HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/23/2004r • • • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, 500 Fir Ave. W . Commissioners' Room Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:30.a.m. I Call to Order \ The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Co\llmissioners Syd Nelson, Chair; Bob Block, Vice-Chair; Roger Froemming, Dennis Mosher, and Malcolm Lee present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Mosher, sepond by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Hu an Services agenda of March 23, 2004, as mailed. Approval of Minutes Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of March 9, 2004, as presented. Listening Ear Crisis Center Listening Ear Crisis Center advocates Sherrie Obright and Leona Ulrich resented a Proclamation for Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Crime Victims' Rights W 'ek. Sexual Assault is a nationwide concern, as well as a concern in Otter Tail County. Otter Tail County Proclamation Crime Victim's Rights Week Sexual Assault Awareness Month Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2004 -15 Commissioner Block offered the following and moved its adoption: I . WHEREAS, we as a Nation recognize crime victims' suffering, struggles and loss, and value them as our family members and friends, neighbors and co-workers who have bi' en harmed by crime; and I . WHEREAS, we as individuals and communities value core rights for crime victims that allow ' , them to participate in justice processes with rights to information, protection, reslitution, and to be heard; and I WHEREAS, we value the critical assistance and services that provide for crime victims' basic needs, such as fair treatment, dignity, respect and information, and the life esse tials, such as safe housing, food, support for their children, transportation, counseling, a d medical services; and WHEREAS, we value those among us who work on behalf of crime victims o not only improve rights, services and treatment of victims of crime, but to also build a better and more just community and co~ntry; and I OTC Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes March 23, 2004 Page 2 r WHEREAS, we value our.right to be.freE; from vi6(ence, to be safe in our homes and to live in 0 peace in our communities; and . _ · · . · _,_. :-,. . . . . WHEREAS, America as a Nation values liberty and justice for a//, including efforts to protect, , enhance and expand crime victims' rights and services; and WHEREAS, America has joined together annually for the past 24 years to recognize the needs and rights of crime victims ahd survivors; therefore, 'be it : ; - , --~r.:...·';flY:-'J(i: -•', _-1, RESOLVED, that'Otter Tail County Commissioners proclaim the week of April 18 to 24, 2004 to be Otter Tail County Crime Victims' Rights Week and the month of April to be OtlerTail County Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and honors crime victims and those who serve them during this week and throughout the year;' and be it further -, -, ; i".:;--·; ,, ,•. ;· ... •··11' ::.· RESOLVED, that as individuals, as communities and as: a· nation, .we continue to value crirhe victims and survivors, and to value justice in our nation that includes and involves crime victims; and be it further ·· ' ' RESOLVED, that a suitably prepared copy ofthis'proclamation be presented to Listening Ear Crisis Center on March 23, 2004. Com.missioner-Mosher seconded -the motion, and upon: being put to vote,· was· unanimously carried.· · ,:, · · · ·.: -! • . .. _·. ( :, ' r. ; ' - Adopted and signed this 23rd day of March 2004. .... . -. .,,_, ·.~. Dated: OL/ /o (p / o../ · _: -; r r .. _ f- . ' Attest: . ~ u---_ ,. . Larry Kroh£ Clerk · · · · ··. ·,, •., -. ' . Ir; ~• :j, West Central Regional Juvenile Center ~ " Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, provided notification and agenda for the West ,Central Regional Juvenile Center -Advisory· Board ·meeting ·to be held on', Thursday, April ,1; 2004, at 10:00 a.m:-Mr.:,Kitzman "reviewed Yearly reports.for 2002 and 2003 for WCRJC and made comparisons. -Total number of residents for 2003 in Secure Detention was 558 compared to 537 in 2002. The average number of residents per day for 2003 was 15.13 compared to 14.56 in 2002. The average length of stay was 9.9 days for both years. Per diems·for 2004 were set at:$-158.00 for.member counties and $173.00 for non.amember counties for Secure Detentiori. -•; . -' · · Contract Agreement With MN Department of Health 0 . ... '' ',-, · .-TuberculosisFunds-~, ·-.... Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and ·unanimously-carried, to·authorize the Chair'.s Q signature on a Grant Project Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Health and Otter Tail County Public Health ·for health screening and follow-up services for tuberculosis • _. :: . ;• ... -;(,\ff;.. • . -; .. . -I . • .'-·~· , .... , •',;:::' ~ 't' ,•~~>1-~?·: :· OTC Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 'March 23, 2004 Page 3 and for foreign born persons. Total compensation and reimbursement shal not exceed $1,153.00. MN Department of Health Assurance and Ag'reement for Local Public Health Act Funding Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature on MN Department of Health Assurances and Agreements for Local I ublic Health Act Funding. This agreement assures that local Public Health Act funding will be used in accordance with the terms outlined in the Community Health Board's Master G~ant Contract effective January 1, 2004 -December 31, 2008. Legislative Update Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, reported that on the MN Emergency Health Powers Act, civil trial lawyers are trying to eliminate liability for volunteers. Ms. Thorson J1so reported on the proposed Meth Bill and has been following the Clean Indoor Air Act and stated that this is just a start of a several year process. Fraud & Collections Investigation Annual Report Investigator/Collection Unit Supervisor, Al Anderson; Fraud Prevention Investigator, Sandra Holo; Collections Officer, Susan Ulschmid; and Case Aide, LeeAnn Sudbeck, gavb a report of the Fraud Prevention Statistics for 2003. The Collections and Investigation Unit rbceived 128 FPI referrals in 2003, with 125 referrals completed. Cases included I unreported • assets/income, household compositions, child care hours, and residence. Total FPI savings and overpayments for 2003 was $92,375. Annual reports for 2001, 2002, and 20, 3 for Out of Home Placement Fees and Detoxification Fees were discussed. • Amendment to Contract Productive Alternatives Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, reported that some of the numbers w re incorrect on a Contract with Productive Alternatives and requested approval for an Amendment ' ' Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried, to amend the Purchase of Service Agreement between Otter Tail County Department of Human sJrvices and Productive Alternatives for sheltered employment and follow-up service as follows Day Activity Center and Supported Employment: Full Day Partial Day Transportation Current $51.17 $38.38 $10.00 Bills & Claims Amended Contract $52.78 $39.58 $9.90 Motion by Block, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Hum n Services bills & claims as presented. l Recess and Adjournment At 10:45 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail Cou ty Human Services Board recessed for a Personnel Committee Meeting. At 11 :01 1 .m., upon completion of the Personnel Committee Meeting, Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of OTC Board of Commissioners''.MeeiiniMinutes March 23, 2004 Page4 the--Otte·r Tail• County· Human· Services· Board adjourned-uhtil 9:30 ·-a.m.-. ori :Tuesday, Q April 13, 2004. : : · r Dated: _ ___,6="='':{➔/_,,o"--'_ ":::..7'--'/0=:.:'-/+-.-.--.. -.-.. -~-. RVICES BOARD Call to Order.:: County Board -.. . . . The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 11 :02 a.m. at the Otter Tail County' Government. Services Center with Commissioners Sydney• Nelson, Chair; Bob. Block;, Vice~Chair; Dennis Mosher, Roger Froemming, and · Malcolm Lee presen~. r · · · :, · · ·' · : ·,, -~ : · · '· -, · . -, , · ' ~ ;'.;, ~ ~''' . '.J •. , ' ' • ' t· · .. (' ;_, .: ~,:" Approval of Agenda: ·' · c· Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of March 23, 2004, with. the following additions: -· • •. Blue Heron Bay CUP Findings .•·;· · ·,,,_ .. . ·';Judiciai:Ditch:No:2· --• . ' Approval of Minutes '. •· · ' ' Q Motion by Mosher, .second by Lee, and unanimously carried -to approve ttie County Board minutes of March 16, 2004; ·as mailed. ·, . · -· " · . · . . . Correction to March 9, 2004, County Board Minutes Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, arid unanimously carried to approve correction to the March 9, 2004, County·Board Minutes:., · Under the section of Sheriff Department Recommendations: · The Sheriffs Department budget was reduced this·year as two additional deputy positions•were not approved .. , . -• The sentence should read as follows:· ,· The Sheriffs Department proposed budget was reduced this year as two additional deputy positions were not approved .. · • Approval to Pay Bills the following ' . ' Motion by Lee, second· by Mosher, and unanimous!{ carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes, with the following lodging payments: Grand View Lodge Veterans Services Director, Jourdan Sullivan Veterans Service Officer, Tom Figliuzzi , . ·. · Veterans Service Officer, Bernie Gamber Approval of Final Plats Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher; and unanimously carried to approval the Final Plat of Ronald E. Goodman known as 'IOak Ridge Estates Third Addition" on Wimer Lake (56-355) Q located in Section 10, Township 137 North, Ran'ge 40. · ' ., ,., ; ', 1 .... , '·ill· -. • • • • --... ~ . , ,;. ;-., .. -<;·:•'-••, -I ..... ', ·'j!h~~: -~) •. ., .. ''• ·' ,-{;;:"~.';~:·· :J•, ~;:<:. . OTC Board of Commissioners' ~eeting Minutes March 23, 2004 . }'-';'),,;/F;;-,,,,:.;-..", ., I Page 5 Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Ronald E. Goodman and Barbara A Goodman known as "Nebraska Beach Second Addition" on Wimer Lake (56-355) located in Section 10, Township 137 North.I Range 40 , Hobart Township. Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Phillip J. Nelson and Eloise A Nelson, known as Nelson's Subdivision on Stalker Lake (56-437) located in Section 35, Township 132, Range 41, Tordenskjold Township1 • • Motion by Froemming, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Loren W. Hoyhtya and Diane M. Hoyhtya and Steven J. Stelter and LuAnn F, Stelter known as "Loren Addition" on East Leaf Lake (56-116) located in Section 26, Tbwnship 13, Range 38, Leaf Lake Township. I Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve t~e Final Plat of Belgaard Family Enterprises, LLP, known as "Bluegill Bay Estates" on Sewell Lake (56-408) located in Section 23, Township 131, Range 41, St Olaf Township. EZflow Update Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, presented a letter he had received from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency concerning the use of EZflow polystyrene aggregate\ bundles as drainfield medium in Minnesota. Commissioners requested that Mr. Kalar contact Mike Volrath, Representative from EZflow, to do a presentation at a future cbunty Board meeting. Blue Heron Bay CUP Findings County Attorney, David Hauser, provided a copy of the Findings of Fast regarding April 22, 2003 Action Granting Conditional Use Permit for Blue Heron Bay Project. Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and carried by a 4-1 vote, with Mosher opposed, to adopt the Findings of Fact regarding April 22, 2003 Action Granting Conditional Use Perfnit for Blue Heron Bay Project After further discussion, Commissioner Mosher changed his vote, and motion carried unanimously. (A signed copy of the Findings of Fact is attached t' the official County Board Minutes as Attachment B). MnDOT Detour Agreement CSAH 96 in Pelican Rapids Otter Tail County Resolution No; 2004 -16 Commissioner Lee offered the following and moved its adoption: IT IS RESOLOVED THAT Otter Tail County enter into MnDOT Agreement No. 86167 with the Sate of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for payment by the State to the County for the use of County State Aid Highway No. 21 and County State Aid Highway No. 28 as a detour route during the bitu/ninous mill and overlay, slope repair, guardrail and turn lane construction and other !associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 59 from Dump Road in Erhard to 500 feet North of County State Aid Highway 9 in Pelican Rapids under State Project No. 5617-28 and No. 5618-23 (TH. 59=030) and State Project Nb. 5625-13 (T.H.108=206). ! OTC Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes . March 23, 2004 Page6 . IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Counfy Board Chair and' the CountiBoard Clerk are , authorized to execute thei-Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement. · · Commissioner Mosher seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, was unanimously carried.. · · , -· · _. ' · , i ..• ' ., Adopted this 23rd day ofMarch 2004. Dated:_· __ -.,..!C>,::::_ :::i'tJ.../,f.,!_6""'tp<:J./'-'o""· 4-=----7 .J ·) ' ,,. ., ' \ , .. '. Phelps Mill Foundation Repairs · · · . · · · · Highway Engineer, Rick West, provided a Preliminary Report from Barr Engineering regarding the Phelps Mill Foundation repairs. The report indicates that the foundation and basement floor are· in poor condition. The building was constructed in· 1889. -The poor conditions are caused by the age and the moist environment -it hangs over the river. Barr Engineering recommended the closure of the. building ·until some type of repairs were completed,· This could be a public safety issue· and access· by the public should not be allowed. The estimated cost for repairs are as follows: Temporary repairs (shoring jacks) · $ 26,000.00 Permanent Repairs · :·,$313,475.00 The temporary repairs would have a life of one year, but could be extended to three years by monitoring and adjusting the jacks as necessary'.· Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, :and upon being put.to vote, carried .with Lee opposed, to approve. the temporary repairs for ·the Phelps Mill foundation for the estimated cost ·of $26,000. · · ; · , · • ..· ,-,,r '" ·,~,' • ' ~ .... ,, ·( ,, · Seasonal Employees·~ Highway Department Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Highway Engineer to hire seasonal employees for the upcoming construction season, which would include Engineering and Sign Shop. · · Approval of Licenses Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for license: ·. Cozy Cove Resort On/Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor 38811 Cozy CoveRoad· · ·r .• . .. · Dent, MN 56528 (renewal) -·, , .,I . ' Olson Tire and Oil Inc. --PO Box 244 , ,Ottertail, MN 56571 . · (new application) Tobacco ,. 0 0 0 • • . . . . .•. , .. I OTC.Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes March 23, 2004 Page 7 Peak Supper Club, The 43517 County Highway 38 Clitherall, MN 56524-9564 (renewal) Renewal of Consumption & Display Permit Stalker Lake Golf Course, LLC 16319 Golf Course Road Dalton, MN 56324 (renewal) ON/Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor (May-June 2004) (July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005) Payment Approval Motion by Nelson, second by Block, and unanimously carried, to approve the following expenditure: Association of Minnesota Counties. $11,400.00 *Preparation of County Cost Allocation Plan Judicial Ditch No. 2 Ditch Inspector, Randy Wasvick, briefed the County Board regarding J(1dicial Ditch No. 2. Commissioner Mosher requested Mr. Wasvick to return to the County Board in two weeks for further discussion. Western Area City County Cooperative Western Area City County Cooperative Executive Director, Laurie Mullen, requested that Otter Tail County reconsider their· membership with WACCO. Ms. Mullen I stated that WACCO sponsors public forums that County employees attend, such as Meth Lab Education. Meth is devastating our future. Its use causes domestic violenJe and child neglect. Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and carried by a 3 to 2 vot~, with Block and Lee opposed, to approve membership for CY2004 with Western Area City County Cooperative and payment of membership dues in the amount of $5,000. Final Payment Approval Motion by Lee, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve final paym~nt to DOW Acoustics of Detroit Lakes, MN, for completion of acoustical ceilings at the Government Services Center for Project No. 0202 in the amount of $8,979.99. Wetland Easements Motion by Froemming, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to certify the following acquisition of land by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for waterfowl purposes: Timothy P. Cullen T.131 N., R. 39 W., 5th P.M. Section 30, NW¼NE¼ • Marjorie Brockopp . T.131 N. R. 38 W. 5th P.M. Section 10, SW¼ -oTC Board of Commissioners' ·Meeting Minutes March 23; 2004 'Page 8 Eldon Linscheid : T. 134 N., R. 42 W., 5th P.M. Section 15 Recess and Reconvene . ,. I . •, ' ' .. I' At 12:06 a.m., Chairman Nelson declaredthe meeting cif~the Otter: Tail County·.Soard of Commissioners recessed for. lunch break .. The meeting was reconvened· at 1 :os·p.rri. ~ ' ; ' r\. ," • . ·• • ~,. . ,, Closed to the Public , --, . -· Meeting Reconvened in Open Session At 1 :05 p.m. Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of · Commissioners closed to the public for discussion for potential litigation:involving the Perham Solid Waste Burner, as authorized by attorney-client privilege, Chapter 13D.os· Subd. 3b. Present were all five seated Commissioners, the County"Attorney:county Coordinator, Solid Waste Director, and Recording Secretary. '"At• 1:34 'p.m., Chairman,:Nelson declared the meeting opened to the public to consider the remaining agenda items. . ~ . Presentation of "Years.of Service Awards" ·The ·Employees'· Committee presented!.'