HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/24/2004• • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, 500 Fir Ave W . Commissioners' Room Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, February : 4, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Syd Nelson Chair; Bob Block, Vice-Chair; Dennis Mosher, Roger Froe ming, and Malcolm Lee present. ' Approval of Agenda Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Hu an Services agenda of February 24, 2004, with the following additions: · Meth Lab Ordinance Discussion West Central Area Agency on Aging Resolution Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of February 10, 2004, as mailed. Otter Tail County Court Services 2003 Annual Report Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, and Office Manager, Amy Kampa, pr sented the Otter Tail County Court Services 2003 Annual Report. Mr. Kitzman stated tha~ the annual reports are very important as the data is used to identify specific trends arid to make decisions on how to deal with these trends. Mr. Kitzman reviewed the major I ffenses for juveniles and adults, offender programs, and caseload statistics and compariso s. He also provided a copy of the Otter Tail County Court Services 2004 Program Overview. ' Post Employment Health Care Plan Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, introduced discussion regarding a non union Post Employment Health Care Plan. Mr. Kitzman, as a member of the Personnel Boa d, reported that at a recent meeting, the Personnel Board discussed how a recommendati n could be designed to facilitate a common benefit base. Research will continue on this topic Minnesota Citizens Forum on Health Care Costs Ms. Thorson presented preliminary recommendations from the Minnesota Citizen Forum on Health Care Costs dated February 6, 2004. The final report is scheduled to e released . February 23, 2004. Meth Lab Ordinance Discussion Ms. Thorson reported that the proposed Meth Lab Ordinance has been revis d and she reviewed the revisions. Lengthy discussion took place. A Public Hearing is requir d to adopt the ordinance . -OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes _ , February 24, 2004 Page2 Human Services Contract Renewals Moticin by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement between the Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and Prairie Community Resources -Ironwood, in Perham, MN, to provide residential services/assisted living to eligible persons. The agreement is Ji • ' effective from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. ,Mo!ion by Block,. se~~nd ~Y .Mosher,' and: ~nanimously carri_ed ~o aut~orize, the Chair's -signature to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement between_ the ,Otter Tail County Departme-nt of Human Services· and Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership,. lnc.,.to provide child care services fo 0 r the period of 'January 1, 2004 through December ~1; 2004. The funding, state and county dollars, is not to exceed $7,500.00 for this contract. 'JI Human Services Direct,or, John Dinsmore, presElnted a master list of all program contracts in the Human Services Department al~ng with thEl status. of each, contrac~ t(,'l-date, _ , , ., West Central Area Agency on Aging . . . ~ Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2004 -07 Upon the motion of Commissioner Malcolm Lee, seconded by Commissioner Roger-Froemming, and passed by a_ 5-0 vote, the County Board of Commissioners adopts the following resolution: ----. 0 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Board on Aging if')tends to designate larger planning and service Q .areas for the Area Agencies .on Aging by January 1, 2005, .and Otter Tail County is. one of nine cou_nties being served cu~rently by the vyest Central. Area Agency on Aging (Region IV); anq , · ' ' ' • • i WHEREAS, the nine counties of Region IV already constitute a very large geographic.area; and· -· · · · · · · ''.: -· · ,,i, ' ·: WHEREAS, when appropriate, . the Region IV Council can work in collaboration with neighboring regions. Collaborations have already taken place in housing with services, ·training and joint contract administration for identical projects with the same provider between • ' '. 