HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/15/2004• MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Government Services Center Commissioners' Room/Otter Tail Lake Room Thursday, January 15, 2004 1 :00 p.m. Call to Order Jodi Wentland called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :05 p.m. Attendance: Brian Armstrong, Tim Brand, Carol Brause, John Dinsmore, Mark Englund, Sue Ewy, Chuck Grotte, David Hauser, Karan Johnson, Don Larson, Barbara Molter, Dennis Mosher, Kirsten Olson, Wayne Roisum, Heather Severson, James Stewart, Jourdan Sullivan, Tina Tungseth, Jodi Wentland, and Sharon Wicklund. Excused Absence: Tonya Anderson, Dwight Serven, Cheryl Kottom, Larry Krohn, Sydney Nelson, Stacy Paulseth, and Wayne Stein. Unexcused Absence: Doug Cannell, and Rick Denzel. Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior Tina Tungseth read the Norms of Behavior and Sue Ewy read the Mission Statement. Group discussion on whether the Mission Statement and Norms of Behavior need to be read at each meeting. • Review of Minutes ommittee members approved as presented, the minutes of December 18, 2003 by consensus. Review of Agenda Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of January 15, 2004 by consensus. Discussion Items A. Bylaws, Article I-Revisit the option of changing the total members from 28 to (downsizing committee). ,f;> members • The following items were discussed regarding downsizing the Labor/Management Committee: • Currently, there are two committee members for each union. • Does the Labor/Management Committee need to look at the membership size and the quorum language? • Do we need to insert in the Bylaws that there needs to be a balance between labor and management members? • Is there some legal process to this? First-Definition of Problem Issue. The problem is that this group is experiencing a lot of absences. Do we change the number of members or the frequency of meetings? What is the reason for the lack of attendance-productivity, efficiency? Second-Problem Analysis. 1. Time of Day Scheduled for Labor/Management Committee Meetings 2. Frustration with the Whole Process 3. Quorum Language in Bylaws 4. Committee Size 5. Meeting Frequency Labor/Management Committee Minutes January 15, 2004 Page 2 of 3 6. Human Services and Public Health Departments now have their own individ1~ Labor/Management Committees. Could that be why this committee is experiencing a difficb .. ) time coming up with topics? 7. Efficiency of Committee .or Lack of Efficiency. If the Labor/Management Committee is going to have issues, they need to be meaningful items. Brainstorm Possible Solutions. • Hold Labor/Management Committee Meetings quarterly instead of monthly. Discussed quarterly meetings versus every other month meetings. • How many people have a problem with the 1 :00. to 3:00 timeslot? Discussion followed with a consensus to leave the 1 :00 to 3:00 p.m. meeting time as is. • Downsizing of Committee: o Looking at union representation, we could reduce participation to one member per each individual union. o Instead of two County Commissioners, we could reduce to one. We could move that position as a management member. o Instead of three Law Enforcement union reps, we could have one representative from the Sheriffs Office and one from the Detention Facility for a total of two. · · o Remain the same with two union representatives with the Professional Unit, one member from Public Health and one member from Human Services. o Instead of two Support Specialist union representatives, we could change to one. o The Highway Department union representation is presently two members; we could reduce that to one. o The Labor/Management Committee is the only format for non-union employees to haveo voice. Perhaps the Labor/Management Committee should be made up of only non-unic, members? o Possibly have only one member from Human Services due to that group having their own Labor/Management Committee. . o New York Mills Offices representation. We should have one committee member from that location. o Should we change our committee size from 28 to 16 members? o Consensus was reached to revise the Labor/Management Committee to have 8 labor and 8 management members for a total membership of 16. The 16 members are as follows: ► PiY&-Three non-union members, with one of the five-three from the New York Mills Office ► One union representative from each of the Professional Units (one Human Services -and one Public Health) ► One County Commissioner Representing Management ► One from the Highway Department Union ► One union member from Law Enforcement ► One union member from the Detention Facility ► Five-Seven Management/Supervisory Members (included in this are the County Coordinator and the County Attorney as Permanent Management