.'Years :of Service Awards" ,to. dedicated County employees completing 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 years of service. Eighty-two employees received service awards this year. 0 · . ·, : -• L~ke ;m~;~v~me~~ ~is~ri~~ ~-· , , 0 County Attorney-:David Hauser,·presented,Amendments ·to the' Lake Improvement 0istricts. Motion by Block,. second. by Mosher•,. and ·unanimously carried to. authorize the appropriate County officials signatures on•the following Amendments: ·, -' . . •·· . ,'.. !., , •~ r ,' ·••·r I 1 ~ · ~--~ ,•.,,•, " ( • • • , ;.t.' , , , •) .l > .,.,-• f , r ,/ • , I, , ,! . t , 'I• • · · ;THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ·· ORDER'AMENDING THE ·, • ' · , , ORDER ESTABLISHING THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LITTLE McDONALD AND PAUL LAKES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT , . I The Otter Tail County Board of :Commissioners, having held a public hearing o'n August 5, 2003, to consider',..a · proposed amendment to the· Order Establishing· the· Little McDonald and Paul Lakes Improvement District, which was dated June 18, 2002, and finding that the Order did not include a provision for absentee voting by members as indicated in •Minnesota Statute·103B.571, Subd. 3(b), makes'the·following Or_de~: · · r:: ' ' .. _ ;, .. '·, , ·' . , ORDER ' ' . '' . IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Order Establishing the Otter Tail County LPD Lake Improvement District be, and hereby is, amended to include the following language at the end of paragraph seven of said Order: · Unless otherwise required by law, the District shall, and is hereby authorized to·, Q promulgate and implement an absentee ballot procedure for the election of directors at the District's annual meeting. · - --~' 11·1 ',.... \ , -•ls,;_;~'.,t,'•/.')••~~•i.,t:~ ,•:•.:, • ' • Dated: -~o_'f.-/_0&>~1,_/cxf~--OTTER T I By . I on::'·soard of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes :March 23, 2004 \ Page 9 • I OA~F COMMISSIONERS -I i • • Syd , nty Board Chair ATTEST: Larry Krohn, THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ORDER AMENDING THE , AMENDED ORDER ESTABLISHING THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY: PELICAN GROUP OF LAKES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, having held .a public hearing on August 5, 2003, to consider a proposed amendment to the Amended Order Establishing the Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District, which was dated December 27, 2001, and finding that the Order did not include a provision for absentee voting by members as indicated in Minnesota Statute 103B.571, Subd. 3(b), makes the following Order: : ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Amended Order Establishing the Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District be, and hereby is, amended to include the following 'language at the end of paragraph 25.f. of said Order: Unless otherwise required by law, the District shall, and is hereby authorized to, promulgate and implement an absentee ballot procedure for the_ election of directors at the District's annual meeting. _ ' Dated: _ _,.o'-4.47~---"o'-c,,=+-/-=o'-1-'----OF COMMISSl,ONERS I ATTEST: THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ORDER AMENDING THE ORDER RE-ESTABLISHING THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY PINE LAKES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, having held a public :hearing on August 5, 2003, to consider a proposed amendment to the Order Re-Establishing the Pine Lakes Improvement District, which was dated October 15, 2001, and finding tha't the Order OTC Board of Commissioriers' Meeting Minutes 'March 23, 2004 · Page 10 did not include a provision for absentee voting b;· ~embers as indi1at~'cl'in" Minnesota Statute 103B.571, Subd. 3(b), makes the follo:wing .Order: • ---. _,.. ,l ORDER-· IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Order Establishing the Otter Tail County Pine Lakes Improvement District be, and hereby is, amended to include the following ·1anguage at the end of paragraph five of said Order: :, · · Unless otherwise required by-law, the District shall, and is hereby authorized to, promulgate and implement an absentee-ballot procedure for the election of • directors at the District's annual meeting. · ' • :, •, .~ . ·. . __ i __ ._ ·\:_· .. ,. •., .' I:. • i, t-._, THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS -, ·. ·; ORDERAMEN.DING THE . ORDER ESTABLISHING THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY SOUTH TURTLE LAKE IMPROVEMENT;DISTRICT • .,, --,-••--1...-·,'.,,_ -,, '\ •'\ \, .. -• • The ·Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, having tield' a) public, hearing on August 5, 2003, to consider .a prtiposed :. ame_ndmerit to the Order Establishing the South Turtle Lake Improvement District, which\was dated' October 16, 2001, and finding that the . . \ ' Order did not include a provision for.absentee voting by members as indicated in Minnesota Statute 103B.571, Subd. 3(b), makes the following Order: ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Order Establishing the Otter Tail Cou·nty South Turtle Lake Improvement District be, and hereby is, amended to include the following language at the end of paragraph fiv~ of said Order: · · Unless otherwise required by law; the District shall.and is hereby authorized to, promulgate and, fmplement an absentee ballot procedure for the election of 0 0 directors at th: District's ~nnual meeting. Q , . ' ~•' '''; •;• ;' I OTC Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes • Dated: ___,o=---+tf---'-o--'-~+-,/.::..._6+'-/-· _ OTTER T March 23, 2004 i Page II ~MISS!'ONERS • • By ty Board Chair I Adjournment At 1 :58 p.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 6, 2004. ! Dated: o<-(/ore I ot/ OA D OF COMMISSIONERS r .r 1 ! . / " / /,J ty Board Chair Attest: ~~ ~ Larry Kro, Clerk CB/ab .. ,1,'. .1 0 \ ' ' I '. ' 0 0 • Otter Tail County Warrants March 23, 2004 Page 1, Attachment A I 3/23/2004 12:32:25 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IFD55 I COUNTY 55 JPAGE • WARRANTS APPROVED ON 3/23/2004 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME ALL CREATURES VET HOSPITAL AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY J ANDERSON ARAMARK SERVICES INC ATCO INTERNATIONAL BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BEYERS BODY SHOP INC BOB BARKER COMPANY INC BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BOBCAT OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY JOHN BOHN COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP DAN'S EXHAUST PROS DIVERSION AUTO ECONO SALES AND SERVICE CHUCK EHRENBERG ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN FARNAM' S GENUINE PARTS INC · FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP CITY FERGUS FALLS FERRELLGAS FORTIN CONSULTING INC FOTH &: VAN DYKE ROGER FROEMMING GOODIN COMPANY GOODY SQUARE GR GRAPHICS INC ST LOUIS MYRON GRAFF GRAND VIEW LODGE GRAZE ERVIN HAGEN HEDAHLS HEADQUARTERS HENNING AUTO PARTS INC INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR KELLY SERVICES INC KNOWLEDGE POINT LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC MARKHURD CORPORATION METAL CRAFT MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC MIDWESTERN MAT RENTAL & SUPPLY MN ASSOC OF CVSO MN DEPT REVENUE MN LAKES ASSOCIATION MN POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY MN STATE AUDITOR AMOUNT 42.75 367.63 232.65 5,432.85 153.00 13.57 244.95 545.46 39.62 9.85 49. 83 315.10 6 .34 21.38 59.60 141.42 62.00 142.83 57 .30 1,437.25 628.50 · 62,044.31 113.42 425.00 11,684.17 46. 86 59.42 93.00 217.64 8.47 1,188.00 30.00 4.78 18.53 180.02 286.82 764.70 9.04 750.00 1,206.09 7,200.00 803.97 17.19 11.66 410.00 235,00 60.00 400.00 1,074.50 3/23/2004 i ' ' ' I I I I . I I 1 Otter Tail County Warrants March 23, 2004 , Page 2, Attachment A 3/23/2004 12:32:25 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM · .WARRANTS _FOR PUBLICATION .. WARRANTS APPROVED ON 3/23/2004 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME ·. AMOUNT MULTIBAND 266.50 NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO . 73. 63 NELSON DODGE GMC ··.42.83. NETWORK CENTER COMMUNICATIONS · 272·. 50 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY_ INC 519.37 OLSON AUTO. ELECTRIC . 207.85 OTTER TAIL TELCOM 72 .26 PAMIDA INC 2.86. CITY PARKERS ·PRAIRIE. 25 .. 00 · PERHAM AREA EMS. 4,842.06' PITNEY BOWES 1,462·.25 .. REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC . 360.94 RK'S PRAIRIE CAFE 154.00 ROYAL TIRE INC 1,619.14 SANITATION PRODUCTS INC ·107.59 SCHMITZ FORD. 24.85 SEWER SERVICE 240.00 STEINS INC 455 .13' STERLING SOLUTIONS"INC .600. 00 THEIN WELL CO i,959.00 VER-TECH ' .. ··184 .·32 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY. 709.79 WACCO 100.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT 2,830.50 WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE 39.13 WEST GROUP PAYMENT-CTR 59 .so. IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE ,, 2 =-. 3/23/2004 : . .' .· -,. '• ' . . ' , **** FINAL TOTAL •••.