4 • . • ' ' ' ' ' Regions I, II a,nd IV; and . WHEREAS, the West Central Area Agency on Aging has 0 proven to be ve'ry helpful to the citizens of Otter Tail County and the region, h,elping to provide for senior housing that allows .the seniors to remain independe[it, resulting in the reduction of nursing homes; using federal, I •• T • • , • • • • state and local funding provides. direct services and also contracts with others to provide 'services for seniors in information and assistance, health insurance, counseling, nutrition services, caregiving support, education and respite, prescription drug, finan·cial assistance', medication management, falls prevention, inihome .saf1:ity programs, among other services; .and :r -. " I' 1i' . ,· ,. • • ,!, ' . . -. ' I. ... ' ' WHEREAS, the current size of the West Central Area Agency on Aging is efficient and cost Q effective; and - WHEREAS, the current size of the West Central Area Agency on Aging adheres to the Older Americans Act's emphasis on local decision making; and • • • OTC Board of,Commissloners' Minutes Fe~ruary 24, 2004 ·, I Page3 WHEREAS, a larger area agency would cause decreased local decision making along with funding allocation uncertainties and increased travel time and expenses f' r staff and governance board members. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Otter Tail Coun y Board of Commissioners is opposed to combining the West Central Area Agency on ging into a larger area. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 24th day of February, 2004. Dated:. _ _,_,3-'-+-/_,_2-+/....,,,o'-l{+----- 1. I I Attest ~ IL-Larry KrohCler UNTY HUMAN SERVICE BOARD I Authorization to Sign Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried t • authorize Kathy Domholt, County Board Secretary, to attest County Board signatures in th1 absence of the County Board Clerk. Bills & Claims Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services bills & claims as presented. Adjournment At 10:42 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail Co nty Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 9, 2004. Dated: 1 3 /9 /6 '-/ . _ __..,..,_,l--''--1+--.L-----IL COUNTY HUMAN SERVICE BOARD I Attest: ~1 ~ Larry rhn,lerk Call to Order -County Board The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, February 24, 2004, at 11 :00 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Sydney Nelson, Chair; Bob Block, Vice-Chair; Dennis Mosher, Roger Froemming, and Malcolm Lee pres1nt. Approval of Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve he County Board agenda of February 24, 2004, as mailed . Approval of Minutes Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve he County Board minutes of February 17, 2004, as mailed. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 24, 2004 Page'4 . Correction to October 14,' 2003 Minutes-· "' Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to correct the low bid for the CSAH #21 Culvert Replacement in the October 14, 2003, County Board minutes from $56,895.00 to $57,895.00. •, ,i 'l ' ,. , j_ I · Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve payment of County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Jail Space Needs Assessment . \ Sheriff, Brian Schlueter, requested approval of a jail space needs qssessmen't._. He reviewed three proposals received in regard.s to i::pnd_ucting this study and recom'mended Vetter, Johnson Architects based on their -experience .. : Motion by. Block, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Sheriff to hire Vetter, Johnson Architects to complete a jails needs assessment/study with a cost not to exceed $4,?_00'.oo and subject,to the contract stating a completion date for the study. · ~ ' · Amendment for Work Release Services Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, and · unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's . signature to-execute Amendment #1 to the Joint ·Powers Agreement between the Otter Tail County Detention Facility and the Department of Corrections for work release services for FY2004. The amendment provides an additional $35,000 to Otter Tail County for housing additional state inmates during this period of time. County 11Ditch #19 .. Ditch Inspector, Randy Wasvick, reported on clean-out work and removal of two culverts in the Ditch #19 System. The Ditch Inspector, will confirm work completed with the property ·owner and approve 50% of the cost' of the ·'maintenance work to be paid out of the Ditch System as previously discussed. . '· 'I -'\ • Resolutio·n -for Acreage Modification in the Fergus Fall~'J0BZ Subzone 1 Otter Tail County· Resolution No. 2004 -OB 1 ' • -.