Members) B. Bylaws, Article IV-Review Modifications of LMC Meeting Schedule • Consensus reached to hold Labor/Management Committee meetings every contacted by co-chairs. March 18, 2004 is the next scheduled meeting date. other month, unless C. Bylaws, Article V-Discuss the Removal of Quorum/Attendance from the Bylaws 0 • A quorum is defined as 50% of total members. Delete the quorum requirement and replace it with there must be representation from each side, Labor and Management. Consensus reached for ........:... -· - Labor/Management Committee Minutes January 15, 2004 Page 3 of 3 • committee quorum as being one representative from Labor and one from Management, including one co-chair from either Labor or Management in order to conduct a Labor/Management Committee Meeting. • The Labor/Management Committee will retain original language in regard to absences. Miscellaneous Problem Solving Form presented by Tina Tungseth as listed below: Identified Issue: Request for antibacterial hand sanitizer dispensers available in county offices where soap and water is often not close at hand. The concern was expressed with the increase of cold and influenza being spread within offices through contact with the general public, that it may decrease the spread of germs and possibly decrease sick days used. Description of Current Situation: The county employee that expressed the concern to me indicated that they did not have hand sanitizer dispensers available in their office and need to continually use the restroom down the hall when they felt the need to wash their hands. I indicated that this was available at the jail and felt that it was a very effective tool to prevent the transmission of germs and this could easily be made available in other offices. Recommended Options: Recommend that after costs are verified, and if not prohibitive that a memo be sent out to all offices in the county that would like to have this option available to them to be able to place a request through the maintenance department. Action Agreement by LMC: The Labor/Management discussed the items below. Discussed the possibility of the Wellness Committee getting funding for hand sanitizers. • • Problem: To prevent illness. • Problem Analysis: 1. Cost 2. Analysis 3. Accessibility of Sinks 4. Responsibility (who's) 5. Location for Hand Sanitizers • Solution: 1. Employees can buy their own sanitizers. 2. Each department could decide, based on work duties/locations. 3. Refer to Wellness Committee. 4. Have Facilities Operations make hand sanitizers available. Consensus reached by the Labor/Management Committee that if a department feels the need for hand sanitizers necessary or beneficial, they should contact Facilities Operations. Consensus was also reached that John Dinsmore will contact Rick Sy1sma on this issue and report to the group at the March 18, 2004 Labor/Management Committee Meeting. Next Meeting The discussion items for the March agenda include: • Review of Bylaw Changes • Problem Solving Form on Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer Dispensers-Update by John Dinsmore Adjournment At 3:03 p.m., Jodi Wentland declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 18, 2004 . • """'"'"" Rev.A 03/18/04, Rev A • County of Otter Tail Labor/Management Committee Bylaws Article I Representatives The Labor/Management Committee shall be made up of Labor and Management representatives, comprised of the following: • • Eight (8) ~ ManagemenVSupervisory Personnel including: In addrtion to the five ManagemenVSupervisory Personnel: +wel•1e (12) Management PeFsennel, inslui:jing the Ceunt;,• .i\ttemey One (1 l Two(::!) County Commissioners The County Coordinator and County Attorney will be Penmanent Management Members. Eight (8l TeR (10)_Fo"FteeR (14) Labor Personnel including: Two (2) Teamsters Professionals lone (1 l Public Health and one (1 l Human Services] +'ue (2) l'eam&tef6 Support Speeiali&ts ~Three (3l Non-Union lone (1l of the fivethree from the New York Mills Office] ~ Teamsters Law Enforcement (eRe lrnm ea•~) (one (1 l from the Sheriff's Department and one (1 l from the Detention Facilrty] ~ AFSCME Highway Maintenance Personnel Four (4) Ex-Officio Members including: Two (2) Representatives ofTeamsters 320 One (1) Representative of AFSCME One (1) Recording Secretary There will be no alternates for members' attendance at meetings. This structure shall be reviewed by the committee after one (1} year of committee operation . Article II Officers/Recording Secretary The Officers of the Labor/Management Committee shall be co-chairs, one (1) Labor and one (1) Management. TERM: The Officers will serve a term of twelve (12) months. The twelve (12) month tenm will expire June 30" of each year. SELECTION: To be a co-chair, the individual must have been a committee representative