blue Cross/Blue Shield is making available to policyholders a benefit of
$20/month if policyholder actively participates in a health club.
Description of Current Situation: This benefit is not available to Otter Tail County employees
due to our status of being "self-insured".
Recommended Options: The County to provide the same financial benefit to their employees,
as in the long run, ii would help to decrease funds paid out for health care needs.
Form Completed by: Kim Kambel-Seufert (Karan Johnson) Date: 01/03/05
Completed forms should be routed to: LMC Representative
Date Reviewed by LMC: 01/20/05
Action Agreement by LMC: The Labor/Management discussed the following:
• Would Otter Tail County provide this benefit?
• Apparently Blue Cross/Blue Shield is offering a $20 rebate to their insured; not to the self-
• If people stay physically fit, there is a cost savings in the long run .
• Blue Cross/Blue Shield administers Otter Tail County's health insurance; we are self-
insured through Lakes Country.
• The County is pooled together with other counties and cities .
• Possibly have Kathy Domholt present up-to-date information .
• If all employees received the health benefit of $20 month, that would be an approximate
total of $96,000.
• Discussed the possibility of the Wellness and Insurance Subcommittees getting together
to review.
• Whenever something is subsidized, it's not long before the initial cost rises .
The following consensus was reached by the Labor/Management Committee for:
• Sharon Wicklund will discuss with the Wellness Committee and report status at the
March meeting.
• John Dinsmore will check into health related grants and report back at the March
• Heather Severson-Tanez will research to see if there are programs offered through the
Public Health Department.
PROBLEM SOLVING FORM Original Subcommittee
formed on 10/18/01.
Subcommittee Formed: □Yes [gj No
Identified Issue: Revisit the issue of Plug-Ins for County Night workers; many private
companies provide this service for their night staff.
Description of Current Situation: Presently when temperatures are extremely cold, night
workers need to leave the Detention Facility to start vehicles numerous times during their shift or
fluids gel in their vehicles which can damage the automobile motor. The County has provided a
battery pack which only deals with the issue if staff have a poor battery in their vehicle. The fluid
gelling in cold temperatures, becoming too thick to circulate which ultimately damages the staff
vehicles, is the real issue. Sheriff's Department employees work 24hr/7 days a week no matter
what the weather is. It is important that we be able to get back and forth from work. If we have
difficulty getting our vehicles going in the morning and we have to work again that night shift, it
can be an undue hardship on the staff, some who drive quite a distance to work. The battery
pack has been depleted on numerous mornings and not available for all workers because it
needs to be charged in between. It is helpful, but not a solution to the problem.
Recommended Options: Provide 6 plug-ins for the Detention Facility Night shift workers and 2
plug-ins for Dispatchers. Sheriff's Department Deputies drive their squads to work with little
down time, so it does not become an issue for them. Check with other County Department
Heads who have night workers to determine a need within their departments, if they pole their
department and determine that the request is valid then this should be provided to them. In
2001 discussion item listed an approximate cost of 200-amp circuit with 20 plug-ins at $5,000,
we are only asking for 6-8 plug-ins, which would be less than half of that cost.
Form Completed by: Tina Tungseth Date: 01/19/05
Completed forms should be routed to: LMC Representative
Date Reviewed by LMC: 01/20/05
Action Agreement by LMC:
Consensus reached by the Labor/Management Committee that this is a department issue that
should be addressed to the Department Head .
1. Communications -internal
2. Communications -external
3. Scheduling -developing alternative work schedules
4. Surveys of employees -various types, including communications, employee
satisfaction, etc.