\ :--, ." ·, . ~ l .,:' • ·:, • Commissioner Lee offered the following and. mov'ed its adoption: · \' . " . ·-----.\' ~:~-'.\ ~:.·•'· ;-~-. --- WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, on September 9, 2003, passed a resolution approving certain County parcels to be included in a regional application for a Job Opportunity Building Zone; and WHEREAS,' the City of. Fergus Falls was ;:a. participant in the regional Job Opportunity Building Zone application done by the West Central Initiative Fund; and , , . WHEREAS, the regional application submitted by the West Central Initiative Fund was_ approved by the Department of Employment and.Economic Development; and ) . 0 0 WHEREAS, the City of Fergus Falls wishes to modify the acreage in their Job Opportunity Q Building Subzone; and · · . ' OTC Board of Commiss oners' Minutes Fel ruary 24, 2004 Page 5 • BE IT RESOLVED, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners upon careful c onsideration and review hereby approve the modifications as identified in the foll9wing table:. Owner/Developer Parcel Number Acreage M · dification Fergus Falls: Midwest Regional Development 71003500195007 27.59 Merwin Adams 71003500195904 3.45 Merwin Adams 71003500202005 40.35 Aasness/Bjorgum 71003500195050 2.81 Aasness/Bjorgum 71003991519000 .46 Aasness/Bjorgum 71003500195039 2.47 DFA 71003500003000 2.7 DFA 71003500004002 2.03 DFA 71003500002000 1.96 DFA 71003500004004 22.44 Jason Hintermeister 71003500006000 7.17 Fergus Falls Port Authority 71003990853901 .46 Fergus Falls Port Authority 71003500004006 2.38 City of Fergus Falls 71003500004005 6.61 Burlington Northern Railroad 71001500048000 .99 State of Minnesota 71003500007000 77.17 • Thiele Technologies 71003991430006 1.38 Daniel Larson 71003991430901 1.20 Fergus Falls Port Authority 71003991430005 1.33 Fergus Falls Port Authority (UPS) 71003991430004 1.32 Fergus Falls Port Authority 71003991550000 5.88 Fergus Falls Port Authority 71003500007008 1.01 Fergus Falls Port Authority 71003991558000 5.13 Pa eel Added Fergus Falls Port Authority 71003991559000 5.36 Pa:rcel Added Fergus Falls Port Authority 71003991560000 7.52 Parcel Added TNT Properties LTD 71003991551000 10.38 Robert Bunkowski 26000320196000 79.40 Reduced by 18]01 acres Fergus Falls: (Continued) Mark Thorson 06000010004003 18.50 Mark Thorson 06000010008000 80.00 Mark Thorson 06000010009000 38.61 Commissioner Froemming seconded the motion and upon being put to a vote, the above· resolution was adopted as follows: Yes: 5 No: 0 • Absent: 0 Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 24th day of February, 2004. ' 1 OTC Board of Commissioners··r,,,iinutes ·February 24. 2004 Page6 . ' Dated: 6 · /2-. / 0 tf , I I ·. -· ·~ Attest: {JV Larfy K~n:lerk. RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF $465,000 GENERAL· OBLIGATION CAPITAIL NOTES, SERIES 2004A, FIXING THE FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS THEREOF, . PROVIDING FOR T~E!R EXECUTION AND . · DELIVERY, AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2004 -09 .. 0 .•.' , • 1f Commissioner Malcolm Lee introduced the following written resolution and moved its adoption: · BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissio~ers of Otter Tail County, Mi~nesota, ·as follows: . ·• -' . -' ,, .... • .. ; : ' ' -. . . 1. The proposal of Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, to ' ,. purchase the $465,000 General Obligation .. Capital Notes, Series 2004A of the County is , hereby found and determined to be a favorable proposal and shall be and is hereby accepted, said proposal being to purchase Notes bearing inter~st at the rate of 1.69% and_ at_ a. price _of Q $465,000 plus accrued interest. . . ·. . . . . . . . . . . . · · . ,... ·. ' " " ·. ,. 