HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/16/2004• MINUTES OF THE
Government Services Center
Otter Tail Lake Room
Thursday, September 16, 2004
1:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Jodi Wentland called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 : 1 O p. m.
Attendance: Dwight Serven, Karen Cannell, John Dinsmore, David Hauser, Karan Johnson, Larry Krohn,
Heather Severson, Tina Tungseth, and Jodi Wentland.
Excused Absence: Brian Armstrong, Sydney Nelson, and Sharon Wicklund.
Unexcused Absence: Tim Brand, Rick Denzel, and Mark Englund.
Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
John Dinsmore read the Mission Statement and Karan Johnson read the Norms of Behavior.
Review of Minutes
Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of July 15, 2004 by consensus.
A Review of Agenda
""!!ommittee members approved as presented, the agenda of November 18, 2004 by consensus.
Discussion Items
A. Child Care Survey
John Dinsmore and Karan Johnson presented the Child Care Survey; discussion followed. The
Labor/Management Committee made the recommendation to table this item and to review in a year or two,
due to lack of interest.
B. New Member Training
The Labor/Management Committee discussed this item and reached group consensus to invite the
Bureau of Mediation in July of 2005 for training for all members.
C. Quality of Drinking Water at the New York Mills County Office Building
The Labor/Management Committee discussed drinking water at the New York Mills, Detention Facility, and
Courthouse County Offices. Larry Krohn and David Hauser reported that the County Board of
Commissioners will provide reverse osmosis systems for all three locations.
Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates
The Human Services Labor/Management Committee has been working on:
• Workload Issues
• Privacy Issues
• Public Data Management
• Continuing Education
• Window Cleaning
Labor/Management Committee Minutes
July 15, 2004
Page 2 of 2
Next Meeting
The discussion items for the November agenda include:
• Update on Reverse Osmosis Systems
• Labor/Management Committee Meeting Room Location
At 2:15 p.m. Jodi Wentland declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee
adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 18, 2004.
I. If a center based child care services were made available near your worksite location, would you use
these services?
20 yes
!04 No
25 Not sure
If you answered "No" to question 1, click on the "Submu'' button below. You do not need to answer
questions 2 -8.
2. My work location is nearest to which c01.mty office location (check on(v one response)?
30 Government Services Center in Fergus Falls
20 County Coun House in Fergus Falls
4 New York Mills County Building
3. If you were to utilize center based child care services, what hours of the day would you need for such
care to be available (check all that app(v)
39 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
42 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m.
3 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight
3 12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m.
4. If you were to utilize center based child care services, please identify the number of children by age
category that would use these services (answer by entering the number of children per category):
_JO_ Infant (6 weeks to 16 months)
_12_ Toddler (16 months-33 months)
_16_ Preschool (33 months -kindergarten)
_ 17 _ School age (kindergarten through age 12)
5. Of the children identified in Question 4 above. please identify the number of children by age category
that would require special needs services (answer by entering the number of children per category):
_ 0 _ Infant ( 6 weeks to 16 months)
_I_ Toddler (16 months-33 months)
_0_ Preschool (33 months -kindergarten)
_ 2 _ School age (kindergarten through age 12)
6. What is the amount per child that you are currently paying for child care (enter a dollar amount per
$4.00 to $165.00 Amount per child per week (14 responses)
$1.14 to $2.75 Amount per child per hour (23 responses)
7. Would you be willing to pay more for center based child care services if made available at a location
near your work location?
0 Yes
0 No
25 Not sure
8. Some public school districts have researched the possibility of offering center based child care services
to families whose children are enrolled in their school district. Would you utilize this service if it
became available?
0 Yes
8 No
27 Not sure
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
Your responses will be summariu,d with other respondents and presented to the
Otter Tail Coun()• Labor Management Commutee on September 16, 1004
(Submit Button)
Have no children.
My child ii 11 )111. old and I send him to the YMCA for child care. lfl had an infant or toddler, I would use the child care services through the county if it was availible.
In this po!lt 9/1 I world, I don't wish to have my children anywhere near a gov. office building.
It would have been nice to have this service available when my children where this age.
I don't have children that need day care.
My children are all grown. but it would be neat to have onsite daycare in the event that I have grandkids for a period of time & need daycare while I work.
It all depend<; on the quality of care!
