HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/16/2003•• • • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Otter Tail County Government Services Center Commissioners' Room Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:30 a.m. Call to Order , The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 9:35 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson, Vice-Chair; Dennis Mosher, Roger Froemming, and Bob Block present. Approval of Agenda· Motion by Block, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services agenda of December 16, 2003, as mailed. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of November 25, 2003, as presented. Contract Approvals -'-Public Health Department Motion by Block, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County officials' signatures to execute a Professional Services Agreement between Otter Tail County Public Health and Affiliated Computer Services (ACS), Government Services, for software purchase, training, and maintenance for the Public Health Department until December 31, 2004. Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Public Health Director's signature to execute two grant applications for the West Central Area Agency on Aging for the Coordinator on Aging, in the amount of $21,296.00, and for falls prevention education, in the amount of $20,000.00. Contract Approvals -Human Services Department Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the following Purchase of Service Agreements between Otter Tail County Human Services and the following contractors: Ghost Runner Errand Service Golden Manor Homework Center Lakes Homes & Program Development, Inc. McCornell Court Asst. Living (St. Williams Annex) Midwest Community Residential Resources New Horizons Nutrition Services, Inc. Prairie Community Services, Arlington House Prairie Community Waivered Services Productive Alternatives, Inc. (Willows) Home Health Care/Nutrition Related Services Residential Services/Assisted Living , Home & Community Based Services Home & Community Based Services Residential Services/Assisted Living Home & Community Based Services Home & Community Based Services Home Health Care/Nutrition Related Residential Services Home & Community Based Services Day Training & Habilitations Services OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes . · December 16, 2003 Page2 Spectrum Support Services, Inc. East Vernon Home (Stanley & Karen . ; Synstelien) Telcare-Lifeline West Central Community Services Wilkin Co. Family Service Agency ' Lakeland Mental Health Center · In-Home Services Home &.Community Based Services . Health Related Services Home & Community Based Services OTC Human Services provides Child Protection Assessment Services to Wilkin County Family Services ' Mental Health Services . Child Care Assistance Plan . . ···•. . Human Services Supervisor, Jodi Wentland, presented the plan for the Otter Tail. County Child Care Assistance Program, which provides funds for the child care sliding fee scale for low income people and Minnesota Families lnvest_ment Program (MFIP) clients. Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve ·the Otter Tail County Plan, Administration of the Child Care Assistance Program, .for calendar years·· 2004-2005. The plan will be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Human Services. ~ Contract Approvals -Human Services Department . Motion by Block, second by Nelson, and unanirl')ously carried ti::> author_i~e .the appropriate County officials' signatures to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement between West Central Area ~gency on Aging (WCAAA) and Qtter Tail County Hul)1an Services to provipe transportation services for medical appointments fof Qtter Tai! County~residents 60 years qf age or _old.er. __ The WCAAA grant provides $16,995 of funding ll)lhich is mi:itched with_ Col!nty Q fund~, The approval is subject to the_ approval of.the County Attorney. . . ~ • ~ ' . l .:: ' • ,•j If I' . ' Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously. cc;1r~ied to .authorize-the Chairman's signature to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement between the Otter Tail County ·_Department of• Human . S~rvices and, the Homework. Center, . Inc. to provide independent living skills for disablecl individuals or the. CADI or TBI waiver fqr the period qf January~, 2Q04: through December 31, 2004, ., .· •·. ., • -.. . . Motion by Nelson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve an Addendum modifying the 2003-2004 school year contract between Otter Tail County Human Service and La_keland Menta_l Health Center: pertaining _to revenue r~capture by LMHC_ fo[ children'.s' day treatl)1~nt. ' I' .; . 1•·· .,. .•• Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize· the Chairmari's signature to execute a. Purchase of Service Agreement between Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and Lakeland Mental Health Center, Inc.· for adult ' mental health .case management services for the period of January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. ·' · · ·: , Motion by 11(1osher, second by Froemming, c!nd unanimously ·carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute a F'urchase of Service Agreement between Otter Tail County Department of Human·. Services and Lakeland Mental Health Center,· Inc. for 0 community support and rehabilitation for ·adults with serious and persistent.mental illness for the period of January 1, 2004 through December 31_, 2004.-·. · . ~ · · ··: ... " . ' . .., . . • • • f/~:,. ·-.r•t• -'~J-·-~ ;·. lf'},_,.:•f•;,:/\?1'"",, .--.. , OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes December 16, 2003 ."i .;~i·.;:._.M1•:.~t~~::,, •. ·{, '·\:.:"/'••·~-·"'< ,...,":· ; • ...-. Page 3 Motion by Block, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement between Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and Lakeland Mental Health Center, Inc. for Mental Health Case Management for children with severe emotional disturbance being served in the Fergus Falls day treatment sites for the period of January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute an Addendum to the Purchase of · Service Agreement between Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and, Lakeland Mental Health Center, Inc. for family community support services for children with severe emotional disturbance for the period of January 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004. The addendum is necessary because the State OHS is changing the Medical Assistance guidelines. I Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement between· Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and The Village Family. Service Center for prevention services for youth. ages 11 -17 for the period· of January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. Adult Mental Health Initiative Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, reported· that the State· has changed. Rule 36 group homes and, as a result, St. Williams has elected not to continue and now will provide foster care. He requested approval to send a letter to the State Department of Human Services to support the closure and to identify the use of the unexpended Rule 36 funds. Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the Human Services Director to send a letter to the Minnesota OHS supporting the· closure of St. Williams, carry over the unexpended funds for CY2003, in the amount of $11,136.00, and add to the 2004 funds for a total amount of $127,262.00, to be used in the Adult Mental Health Initiative fund. · · Contract Approvals -Human Services Department Director of the Lake Region Halfway Homes, Dean Gilbertson, provided an annual program evaluation for 2003. Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature between Otter Tail County Human Services and the Lake Region Halfway Homes, Inc. at a per day rate of $60.60. The 2004 contract also includes outcome standards. Motion by Block, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute Purchase of Service Agreements for chemical dependency treatment between Otter Tail County Human Services and the following providers: Lakeland Mental Health Center, Inc. Out-patient Minnesota Rule 35 Chemical , Dependency Services State Operated Services -Fergus Falls In-patient & Out-patient Rule 35 & 43 Chemical Regional Treatment Center Dependency Services Fee Policy -Detention and Shelter Placements Motion by Froemming, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Otter Tail County Fee Policy Detention and Shelter Placements as presented. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes December ·16, 2003 Page4 Substitute Care Supervision Agreement : Q ' Motion by Froemming, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried• to approve an agreem·erit between Otter Tail County Human Services and• Court Services departments for the federal · reimbursement program for Court Service's out-of-home placements for CY2004. · · · t •: . ~ ·: I• Contract Approval -Human Services Department Motion by Block, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute an Addendum to a Purchase of Service Agreement between Otter Tail · County Department of Human Services and Lutheran· Social• Services -for in-home mental ·health and family resource services-for.families with children experiencing family problems, i for the period of January 1, 2004 through June 30, :2004. The addendum is necessary to allow for third party reimbursement through Me.dical Assistance: · · · · · I • • , •~; ; • • •, • f } '-.'f ' , Bills & Claims Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services bills & claims as presented. .:,·. : . , · ·· '. , , • · ;I . ' ' °'r _ Adjournment-· , At 10:53 a.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 30, 2003. '-Dated: /4 / 3o b ';::, . . I . I, ' Attest:_ . ....ci,=· =·_,__/>£=,,.. /· _·_- Larry~n.~ OTTE. . _i~. COUNf L~l~ES BOA~:.-:,. _By:. , . . Malcolm ~-Lee, Human ~ervices Board C~air-. '' . ' 'p• .._ ·, ". ; : ~' • ;{ . ;-, I t, •. • · ... , '. . . , . . . . Call to Order -County Board , . , , The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 11 :00 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center with Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson, Vice-Chair; Roger Froemming, Dennis Mc::>sher, and Bob Block present. ! ' • ~' f I_ ' ,. • I .._' • )'" . . . . . . . . . Approval of Agenda . :iv'lotion,by 0 Nels~ri.\eccmd by Froemmiflg, and ,una,nimpusly carried to approve· the County Board agenda of De.cember 16, 2003, with the f9Jlowi_ng ad9ition: . , . . 1 :00 p.m. -Plant Manager -Request for Approval of Change Orders and Final Payments · , ' ~. . ' . , . . ., .. , . State Building Codes , , .· ... . , . c Land. & . Resource. Director, Bill' Kalar,. inquired whether or not ttie. County Board was interested in a State Building Code presentation .. No interest was expressed at this time., . ·. ' . . ., -' , . . . . -. . . . -. ' ' . ' . ,, . , . . . -l' _:; • ' • • , : . Citizen Lake Monitoring '.•. I Mr. Kalar. presented t~e results of, ·a citizeri lake monitoring project. completed through. the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. , . ' · • ' '·, 0 0 • • • OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes December 16, 2003 Page 5 Planning Commission Recommendations . Preliminary Plat & Conditional Use Permit -"Long Lake Maple View"/Don Houge, George & Elizabeth Townsend and Douglas & Nancy Hansen: Mr. Kalar stated that the Planning Commission recommended denial of the proposed plat of Long Lake Maple View located on the south side of Long Lake. Tom Gedde, attorney for the applicants, requested approval of the plat because the lots meet the standards of the Shoreland Ordinance and have buildable areas. Discussion continued. Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat known as "Long Lake Maple View" consisting of 8 single family residential lots and a Conditional Use Permit to construct a road to service the plat as presented. The property is described as Pt GL 4 (47.42 AC), Section 13 & Pt of S½ NE¼ & Lots 1, 8, & 9 ex 2.07 AC (140.66 AC) Section 14 of Elizabeth Township; Long Lake (56-784). Conditional Use Permit -Ronald E. Goodmanf'Nebraska Beach": Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve an after-the- fact Conditional Use Permit to build a road to service the Nebraska Beach Second Addition development with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as S½ ·sw¼, GL 3, ex tr, GL 4 & 5 ex platted & Lot 2, SE¼ SE¼ NE¼ & NW¼ ex platted & ex trs (185.97 AC) Section 10 of Hobart Township; Wimer Lake (56-355). Preliminary Plat-"Greens Isle View Addition''/Robert. W Green & Susan J. Cordes Green: Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat known as "Greens Isle View Addition" consisting of 2 single family residential lots with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as Lot 1 South Lida Shores & Pt of GL 4, Section 9 of Maplewood Township, Lake Lida (56-747). Conditional Use P~rmit -Olson Properties: Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to uphold the Planning · Commission recommendation to deny a Conditional Use Permit to add fill to this property (approximately 1,200 cubic yards). The property is described as Lot 19 Blk 1, Canterbury Sands, Section 28 of Everts Township ; Silver Lake (56-302). · · Conditional Use Permit-Gary & Barb Knutson: Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve an after-the-fact Conditional use Permit to allow additional fill material based on conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as Broadwater Beach all Lot 6 & N 12.5' of Lot 5, Section 7 of Dunn Township; Pelican Lake (56-786). Sensitive Area Identification: Mr. Kalar discussed the concept of the creation of sensitive area identification which could assist the Planning Commission members in dealing with continuing development. The Planning Commission recommended that County personnel study the feasibility of sensitive area identification within Shoreland areas. No action was taken by the County Board. Final Plats Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat known as "Riverpointe" located in Section 28 of Maine Township, Otter Tail 'River (56-OTR). OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes December 16, 2003 Page6 Motion by Nelson, second by ·Mosher, and unanimously carded to approve the Final Plat of Q Gene Ormberg known as ·•"Ormberg Addition"· located in Section 2 ·,of Dead Lake ·Township, _ Marion Lake (56-243). · · · -Mr. Kalar presented the Final Plat of Gary & Sylvia Holthusen known ·as"'LeMar" located •in Section 26 of Lida Township, Lake Lida (56-747). Attorney, Robert Bigwood, spoke on behalf of the owner and developer and requested approval of the plat. He stated that there have beeri no objections to the plat itself and that the plat is-adequately served by-a' public road. County Attorney, 'David Hauser, 'stated that there were questions about. the road at the 'Planning Commission meeting. Attorney, Bob Russell; spoke on behalf of Lida Township ·and -questioned the appropriateness of approving the plat without a dedicated road. He stressed his opinion that this is not a public road and that common law dedication is for the-court to ·decide. On behalf of Lida Township, he requested that the County Board not approve the Final Plat and allow the developers to go to the Lida Town Board and request a i:artway and receive· an additional 33' for the road or apply for ·a variance. Dick Sha spoke on behalf .of Lida Town Board in opposition of approval without public road dedication: Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, to refer the Final Plat of "LeMar'! back·to Lida Township to make this road a cartway, which· would then make 'it a public road. Discussion contin·ued. Chairman Lee called for a roll call vote: ' •. · • · · · . , Commission District 5 Block Yea , Commission District4 Froemming '. .. Yea .. Commission District 3 Mosher Nay Commission District 1 Nelson .. Nay ,, . -' :,.-,, 0 Commission District 2 Lee· Yea· Motion earned 3-2. Ditch # 38 Viewers Report Ditch Viewers Elder Kugler and Richard Bergquist presented the Ditch Viewers Report dated December 16: 2003, for the redetermination of County Ditch System 38. · Motion -~y Froemming, second by Nelson, 'an_d 'unanimously carried to accept the completed Ditch Viewers Report for Ditch #38 as presented. . Ditch #19 Maintenance Request , · · '0 . - Motion by Froemming, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve a request' for Richard Bergquist and Rodney Peterson to clean out a portion of Ditch No. 1 tr The cost is estimated at $500 -$700: Landowners agreed to pay one-half of the cost ofthe cleaning and the other one-half of the cost will be paid from the ditch system fund.· Ditch #19 is located in Section 1 of Parkers Prairie Township. .. . ' \ Retess & Reconvene . . At' 12:16 p.m., Chairman Lee _declared the meeting of the Otter Tail' County Board of Commissioners recessed for lunch_ break: The meeting was reconvened at 1 :05 p.m. ' . . . r ' ·-• Perham Resource Recove·ry Facility Solid Waste Director, Mike Hanan, presented the proposed 2004 budget for the Perham Q Resource Recovery ·Facility submitted by Barlow Projects, Inc.,· operators of the facility. He provided and· reviewed his response to the proposal dated Decemb'er 15; 2003, which was addressed to the Facility Coordinating Committee. The County Board expressed an unwillingness to approve a contract' for steam sales with Bongards without conditions, • • • f· "~.,_..,:· ,.-; ., '.¾ .• ,::t:-: ?~-;·\.(,t',\•:f.~,:, -1~"/ ': ·.·'".f'-• ~ .... ~ ,,,,, 1,~~ • 7./::.:.._ ' ,--1, 'c'. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes December 16, 2003 Page 7 including removal of the 180 day escape clause in the proposed contract and additional liability taken by both Barlow Projects, Inc. and the City of Perham. Request for Approval of Performance Bond Gerald Balgaard of Balgaard Family Enterprises requested permission to post a bond with Otter Tail County in lieu of completion of the road that services the plat of Bluegill Bay Estates. Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize a $10,000 Performance Bond in lieu of completion of the road to service the plat known as "Bluegill Bay Estates" located in Section 23 of St. Olaf Township, Sewell Lake (56-408). The road must be completed by July 1, 2004. "Friends of 4-H Award" Presentation Extension· Educator, Donna Geiser, honored the Board of Commissioners with a "Friends of 4-H Award". She stressed that continued support for 4-H in Otter Tail County is very much appreciated. The 4-H Coordinators discussed their after school programs with the Board. License Approvals Motion by Froemming, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the following applications for license: Big Chief, Inc. 22518 Big Chief Road Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Bluffton Liquors, Inc. 106 Center St./38642 County Highway 19 Bluffton, MN 56518 Bluffton Oil Co. 101 Prospect St. PO Box43 Bluffton, MN 56518 Bonnie and Clyde's 105 E Main Ave PO Box 35 Clitherall, MN 56524 Conoco Quik-Stop Underwood Oil, Inc. 29346 State Highway 21 O Underwood, MN 56586 Erhard City US Highway 59 and County Road 24 Erhard, MN 56534 Galaxy Resort 39578 County Highway 41 Dent, MN 56528 Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco . OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes ·oecember 16, 2003 Page 8 · Heisler's Country Store, Inc. 32021 County Highway 4 . Vergas, MN 56587 Interstate .Fuel and Food, Inc ·25947 County Highway 88 Fergus Falls, MN. · · ' • ,;· ,• • " I • Koep's Clitherall Corner ·· 21136 County Highway 5 Clitherall, MN 56524 Stockman's Tavern 10,7 Maine St. , . Underwood, MN 56586 · Pelic~~ Hills Park, l~c. ; ; 20098 S Pelican Dr .Pelican Rapids, MN 56572 Thumper Pond Inc. PO Box 132 Ottertail, MN 56571 Underwood American Legion 112 Main St. PO Box 61 , . . , .. Underwood, MN 56586" Wagon Wheel 101 Main St. S. PO Box 75 Richville, MN 56576 Zorbaz on Pelican Lake 51709 County Highway 9 Pelican Rapids, MN 56572 ' . . ". Tobacco 'I I •·, • •• .l: . ·-}. j . i l;obacco , ;:. Tobacco Tobacco ... 