2. To provide' funds for the purpose of pwchasing certain equipment pursuant to . the authority of Section 373.01, Subd. 3, and Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes, the County shall forthwith issue its negotiable Generali: Obligation Capital Notes, Series 2004A (the · "Notes") in the aggregate principal amount 0($465,000, to be dated March 25,'2004 (or other date of delivery), to mature on March 25, 2005, to bear interest at the rate· of 1.69% per annum, payable on September 25, 2004 and,at maturity on March 25, 2005. The Notes are ·subject to rede,mption and prior payment in whole or in part at the option 6f the County ori any: • date at par plus accrued interest. · ' .. ·: · · -''. ,, 3. The Notes, the Registrar's Authenffcation Note and the form of assignment and ·. on the reverse side thereof shall be in substantially the follo~i!19 form: _ · · , . · : No. R-1 Interest Rate 1.69% · Registered Owner: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . STATE OF MINNESOTA .. . ,.QTTER T~IL COUNTY GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL NOTE, SERIES 2004A $465,000 . ' Maturity March 25; 2005 Date of Original Issue March 25, 2004 0 .. • • • Principal Amount: . OTC Board of Commissil ners' ~inutes Fetuary 24, 2004 Page 7 Four Hundred Sixty-five Thousand Dollars Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for value received, hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner specified above, or registered assigns, [without option of pri r payment,] the Principal Amount specified above on the Maturity Date specified abovJ, upon the presentation and surrender hereof, and to pay to the Registered Owner hereof interest on such principal sum at the interest rate specified above from March 25, 2004 frfi! m the date hereof or the most recent interest payment date to which interest was provided t the date of maturity. Principal is payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Otter Tail County Auditor, in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, as Bond Registr13r or of its successor as Bond Registrar designated by the County upon 60 days' notice to the .registered owners at their registered addresses. Interest shall be computed on the basis ol1f a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months and shall be paid on September 25, 2004 and at maturity on March 25, 2005 by check or draft mailed to the registered owners. This Note constitutes an issue of Notes in the aggregate principal amount , f $465,000, issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota, including Section 373.01, Subd. 3, and Chapter 475, Minnesota Statites, for the purpose of providing funds for purchasing certain equipment. This Note constitutJs a general obligation of the County and to provide moneys for the prompt and full payrrjent of said principal and interest as the same become due the full faith and credit of the Courlty is hereby irrevocably pledged, and the County will levy ad valorem taxes, if required for suth purpose, without limitation as to rate or amount. l This Note is transferable, as provided by the Resolution of the Board of Commissioners authorizing the issuance of the Notes of this series adopted F bruary 24, 2004 (the "Bond Resolution") only upon books of the County kept at the office of the Bond Registrar by the registered owner hereof in person or by the owner's duly] authorized attorney, upon surrender of this Note for transfer at the office of the Bond Registrar, duly endorsed by, or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the Bond Registrar duly executed by, the registered owner hereof or the owner's dul~ authorized attorney, and, upon payment of any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer, one or more fully registered Notes of the series 1 the same principal amount, maturity and interest rate will be issued to the designated tr nsferee or transferees. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happe~ and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note have been done, hav happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law and that this Note, together with all other indebtedness of the County outstanding on the date of its issuance, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. This Note shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until Jhe Note of Authentication and Registration hereon shall have been signed by the Bond Regis 1rar. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Otter Tail County, Minnesota, by its Board of Commissioners, has caused this Note to be executed in its behalf by the manual • r facsimile OTC· Board 'of Comrnissioners': Minutes · February 24, 2004 Page 8 signature of the Chair and, by the manual or facsimile signature· of the County Auditor, all as of the Date of Original Issue specified above. . . ' 'Dated: March 25, 2004 I. I . o I i' -.. . Chair . ' Cou·nty Auditor, ~-· ; Bond, ~egistrar's Certificate of'Authentication and Registration J '·~·>,; .' l . This is one of the Notes described in the within mentioned Bond Resolution, and this Note has been registered as to principal and interest in the name of the Registered Owner idehtified above on the registration books of Otter Tail'County,:Minnesota. · · . • , l :· · • -·, i ; . OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR Bond Registrar . · · ; I By_· _______________ .i :, . Authorized Signature ASSIGNMENT FOR. VALUE RECEIVED,, .the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and. transfers unto --------------------------------; (PI ease Print or Typewrite Name and Address of Transferee) the within Note· and all rights ,thereunder, .and hereby irrevocably co'nstitutes and appoints · : to transfer the within Note on,the books kept for registration thereof, with.full power of substitution in the premises. ; · ., :i~ · 1• 1· _ ; 1 • 1·· Dated: . ..-·. -------- Please Insert Social Security Number or Other Identifying Number.of·Assignee Assignee . ' Signature Guaranteed: ' ,, - Signatures must-be guaranteed by a national bank or trust company or by a brokerage firm having membership·, ;in one of the major stock exchanges. Notice: The signature to this assignment must correspond with the riame as it appears on the face of this Note in every • 1 , particular, without alteration or·any change whatever. ,. ,, 0 0 0 • • • I OTC Board of Commiss·oners' Minutes Fe ruary 24, 2004 Page 9 4. The Notes shall be payable upon presentation at the office of Otte Tail County Auditor, in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, as Registrar and Paying Agent, or at the o 1 1ces of such other successor agents as the County may hereafter designate upon 60 days' lljlailed notice to the registered owners at their registered addresses. Interest shall be paid py check or draft of the Registrar mailed to the registered owners at their addresses shpwn on the registration books on each interest payment date unless other arrangements satisfactory to the Bond Registrar the County and the registered owners of Notes are made. !The County shall deposit funds with the Bond Registrar at the time and in the manner necessary to provide for the full and prompt payment of such principal and interest. · I 5. The Notes shall be prepared under the direction of the County Aud tor and when so prepared shall be executed on behalf of the County by the manual or facsimil signature of the Chair and by the manual or facsimile signature of the County Auditor or other authorized officer. The Notes shall not be valid for any purpose until authenticated by the Bdnd Registrar. The Bond Registrar is authorized and directed to register the Notes initially issu~d hereunder in such names as the purchaser may direct. The Notes initially issued hereuhder shall be registered as of March 25, 2004, or other date of delivery, and all Notes issued! in exchange therefor shall be registered as of such date. When the Notes shall have been so prepared and executed, they shall be delivered by the County Auditor in exchange for the pt!Jrchase price and upon receipt of the signed legal opinion of Faegre & Benson LLP, and the pJrchaser shall not be required to see to the proper application of the proceeds. The Notes shlall be in the denomination of $5,000 each or any multiple thereof . 6. As long as any of the Notes issued hereunder shall remain out tanding, the · County shall maintain and keep at the office of the Bond Registrar an office or agency for the payment of the principal of and interest on such Notes, as in this Resolution pro 'ided, and for the registration and transfer of such Notes, and shall also keep at said office of the Bond Registrar books for such registration and transfer. 