It would depend on who the provider(s)is, what curriculum they have for the age of the child and rate that is charged.
I currently pay S2.00 per hour for full time daycare for my 2 year old In the summer I need daycare for my 7 year old cfue tO school being out. I would entert.ein placing my child(ren) in a coun1y hosed childcare setting i
Doo't ha\'e any kick of the age requiring child care.
I think that having a center based child care scr.ice would be awesome.
I amwered no because I have no small children at home. Howeve,-, I would support making this available to OTC Employees.
My children IJ'e old enough now not to need child can:. but I wish it would have been an option years ago.
Although I do not have children needing child care I do feel this would be a benificiaJ service for younger families and would be supportive of the project
In the last decade, "Nanny StateN has become a household word, and for these reasons. lltis is a glaring enmple of such reason. I keep marking NO, but when I go to send it changes to YES.
I don't have children yet, but plan to in the near future, and I think it would be great if we had child care available.
0 01 0
•. ?
~. ''
' /"'
. -· • ccs-ey •
A, a taxpayer. I believe. the liability for such an endeavor is too large a risk for Otter Tail County. I would like to see these services provided by people that art in the business
I will continue to utilize my current daycnre until my youngest is school age. I would really like after school care until the end of the work day and possibly full days on school holidays.
I'm sorry to be so vague about this. I have an excellent day-clll'"e provider that I would be hesitant to leave I will not be neet:ling daycare ever again afler the 2006-2007 school year starts. except for a few summers.
I hue a good in-home daycare at this point. But in speaking with other!., I belie,.·c that there is a need for it in our community. Particularly \\ith age groups that arc hard to place. mostly infants. I believe that it could als(
I would probably consider mo\.·ing my child lo a diJfermt day care when she is in Kindergarten and only needs supervision for the summer. This would not be for about 3 years. I probably would not move her to center ba
I lib my current provider. so an increase in the rate that I pay would not be an option for my family at this time. I may consider the option for drop-in type sef"\'ices.
I hne already shared my thoughts about this \\ith Karan and John. as they came to me originally cuz I'm the county licensor. I am quite opposed to the cost invoh·cd with any center in this situation, as a ta.,: payer. There a
I work in FF 1-2 days a week sometimes 3 days/week. Other day11 ofworic I spend in NYM and have family that live locally but days [ work in FF it is .11. major inconvenience for, people lo bring my child to fantily so It
my son i!J 1, md we no longer need this service.
My children are gro\\n
If! had young childr-en, I would have probably used the service. I no longer have the need for daycare.
I aruwered this survey in anticipation that I may soon have a child-not 11.S if I did currcntly.
All of my kids are in college or have graduated. and I do NOT anticipale being a grandparent an~1ime soon I have no interest. However I do think this would be \"Cf)' helpful for persons who do ha\'e children of day care a
What I have obsen:ed is center-based care is like a stockyard nnd dumping grounds. You will not be able lo pay a meaningful wage md offer quality benefits. Therefore. attracting care providers that arc not qualified or LI
My children arc 24 and 20 years of age. so this doeg not apply to me.
I'm glad I don, have children!!!!!!
I have already submitted a sur ... ey response but after longer consideration of this is..'i1.le, I wanted to submit more infonnation. I mentioned quality of care issues in my tint response. In addition to that, Otter Tail County Cl
my daycare lady is only 3 blocks away from the courthouse, so hard to say if any other place would be bet1er/closer
I would rc,ssibly be interested in using the child care for the summers months. if the cost wa., reasonable and that there was enough acti\"ities and fun stuff to keep older school aged children buisy. If older children get bon
I don'!. h.ave young children.
Page 2
But if this had occurred in the days when I had children who were of "childcare" age I would have considered that service 'cuz I would have wanted to be close to my k.ids. If you do decide to offer this service and need hel
I utilized an on-sile daycare that I had the opportunity to use once alld I LOVED it; however, I no longer hue children in daycan.
I do not have any kids that need dayCllTC anymore but ifl did,. I'd probably use the center
I would use it for a short lime due lo the age of my child. I still would support and agree it would be a wonderful benefit for those who need this service.
I have 3 children that are older. Not in need of assistance.
It SCffl1S that the majority of our employees an: past neecling child care. Doesn't any potential insurance risb outweigh any possible benefit? Who incurs the costs and how are they defended if a child i!. harmed or if alleg1
I don't feel the county should spend any County funds for this. If it funded by other means that would be fine.