••• $116,577.49 '**** . . . • • ,T . '. ' '' l 0 0 0 • • • OTC Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes March 23, 2004 Attachment B I Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners· I Record of Decision Regarding April 22, 2003 Action , Granting Conditional Use Permit for Blue Heron Bay Project i, I i By a decision of the Minnesota Court of Appeals dated March 9, 2004, this matter was remanded to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners to make a record indicating the basis for its decision in granting a conditional use permit for the Blue Heron Bay: Project on April 22, 2003, · A public hearing was held on November 20, 2002, on the proposed Blue Heron' Bay· project proposed by the R Murray Partnership, LLC, After consideration of the public comments the Planning Commission decided to set aside the Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") application until the mandatory Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) · was completed. On February 3, 2003, Otter Tail County published the EA W in the Environmental Quality Monitor (EQB) and mailed the EA W to the parties on the EQB Distribution List. The comment period ended on March 5, 2003. · I Numerous comments were received on the EA W by the public and by dther governmental agencies. The comments were summarized and presented to the Planning• Commission on March 19, 2003 by Bill Kalar of the Office of Land and Resource Management. The Planning Commission considered comments received at the Mill'ch 19, 2003 Public Hearing. On March 19, 2003, the Otter Tail County Planning Commission held a public hearing. Comments on the EA W were reviewed, and the Planning Commission discussed' the project and took action on the EA W determination, adopting a motion with attached findings of fact recommending a negative declaration finding that there was nqt a potential· for significant environmental impact and on Environmental Impact Statement was required, : On March 25, 2003, the Otter Tail County Board discussed the proposed project and adopted the findings of fact, conclusions and order adopted by the Planning Commission, except for an amendment to delete Paragraph XXI thereof. At its meeting on April I, 2003 the County Board formally adopted and signed the findings, conclusion and order that an EIS was not necessary, a copy of which is marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. I On April 16, 2003, the Otter Tail County Planning Commission considered the CUP application. Numerous public comments were received. The Otter Tail County Planning Commission considered these comments and recommended approval of the Conditio1;1a! Use Permit for 125 dwelling units and I 02 boat slips, with conditions. / r 0 l ·, .J !• ,r, 0 r '.\ 0 • • • On April 22, 2003 the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reviewed the recommendations of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission and the record of documents received by Otter Tail County, which are listed in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and adopted a motion approving the Conditional Use Permit application ofR. Murray Partnership for the Blue Heron Project for a maximum of 13 8 dwelling units and 116 boat slips with IO specific conditions set for in the motion adopted on that day. The decision to approve the Conditional Use Permit with conditions was based on the record of documents received by Otter Tail County and testimony provided to the Otter Tail County Planning Commission and the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, during both the Conditional Use Permit process and the associated Environmental Impact Statement Needs Determination process, including the following specific record and facts: FINDINGS OF FACT I. The project proposer submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit meeting the Conditional Use Permit application requirements of the Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance ("SMO") .. 2 . The project proposer installed stakes to indicate lot lines, road right-of-ways and other areas to· indicate areas to be topographically altered and the location of proposed structures in a manner that the requirements of the SMO. 3. The CUP application included a series of three survey maps designated as,the "Development Plan" for the Blue Heron Bay Cluster Development, prepared by Lake Region Surveying. Those maps met the "Presentation Requirements" for a Cluster Development as set forth in the Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance, Section III. 1 l.B. 4. The project proposer also submitted a Preliminary Road Plan prepared by G.A. Miller Engineering Inc. that met the current Otter Tail County .road standards applicable to the project that met the requirements of the SMO. 5. The CUP application included a description of the governing documents and operation of the nonprofit owners association that would be established for the project. Additional information regarding the nonprofit owners association was provided to Otter Tail County on January 30, 2003. 6. The Otter Tail County Land and Resource Management Office, with assistance from not only R. Murray Partnership but also others, including representatives of the r;>epartment of Natural Resources, prepared and reviewed numerous revisions of the draft EA W to assure that it appropriately described and analyzed the project. 2 ,. 0 " ' r.. -'' ' r \ .... 1' " 0 r .,· . ·•r 1· .' ., . -'· ,. r , .J 0 • • • 7. The EA W prepared by Otter Tail County, which is incorporated herein by reference, contained a detailed description of the proposed Blue Heron Bay Project and specific statements regarding the project's compliance with the cluster development requirements of the Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance ("SMO"), including: a. Installation of a sanitary sewer system (required by SMO); b. Disturbance of 600 feet of shoreline disturbed out of 29,000 total feet of shoreline (98%), maintaining buffer zone of 28,400 feet of native shoreline (70% required by SMO). c. Parking space requirements. d. Visual impacts. 8. The EA W was filed with the Environmental Quality Board and a notice of availability was published in the EQB Monitor on February 3, 2003. A copy of the EA W was sent to all persons on the EQB distribution list and a copy was available for review in the Otter Tail County Offices. 9. The 30-day EA W public review and comment period began on February 3, 2003 and ended on March 5, 2003. Comments were received and reviewed. 10. On March 21, 2003, counsel for R. Murray Partnership provided to the Otter Tail County Commissioners a copy of the "Response to Comments" R. Murray Partnership had prepared containing information for the record regarding the project in response to the 100+ comments received by Otter Tail County. 11. The proposed project is a mixed residential community and recreational club. Information contained in Items 1-10 in the EA W described the Project Title, Proposer, Designated RGU, Reason for the EA W, Project Location, Description of the Project, Project Magnitude, Permits and Approvals, Land Use and Cover Types. 12. R. Murray Partnership made several amendments to the proposed project during the EA W process to mitigate potential environmental impacts. The amendments include: a. Reducing the density of the Development to 139 units b. Docking spaces will be limited to the number of units ( 139) c. Eliminating the stormwater pond proposed in Wetland I d. Adopting the no wake and buoyed channel recommendations of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for motor boat mitigation e. Some of the docking facilities in the east bay will be limited to small boats, canoes and paddle boats f. Adopting the recommendations of the DNR on the eagles' nest. 3 0 ., '. '. ( ' ' ,,. 0 0 • 13 . 14. • • The Otter Tail County Planning Commission reviewed the project according to the criteria set forth in Minnesota Rule Chapter 4410.1700 Subp 7 and adopted specific findings of fact and conclusions as part of its recommendation not to require preparation of an Environment Impact Statement. The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopted specific findings of fact and conclusions as part of its order on April 1, 2003 not to require preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement. The document evidencing that decision is incorporated by reference into this record including, but not limited to, the following specific findings: a. The project meets the density requirements of the Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance. Cluster development minimizes the potential impacts of the project. b. The main peninsula, which is the location of the project, is particularly suitable for cluster development. A cluster development is less likely to pose any significant environmental problems than developing individual !cits, and is subject to greater control and regulation. c. The project is in a shoreland · area of a natural environment lake, and the standards for the cluster development will be subject to standards designed for a natural development lake. d. The Otter Tail County shoreland Management Ord1nance does have a provision indicating that subdivisions must not be approved that are designed so that variances from one or more of the standards and official . ' controls are needed. This will have to be taken into consideration in the conditional use processes, however, property owners have a right to request variances. Variance requests can be denied. e. That the parcel could potentially support approximately 73 lake lots and 14 back lots if it was not developed as a cluster development. If developed as individual lots, the parcel could have as many water-oriented accessory structures as lake lots and the potential for an unregulated number of docks. · f. Based on the Shoreland Management Ordinance, up to 102 boat slips could be authorized if the "additional real estate" is not included in the calculation; 116 if the "additional real estate" is included. g. Implementing the boating recommendations of the DNR will prevent any significant adverse impacts that will result from the proposed development. h. The proposed wetland impacts are entirely for roads accessing the site and are determined to be unavoidable. Wetland impacts are very minor and will be mitigated through the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) process. The project encompasses the avoidance, minimization and replacement hierarchy as required by WCA. 1. Implementing the recommendations of the DNR, adherence to the MPCA stormwater permit and practices proposed at Blue Heron Bay will prevent any significant adverse impacts that will result from the proposed development. 