1- I Tobacco '' ' Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco WesMin RC&D Appointment . . . ·-•! ,I. ,-., Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to reappoint Norman Fjestad as Otter Tail County's representative on the WesMin Resource Conservation. and Development Council for 2004. , , · '11 ·_ . Certificate of Correction to Plat of Maet-Boh Development Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the attached Land Surveyor's Certificate of Correction to the Plat of Maet-Boh Development (Attachment B of official minutes) as prepared by Terry Lee Anderson, Minnesota Registration Number 14676. 0 0 , .Temporary Snowmobile Easement , , 0 Motion by Froemming, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to-approve the attached (Attachment C of official minutes) Temporary Snowmobile Easement. • • • • j l OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes December 16, 2003 Page 9 Financial Policies Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the following accounting policies as attached (Attachment D of official minutes). · Payment Approval Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the following ditch invoices: J ' Eagles Cafe County Ditch No. 38 $ 27.21 Delzer Construction County Ditch No. 56 4,597.50 Delzer Construction Judicial Ditch No. 2 *5, 182.50 (*A bill has been sent to Wilkin County for their share of this invoice. The amount due from Wilkin County is $2,744.13.) Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve payment of County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Budget Discussion Accountant, Mitzi Pederson, reported anticipated use of reserve funds in the 2004 budget as $400,000 for Human Services, $115,000 for Public Health, and $400,000 for General Revenue, with Court Services using $250,000 of additional levy dollars. Discussion followed regarding solutions to reduce use of fund balance that could include reductions in some areas . Employer Contribution for 2004 -Non-Union Employees Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to increase the employer contribution for the benefit package from $575.00 to $600.00 per month effective January 1, 2004, for all non-union employees. Mileage Reimbursement Motion by Mosher to reimburse County employees $.32 per mile for transportation costs effective January 1, 2004. Motion died for lack of a second. · Approval of Change Orders & Final Payments for the GSC Building Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the; following change · orders for the Government Services Center (GSC) construction project: · Comstock Construction CO 68.04 $36,781.80 Fergus Falls, MN 56538 Underground Contracting Services Wahpeton, ND 58074 Manning Mechanical, Inc. Fargo, ND 58107 CO 16A.04 $27,519.98 co 15A.04 $14,353.00 Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the following final payment requests for remodeling work at the GSC building: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes December '16, 2003 Page IO Hannaher's Inc. .Fargo, ND·.;-s Moorhead Electric OTTOO2-2, Interior Furniture $23,994.96 Fiber Work $2,250.00 . . . . , .. ,, . . .. Furniture -US Bank Building . . . . ; r Motion by Block, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Physical Plant Manager to SEJII flJrniture to the Unil(ersity of Minnei;ota Regional Extension Office to be located in the US Ban_k Building, in the amountof $14,990.00. " ,.,. , : • .. · ., Recess & Reconvene At 3:05 p.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the ·otter Tail: County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 3:10 p.m. . . ' , · . :. · ;Approval of Minutes ·· 1 .: Motion by Nelson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the County' Board minutes of Deceml;>er 2, 2003, as mailed. · • .. : · · · Closed Session , , . . At 3:14 p.m., Chairman Lee' declared the meeting of the Otter Tail 'County. Board of Commissioners closed to the public fcir purposes ·of discussing labor negotiation strategies relative to the County's ·three Sheriff Department Collective Bargaining Units and the Nursin·g Unit. All seated Commissioners were present along with the County Coordinator, County Attorney, Chief Deputy, Public Health Director, and Board Secretary: Adjournment . ' · At "4:27' p,m·.; upon conclusion of the closed session;' Chairman Lee declared the ·meeting of the Otter Tail• County Board of Commissioners adjourned. until· 9:30 .a.m. on Tues'day, December 23, 2003. Dated: _ __:1,/.!!!J..1./.al.:2~,3!...,/'..,1;0,L.,,L.3 _ _:_~_-, 0 ~r:~R T _uNTYBOA~ ~~~ISSIO.NERS By:~..L.,R;,.Lt,~¥::--1--~-=---=-:--=---=--- Malcol Attest:· lai~ ~ ·' . Larry ,!(roh, Clrk ~-. • . CB/kd ·• I ... ' .:-, ,; ., ' l ',I' ' . . -,'.. i . ' j .-, 0 0 0 ' ,; • • Otter Tail County Warrants December 16, 2003 Page 1, Attachment A 12/16/2003 13:15:25 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE l WARRANTS APPROVED ON 12/16/2003 FOR PAYMENT 12/16/2003. VENDOR NAME CYNDI ABBOTT ADVANCED ENGRAVING INC AL'S STOP & SHOP INC AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION J ANDERSON APPLIED CONCEPTS INC ARAMARK SERVICES INC ARVIG COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES AUTO GLASS SPECIALISTS INC AUTO SAFETY SERVICE . BALLARD SANITATION INC BARRETT EMS TRAINING BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BJ'S EAST BL EXPRESS BLUFFTON OIL COMPANY BOB BARKER COMPANY INC BOB'S NAPA AUTO PARTS BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC BRAUN VENDING INC . BRETZ HARDWARE BRIGGS CORPORATION C & S AUTO BODY & REPAIR CADD ENGINEERING SUPPLY INC CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMARKE CASEY'S GENERAL STORES INC CATCO CENTRAL SPECIALTIES INC DAN CHARLSON CHECKERS CHERI CLARK CLINNET SOLUTIONS LLC CO OP SERVICES INC COMFORT INN FERGUS FALLS COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES CROSSCOUNTRY COURIER INC CULLIGAN · CULLIGAN WATER COND CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING CUSTOM BUSINESS FORMS CUTLER MAGNER COMPANY DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY AMOUNT 15.82 332.66 172.33 291.67 75.00 61.20 299.02 14,981.25 540.00 300.00 371.32 191.90 375.00 485.00 165.61 676.82 84.15 21.25 1,107.90 43.08 272.99 37.38 88 .25 3,334.57 . 27 .62 . 90.32 24.40 150.00 394.74 21.39 543.16 162.78 2,284.70 380.65 4,201.84 41.64 32.40 228.00 2,827.51 120.46 2,054.46 40.00 26.63 19.32 · 9. 83 10. 65· 76.85 24,919.34 242.80 l .. .' ;ottei•Tliil(County!Warrantss, · Decemberi•16~ 2003•· Page 2, Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR 12/16/2003, · ·.•·.PANELSON RECEIPTS ;AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM 13: 15: 25 . . WARRANTS. FOR PUBLICATION· PAGE ·2· ' ~: ,_ ' -- , . WA_RRANTS APPROVED i°N: 12_/16!