a minimum of six (6) months, except for the initial year. Officers will be chosen by their respective parties (Labor and Management} by June. The co-chair's term will begin in July. DUTIES: The co-chairs will perfonm the following duties: Conduct meetings Finalize agenda (including content and time limits} Clarify action points at each meeting The recording secretary's responsibilities will include the following: Keep minutes and attendance Provide miscellaneous support (purchasing, communications) Provide meeting agenda one (1) week in advance of scheduled meeting Maintain penmanent file of the meeting and attendance records Distribute approved minutes for posting. Article Ill Tenns of Service Representatives will commrt to a minimum of a two (2) year tenm. The number of consecutive terms will be limited to two (2) in order to provide the opportunity for new representatives to participate in the-Labor Management Committee. The County Coordinator and County Attorney shall be penmanent positions . 03/18,04, Rev. A Article IV Committee Meetings · (""'I The meetings will be held every other month on the third Thursday of the month unless CCK:hairs feel a monthly meeting iV necessary. The duration of the meetings will be two (2) hours, unless extended by consensus. The meetings will be from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. in the County Commissioners' conference room unless otherwise arranged. Special Meetings: Special meetings shall be called by the co-chairs with the approval of at least two (2) other representatives, one (1) Labor and one (1) Management Article V ''Quorum/Atlendilnce ... ' ,, ~M}· -1~~-,•,,J ·· ORO half ( 112)There must be one Labor representative and one Management repiesentativepliis one' co-ctiair i,f tho babor aR~ ORO half (1~} eftho ~4anagement ropresontatiYes plus a se shair are needed to cxmvene the meeting. A representative who has two (2) consecutive unexcused absences will be terminated from the committee. The representatives should contad the County Coordinator's office if they are·unable to attend a meeting. An excused absence is defined as providing advanced notice of absence in the manner stated above. · · · · --- ' ' Article VI _ _ Committee Aclio_n!I ~• , Actions by the committee will be by consensus only .. Only comr11ittee members can participate in con_sersus decision making. Labor/Management Committee decisions are recommendations only. All recommendations will receive a response from the County Board. -· _ . -_ -:--·.· ; ------ The committee is not a collective bargaining forum. However, the.committee recommendations can be forwarded to negotiators for consideration and incorporation into collective bargaining. The Labor/Management Committee may form sub-committees. Article VII Committee Agenda A tentative agenda shall be determined at the end of each committee meeting by consensus. The agenda .and the minutes from theo previous meeting will be distributed to all committee representatives one (1) week in advance. The co-chairs will finalize the agenda. Any additions to the agenda shall be routed to the co-chairs and they will contact the recording secretary regarding the changes. Article VIII Assessment/Feedback An assessment/feedback will be done annually by the committee. This Mission Statement will be reviewed at the time of the assessment/feedback. A special meeting may be called in order to complete the assessment/feedback and review the Mission Statement. An assessment/feedback by the employees (Labor and Management) will be done annually. A sub-committee will be formed to compose the assessment/feedback form, distribute the form to the employees, review the responses and prepare a final report for the Labor/Management Committee. The sub-committee shall be formed one (1) month prior to the assessment/feedback date. Article IX Compensation Participation by representatives will be considered time worked. Article X Other Sub-committees: Appointment of sub-committees shall be approved by consensus. Amendments to Bylaws: Changes and amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed at any meeting of the Labor/Management Committee and shall be approved by consensus at the next meeting. 