7. . As to any Note, the County and the Bond Registrar and the r respective successors, each in its discretion, may deem and treat the person in whose name the same for the time being shall be registered as the absolute owner thereof for all purpose., and neither the County nor the Bond Registrar nor their respective successors shall be afffcted by any notice to the contrary. Payment of or on account of the principal or interest of a~y such Note shall be made only to or upon the order of the registered owner thereof, but such registration may be changed as above provided. All such payments shall be valid and effect~al to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. 8. There is hereby created a separate debt service fund for the Notes!, which shall be held by the Treasurer and used for no other purpose than to pay said Notes, ~rovided, that if any payment thereon shall become due when there is not sufficient money in I said fund to pay the same, the Treasurer shall make such payment from the general fund o~ the County, and said general fund shall be reimbursed for such advances out of the proceeds of taxes levied pursuant hereto or other moneys appropriated by the Board of Commissio~ers for such purpose. Into said debt service fund shall be paid all proceeds of the taxes heretofore levied for this purpose and such other moneys as may be received by the County for th purpose of or appropriated to the payment of the Notes. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes , Februa·ry 24, 2°004 • Page 10 .. · . It is hereby found and determined 'that the taxes previously levied in the amount of Q $500,000, :if collected in full, together with funds appropriated therefor,.will produce at least five· percent in excess of the amount needed to meet when·due the payments on·the Notes.· :·, . ., ': . .. ' . <-., ', f., ~-~-. ·• ~-J , .r· 9:· , • The County Auditor and County Administrator' are authorized and directed ·to prepare· and furnish .to the purchaser and to the attorneys approving the Notes, ·certified copies of all proceeaings and records·relatir:ig to the issuance of·said Gen·eral Obligation 'Capital Notes, Series ·2004A and to the right, power and authority of the County ·and: its officers to issue the same, and said certified copies and Notes shall :be. deemed the representations of the County as to all matters stated therein. . ' •'. \ ' ... : ' . . , . ' : ;: .. '::; . ,; ' ~ .. -~. .:. I' 10. The officers of the County are' hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the Secretary of the Treasury at statement meeting the information . reporting · req'uirements of Section· 149(e)' of.the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), by the 15th day ofthe·second calendar morith·atter the close of the calendar quarter in which the Notes·are issued.· , ;' • I .• ,·. :-. * .. , '·, , .-: '.:; . , '. • \/!:' _], . , '!! .. ~. \ ,.J . ··' '• 11 .. 1 • • The County shall not take or permit ariy action that would cause the Notes to b'e . "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code. The County shall comply -with the rebate requirements imposed, under Section 148(f) •of.'the :Code and regulations thereurider, including (if applicable) the requirement to make periodic•calculations of the amount subject to rebate thereunder and the requirement 'to make all required ·rebates to the United States. The County Auditor of the County is hereby authorized to make on . behalf of the County all elections that tie may deed necessary and expedient'under Section 148 of the Code. In addition, the County shall make no investment of funds that would cause the Notes to be ,"arbitrage .. bonds" within the meaning· of Section 148 of the •Code and reg'ulations thereunder. ·All terms used in'' this paragraph 11 shall have the meaning·s provided in the Code and regulations thereunder. :· ' · ·'· 12. . The County Audito~ shall file a certified copy of this resolution in his office and .. issue the County Auditor's· certificate as required by law.: ·1 I;.-~ I~ ~ ~ r:, • ' . . 1 'I • • : ·1· _: '.13. ·. , The Notes are designated as .~qualified tax exempt obligations" for purposes of . Section 265(b )(3) of the Code. · . ~, · : • ···The motion for the adoption of.the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Bob Block upon vote being taken thereon.the following-voted in favor thereof: · · SydNelson,'Chair; . · ·.. ', · .. · 'Bob Block, Vice Chair, -· · · • Roger Froemming,.and , :• .: -· Malcolm LSe, '..l' • . ' · the following voted against the same: None, and the following abstained: Dennis.Mosher " :0 whereupon said resolution.was declared duly;1passed and adopted. 