HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/10/2004• • • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, 500 Fir Ave W. · Commissioners' Room . Tuesday, February 10, 2004 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, February 10, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Co1 ,missioners Syd Nelson Chair; Bob Block, Vice-Chair; Dennis Mosher, Roger Froen1ming, and Malcolm Lee present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve he Human Services agenda of February 10, 2004, as mailed. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of January 27, 2004, as presented. Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring Program Federal Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, reported that the funding received from he State of Minnesota for the REAM program will be exhausted sometime this month. The cost of the program is $9.75 per day and that cost will have to be paid by the offender. This was one of the Otter Tail County programs that have experienced reduced funding. Mr. Kitzman provided a handout explaining the scope and purpose of the Feder I Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Audit. When a child is placed in out-of-home placement ard funds are claimed through Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility, the County receives 48% reimb rsement of the cost of that placement. The audit will determine substantial compliance with the program and the State of Minnesota must have an error rate of less than 10% to fully com Jly. Failure to meet requirements could result in serious funding consequences. Emergency Preparedness Grant Agreement 1 • • Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to· authoriz~ the Chair's signature to execute Amendment #3 to the Public Health Preparedness and Response to Bioterrorism grant agreement between ·the< County of Otter Tail and the Minnesota Department of Health. The amendment provides additional funding of $6,630 fo the period of September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004. Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, briefed the Board on continued emergency preparedness activities. She presented a poster that will be placed in strategic areas and briefed the Board on the Regional Group who are working to implement the strategic stock pile plan · for small pox vaccines. Training d es for the Abbottville Simulator to be held in Perham have been set for May 11 & 12, 2004 . Communi Health Services CHS Adviso Committee A ointme ts Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to appoint th following members to the Community Health Services Advisory Committee effective Janua 1, 2004: OTC Board of Commissioners·· Minutes· February 10, 2004 Page 2 . . , . Dr. David Sanderson Kathy Bergren , . , . Jean Rund Paul Baer ban Peterson Kay Kratowill ( or designee) . Dick Sha. Kristi Karels •· ,. ... ..D,r.,Terry Drake Joyce Siilerud Audrey Emmen George Walter Connie Stigen , Kathee Carlson Cindy Hermanson ~. "· .. J,··. (;" •.·•,' ._': . t .I)•~,_.·'. ; .," :~ ,, -~ '. ~j' j I.,~; '/-'"-; :~·-' ,. ' ' . . Comi:nun,ity H!!alth Services Priorities for. 2094 > ,, · · -· :::.. . ,. ·,~ ... Essential Local Activities •,:· . . .. •:·, Motion by Block, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Community Health Board Interim List of Local Issues and Priorities for 2004 as presented by the Public Health Director. Ms. Thorson also presented a document entitled "Essential Local Activities" ~hi.ch· is . used. to_ -report Otter, Tail ._,County's pr9gress in n:ieeiting essE.!ntial, public -healt~ activities to the State Department of Health., _ -~ ., '., ,:,,, -.,·,. ~ _.,, Contract Renewals . Motion by Froemming, second. by