4 1 '. i . . ?, . ., . ' ;! ·f 0 0 0 • • • 15. J. The impact of storm water from construction activities is very minor because sediment control practices will be applied; stormwater runoff from building sites will be contained onsite and there will be no discharge of stormwater from construction activities to the lake. Blue Heron Bay will be a phosphorus free community. k. The project does not involve dredging of marinas. 1. Visual impacts on the lake do not create any potential for significant environmental harm. m. The project as designed would have less impact than individual lots, and would have minor impact compared with the total watershed of the lake. n. The county has sufficient information to make environmentally sound permitting decisions regarding the project. • The Otter Tail County Planning Commission made its recommendation to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners regarding the CUP application by taking into consideration the following factors as required by the SMO: a. b. C. d. e . f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. Compatibility with the surrounding area, both land and water. Environmental Impact, including site evaluations based on soils, topography and vegetation. Any hazards that may be created; both on land and water. Density and location of development. Suitability of the area for the proposed use. Adequate parking and traffic control. Amount of noise generated. Hours of proposed use. Lighting. Adequate lot size for proposed use. . Minimal change in topography necessary to allow the proposed use. Any other possible adverse effects of the proposed Conditional Use Application and what additional requirements may be necessary to prevent such adverse effects. 16. The Otter Tail County Planning Commission is familiar with the process of application and approval cluster developments pursuant to the Shoreland Management Ordinance of Otter Tail County. 17. All the Otter Tail County Planning Commission members visited and examined the site of the proposed Blue Heron Bay project prior to making a decision on · issuance of the CUP. 18. During the EA W process and Conditional Use Permit process, public notice and time for public comment was provided. Dead Lake Association Inc., along with all other interested parties, had full opportunity to present its information. The Otter Tail County Planning Commission and Otter Tail County Board of 5 .. , ., 0 '·· '' J ,. ,_; • r .,. 0 .n . ' 1• ,, :f r. '· ..... -~: ' ' 0 • 19. 20. 21. 22. Commissioners spent many hours and went to great lengths in examining and considering the EAW, CUP application, comments and testimony. The Otter Tail County Board is very familiar with the process of application for and approval of cluster developments pursuant to the Shoreland Management Ordinance of Otter Tail County. A majority of the members of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners visited and examined the site of the proposed Blue Heron Bay Project prior to a decision on issuance of the CUP. The decisions of the . Otter Tail County Planning Commission and Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners regarding environmental review and issuance of the conditional use permit were made based on · appropriate review and consideration of the documents received by Otter Tail County listed in Attachment A to this record. The Otter Tail County Planning Commission and Otter Tail Board of Commissioners specifically responded to concerns expressed in the record by approving the CUP with 10 specific conditions. · ORDER • Uponthemotionof Lee secondedby Froemming • and upon a 5 -0 vote, the foregoing record indicating the basis for its decision is hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. Dated: 3-23-04 OTTER __ ~--· LJ• Oy_NJ;~Y _' (",/ ' /1 By x.,,,'1'{1>.. ,' I . -- Syd Nelson, Chairman · Board of Commissioners 6 .. ' r , ,. ·, 0 ' ' r· I_, j I ., ' ' ,. ' ' ,.: 0 0 • • • OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NEGATIVE EIS DECLARATION FOR BLUE HERON BAY A public hearing was held on December 11, 2002, on the Blue Heron Bay project proposed by the R. Murray Partnership, LLP. After consideration of the public comments, the Planning Commission decided to table the project until the mandatory Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) was completed. At a public meeting held on March 19, 2003, the Otter Tail County Planning Commission considered the need for an Environmental Impact Statement prior to further action concerning the project known as Blue Heron Bay. The Planning Commission had received written comments during the comment period and provided a summary to those in attendance. The Planning Commission heard additional comments from Jim Erickson, Denny Johnson, Doug Martin, Eric Hansen, Dean Sather, Bill Peterson, Spencer Schram, Paul Swenson and James Morken. Planning Commission members present at the hearing were Bert Olson,. Chairman, Robert Schwartz, Leona Zimmerman, Linda Bergerud, David Trites, Frank Lachowitzer, Richard Sha, Joe Maske, Rod Boyer and Les Estes. Bill Kalar, Marsha Bowman and Joyce Thompson of the Office of Land and Resource Management were present, as were David J. Hauser and Barbara R. Hanson of the Otter Tail County Attorney's Office . Based on all of the information received during the comment period and on observation made by Planning Commission members, the Otter Tail County Planning Commission made Findings of Fact and a Recommendation that an Environmental Impact Statement on the Blue Heron Bay project was neither necessary nor required and that a negative declaration should be ordered. · · On March 25, 2003, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reviewed the Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the Planning Commission. The Board heard additional comments from Jim Erickson, a representative of R. Murray Partnership, LLP; Charles Krekelberg, an attorney for the Dead Lake Association; Spencer Schram, Dead Lake Association; Robert Russell, attorney for R. Murray Partnership, LLP; Gary Reuhmann; Ernie West, Dead Lake Township; and Leona Zimmerman, Dick Sha, and Joe Maske, Otter Tail County Planning Commission. The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, having reviewed the Recommendation of the Planning Commission, having reviewed the documents submitted into the record, and being fully advised in the premises, makes the following Findings of Fact and Order: FINDINGS OF FACT I. An Environment Assessment Worksheet (EA W) was prepared on behalf of Otter Tail County for Blue Heron Bay pursuant to mandatory categories in Minnesota Rules 4410.4300, Subpart 19A -Residential Development and Subpart 36A -Land Conversion. EXHIBIT A 0 r e t, ., .J J "' J i 0 0 • • • II. The EA W was filed with the Environmental Quality Board and a notice of availability was published in the EQB Monitor on February 3, 2003. A copy of the EA W was sent to all persons on the EQB distribution list and a copy was available for review in the Otter Tail County Offices. Ill. The 30-day EA W public review and comment period began on February 3, 2003 and ended on March 5, 2003. IV. The EA W, the comment letters received, a report from the Dead Lake Association, and the Response to Public Comments by the developer are incorporated by reference into this record of decision on the determination of the need for an Environmental Impact Statement. V. The proposed project is a mixed residential community and recreational club. Information contained in Items 1-10 in the EAW describing the Project Title, Proposer, Designated RGU, Reason for the EA W, Project Location, Description of the Project, Project Magnitude, Permits and Approvals, Land Use and Cover Types is accurate and complete. VI. R. Murray Partnership made several amendments to the proposed project to mitigate potential environmental impacts. The amendments include: a. Reducing the density of the Development to 139 units b. docking spaces will be limited to the number of units (139) c. eliminating the stormwater pond proposed in Wetland I d. adopting the no wake and buoyed channel recommendations of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for motor boat mitigation e. some of the docking facilities in the east bay will be limited to small boats, canoes and paddle boats f. adopting the recommendations of the DNR on the eagles' nest. 2 0 I , ,. r ! J • , ... I • ,.