_200~ FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME AMOUNT DAKOTA ELEVATOR -. DAKOTA FOOD EQUIPMENT INC DAN'S EXHAUST PROS DECOCK SAND & ·GRAVEL DENNY I S CONOCO • · · DENZEL'S REGION WASTE INC DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DICKS STANDARD DIVERSION AUTO . c · DON'S SERVICE DOUGLAS CO SHERIFF DUSTCOATING INC EAST OTTER TAIL·4 H FEDERATION JAMES EASTMAN ' EGGE CONSTRUCTION INC ELECTRIC PLUS EN CHEM INC ENERGY PARTNERS LLC ERHARD VILLAGE STORE EVERTS LUMBER CO MAYNARD FALK FARGO FORKS FREIGHTLINER FARMERS CO OP,OIL ASSN FARNAM'$ GENUINE PARTS INC FARNAM' S GENUINE PARTS INC PR FERGUS ELECTRIC . FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT CITY FERGUS FALLS:. FERGUS LOCKER .. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERRELLGAS FORCE AMERICA ROGER FROEMMING FRONTIER PRECISION INC 79. 00 174.13 19.04 1;470:-00 • ".'' 385.75 .. '140-'40 225.00 ··.394_40 2;.130 .55 ,. 48 .00 20.00 11,509.35 .. 130.50 ·:. , 186':43 797_50· 1,.038·. 33 742.50 14.00 927.14 -9. 25 . 315.00 182.64 ,. 858.11 ·.4; 836 .. 72 ·~29:21 ·. 475.32 5,260.75, 611.25 1,049.89 67,252.17· 22. 99. 616.84· 94. 51 .· 987.71. 113.40 286.88 2,690.29 12/16/2003 G & K SERVICES BERNARD GAMBER 232.24 1 GE CAPITAL GENERAL PARTS · INC· · GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GODFATHERS EXTERMINATING INC GR GRAPHICS INC ST LOUIS LARRIS GREWE GREYSTONE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY HALL GMC INC· HAMLINE LAW REVIEW STEVE HANDEGAARD .. BARBARA HANSON .. '. :·. 299.47 _ .42. 51· .. 69.68 .•305.66 ,,·--200.16 •,•-t· 132 .oo .. 83,495.50 714 _ 27 -.. •· 18.00 --70,36. 324 ;47_ ,J. • 0 0 0 •• • Otter Tail County Warrants December 16, 2003 Page 3, Attachment A OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR IFD66 12/16/2003 13:15:25 PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION PAGE 3 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 12/16/2003 FOR PAYMENT 12/16/2003 VENDOR NAME HEALTH CARE INCINERATORS HEDAHLS HEADQUARTERS HEISLER'S COUNTRY OIL HENNEPIN CO SHERIFF· HENNING ADVOCATE HILLTOP LUMBER INC DOUG HOLEN HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE .HOMESTEAD BUILDING SUPPLIES HORVICK MANUFACTURING COMPANY HOWIE'S CLOTHING . INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES THE INDEPENDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INTERSTATE INC INTERTECHNOLOGIES GROUP J-CRAFT DIV OF CRYSTEEL MFG IN JJ'S GAS AND GROCERIES JK SPORTS DEAN JOHNSON KELLY SERVICES INC •KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER L & L SERVICE LAKE REGION DENTAL CENTER LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE CORP LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP LAKEWAY MARKET LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE PAT LARUM LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LEITCH BACKHOE SERVICE LIEBERMAN CO INC LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC. M-R SIGN CO MAHNOMEN CO SHERIFF MAIN STREET EXPRESS MAIN STREET GAS & GOODS VIOLA MANDERUD MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO MARKHURD CORPORATION MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC MAXIMUS INC MCCC MI 33 STEWART MENSING MIDLAND HOSPITAL SUPPLY AMOUNT 5.00 185.99 865.61 66". 00 176.40 40 .40 40.81 1,872.09 40.07 16.16 160.88 277 .49 75.00 91.03 445.00 1,099.11 8,883.98 1,763.17 900.00 89.37 61.16 171.96 348.94 501.74 16.90" 876.34 511.00 1,975.70 1,802.00 54.90 2,192.96 1,200.00 31.26 62 .56 .. 2,775.00 113.01 522.56 1,088.22 49.80 104.91 719.36 17.42 14,500.00 4,450.00 269.30 165.00 5,622.00 255.85 24.14 . , Otter TailiCounty,Warrants,. o·ecember. 16i 2003 Page 4, Attachment A' - 12/16/2003 ·• 13:15:25 PANELSON OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRAN'l'S FOR PUBLICATION . WARRANTS APPROVED 'ON 12/16/2003 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME THE MIDWEEK MIDWEST PRINTING'CO MIDWEST TESTING LABORATORY MINN KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW MN ASSOC OF CO OFFICERS MN CVSO SECRETARIES & ASSIST A MN DEPT OF REVENUE MN MOTOR COMPANY . MN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION DENNIS MOSHER MPELRA CHERYL MUCHOW . 1· · MULTI BAND . JIM MYHRE .NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO NATIONAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC NELSON DODGE GMC NELSON FORD LINCOLN MERCURY IN NELSON INTERNATIONAL SYDNEY NELSON . NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY NEW YORK MILLS HERALD TAMMY NORDICK NORTH UNION TEXACO. OFFICE DEPOT . ONE CALL LOCATORS. LTD OSI ENVIRONMENTAL BR 50 gg~~ ~tit gg. ~UR~~CIETY . • OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY PAMIDA INC PARK REGION CO OP PEBBLE LAKE TAKE 5 PELICAN CASH &·. DASH PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS . PENROSE OIL COMPANY , PERHAM ACE HARDWARE · · PERHAM CO OP CREAMERY PERHAM CONOCO · · PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM PRINTING & SUPPLY PERHAM SAND & GRAVEL CITY PERHAM PETE I S AMOCO . _ NORMAN PIERCE JR, PINE PLAZA TV APPLIANCE_& CAMP PRAIRIE IMPLEMENT INC PRO TAINER AMOUNT li4 .96. •762. 55 6,048.00 119.15 40. 00 " 175.00 70.00 3,981.04 . 856.88 1,422.00 73.08 150.00 ' 63. 68 , "· 306.95 207.68 40.36 17,656.69 .1,082.05 . 2,743.29 . 805.73· 165.60 142.41 526.24 223.38 I· 414 .67 130.15 75.10' 175.00 175.80 176.48 426.03 126 :06 · . 661.04 _ .,. 1·82 .89 •·489.76 495.35 518.70 9.57 2,997.62 115.10 · 611. 28 . 8. 00 . 2,503.67 171,392.67 . 688.65 38.65 397.19 74.74 ·22,300.00' ·' 0 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE ·4 12/16/2003 0 0 • Otter Tail County Warrants · December. 16, 2003 Page 5, Attachment A • • • , 12/16/2003· 13:15:25 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR IFD66 PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION PAGE 5 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 12/16/2003 FOR PAYMENT 12/16/2003 VENDOR NAME PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER INC PURCHASE POWER RAINBOW RIDER RECYCLE AMERICA MARY REIMERS CHARLES REVERING REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC ROTHSAY TRUCK STOP & CAFE INC ROYAL TIRE INC SAMMY'S ONE STOP- -RAYMOND SAXTON SCHMITZ FORD SCHREIBER'S SURFACES SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SEWER SERVICE ABBY SIEVERT SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE CO IN SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS SMOKEY'S MACHINE SHOP SOUTH MILL SERVICE STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA STEARNS CO SHERIFF STEARNS CO-TREASURER STEINS INC STENERSON LUMBER STEVE'S SANITATION INC STOP-N-GO STORES INC STRAND ACE HARDWARE DEB TABBUT TANK N-YUMMIES -THYSSEN KRUPP ELEVATOR CORPORA UNDER-MART UNDERWOOD QUIK STOP UNION PEN COMPANY UNIVERSITY OF MN VALLEY SOFT WATER VARIAN INC VARITECH INDUSTRIES VERGAS ACE HARDWARE VERGAS 66 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING COCA-COLA VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS VOSS LIGHTING WADENA ASPHALT COMPANY INC WADENA CO AUDITOR TREASURER WADENA PIONEER JOURNAL AMOUNT 917.78 174.17 1,500.00 47.82 4,411.76 4.96 300.00 352.02 25.00 14,022.18 34.72 128.95 24.85 411.09 9,970.00 106.65 240 .. 