5. Personal Time Off (PTO)
6. Leave accrual process
7. Comparable Worth
8. Fitness programs
9. Reassignment of work
10. Safety -various areas
11. Use of hazardous chemicals
12. Public relations
13. Uniforms
14. Redesigning work areas or equipment
15. Employee suggestion system
16. Employee picnic
17. Diversity training
18. Employee exchange of shifts
19. Employee access to TV sets
• 20. Donated Leave Program -for employees w/severe health problems
21. Job Evaluation
22. Reclassification of positions procedure
23. Hiring process review
24. Human resource policy and procedure review and update
25. Job design
26. Internal and External telephone directories
27. Indoor Air Quality
28. Parking Issues
29. Parking lot design
30. Promotional campaign
31. Employee recognition
32. Equipment purchasing
33. Equipment Use
34. Office/Wall decorating policy
35. Employee training needs
36. Employee resource manual (Policies, Procedures, Practices)
37. Restructuring the committees of the organization by moving the various
committees' objectives to the LMC
38. Work efficiency strategies (previously referred to as time-motion studies)
39. Staff 'Wall of Fame" and directory
40. Drug testing/education
41. Training: supervisory, leadership, time management
42. Job reclassification -reducing classes/titles/redefining duties
43. Customer service -who and how • 44. Planning -job specific/organizational
45. Dress code
Equipment evaluation (before/after purchase)
Equipment replacement schedules
Equipment preventive maintenance schedule
Electronic work order system (computer e-mail base)
"Can't do it'' list for custodial staff -e.g. no starting of personal cars in winter
Project specialist teams e.g. waxing floors
Workplace behavior guidelines
Cell phone discount
Code of Ethics review and revision
Travel Expense policy
Mentorship program
Interdepartmental training requirements
Perfom,ance review process
Citizen survey/citizen information method
Photocopy policy for citizens
Workplace pet peeves -EX: Automatic bay doors not opening/closing pro0per1y
What's working, Good News
Joint Shop Steward/Supervisor Labor Relations Training
Conference Attendance Policy
Recruitment program
Employee Security
Lost property process (Jail)
Skill based compensation -requirements/ratings of various skill levels of jobs
Call-in process
County-Wide LMC Potential Topics as of 8-31-00
1. Storm day policy
2. County Cars
3. Skateboards/roller blades on county property
4. Car plug-ins for employees
5. County parking problems
6. Building security
7. County Work Hours
8. Equality between departments
9. Funeral Leave Policy
Current County-Wide LMC Topics:
Otter Tail County Human Services
Work-site Labor Management Committee
Board Presentation Overview
Miaio,, !it1! ii The Wmksile Homan Services Labor Maoag,cm,:ot Committee exists to creatc an
enviroomeot in which all employees of Otter Tail County Homan Services mutually participate to improve
the wmk eovironmeot and to improve employee inpo1 in the decision making process.
Worl<sile Boman Senica LMC Goals:
D Develop a system that promotes open, two-way O(ffl)PPorirarion and an alllloSphere of
boocsty. trusl, and respect.
D Creale an environmem whad,y individual employees feel they are an unpo,twl part of
the o,-gaui:zation and are uwting the 0\/Cl'all COUPty goal of providing quality public
□ lmpro\-e wmk relationships bet .. eeo LJhor and lll3ll3gi:IIICI
□ Develop a framework for identifying and solving problems as well as migmdcrslandings
□ Eorourage aeativity and the sharing of job related information.
□ Strive to respect each olbcr's position on issues and view harriers to action as
opportuoilies for improvement.
Mmlbenhip: Six labor member represeotatives (lhree from each baigaioioi; uoil); fot,r managemmt
pe1sonucl and one couoty commissioner; and two ex-officio membeis (husioess apt and recorder)
BMS l'lloblrm Solving Mdbod:
Step I: Definition of Problem/Issue
• Nature of Issue
• Groups Alfectal
• When Issue ls Most Noticeable
Step U: Problem Analysis
• Underlying Caose(s) of Problem/Issue
Step Ill Brainstorm Possible Solutions
• Each Participant Write Down Ideas
Step IV: Select/Evaluate Most Feasible Solutions
• Will the selected solotion solve part or the -..twle problem?
Step V: Make a Recommeodatiou
• Summarize agreed definition 'lf the probtemrlSSUe
• Decide who receives the recommendation
• S111111113riz£ recommendation and n,que<0 f.....thad<
Step VI: Develop an Action Plan/Follow Up Plan
• When shall the co-chairs receive f Pftlback
• What action was taken (If oone, why?)
• O,mroiuee ~<:lion (closure)
Wort.sile LMC Priorities -2004
• Hiring Process (I )
Workload (2)
• Public Daia Maoeg,:u=t (6)
• Divenity Training (7)
• Cantinnn1 Education (8) • Office Space/Client Privacy
Issues (3)
• Safety (4)
• Performance Appraisal
• T ela:ommutiog (9) 5:J( ;t ~ Se1t1toI of donations ( 10)
• Selliog of Ma-cbandise (11)
• Wmdow Cleaning (12)
Accomplishments Since 2001 Inception ofWorksite LMC
Labor ManAoement Tonic Status of Topic • Hiring Process Created a set of "Reassignment of Duties and
Responsibilities Guidelines" to be implemented
effective August I. 2004 to compliment the
aeencv' s selection and hiring process
New York Mills Office New York Mills Office was opened with full time Staff.
Tonic Comnleted.
Flex Time/ 4-10 hour days Alternative Work Schedule was implemented on March
2002. Tonic Comoleted.
Office Aids (Printers, Cell Phones) Stipend Funded Cell Phone Policy was implemented
effective Jwte 2003. Periodic Reviews scheduled. Topic
Compensatory Time Topic Completed.
Vacation Request Format of Vacation Request Slip was changed.
Supervisor will return vacation slip to employee within 2
wor•;"" davs. Topic Completed.
Performance A=;sal Svstein Focus on comnletion of all staff armual evaluations
Program Coverage Topic Completed.
Conferences Referred to Management. Topic Completed
Communications Topic Completed.