· " . 1/,., ,j. ., 0 t 'I ·'· ". 0 • • • ' " VII . The Otter Tail County Planning Commission and County Board of Commissioners have reviewed the project according to the criteria set forth in Minnesota Rule Chapter 44 I 0.1700 Subp 7. a. type, extent, and reversibility of environmental effects; b. cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects; c. the extent to which the environmental effects are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority; and d. extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other available environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, including other EIS's. VIII. The project, as revised, meets the maximum density requirements of the County Shoreland Management Ordinance. Cluster development minimizes the potential impacts of the project. Otter Tail County has the ability to mitigate the environmental effects through its regulatory authority. Based on the description of the project, no issues are identified that have the potential for significant environmental effects . IX The main peninsula, which is the location ofthe project, is particularly suitable for a cluster development. A cluster development is less likely to pose any significant environmental problems than developing individual lots, and is subject to greater control and regulation. X. That there is "additional real estate," as defined in the proposal, adjacent to the main part of the development. Although the additional real estate may support limited development, it is suitable to be part of the project. The determination as to the number of units the project can support is subject to the conditional use permit process. XI. The form of ownership and management of the .property are not particular environmental issues. The development will be subject to a conditional use permit. XII. The proposed vacation of the township road poses no potential for significant environmental effects. The construction of any new road does not pose any potential for significant environmental effects and would.be subject to the conditional use permitting process. 3 0 I' 0 , .. 0 xiit. • The project is in a shoreland area of a natural environment lake, and the standards for the • • cluster development will be subject to standards designed for a natural environment lake. XIV. The project is a large one, however, the parcel is large, suitable for development, and will be subject to the conditio11al use process and rules relating to cluster developments. Some variances are being requested with regard to the height of barns; the number, size and location of water oriented accessory structures; and the number of dock spaces. Approval would be necessary both through the conditional use process and the variance process. With the volume of information available, appropriate conditions can be imposed to prevent any potential significant environmental effects. xv. The Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance does have a provision indicating that subdivisions must not be approved that are designed so that variances from one or· more of the standards and official controls are needed. This will have to be taken into consideration in the conditional use permit and variance processes, however, property owners. have a right to request variances. Variance requests can be denied. XVI. That the parcel could potentially support approximately 73 lake lots and 14 back lots if it was not developed as a cluster development. If developed as individual lots, the parcel could have as many water-oriented accessory structures as lake lots and the potential for an unregulated number of docks. XVII. The proposed commercial uses are subject to conditional use permits and do not create the potential for significant environmental effects. XVIII. Based on the substantial benefits of the proposed wastewater system, no issues are identified that would result the potential for significant environmental effects. Further, ongoing regulatory authority of the MPCA and the County mitigates the impacts from the wastewater system. Based on the description of the project, no issues are identified that have the potential for significant environmental effects. XIX Any wells on the property are subject to the regulation of the Minnesota Department of Health and do not pose a potential for significant environmental effects. 4 0 ., .!. ·1 . ' "' , . .. 0 . ' l 0 xx. • The project is located near the Dead Lake Wildlife Management Area and Moorhead • • State University's 80-acre research facility. This location may be considered as part of the permitting process, and does not create a potential for significant environmental impact. XXI. Dead Lake has significant shallow areas with muddy bottoms and emergent vegetation, including areas off shore to the project. A cluster development has less potential for environmental effects than single lot development. The impact on the lake can be mitigated by limiting the number, location and type of docking facilities. Based on the Shoreland Management Ordinance, up to I 02 boat slips could be authorized if the "additional real estate" is not included in the calculation; I I 6 if the "additional real estate" is included. XXII. Implementing the boating recommendations of the DNR will prevent any significant adverse effects that could result from the proposed development. Otter Tail County and the DNR have the ability to mitigate the environmental effects of boating through their ongoing regulatory authority. Based on the description of the project, no issues are identified that have the potential for significant environmental effects. XXIII. As with any development, there will be some displacement of wildlife, however, the project includes open space and there are large acreages of protected lands nearby. There are nesting sites in the location of the development, the impact of which can be limited by the timing of construction. The developer has agreed to follow DNR recommendations regarding a bald eagle nest. XXIV. The proposed wetland impacts are primarily for roads accessing the site .and are determined to be unavoidable. Wetland impacts are very minor and will be mitigated through the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) process. The project encompasses the avoidance, minimization and replacement sequencing as required by WCA. Based on the description of the project, no issues are identified that have the potential for significant environmental effects. XXV. Implementing the recommendations of the DNR, adherence to the MPCA stormwater permit and practices proposed at Blue Heron Bay will prevent any significant adverse impacts that will result from the proposed development. Otter Tail County, MPCA and the DNR have the ability to mitigate the environmental effects of erosion and sedimentation through their ongoing regulatory authority. Based on the description of the project, no issues are identified that have the potential for significant environmental effects. 5 ·' 0 \ ' ., " , ' - 0 F. -J ,. ,, ., .. ' ' 0 t-·· • • XXVI. The impact of storm water from construction activities is very minor because sediment control practices will be applied; storm water runoff from building sites will be contained onsite and there will be no discharge of storm water from construction activities to the lake. Blue Heron Bay will be a phosphorus free community. Based on the description of the project, no issues are identified that have the potential for significant environmental effects. XXVII. The project does not involve the dredging of marinas, and any dredging would have to be the subject of permitting from the Department of Natural Resources. XXVIII. Erosion control during construction will be addressed as part of the conditional use and site permit process. The development of this land does not give rise to potential for significant environmental impacts relating to fertilizer or chemicals. The project as designed would have less impact than individual lots, and would have minor impact compared with the total watershed of the lake. Based on the description of the project, no issues are identified that have the potential for significant environmental effects. XXIX. The soils in the area are known and identified in the county soil survey. Also, any sewage system would be subject to percolation testing and MPCA and County permitting. Based on the soil properties of the site, no issues are identified that would result the potential for significant environmental effects. · XXX. Burned debris on the property is subject to proper disposal pursuant to solid waste regulation, as will be all the other solid waste generated within the development. Fuel and other hazardous materials are subject to proper storage regulations, and do not cause a potential for significant environmental effect. XXXI. There is no potential for significant environmental impacts from traffic generated by the proposed development. XXXII. Visual impacts on the lake do not create any potential for significant environmental • effects and are subject to the conditional use permit process. 