00 61.65 46.45 295.44 50.00 1,178.35 1,098.77 35.00 5,657.24 2,207.62 3.81 2,313.00 877.6!:1 69.29 8.19 284.21 966.51 87.74 194.23 96.65 1,827.32 15.90 95.00 988.65 55.53 24.64 478.78 25.00 121.55 758.14 l, 801.98 199.92 134.10 , Otter. Tail:County, Warrants·, December 16; 2003. Page 6; Attachment-A OTTER TAIL COUNTY.AUDITOR IFD66 12/16/2003 PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 13: 15 :25 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION PAGE_. 6 **** ·· WARRANTS APPROVED ON 12/16/2003 FOR PAYMENT 12/16/2003 VENDOR NAME WALLWORK TRUCK CENTER WALTERS PHOTOGRAPHY WASTE MANAGEMENT WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR ZIEGLER INC 210 LUBE EXPRESS FINAL .. TOTAL •...... . ''. . ' AMOUNT ,1 .. ', :605 .42 · 83. 93 8,220.64 470.50 4,011.00 68.79 _140.15; :$624,154.18 **** ·1 ' \ 0 0 0 ,. • • • Otter Tail County Official Board Minutes December 16, 2003 Attachment B LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION TO PLAT NAME OF PLAT: . Maet-Boh Development Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 505.173 through 505.177, Terry Lee Anderson, a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota, declares as follows: 1. The subdivision plat of Maet-Boh Development was prepared by me. 2. The subdivision plat of Maet-Boh Development was filed for record in the office of the County Recorder for Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on August 8, 2001, in Book of Plats, at page __ _ 3. A portion of the original description for the subdivision plai of Maet-Boh Development was That part of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Seciior. Four (4), Township One Hundred Thirty-two (132) North, Range Forty (40) West, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows: Comm~ncing at the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of said Section 4; thence West (assumed bearing) along the East-West Quarter Section Line of said Section 4 a distance of 839.85 feet; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 18 seconds East parallel with the North-South Quarter Section Line of said Section 4 a distance of 67. 73 feet to the northerly right- of-way line of Trunk Highway Number 210=36; thence North 89 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds West along said right-of-way line a distance of 495.16 . feet to a found iron monument, said point being the point of beginning; thence North 00 degrees 1 O minutes 18 seconds East parallel with the North- •. J 0 . • I ,. 0 ;,, ' 1, " . ' I . 1 " '. .',I 0 • 4. • 5. • South Quarter Section Line of said Section 4 a distance of 295.16 feet to a found iron monument; thence South 89 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East parallel with the Northerly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway Number 210=36 a distance of 200.00 feet to a found iron monument; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 18 seconds East parallel with the North-South Quarter Section Line of said Section 4 a distance of 166.84 feet to a found iron monument; thence North 89 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds West parallel with the Northerly Right-of-Way Line of Trunk Highway Number 210=36 a distance of 1011.96 feet to the East Line of the West 32 acres of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4); thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds West along the East line of the West 32 acres of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) a distance of 462.00 feet to the Northerly Right-of-Way Line of Trunk Highway Number 210=36; thence South 89 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East along sai.j right-of-way line a dist,mce of 811.65 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to any easements or restrictions of record. The subdivision plat of Maet-Boh Development contains errors, omIssIons or defects in the following particulars: it does not accurately describe the property owned by the subdividers. Through errors in communication, it was decided to use the description contained in the original plat, although it was not the same as that owned by the subdividers. This correction is for the purpose of correcting the error in communication and using the legal description held by the subdividers . The following legal description shall be permanently substituted for the portion of the plat of Maet-Boh Development, described above in paragraph 3: That part of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section Four (4), Township One Hundred Thirty-two (132) North, Range Forty (40) West, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4); thence on an assumed bearing of West on the southerly line of said Northwest Quarter ior a distance of 839.85 fee,t; thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 14 seconds East parallel to the Easterly line of said Northwest Quarter for a distance of 67.23 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway Number 210=36; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 46 seconds West on said Northerly right-of-way line a distance of 295.16 feet to the beginning of the tract to be described; thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 14 seconds East 462 feet; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 46 seconds West 1004 feet more or less to the Easterly line of the West 32 acres of said Northwest Quarter of Section Four (4) as described in a certain Quit Claim Deed dated the 26th day of August, 1940, and filed in Book 200 of Deeds, page 259 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Otter Tail County, 2 . ; 0 '· '· i' ,, . ,. ' .. .1 ... 0 ' -' .