Blo~k. and ~~imimously: carried .to aut_horize: thE.! ,Chair's signature to execute a contract betwE.!en, Otter. T.ail _c;:ounty Human SE.!rvicE.!s.,af')d. pill-Alert- Distributor of Compumed Automated Medication Dispenser. ' ' • • 'I ,, --. ~ ... -. ' . ) Motion by Nelson, second by · Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a Host County Purchase of Service AgreementJietweer:i Otte~.,Tail ,Coynty Qepartment of-Human Ser,;ices a_nd Catholic Gharities --lntensivE.! T,reatment Unit for Jhe perioq of.January ,1,, 2004 ,to December 31, 2Q04. There is, no ir;icr~ase ;in the. per diem cost in this contract. : :' _, .; 1, ,.. • _ 2·, -. .-, • , ,-, : , , . • • 1 -. ,,. : , .•. -Bills & Claims-:· ... '., . -•' ,", .... , , . ," . Motion ~y' Mosh~r: seqond by 'LeE.!; and: ynanimously carried to· approl(e .• the Human _Services ;bills & claims as presentE.!d. ,. · · ,, . , -,., j ·: :-1 _: 1--: · ,c · : . . ,,: .. ,, , .' . , .. . , . Adjournment ~ . , , •, - At 10:16 a.m., Chairman l'-!el~on. deqlare~ the roee_tir:ig, of the Otter_ Tail ,Gounty Human Services Board adjourned ·until 9:30 a.rn. on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 . Dated: • d-·-:J.L/-D if ' . -... '- IL COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD . . . . ' .. - uman Services ,Board C~air . , , ' S•, ·, ,· .. j . ".,, . '1 _,. ;:-] ,' , Call to Order -County Board .. , . , , ,, ., . . The Otter Tail County Board of-Commissioners ,conver;ied Tue!ldc\Y, febnJa1y 10, 2004, at 11 :00 a.m. at the Otler Tail County Government Services Center with Sydney Nelson, Chair; Bob Block; Vice~Chair; De~f')is Mosher, Roger Froemming;_ a_nd Malcol~Lee present. 0 0 0 OTC Board of CommissiLers' Minutes Feb uary 10, 2004 Page 3 • Approval of Agenda y _ \ ', · -.\ • • Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of February 10, 2004, with the following addition: 11 :35 a.m. -County Coordinator, Larry Krohn Approval of Minutes Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of February 3, 2004, as mailed. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Lee, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve payment of County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Sheriff's Department Year End Report Sheriff, Brian Schlueter, and Chief Deputy, Stacy Paulseth, presented the Sheriffs Department Year End Report for 2003 and reviewed statistics. Commissioner Le suggested that a copy of the report be presented to each library throughout the County. Approval -Working Out-of-Classification Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve a tempo ry transfer from Highway Maintenance Worker to Highway Maintenance Group Leader a d approve salary compensation, retroactive to November 17, 2003, to Step 6, $18.67 per h ur for 2003 and $19.23 per hour for 2004, for Highway Employee, Terry Bennett. Contract Approval for Professional Services Motion by Lee, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairs signature to execute an extension of a Professional Services Contract between the County f Otter Tail and Shultz Torgerson Architects, Ltd. for a proposal for Architecture/Engineering Services for the 505 Court Street Remodeling Project (0202-06). Estimated cost for architectu al services is $69,549.00. Application for Exempt Permit Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve he LG220 Application for Exempt Permit for an event at the Blue Water Restaurant & ports Bar sponsored by the Pelican River Pheasants Forever on May 3, 2004 Attendance at Installers Meeting Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve Ch irman Syd Nelson's attendance at a Land & Resource Installers Meeting on February 19, 200 Adjournment At 11 :50 a.