6 • .t •• 0 I' ,, "J •. \ l .. , 0 ..J ,, - ·,·:1 ,. ' !' 0 • XXXIII. The impact on infrastructure and public services does not create any significant environmental concerns. XXXIV. There is no evidence that archeological properties are present that would be diminished by the proposed project. The state archaeologist has been notified of potential sites within the development. Any others found would have to be reported. Based on the description of the project, no issues are identified that have the potential for significant environmental effects. XXXV. The county has sufficient information to make environmentally sound permitting decisions regarding the project. XXXVI. The project does not have potential for significant environmental effects, any potential environmental effects can be addressed by the permitting process. CONCLUSIONS • I. Otter Tail County has fulfilled the procedural requirements oflaw and rule applicable to • the need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Blue Heron Bay project. 2. There are no elements of the project that pose the potential for significant environmental . effects. 3. There are adequate and appropriate state and local regulations governing the activities of this project that will limit and control environmental effects. ORDER NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a negative declaration is hereby made, no Environmental Impact Statement is required. Dated: 1~...._:.I I. Zoo3 OTTER TAILC_?~TY BOARD OF CJJMMISSIONERS By ·• ,_,-,;> ( ~ (t'~('·/~ ~ . Malcolm Lee, Chairman 7 / 0 J. ,. 0 ' I ' (' 0 • • • STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Appellate Court Case No. A030750 Dead Lake Association Inc., Otter Tail. County, Minnesota, a Minnesota County, and R. Murray Partnership, LLP, vs. TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENTS RECEIVED FROM OTTER TAIL COUNTY Background :Information/\,.· 010001-2 Business cards 010003-4 Notes 010005-7 12/20/02 fax from Sparks to Kalar re coordination with DNR Proposed announcement Legal description Notes re cluster review Notes re density 1/8/03 e-mail from Lejcher to Kalar Parcel Acreage 1/9/03 e-mail from Lejcher to Kalar Identified variances 1/13/03 e-mail from Sparks to Dick 1/20/03 e-mail from Sparks to Kalar Relator, Respondents. 010008 010009 010010-14.5 010015-16 010017 010018 010019 010020 010021 010022 010023 010024-35 010036-li0 1/20/03 letter to editor by Harold Duebbert 1/2/03 list of soil units 010111-161 010162-163 Draft EAW.:•:,.: 9/20/02 Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance for the Blue Heron Bay Project 12/21/01 Wetland Delineation Report Maps · 020001 12/23/02 letter from Dead Lake Assn. to Kalar requesting copies of EAW, correspondence, etc. 020002 11/20/02 letter from Sparks to Kalar re draft EAW 020003-222 Revisions to EAW and related documentation EXHIBIT B I I I ·• ' ·,."' ,· ' ' .I 0 0 ,, 0 • • I 5. • EAW 030001-2 030003 030004-28 030029-30 030031-32 030033-106 · 030107 030108-126 030127-130 030131-132 030133-136 030137-139 030140-141· Notes EQB Monitor publication calendar for 2003 1/17/03 e-mail from Sparks to Kalar re attached EAW 1/23/03 fax from Sparks to Kalar 1/22/03 fax from Sparks to Kalar l/20/03 Environmental Assessment Worksheet 1/27/03 memo from Kalar re written comments deadline Documentation re distribution of EAW copies Affidavits of publication re public notice Public Notice 1/28/03 OTCo Board of Commissioners' Minutes 1/29/03 fax from Kalar to Martin 1/30/03 e-mail from Sparks to Kalar re·public meeting on EAW 030142 1/31/03 newspaper article 030143-143.5 2/3/03 EQB Monitor 030144-147 2/6/03 newspaper article 030148-154 Map and notes 030155-158 2/12/03 OTCo Planning Commission minutes 030159 2/18/03 news article 030160 2/19/03 news article 030161-162 Tentative Time Table 030163 Business cards 030164-168 Draft/Example Response to Public Comments Blue Heron Bay EAW 030169-174 Example Resolution Establishing Findings and 030175 030176-177 030178 030179-181 030182 030183-184 Record of Decision for the Preserve at Birch Lake EAW, notes 3/2/03 news article 3/5/03 news article 3/6/03 invoice for copies of correspondence 3/9/03 news article 3/11/03 news article 3/20/03 letter from Bowman to Cooper Extra Copies of EAW 040001 Tentative Time Table 040002 1/31/03 news article 040003-75 EAW 040076 Tentative Time Table 040077-150 EAW Public Co111111ents on EAW 1. Letters 050001-4 2. Letters 050006-24 050025-27 of Support Letter from Larry and Janis Walker from Associations Letters from Dead Lake Association Letter from Fergus Falls Fish and Game Club 2 I 0 'r r 0 .... , t 0 • • • 050028-31 050032-34 050035-36 050037-38 3. Letters 050040-41 050042-45 050046-57 050058 050059-60 050061-62 050063-66 050067-73 050074-77 050078-79 Letters from Leaf Lake Area Association Letter from Otter Tail County Lakes Association Letter from Star Lake Property Owners' Association Letter from Tamarac Lake Association of Non-Specific Responses Letters from Michele Antrim Letters from Karen Bergstrom Letters from Dead Lake Association Letter from Patricia E. Donaldson-Gamer Letter from Miriam Hattury Letter from Kay Helm Letters from Eileen Hoger Letters from Gary Kaiser and Cecil Femling Letters from Ed and Mary Millerbernd Letter from Julie Millerbernd Public Comments on.:EAW\O{Letters A-L) 060002-3 Letter from Judy Allen 060004-10 Letters from Collene and Joy Barnick 060011 Letter from G.E. Borgending 060012-13 Letter from Rose Bowman 060014-16 Letter from Donald and Louise Bruns 060017-18 Letter from Kersten Buskirk 060019-20 Letter from Tom and Jodie Collins 060021 E-mail from George Derks 060022-23 Letter from Rose Duetschman 060024-27 Letters from William Donaldson 060028-33 Letters from Donald Douglas 060034-35 Letter from Sharon Douma, Wayne Pearson, Mel 060036-37 060038-41 060042-44 060045-53 060054-61 060062-63 060064-69 060070-75 060076-79 . 060080-85 060086-88 060089-96 060097-99 060100-102 060103-107 060108-109 060110-111 060112-113 060114-116 060117-120 060121 060122-123 Pearson Letter from Julianne Evers Letters from Don and Judy Fairchild Letter from Cleve and Margaret Fitzsimmons Letters from Donald and Marlene Fondrick Letters from Merv and Phyllis Freeman Letter from Judy Galaher Letters from Leo and Rose Ann Goodman Letter from Timothy Grant Letters from Les and Sue Hansen Letters from Mike and Cheryl Harris Letter from Annause Hatteug Letters from Jim Hatlevig Letters from Bruce Hawkins Letter from Edward Hoger Letter from Amy Holum-Noebel Letter from Dean and Sherry Johnson Letter from Dennis Johnson Letter from· Geraldine Johnson Letter from Vicki Kallberg Letters from Beverly Kangas Letter from Ed and Laverne Kelley Letter from George Kettenacker 3 0 ., .. - ,. 0 _.,,: ' -J, .,. .\ ,, ' r.:. I 0 • • • 060124-126 060127 060128-133 060134-136 060137-140 060141-142 060143-144 Letter from James Kimple Letter from John Kimple Letters from Leo Kluch Letter from Rodger and Jane Knoop Letters from Frederick Labandz Letter from Steven Langlie Letter from Mark Leitheiser Public Coil!lllents on EAW (Letters M-Z) 070002-28 070029-30 070031-32 070033-36 070037-40 070041-45 070046-49 070050-52 070053-56 070057-59 070060-62 070063-66 070067-69 070070-71 070072-73 070074-75 070076-83 070084-86 070087-90 070091-92 0700.93 -95 · 070096-97 070098-99 070100-101 070102-103 070104-105 070106-113 070114-116 070117-118 070119-125 070126-129 070130-131 070132-138 070139-144 070145-166 070167-176 070177-197 070198-200 070201-202 070203-205 070206-207 070208-209 070210-211 070212-213 Letters from Doug Martin Letter from Pat Martineau Letter from Mike Meade and Mary Noel-Meade Letter from Bob and Kris Millerbernd Letter from Wally Morton Letter from Laurie Mullen Letter from Ronald and Sandra Neneman Letter from Rob and Amy Noebel Letter from Rob Noebel Letter from Twyla Nore Letter from Ted and Joan Oelfke Letter from Jeffrey Osland Letter from Virgel and Nancy Osland Letter.from Petra and Randy Owens Letter from Mark Oyloe Letter from Kim and Wendell Pederson Letters from Donna Peterson Letter from Art and Shirley Potthoff Letter from Jason and Tina Reed Letter from Tom Rieschick Letter from Scott Roberts Letter from Audrey Rondeau Letter from Anthony Rondeau Letter from Teressa Rondeau Letter from Ruth Rondeau Letter from Bill and Betty Schellpeper Letter from Spencer and Pam Schram Letter from Charles and Linda Siggerud Letter from Richard Sigler Letter from Jon Skow Letter from Julie Skow Letter from Carl and Barbara Soronen Letter from Timothy and Terryll Sullivan Letter from Terryll Sullivan Letters from Timothy Sullivan Letter from Bonnie Swanson Letters from Richard and Bonnie Swanson Letter from Robert and Sandra Swanson Letter from Barringer Tanner Letter from Marvin and Darlene Thill Letter from Robert Toelle Letter from Dennis and Sharon Trudell Letter from Stephen Upgren Letter from Ernest West 4 r: <. . r_ ,.,:· .,_ " l (. • .!. . 