I probably would use the center b~ child care if I bad young children but mine are a11 grown.
I have a wonderful family daycare situation right now. If that becomes unavailable, I would be VERY int~ed in center based child care service:!! here at work.
No comments
no kids -good idea though if it can fly
I am past the time of needing child care but ii sure would have been helpful when I started!! t!
I wonder if this has been thought through very well? (i.e. competition with local providers, space, cost, liability, e1c.)
Would on1y use during the summer school break
I alrtady h&\'e a childcare pro\·ider
Due to the ages or my children, I do not utilize childcare services, but I think it's a great option. and would ha\'e utilized it if it hod been available years ago!
Wonderful idea!
Although I would not use the services I feel it would take away from the pri\:ale daycare services. These people dq)cnd on their income as we do on our salaries.
Due lo the nature ofmy work 11SSignment I feel I would need to utilize this type of daycare for drop in purposes. I would utilize these St'f"Vices when my daycare pro\'ider is sick or on vacation. If my work assignment allo
I pernma11y ha\'e no need for this service but I believe it is a wonderful idea. I would rupport this service.
0 03 0
• c-ey
I would only be interested in an after school program. I would not put my preschool age children in this program.
I work rotating shifts so it would be to no help for me.
This sounds like a wonderful service, however, my children are old enough to no longer need this senice. Thank you.
I think that any progressive organization would olfer low cost, high quality child care for its employees.
I do not have young children, nor do I work out of FF
No additional comments.
Al this stage, I probably wouldn't use center bnsed childcare because my children love their provider. However. had it been around when my children were babies before I had established care, I would have used it. I stm~
I think this would be a good se,1.ice, but I would hope those using it would pay for services rendered
With the cut-backs in budgets and there not being a cut in the quantity of work ....... 1 do not think the County noeds to spend their time (which is money) on this. I think that the County employees should be busy enough w
I would not use as I no longer have children in lhe home. But I think I.hat it is a good idea; Those that need siners Y.ould not be so concerned about them arriving on time b/4 work; kids would close lo them ir emergency ai
I ha\'e no children
Having used child care providers in the past, would have greatly appreciated having on•site care as an option Great idea.
I would not need the service since I do not have any dependenWchildren requiring daycare.
My children have out grown the child care age. Hnd there been child~ available when they were younger, I would definitely have considered utilizing it.
I think it is a great idea. but my kids are in high school, so I wouldn't need the service.
No children at home. but would have appreciated it greatly irI did!
boya are 17 ond 20
l don't think it 5hould be on sile loce.tion, an location close by for those that would like the child care.
I do not need this service, bu id think this is a very good idea
Page 4
MEETINC DATE: September{, 2004
~~le~UW\ _ _____,Ll}=--0:i-~~Q-~_,__· =.0A=,-~,..,,..,k:V:)"-'---
f '/. Cu.,S e_d Brian Armstrong
Dwight Serven
Tim Brand
Karen Cannell
Rick Denzel
John Dinsmore
Mark Englund
David Hauser
Karan Johnson
Larry Krohn
u.,I'\ ~ LA.Se
Sydney Nelson £.x. CL.tCS.€.
Heather Severson /~Z.=:>
Tina Tungseth ~iJ, -..,-/-U<l-=~-f'J;R }\~
Jodi Wentland (¥; L0 o.o:+lc:i..r:d
Sharon Wicklund
Joanne Derby
Merl King
Lori Morrell
James Moore
Sharon Jewell -Re: LMC Minutes Questions
Sharon Jewell
Cheryl Ranum
11/12/2004 11:09 AM
Re: LMC Minutes Questions
Thanks Cheryl!
>» Cheryl Ranum 11/12/04 10:58AM »>
There's a reason why you don't make someone who just attended their first meeting take notes! haha
Page I of I
I did not write down the precise minute it started -I know it was late -probably 5 minutes late & it ended about 2:10. The only item that was
mentioned for the next meeting was the status of drinking water in Mills. I *believe• it was Lany that made the comment aOOut the water in
Mills. Maybe he remembers??? I'm afraid after almost 2 months, my memory stinks. Sorry ..... .
Oleryl Ranum
Financial Assistance Specialist
Otter Tail County Human Services
PO Box 247
New York Mills MN 56567
»> Sharon Jewell 11/12/04 08:57AM »>
I have a couple questions on the attached minutes.