0 • 'i • 1· J .._. PROBLEM SOLVING FORM Subcommittee Formed: D Yes Identified Issue: Request for antibacterial hand sanitizer dispensers available in county offices where soap and water is often not close at hand. The concern was expressed with the increase of cold and influenza being spread within offices through contact with the general public, that it may decrease the spread of germs_ and possibly decrease sick days. us_ed:_ ·· Description of Current Situation: The county employee that expressed the concern to me indicated that they did not have hand sanitizer dispensers available in their office and needed to continually use the restroom down the hall when they felt the need to wash their hands. I indicated that this was available at the jail and felt that it was very effective tool to prevent transmission of germs and could easily be made available in other offices. Recommended Options: Recommend that after costs are verified, and if not prohibitive that a memo be sent out to all . offices in the county that would like to have this option available to them to be able to place a request through the maintenance department. □No Form Completed by: )I Y\....l'-' I ~~ Completed forms should be routed to: LMC Representative Date Reviewed by LMC: Date: 0/-/3-o'f Action Agreement by LMC: PROBLEM SOLVING FORM •'-------------------=S-=u-=b.::.co::::m:.:.:.:;m~i~tt=e.::.e..:.F...::o:..:.r.:.;m.:.;e;.;;d:..:.:_D=ai....:.Y.=e.::.s_......JD=-.:..:N:.::o~ Identified Issue: Request for antibacterial hand sanitizer dispensers available in county offices where soap and water is often not close at hand. The concern was expressed with the increase of cold and influenza being spread within offices through contact with the general public, that it may decrease the spread of germs and possibly decrease sick days used. Description of Current Situation: The county employee that expressed the concern to me indicated that they did not have hand sanitizer dispensers available in their office and needed to continually use the restroom down the hall when they felt the need to wash their hands. I indicated that this was available at the jail and felt that it was very effective tool to prevent transmission of germs and could easily be made available in other offices. Recommended Options: Recommend that after costs are verified, and if not prohibitive that a memo be sent out to all offices in the county that would like to have this option available to them to be able to place a request through the maintenance department. Form Completed by: Ji Y'---<'----" I ~~ Completed fom,s should be routed to: LMC Representative Date Reviewed by LMC: Action Agreement by LMC: Date: 0 i-13-v '-/ . PROBLEM SOLVING FORM • Subcommittee Formed: □Yes ~No Identified Issue: Request for antibacterial hand sanitizer dispensers available in county offices where soap and water is often not close at hand. The concern was expressed with the increase of cold and influenza being spread within offices through contact with the general public, that it may decrease the spread of germs and possibly decrease sick days used. Description of Current Situation: The county employee that expressed the concern to me indicated that they did not have hand sanitizer dispensers available in their office and needed to continually use the restroom down the hall when they felt the need to wash their hands. I indicated that this was available at the jail and felt that it was a very effective tool to prevent the transmission of germs and this could easily be made available in other offices. Recommended Options: Recommend that after costs are verified, and if not prohibitive, that a memo be sent out to all offices in the county that would like to have this option available to them to be able to place a request through the maintenance department. Form Completed by: Tina Tungseth Date: 01/13/04 Completed forms should be routed to: LMC Representative Date Reviewed by LMC: 01/15/04 • Action Agreement by LMC: Discussed the possibility of the Wellness Committee getting funding for hand sanitizers. • Problem: To prevent illness . • Problem Analysis: 1. Cost 2. analysis 3. Accessibility of Sinks 4. Responsibility (who's) 5. Location for Hand Sanitizers • Solution: 1. Employees can buy their own sanitizers. 2. Each department could decide, based on work duties/locations. 3. Refer to Wellness Committee. 4. Have Facilities Operations make hand sanitizers available. Consensus reached by the Labor/Management Committee that if a department feels the need for hand sanitizers necessary or beneficial, they should contact Facilities Operations. • Consensus was also reached that John Dinsmore will contact Rick Sytsma on this issue and report to the group at the March 18, 2004 Labor/Management Committee Meeting. LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE ATTENDANCE/SICN IN CHECK SHEET MEETINC DATE: January 15, 2003 • Tonya Anderson Brian Armstrong Dwight Berven Tim Brand carol Brause Doug Cannell Rick Denzel John Dinsmore Mark Englund Chuck Grotte David Hauser Karan Johnson Cheryl Kottom Larry Krohn • ~~~ Excused Excused Excused Joanne Derby Merle King Lori Morrell James Moore Don Larson Barbara Molter Dennis Mosher Sydney Nelson Kirsten Olson Stacy Paulseth Wayne Rolsum Heather Severson Wayne stein James Stewart Jourdan Sullivan (=··--· --//i-;L/L,sLGCLU1a..o=----- Tina Tungseth Jodi Wentland Sharon Wicklund