0 0 • • • I OTC Board of Commiss·oners' Minutes Fe ruary 24, 2004 Page 11 Dated: 3 /2..-/ O'-/ --=-i,~-.,,__~---- Attest: <~ !jfJ_ Larry Kron, Jerk Adjournment At 11 :57 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail Cou Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 2, 2004. Dated: __ 3--t1/_2:...=+/-o_y__,____ __ _ Attest: /,,,, · ·· ~ _ L_a_r...,_~-=K"'r ""1--n-, '-C...,le'-r-k ___ _ CB/kd \ .. \ ;, '·, '. ::-' . 0 . , 0 0 ... ' ... ',. • Otter Tail County walrants February 24! 2004 Page 1, Attachment A IFD66 2/24/2004• 13:31:55 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION COUNTY 5 i PAGE 1 • • WARRANTS APPROVED ON 2/24/2004 FOR PAYMENT 2/24/2004 VENDOR NAME AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY ARAMARK SERVICES INC ATCO INTERNATIONAL AUTO SAFETY SERVICE BEYERS BODY SHOP INC BOB BARKER COMPANY INC BOTNER EXCAVATION SERVICES LLC TIM BRAND CASEY'S GENERAL STORES INC CHECKERS CLINNET SOLUTIONS LLC CO OP SERVICES INC ·COM TEC INC COMMISSIONER-OF TRANSPORTATION COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CRONATRON WELDING SYSTEMS INC CUTLER MAGNER COMPANY DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DON'S SERVICE ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN FARNAM' S GENUINE PARTS INC FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS FALLS SMALL ENGINE & TR CITY FERGUS FALLS FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC FERRELLGAS BARRY FITZGIBBONS FORCE AMERICA FOTH & VAN DYKE ROGER FROEMMING GALL'S INC GR GRAPHICS INC ST LOUIS H & L MESABI ERVIN HAGEN HALL GMC INC HEALTH CARE INCINERATORS HEDAHLS HEADQUARTERS HEISLER'S COUNTRY OIL HITESMAN & ASSOCIATES PA INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR MICHAEL JENSEN JJ'S GAS AND GROCERIES KIM KNUTSON KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER BRUCE KOLLE LAKE REGION DENTAL CENTER LAKE REGION ELECTRIC CO OP LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE CORP LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER AMOUNT 299.74 16,209.05 153.00 22.00 469.96 144.75 627.50 276.71 297.64 63.85 114.00 185.04 900.00 21.86 91.03 169.48 21,167.19 86.60 107.38 3,356.81 320.62 561.30 430.48 65,516.86 209.42 75.62 7.76 652.72 8,113.67 68.31 29.81 200.16 1,061.67 26.75 225.56 5.00 74.06 1,197.80 .78.00 2,239.38 38.88 41. 70 7.38 206.00 90.09 811.00 9,078.84 349.25 675.00 Otter Tail County Warrants February 24, 2004 _ Page 2, Attachment A ', - 2/24/2004 13:31:55 -- OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS .SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON -2/24/2004 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME , LARRY OTT INC T~UCK SERVICE MALCOLM LEE DARREL LEITCH MAAO MARTEL ELECTRONICS INC MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC MIDWESTERN MAT RENTAL & SUPPLY MN ASSOC OF CO ADMINISTRATORS DENNIS MOSHER . MPELRA MULTIBAND NELSON DODGE GMC SYDNEY NELSON NIEMELA REPAIR . NOVA FIRE PROTECTION OLSON OIL CO INC OTTER TAIL CO EMPLOYEES COMMIT OTTER TAIL TELCOM OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY PAMIDA INC PAMIDA PHARMACY PELICAN CASH & DASH · PERHAM CONOCO -· ' PERHAM SAND & GRAVEL PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATI~INC QUILL CORPORATION RELIABLE OFFICE SUPP ES RESEARCH SUPPLY & MAR /G REVIEW ENTERPRISES IN . -SAMMY I S ONE STOP --SCHMITZ FORD . --, -CHERI SCHULTZ -. SEWER SERVICE 11 SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE CO IN KEVIN SONSTEBO SOUTHTOWN C-STORE UNITED RENTALS HIGHWAY UNIVERSITY OF MN . UNIVERSITY OF MN-EXTE~SION SER VIKING OFFICE PRODUCT/3 " WALTERS PHOTOGRAPHY WASTE MANAGEMENT - WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE WEST CENTRAL JAIL ADMIN ASSOC WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR 4-H PLAT BOOK PROJECT AMOUNT 450:.00 75.90 58.92 150.00 120.00 34.00 26.20 210.00 45. 54 90.00 20.00. 771.76 80.85 186.00 2,916.00 -• 218.57· 2,306.40 455.14 - " 162. 87 _ '6. 38 . ·:3,393_43· : 92. 00 101.06 .40.00 · ·29. 97 72.42 242.09 463.74 143.14 163.67 • ,.189. 74 ·' 1 71. 84 190.00 279.28 ,-7. 75 -, 284.49 145.00 50.00 45.00 132. 74· · .19.23, 42.75 ___ 4. 58 ·94.00 " .,144.00 2,613.00 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 2/24/2004 **** FINAL TOTAL ...... . $154~6at.13 **** 0 0 0