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail Coun Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 . OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 10, 2004 Page4 Dated:~:J..~--11-+---0~c.J __ _ ' . Attest: itU 1/ /). -La_,'r~ry"""'K .. r~-n-,~~-e=rk~_._ __ CB/kd . ' . I.,• ..,_ • . ' ' ,\ . ' . J ' RD OF COMMISSIONERS 0 ' . ' ~ ' --. ,' ' . r •• 1 ,, ; . 0 •' ., •· •. I , 0 • 2/10/2004 12:13:01 . I Otter Tail County War ants February 10, 004 Page 1, Attachm nt A OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 2/10/2004 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME AASTAD TOWNSHIP THE ADVOCATE AL'S STOP & SHOP INC AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION AMOR TOWNSHIP ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING INC ARAMARK SERVICES INC AMOUNT 12,479.77 127.40 130.87 844.18 IFD66 COUNTY 56 P GE l 2/10/2004 . ARVIG COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ATSSA 76.55 12,140.45 4,620.00 5,313.56 200.00 665.00 18,962.98 • • AURDAL TOWNSHIP BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BJ'S EAST . BLIZZARD BLADE BLOWERS TOWNSHIP BLUFFTON TOWNSHIP BOB'S NAPA AUTO PARTS BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BRAUN VENDING INC BRIEFINGS PUBLISHING GROUP BUSE TOWNSHIP BUTLER TOWNSHIP CANDOR TOWNSHIP CARLISLE TOWNSHIP CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMARKE CASH N DASH CHECKERS CLITHERALL TOWNSHIP CLOUD CARTOGRAPHICS INC CO OP SERVICES INC COMPTON TOWNSHIP CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORLISS TOWNSHIP CRAGUNS LODGE AND CONFERENCE C CULLIGAN WATER COND CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING DANE PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP DEAD LAKE TOWNSHIP DEER CREEK TOWNSHIP DENNY'S CONOCO DENZEL'S REGION WASTE INC DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY CAIS DICKS STANDARD DIESEL COMPONENTS DORA TOWNS.HIP 225.28 400.23 61.50 120.25 13,661.47 13,288.58 . 26. 05 76.82 2,589.41 5,440.00 45.69 79.00 11,531.95 12,022.27 .17,893.00 9,703.42 485.51 442.85 94.92 16,137.05 5,500.00 3,083.99 15,307.23 209.00 296.16 13,102.43 23.48 58.11 10.65 15,489.62 14,781.72 14,733.44 158.12 140.40 10.00 115.23 765.02 18,216.39 Otter Tail County Warrants February 10, 2004/ _. Page 2, Attachment A· - 2/10/•2cl04 12:13:01 a OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR .: --· PANELSON RECEIPTS·AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION- IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE :i · WARRANTS APPROVED·ON 2/10/2004 FOR PAYMENT -2/10/2004 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT SHELLY DREYER DUNN TOWNSHIP _ EAGLE LAKE TOWNSHIP EASTERN TOWNSHIP EDNA TOWNSHIP EFFINGTON TOWNSHIP ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP ELMO TOWNSHIP . ERHARD VILLAGE STORE . ERHARDS GROVE TOWNSHIP EVERTS LUMBER CO :_ : . EVERTS TOWNSHIP . FARGO FORKS FREIGHTLINER FARMERS CO OP OIL ASSN. FERGUS FALLS.DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT. FERGUS FALLS TOWNSHIP _ FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER FOLDEN TOWNSHIP - FORCE AMERICA FORTWENGLER ELECTRIC SHOP_ FRIBERG TOWNSHIP ROGER FROEMMING G & K SERVICES GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GIRARD TOWNSHIP · GMAC GORMAN TOWNSHIP HALL GMC INC NEILL HARDINA HEDAHLS HEADQUARTERS HENNING HARDWARE HENNING TOWNSHIP CITY HENNING HOBART TOWNSHIP HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE HOMESTEAD TOWNSHIP - THE INDEPENDENT INMAN TOWNSHIP INTERSTATE COMPANIES INC J EGGUM METALS & RECYCLING J-CRAFT DIV OF CRYSTEEL MFG IN JC ELECTRIC INC JERRY SAW SHARPENING ERWIN JOHNSON KELLY SERVICES INC 31.50 15,899.85 15,721.53- . 