Fum:ra.1 Leave for Co Worker Completed through labor negotiations
Administrative Time (Income Maintenance) Topic Completed •
Clean Windows Topic Completed
First Aid -Hepatitis B Shot Topic Completed
Food Machines Topic Completed
ID Tags Topic Completed
Added locks to 505 lobby + Doors were installed at 121
Safetv Building.
Office Snace Moved toGSC
Workload Currentlv workin2 on this tonic
T ele-Commut;no Uncom;no Tonic
Diversity Training Members suggested this training be looked at for the
Snrin• 2004 Aoencv Wide M...-t;no.
Sharon Jewell -Re: LMC Problem solving form?
Sharon Jewell
Tina Tungseth
1/14/2005 8:51 AM
Re: LMC Problem solving form7
Jodi Wentland; Sharon Wicklund
Page I of I
Tina, I have attached the problem solving form for you. The Plug-In issue was discussed back in 2001, so I have
also included the LMC minutes from October 18, 2001 and November 15, 2001 for your information.
Sharon R. Jewell
Human Resources Specialist
Otter Tail County Coordinator's Department
Government Services Center
520 Fir Avenue West
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Direct Phone: 218-998-8064
Office Phone: 218-998-8060
Fax: 218-998-8075
email: ~jewell@co.otter-tail.mn.us
>>> Tina Tungseth 01/14/05 01:04AM >>>
Dear Sharon,
Just a quick note to see if you had the LMC Problem Solving Form to send me on line so I complete the issues that I have to present and
return them to you via email. If not I can fill out the hand written forms and bring them with to the meeting. One of the issues that has been
brought up to me is that county workers that work night workers would like to have car plug ins available which is fairly standard practice for
companies that have night workers. The car power packs that have been provided are not the full answer, although they have been used
quite a lot by staff,~jumping the cars in the cold weather is not a lot of fun and the power packs get worn down with frequent usage.
Departments who have night workers would like to have enough plug ins available for the staff that are working~many of the staff are not
driving new vehicles that start well, it can be a real hardship when they have to stay late trying to start their vehicles in the morning.
Thank you! Tina
file:/ IC :\Documents%20and%20Setti ngs\sj ewe! I\Loca1%20Settings\ Temp\G W} 0000 I . HTM 2/2/2005
Sharon Jewell -Re: Request for LMC
Sharon Jewell
Tina Tungseth
1/19/2005 8:29 AM
Re: Request for LMC
Page I of I
Thanks Tina, would you like me to make copies of this problem solving form for the committee or will you be
bringing them with you tomorrow?
Sharon R. Jewell
Human Resources Specialist
Otter Tail County Coordinator's Department
Government Services Center
520 Fir Avenue West
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Direct Phone: 218-998-8064
Office Phone: 218-998-8060
Fax: 218-998-8075
email: sjewell@_c_o.otter-tail.mn.us
>>> Tina Tungseth 01/19/05 03:12AM >>>
Dear Sharon,
Thank you for the problem-solving form you forwarded to me along with the prior information. I remember when it was discussed at the jail
and when the power pack was provided. It has been brought up to me by several of our staff at a request to revisit this issue since the power
pack was not the full answer in question, so that is what I am doing. I did talk with one of the dispatchers who did not think he would use
the plug-ins but did not have time to pole the rest and felt that that could be done by department _heads if they felt it to be a valid issue for
therr staff Thank you. Tina
file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\sjewell\Loca1%20Settings\ Temp\G W} 0000 I .HTM I /19/2005
~ Shar,Dn Je~II -Request for LMC
Dear Sharon,
Tina Tungseth
Sharon Jewell
1/19/05 3:12AM
Request for LMC
Thank you for the problem-solving form you forwarded to me along with the prior information. I remember
when it was discussed at the jail and when the power pack was provided. It has been brought up to me
by several of our staff at a request to revisit this issue since the power pack was not the full answer in
question, so that is what I am doing. I did talk with one of the dispatchers who did not think he would use
the plug-ins but did not have time to pole the rest and felt that that could be done by department heads if
they felt it to be a valid issue for their staff Thank you. Tina
CC: Jodi Wentland; Sharon Wicklund; Tina Tungseth
Page 1 j
MEETINCi DATE: January 20, 2005
Brian Armstrong 134 / ~-~ ~ Ln_,
Dwight Serven fhw/c,,40#
Tim Brand lk>u/-cu o e .£}
Karen Cannell ~w~
Rick Denzel Excused
John Dinsmore
Mark Englund
David Hauser !A
Karan Johnson v1~~k~
Larry Krohn ¼o 4 o&
Sydney Nelson ¼«,0 £J
-t::::ft,(;:=:-Cheryl Ranum
Heather Severson-Tanez
Tina Tungseth I / lLfJ------: I Uy (FA /2 _)
Jodi Wentland ~ Sharon Wicklund
Joanne Derby
Merl King
Lori Morrell
James Moore