-11 ,· ) '' .. ' 0 • • • 6. Minnesota; thence Southerly on last said Easterly line for a distance of 462 feet more or less to the Northerly right of way line of said Trunk Highway 210=36; thence South 89 degrees 45 minutes 46 seconds East on said right of way line 1004 feet more or less to the point of beginning. EXCEPT that part thereof described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4); thence on an assumed bearing of West on the southerly line of said Northwest Quarter for a distance of 839.85 feet; thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 14 seconds East parallel to the Easterly line of said Northwest Quarter for a distance of 67.23 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway Number 210=36; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 46 seconds West on said Northerly right-of-way line a distance of 295.16 feet to the beginning of the tract to be dE·scribed as this exception; ther.ce North 00 degrees 09 minutes 14 seconds East 295.16 feet; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 46 seconds West 200 feet; thence South 00 degrees 09 minutes 14 seconds West 295.16 feet to the Northerly right of way line of said Trunk Highway 210=36; thence South 89 degrees 45 minutes 46 seconds East on said right of way line to the point of beginning. The revised survey map attached hereto accurately reflects the revised legal description for the plat of Maet-Boh Development. ~L~ e~nderson Minnesota Registration Number 14676 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) /,1/ ;LIJ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~---day of September, 2003, by Terry Lee Anderson . +----------1@........ JEAN M BOHNET 1 I .z. ' NOTARY PUBLIG-MINNESOTA I My Ccmmosion Ex~ras JAN 31, 2007 I +-------------+ 3 ' • .1 ' • ;~ '. •\ )" '.I·; I , . l ,, ' .. , ,. . ' . , " ,(• 1;;, ,•· .. <) I ~ -•, t ,. : ,_ ·:n~ . . . ' ' , ....... · ., •,. ., ' I 1 + ,f I • I -· ' .,.. i . ' ; 11.,' 1,: l' , -. , .... 0 . f J . -,-....... -,, .:.1 0 0 • • • The above certificate of correction to the plat of Maet-boh Development, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, was accepted and approved by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners this / 6 day of dececok , 2003 . THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Allen Haugrud SVINGEN, HAGSTROM, KARKELA, CLINE & DIRKS, P.L.L.P. 125 South Mill Street P.O. Box 697 Fergus Falls, MN 56538-0697 (218) 736-5456 4 0 '' ,, ' 0 I 0 r • Otter Tail County Official Board Minutes December 16, 2003 Attachment C TEMPORARY SNOWMOBILE TRAIL EASEMENT This Snowmobile Trail Easement is granted this 16'" day of December 2003, by the Otter Tail County Auditor. under the provision of Minnesota Statute 282.04, Subdivision 4, to the Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a temporary seasonal use snowmobile trail across the following described tax forfeited property situated in the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, to wit: The East Half of the Southwest Quarter Except the West 10 Rods of the North 16 Rods, an in Section 34 of Township 136 Range 40 -(79 Acres). That the Otter Tail County Auditor, per the provision of Minnesota Statute 282.04, Subdivision 4, in receipt of $1.00, hereby grants an easement, for a period not to extend past December 31. 2004, over and across the above described tax forfeited property as shown on the attached drawing subject to the following conditions: 1. Upon a 90-day written notice this easement shall terminate and will be cancelled by a resolution of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners if, a.) at any time the easement conflicts with any public use of the property, b.) at any time the Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club should cease to exist. c.} at any time the designated route is no longer used as a snowmobile trail, d ) at any time the above described tax forfeited property is sold/conveyed, and e.)at any lime, any of the conditions stated in this document are in default. • 2. The righl•0f•way of the snowmobile route shall be open to the general public only for snowmobile use. • 3. The State of Minnesota and the County of Otter Tail shall at all times have the right to enter upon the above describ~d property. and upon said right•of-way for any purposes necessary for the performance of our lawful powers and duties. · 4. The State of Minnesota and the County or Otter Tail shall have the right to close said rigt,t-of, way during any emergency. When practical the Otter Tail Riders Snowmobile Club will be notified. 5. This easement is for a 16' width over the route to use as a seasonal use snowmobile trail. 6. Signage by the Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club of the trail to direct the use and safety of the trait across the above referenced property is encouraged. If the temporary snowmobile trail easement is not renewed the Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club prior to December 31, 2004, must remove all signage or Otter Tail County shall have the right to remove the signs and the costs for such removal will be the responsibility of the Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club. 7. The Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club shall indemnify the County. against any claim arising from the use of the property as a snowmobile trail and will maintain insurance, as required by the separate Snowmobile Trail Agreement held with the County. Witness my hand and official seal this 16'" day of December, 2003. · Wayne Stein, Otter Tail County Auditor Subscribed and Sworn to before me lhis 1611' day of December, 2003. Notary Public For the Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club Dated Subscribed and Sworn to before ·me this day of 2003. Notary Public A ' " f~t", ' ,, Ji.'! ... i)I::_~· 0 ' . ,_' l • ; l ' -• J, ' l ·,· ':., .• ... .. ·, 0 ,. ., -i -.... ' " .1 0 • • • ?~ff~ilW~~.'. Otter Tail County Official Board Minulel!·,;. :(i ... December 16, 20Q3,:;;,'/i),., :'. Budget Policy and Process Attach merit o · ' '· · Otter Tail County will establish yearly a Budget Committee consisting of two County Board Members as appointed by the County Board Chairperson, the County Coordinator and the Supervisor of the Auditor's Finance Division. The County Auditor has the responsibility to submit to the county board a proposed annual budget and long-range capital expenditures program for such period as the county board may direct. Each of which shall include detailed estimates of revenues and expenditures and enforce the provisions of the budget when adopted by the county board. This Budget policy is intended to establish procedures to facilitate the review, discussion, modification and adoption of a proposed budget. Additionally, this policy sets forth the criteria for budget compliance. Budget Process The mission of Otter Tail County's budget process is to help the County Board and other decision-makers make informed choices about the provision of services and capital assets and to promote stakeholder (public) participation in the process. Practices guiding the Budget Process 1. Identify stakeholder (public) concerns, needs and priorities 2. Evaluate community condition, external factors, opportunities and challenges 3. Identify and assess the programs and services provided, their intended purpose, and factors that could affect their provision in the future 4. Identify and conduct an assessment of capital assets, including the condition and the need for or ability to maintain the assets in the future 5. Review internal management systems in an effort to identify changes necessary to respond to perceived opportunities and challenges and to achieve particular goals 6. Develop broad goals that define priorities and services to be emphasized and help make resource allocation decisions 7. Review broad goals on an ongoing basis and updale to reflect the general desires of interested parties 8. Develop measures to detenmine the progress being made in achieving goals Financial policies guiding the Budget Process 1. A prudent level of fund balance will be maintained to protect against reducing service levels or raising taxes and fees because of temporary revenue shortfalls or unpredicted one-time expenditures. 