15,416.60 15,192.40 13,272.22 '16.,211.14 14,020;75 1,,413.36 17,861.10 37.80 13,946.75 206.83 4,129.21 220.50 120.75 1,060.53 16,602.82 14.19 '126.97 14,226.26 401. 62 27.64 14,799.24 76.23 2,607.04 36.28 14;838.06 9,455.75 14,410.89 422.75 105.00 255 .49. 94.33 15,246.11 900.00_ 16,280.80 283.81 99.06 13;197.96 113·_30 14,166.91 638.73 3,398.90 · 31:01 . 78. 76 3.00 285.00 546.00 0 0 0 . . • Otter Tail County Walrants February 10, 2004 Page 3, Attachment A 2/10/2604 12:13:01 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IFD66 • • WARRANTS APPROVED ON 2/10/2004 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME L & L SERVICE LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP LAKEWAY MARKET LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LEAF LAKE TOWNSHIP LEAF MOUNTAIN TOWNSHIP LIDA TOWNSHIP MACPZA . MAIN STREET EXPRESS MAIN STREET GAS & GOODS MAINE TOWNSHIP MAPLEWOOD TOWNSHIP MARKHURD CORPORATION MARLIN'S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC THE MIDWEEK MIDWEST PRINTING CO MN ASPHALT PAVEMENT ASSN MN CO ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION MN MOTOR COMPANY NELSON BROS PRINTING NELSON DODGE GMC NEW YORK MILLS HERALD NEWTON TOWNSHIP NIDAROS TOWNSHIP NORTH UNION TEXACO NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC NORWEGIAN GROVE TOWNSHIP OAK VALLEY TOWNSHIP OFFICE DEPOT OK TIRE STORES ORWELL TOWNSHIP OSCAR TOWNSHIP OTTER TAIL TOWNSHIP OTTO TOWNSHIP PADDOCK TOWNSHIP PAMIDA INC PARKERS PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP PEBBLE LAKE TAKE 5 PELICAN CASH & DASH PELICAN TOWNSHIP PERHAM ACE HARDWARE PERHAM CO OP CREAMERY PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM TOWNSHIP PETE'S AMOCO PINE LAKE TOWNSHIP PMR 2000 AMOUNT 29.00 115.42 1,945.04 550.00. 13,151.12 11,997.55 15,296.60 100.00. 163.65 759.42 15,724.18 10,167.65 17,500.00 186.27 28.76 153.28 59.64 45.00 2,663.00 318.50 1,175.90 1,420.52 70.72 73.60 15,765.75 14,645.89 414. 92 · 375.86 13,734.50 15,112.82 21. 90 19.66 9,670.55 11,248.13 11,511.73 15,767.23 15,470.33 13.07 15,285.04 284.76 107.76 16,957.03 17. 09 207.00 141. 68 16,333.05 . 1,154.08 16,104.79 15.98 COUNTY 56 PIGE 2/10/200 3 '( Otter Tail County Warrants February 10, 2004 . Page 4; Attachment A OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM. IFD66 COUNTY 56 2/10/2004 12:13:01 -. WARRANTS FOR PUBLI.CATION PAGE 4 **** WARRANTS APPROVED ON 2/10/2004 FOR.PAYMENT 2/10/2004 VENDOR NAME REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC RIVER BEND INDUSTRIES ROTHSAY TRUCK STOP-& CAFE INC RUSH LAKE TOWNSHIP SCAMBLER TOWNSHIP· ARNOLD SCHMIDT SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SEWER SERVICE SHULTZ TORGERSON ARCHITECTS LT SKILL PATH SEMINARS. SOUTH MILL SERVICE· SOUTHTOWN C-STORE ST OLAF TOWNSHIP . STANDARD PARTS OF'WADENA STAR LAKE TOWNSHIP STENERSON LUMBER STEVE'S SANITATION INC: STOLPMAN LAW OFFICE STOP-N-GO STORES INC -STRAND ACE HARDWARE - SVERDRUP TOWNSHIP TANK N YUMMIES DAVID THOMPSON TIRES PLUS TNT REPAIR INC TORDENSKJOLD TOWNSHIP TRONDHJEM TOWNSHIP TUMULI TOWNSHIP UNDERWOOD QUIK STOP UNIVERSITY OF MN VALLEY SOFT WATER LTD VARITECH INDUSTRIES . VERGAS ACE HARDWARE VERGAS 66 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WADENA HIDE & FUR COMPANY, WADENA PIONEER JOURNAL. WALLWORK TRUCK CENTER WALTERS PHOTOGRAPHY WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE .. WESTERN TOWNSHIP WOODSIDE TOWNSHIP 210 LUBE EXPRESS AMOUNT 95.40 885.60 20 .'60 17,215.87 13,416.50 35.00 2,830.00 400.00 15,750.00 ·595. 00 448.12 432.34 14,483.84 316:95 12,280.41 43.71 36.27 . 21.60 526.11 35.99 14;699.43 430.43 175.00 72.64 733.62 13,438.10 11,607.37 11,324.69 190.15 135.00 28.76 679.90 74.97 31.61 .334. 20 57.13 134.10 38.02 7,. 23 18T. ll 9,023.93 15,629. 76· .98 FINAL TOTAL ......• $1,003,499.39. **'!"* . ) 0 0 0