I have left spots open on the minutes:
Under call to order, the time the meeting started.
Under Discussion Items, C. Quality of Drinking Water ; who reported that the County Board of Commissioners will provide reverse
osmosis systems for all three locations.
Under Next Meeting , did the group discuss what topics they will be discussing at the November meeting?
Last, under adjournment, what time {approx) did meeting end.
Sharon R. Jewell
Human Resources Specialist
Otter Tail County Coordinator's Department
Government Services Center
520 Fir Avenue West
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Direct Phone: 218-998-8064
Office Phone: 218-998-8060
Fax: 218-998-8075
email: sjewe!l@__to.otter·tai1.mn.us
file ://C: \Documents%20and%20Senings\sjewell\Local %20Settings\ T emp\G W) 0000 I . H ... 11/12/2004
Sharon Jewell -Re: LMC Minutes Questions
Sharon Jewell
Jodi Wentland
11/12/2004 8:33 AM
Re: LMC Minutes Questions
Page I of I
I would prefer our meetings be held in the Otter Tail Lake Room, then my labtop can be connected to the
network connection. I think it would be a good idea to add item to the agenda. Thanks for the information. I'll
email you a review of the minutes and agenda before I distribute them.
Sharon R. Jewell
Human Resources Specialist
Otter Tail County Coordinator's Department
Government Services Center
520 Fir Avenue West
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Direct Phone: 218-998-8064
Office Phone: 218-998-8060
Fax: 218-998-8075
email: sjewell@co.otter-tail.mn.us
>» Jodi Wentland 11/12/04 08:23AM »>
The meeting was called to order at approximately 1 :10 and ended early (I believe around 2: 15-2:30). Lany Krohn and David Hauser were the
ones that reported on the Drinking Water topic (if my memory is at all reliable) .
Topic items for next meeting:
1. Follow-up from Larry Krohn and David Hauser regarding Water system for New York Mills, Jail and Courthouse.
2. The standard topic areas that we always have on our agenda.
Might be a very short meeting again.
Also, should we plan to meet in the Otter Tail Lake room. I believe that Brian Armstrong had suggested consideration of moving this meeting
to the Dead Lake Room. We can either leave the meeting in the Otter Tail lake room for November's meeting and put this as an agenda item
for discussion. What do you think?
Thank you!
>» Sharon Jewell 11/12/04 08:09AM >»
I received the draft of minutes from O,eryl and I have a couple questions on the attached minutes.
I have left spots open on the minutes:
Under call to order, the time the meeting started.
Under Discussion Items, C. Quality of Drinking Water ; who reported that the County Board of Commissioners will provide reverse
osmosis systems for all three locations.
Under Next Meeting , did the group discuss what topics they will be discussing at the November meeting?
Last, under adjournment , what time (approx) did meeting end.
Sharon R. Jewell
Human Resources Specialist
Otter Tail County Coordinator's Department
Government Services Center
520 Fir Avenue West
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Direct Phone: 218-998-8064
Dffice Phone: 218-998-8060
Fax: 218-998-8075
email: ~jewe.!!_@co.otter-tail.mn.us
file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\sjewell\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}OOOO l .H... 11/12/2004
Sharon Jewell -LMC Minutes Questions
From: Sharon Jewell
To: Jodi Wentland
Date: 11/12/2004 8:09 AM
Subject: LMC Minutes Questions
I received the draft of minutes from Cheryl and I have a couple questions on the attached minutes.
I have left spots open on the minutes:
Under call to order, the time the meeting started.
Under Discussion Items, C. Quality of Drinking Water; who reported that the County Board of
Commissioners will provide reverse osmosis systems for all three locations.
Page I of I
Under Next Meeting, did the group discuss what topics they will be discussing at the November meeting?
Last, under adjournment, what time (approx) did meeting end.
Sharon R. Jewell
Human Resources Specialist
Otter Tail County Coordinator's Department
Government Services Center
520 Fir Avenue West
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Direct Phone: 218-998-8064
Office Phone: 218-998-8060
Fax: 218-998-8075
• email: sjewell@co.otter-tail.mn.us
file ://C :\Documents%20and%20Settings\sjewell\Local%20Settings\ Temp\G W} 0000 I .H... 11 /I 2/2004
Sharon Jewell -LMC Minutes Questions
Sharon Jewell
Cheryl Ranum
11/12/2004 8:57 AM
LMC Minutes Questions
I have a couple questions on the attached minutes.