1 •:-- v I I.. :1:.: ' , . .., . ,_ ,, r I' ,-,. :, :. ' 0 0 0 \ 070214-220 Letter from Richard Wilcox 070221-224 Letter from Diane Zins •..-------------------8. . . . _--. Public Comments on EAW Received After the Close of the Co:mme?lt Period' . 080001-2 080003-4 080005 080006-7 080008-9 080010-12· 080013 080014 .080015-16 Letter from United Sportsmen's Club of West St. Paul Letter from Linda Schellpeper Letter from Lois Sattgast Letter from Vanita and Rick Ohlgren Letter from Bud Grant, Minnesota Vikings Letter from Spencer Schram, Dead Lake Association Letter from Floyd and Marilyn Melin Letter from Leo and Sharon Lange Letter from Edward Pearce Agency Comment1:1; 011 .EAW',: 090001-29 3/5/03 letter from MN DNR re Comments on Blue 090030-32 .090033-35 090036 090037-39 100014-24 100025-37 100038-48 100049-59 100060-65 100066-81 100082-93 100094-139 100140-207 100208-249 Heron Bay Club Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) Maps 3/5/03 letter from US Department of Interior 2/27/03 letter from Minnesota Historical Society 3/5/03 letter from MN Pollution Control Agency Response to Proposed Blue Heron Bay Project Environmental Assessment Worksheet, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Submitted on Behalf of Dead Lake Association, Inc. 1. Dead Lake -Association Report 2. Houston Engineering Report 3. Pinnacle Engineering Report 4. Dr. Michlovic Archaeology Report 5. Water Level Readings 6. State DNR & PCA Reports 7. Dead Lake Bottom Soundings 8. Corps of Engineers Hydraulic Design of Small Boat Harbors 9. State Historical Preservation Office Manual for Archaeological Projects 10.Dead Lake History j 11. EJ:S Needs.c .. Deterndriatioil ·· • 3/19/03 PC 110001-2 110003-4 110005-9 110010-14 Meeting Minutes/Findings 3/19/03 Response to Public Comments on the EAW 1. Board of Adjustment Variance Withdrawal 2. DNR Response to Questions 3. Lake Area Docks & Lifts Dock Depth Letter 5 I 0 ' \ 0 J.. 0 • • • 110015-28 110029-33 110034-42 110043-47 110048-55 110056-78 110079 110080-81 110082-89 110090-93 110094 110095 110096-100 110101-105 110106-116 110117-121 110122-123 110124 110125-134 110135-137 110138-148 110149-150. 110151 110152-153 110154 110155-156 3/25/03 CB 110157-167 11-0168-177 110178 110179-181 110182-186 110187-189 110190 110191-192 110193-210 110211 110212 110213-237 110238-242 110243 110244 . 110245 110246 110247-252 1io253 4. Response to Public Comments 5. Response Attachment 1 Lake Maps 6. Response Attachments 2-4 7. Negative Declaration Law and Precedent 8. Proposed Findings of Fact and Recommendation Notice of Decision and Findings of Fact and mailing list Revised Time Line 3/26/03 News article 4/14/03 EQB Monitor 4/8/03 OTCo Board of Commissioners' minutes 3/21/03 memo from Bowman to Peterson 4/1/03 OTCo Board of Commissioners' minutes Affidavits of publication Summary of Responses to EAW 4/1/03 fax from Domholt to Peterson re Findings of Fact 3/25/03 OTCo Board of Commissioners' minutes News article 3/20/03 file memo 3/19/03 OTCo Planning Commission minutes Speakers EIS Needs Determination 3/19/03 3/21/03 fax from Marsha to Peterson re 3/19/03 OTCo Planning Commission minutes 3/24/03 letter from Kalar to DNR 3/19/03 letter from Russell to Swanson 3/21/03 letter from Russell to commissioners 3/20/03 news release Notes Meeting Minutes/Findings 3/19/03 OTCo Planning Commission minutes Developer's Proposed Changes to Planning Commission Findings in Support of EIS Declaration for Blue Heron Bay 3/20/03 file memo Guide to MN Environmental Review Rules Letter from Jim Hatlevig News articles 3/18/03 letter from Lake Region Surveying, Inc. Notes 3/17/03 memo from Swenson to Kalar re file report Notice of Public Hearing 3/4/03 e-mail from Lejcher to Stolen A Description of Shoreland Management Guidelines for Cluster & Planned Unit Developments E-mails between Sparks, Kalar, and Stolen 3/12/03 Planning Commission minutes Notes Dwelling Density Calculation/Allowable Units Crowding Information EIS Needs Determination 3/13/03 e-mail from Kalar to Sparks 6 ,p ( I. ' < • r r·., .-. ,. L 0 .. .. ' ) 0 ., 0 • • • 110254-259 110260-262 110263-265 110266 110267 110268 110269 110270 110271-273 110274 110275-276 110277-290 110291 110292 Letters from James Rust Revised Time Line 3/14/03 · 3/18/03 letter from Russell to Swenson 3/14/03 letter from Lake Area Docks & Lift Dwelling Density Calculation/Allowable Units 3/18/03 letter from Russell to Stein 3/14/03 letter from Lake Area Docks & Lift 3/19/03 e-mail from Erickson re 3/20 meeting 3/18/03 letter from Larson to Kalar 3/19/03 Agenda for OTCo Planning Commission 3/19/03 EIS Needs Determination Responses to EAW Issues Received During Public Comment Period Responses to EAW Issues Received After the Public Comment Period Ended (3/5/03) 4/10/03 Agenda OTCo Board of Adjustment 120001 3/21/03 news article 120002 Lot Block Calculation map 120003-4 3/20/03 Blue Heron Bay Meeting notes 120005-18 3/5/03 MN DNR Comments on Blue Heron Bay Club Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) 120019-23 3/19/03 PC meeting notes 120024-36 .. 5 Responses to EAW Issues Received During Public Comment Period 120037-42 Density Calculation notes/information 120043-73 The Shoreland Management Ordinance of Otter Tail County, Minnesota 120074-103 Rules/regulations 120104-105 Project Mitigation and DNR Design Recommendations 120106-115 Rules/regulations 120116-128 The Sanitation Code of Otter Tail County 140001-11 1. Redline version of proposed County 140012 140013-23 140024 140025-39 140040-302 140303-304 Commissioner's Findings and Determination 2. Additional materials Permits issued to hold fishing tournaments on Dead Lake from 1998 -2002 3/19/03 letter from Russell to Swanson re Native American artifacts and burial mounds 3. County summary of public written comments 4. Public written comments Maps 7 ..,, . -. •- _. ' ' .-, J_ C • .' i : -: ..... ' 0 ., " ·\ , ... ; 0 ·- 0 0 • 12/11/02 PC Mtg 150001 150002.-7 150010-20 150021-30 150031-38 150039-40 150041 150042 150043-48 150049 150050 150051-52 150053-84 150085-87 150088-92 150093 150094-107 150108 150109 150110-111 150112-.114 150115-122 150123-126 150127-129 150130-141 150142 150143-147 150148-150 150151 150152-153 150154 150155-163 150164-166 150167 150168-170 150171-174 150175-177 150178 150179 150180-190 150191 150192 150193 150194 150195 Dwelling Density Calculation 4/16/03 letter from MN DNR re specific recommended actions pertaining to the conditional use permit 4/17/03 fax from Marsha to Russell 4/16/03 OTCo Planning Commission minutes 4/16/03 fax from Swenson to Kalar re 4/16/03 letter from MN DNR 4/16/03 letter from Russell Map 3/18/03 letter from Lake Region Surveying, Inc. 4/16/03 letter from MN DNR Map 12/11/02 OTCo Planning Commission minutes Letter from Larry and Rena Odine Blue Heron Bay pamphlet Blue Heron Bay illustrative plans Water/sewer plans Blue Heron Bay Approvals Sienna Corporation pamphlet 12/17/02 OTCo Board of Commissioners' Minutes 12/17/02 letter from Bowman to R. Murray Partnership, LLP 2/12/03 OTCO Planning Commission minutes 1/30/03 letter from Russell to Kalar News articles 3/19/03 Agenda for OTCo Planning Commission and mailing list 4/14/03 fax from Kalar to Peterson re Application for Conditional Use Permit. Notice of Public Hearing 3/27/03 memo from Bowman re conditional use permit application hearing 11/20/02 letter from Russell to Kalar Maps · Acknowledgement Total acres Map Notice of Public Hearing 1/30/03 letter from Russell to Kalar 4/9/03 Planning Commission minutes Notes/business card .Letters from William and Patricia Donaldson Letter from Connor Schmid Letter from Dent school employees Letter from Kenneth and Sandra Weis Letters from Richard and Bonnie Swanson E-mail from Roxanne Tchida E-mail from Milton and Rosemary Koshiol E-mail from Allan Gully E-mail from Rodger Knoop E-mail from Margaret Tchida 8 ·'• \c' !. ' - C 0 . . ,. y ,· ' ' r r ... - ' . . 0 • ! Blue • MTR:SB 150196 150197-198 150199-201 150202-211 150212-213 150214 150215-217 150218 150219-222 150223 150224-229 Heron Bay 160001 160002 16000~ 160004 160005 160006 160007 160008 160009 160010 160011 160012 160013 160014 160015 160016 160017 160018 160019 160020 • 2003-3307 6/5/2003 S/22/03 updated sb E-mail from Leo Kluch Property ownership documentation Maps ' 4/16/03 OTCo Planning Commission minutes 4/22/03 OTCo Board of Commissioners' Minutes (pp. 11-12) 4/22/03 OTCo Planning Commission minutes (p. 2) News articles 4/21/03 letter from Minnesota Historical Society Application for Conditional Use Permit 5/2/03 letter to R. Murray Partnership, LLP Partial Tape-Recorded Proceeding of OTCo Board Meeting Held on 4/22/03 Comments -CUI? · Letter from Pat Martin Family Letter from Mike Gates Letter from Dan Gates Letter from Tom Harris Letter from Timothy White Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bahns Letter from Robert White Letter from William Ellerbeck Letter from Mark Beumann Letter from Melissa Gates Letter from Catherine Zulfh Letter from Irvin Gates Letter from James Ellison Letter from Nick Prosonli Letter from Scott Odens Letter from Michael Odens Letter from Kenneth and Jan Schmack Letter from Kim Prosaski Letter from Elvira Wallen Letter from Larry Oden 9 • 0 ,· r: -, .. I ,•. 'r J 0 1