I have left spots open on the minutes:
Under call to order, the time the meeting started.
Under Discussion Items, C. Quality of Drinking Water; who reported that the County Board of
Commissioners will provide reverse osmosis systems for all three locations.
Page I of I
Under Next Meeting, did the group discuss what topics they will be discussing at the November meeting?
Last, under adjournment, what time (approx) did meeting end.
Sharon R. Jewell
Human Resources Specialist
Otter Tail County Coordinator's Department
Government Services Center
520 Fir Avenue West
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Direct Phone: 218-998-8064
Office Phone: 218-998-8060
Fax: 218-998-8075
• email: sjewell@co.otter-tail.mn.us
fi le://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\sjewell\Local%20Senings\ Temp\G W} 0000 I . H... I I /I 2/2004
• From:
Cheryl Ranum
Sharon Jewell
minutes -9/16/04
Well, I don't know what happened to the other minutes. I know I returned to my office & sent them off
ASAP right when I remembered everything fresh & I know I don't delete my sent email until I see it's been
read & that email is deleted so, evidently, someone enjoyed my meeting minutes' ha
Anyway, this is what I remember now:
Jodi called the mtg to order.
Karen Cannell, John Dinsmore, David Hauser, Karan Johnson, Larry Krohn, Jodi Wentland, Cheryl
Ranum, Heather Severson, Tina Tungseth, Dwight Serven
not there -Tim Brand, Mark Englund, Sharon Wicklund, Brian Armstrong & Rick Denzel
Karan Johnson read norms & JD read the mission statement.
Approval of 7 /15/04 minutes.
first item -
JD & Karan presented their child care survey. discussion. recommendation -table to review in a yr or two,
due to lack of interest
• training was discussed. -will invite BMS 7/05 for training for all
drinking water in NYM, detention faci & courthouse was discussed. Co Board will provide reverse osmosis
system for these bldgs
need for labor co-chair as Tonya no longer works in the NYM bldg. Sharon Wicklund was nominated &
app as labor/co-chair.
OTCHS agency LMC updates
••• JD presented the issues for the agency LMC committee
--workload issues
-privacy issues
--public data mgmt
--continuing education
--window cleaning
next mtg 11/18 agenda items
--completion of drinking water issue
mtg adjourned by Jodi
Let me know if you have any more questions
Cheryl Ranum
Financial Assistance Specialist
Otter Tail County Human Services
PO Box 247
New York Mills MN 56567
Sharon Jewell -Re: LMC Minutes Questions
Sharon Jewell
Cheryl Ranum
11/12/2004 11:09 AM
Re: LMC Minutes Questions
Thanks Cheryl!
»> Cheryl Ranum 11/12/04 10:58AM >»
There's a reason why you don't make someone who just attended their first meeting take notes! haha
Page I of I
I did not write down the precise minute it started -I know it was late -probably 5 minutes late & it ended about 2:10. The only item that was
mentioned for the next meeting was the status of drinking water in Mills. I *believe* it was Lany that made the comment about the water in
Mills. Maybe he remembers??? I'm afraid after almost 2 months, my memory stinks. Sorry ......
Cheryl Ranum
Financial Assistance Specialist
Otter Tail County Human Services
PO Box 247
New York Mills MN 56567
»> Sharon Jewell 11/12/04 08:57AM »>
I have a couple questions on the attached minutes.
I have left spots open on the minutes:
Under call to order , the time the meeting started.
Under Discussion Items, C. Quality of Drinking Water ; who reported that the County Board of Commissioners will provide reverse
osmosis systems for all three locations.
Under Next Meeting , did the group discuss what topics they will be discussing at the November meeting?
Last, under adjournment , what time (approx) did meeting end.
Sharon R. Jewell
Human Resources Specialist
Otter Tail County Coordinator's Department
Government Services Center
520 Fir Avenue West
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Direct Phone: 218-998-8064
Office Phone: 218-998-8060
Fax: 218-998-8075
email: ~ewell@co.otter-tail.mn.u!i
file://C:\Docwnents%20and%20Settings\sjewell\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}0000 l .H ... 11/12/2004