2. To the extent possible, the County will .pay cash for projects rather than borrowing. For those projects utilizing debt, borrowing wjll be kept at a . conservative level and within statutory limits 3. The use of one-time revenues will not be relied on for future budget periods, hence, once the revenue has expired, the corresponding expenditure will be eliminated 4. The County may charge the direct beneficiaries of County services the full cost of providing those services based on comparative studies of other public and private sector entities and periodically, fees will be adjusted accordingly 0 ..... .,, ',, ") ', ., '' 0 •' '7 ,: . ' ..- 0 • • • .· .. <::,;:~· ··::·it i:!lt~ ·_ ~---. ., ;:.-: • .-1,~. :\-. 5. The County will strive to diversify its revenues in order to maintain needed . services during periods of declining economic activity · · · General Budget Polley The County Board adopts estimated revenue and expenditure budgets for all General and Special Revenue Funds. All budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Budget Requirements 1. The budget year is January 1 through December 31. 2. The operating budget will be prepared for a one year period. 3. The operating budget must be balanced; expenditures may not exceed operating resources (revenues plus fund balance). 4. The budget must be separated into identified funds. 5. A five year capital project plan will be developed and reviewed on an annual basis. This assessment will consider need, life cycle costs (including operating costs), impact on services. beneficiaries of the project, financing issues, and other impacts. 6. On or before September 15, the County Board shall adopt a proposed budget and shall certify a proposed proputy tax levy for taxes payable in the following year. 7. The Board of County Commissioners shall review the proposed budget and revise. alter, increase or decrease the items as it deems necessary. 8. As required by state statute, after November 10 and on or before November 24 each year, the County will prepare a notice of proposed property taxes. 9. As required by state statute, the County will also advertise in a newspaper·:·····•··:·•• the inl•mt to adopt a budget and property tax levy at a public hearing. 1 o. As req, .I by state statute, the County will hold its initial public hearing on the first i 11ursday in December each year. If a continuation hearing is needed, it will be held in accordance with dates prescribed by the state. 11. The County will hold a final public hearing at a regularly scheduled board meeting or at a special meeting scheduled for the purpose of adopting a final · levy and final budget. The final property tax levy must be adopted prior to adopting the final budget. 12. The County must file a certified copy of the adopted levy with the State Commissioner of Revenue by December 31. · Budget Basis Budgets are adopted on the modified accrual basis for all General and Special Revenue Funds. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when they become b•>th measurable and available. Measurable means the amount of the transaction can be determined. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. For budgetary purposes, encumbrances are treated as expenditures. Process to Amend the Budget Since circumstances change throughout a calendar year, budget amendments are necessary. Most budget amendments result from either new and/or increased grants, or expenditure and revenue defic~s. 0 0 ' ' . : .. ' , 0 •,: :,.7:-~t;;;JE: . ;;~ · .. ::} '.; .,-··tf{.:- The County may amend the budget during the course of the year through:' ,·i., · :'' ·:, .. ·ii.?': _ •i ,. , • Budget Transfers: A transfer can ~nsist of movi~g.budget~~ a~d ~~~rop'ri;;;;~,,~~wl~!? moneys from one fund to another fund, or from one department to another·and !';·.:3:-:'q.~\:r:·;t:,, • • requires approval of the Board of Commissioners. · _.-;_ ... _,.-;;.-_: ,\'i'. Budget Adjustments: Budget adjustments between funds can be made with approval of the Board of Commissioners. Adjustments within the same fund can be made by the discretion of the Supervisor of the County Auditor's Finance Division. · The Auditor's Finance Division has discretion to make administrative budget changes such as correction of coding errors and to accommodate changing reporting requirements. Department heads may make adjustments by objed code within their department and programs, not to exceed their total allocated expenditures. Budgetary Compliance Department heads are responsible for monitoring their monthiy budget , . information. Finance personnel will also report monthly reviews of trends in actual expenditures and revenues and actual-to-budget comparisons to the Budget Committee so that timely corrective action can be taken. In addition a quarterly budget-to-actual comparison will be reported to the individual County Board members . , ,. '•- j l', • ' 0 0 0 • • The Board shall delegate the authority to make electronic fund transfers for · investment purposes to the County Treasurer. The Board shall delegate the authority to make county expenditures to the Auditor's Finance Division or the County Auditor. A wire transfer document reque~t will be presented to the County Treasurer with · . the following information: · 1. Date bank account shall be debited. 2. Authorized Payee. 3. Designated dollar amount. 4. Bank authorized by Treasurer. ' The Auditor's Finance Division or the County Auditor shall approve the . document. · , .. 0 I• 0 0 • • The reporting requirements under GASB Statement 34 r~uire the short-term · portion (those that are due in one year or less) of the liability for compensated absences to be presented separately from the long-term portion. · In order to provide a good estimate of liability, an estimate of Short Term liability .·:, · ~', is calculated on an individual employee basis. The amount calculated will be •.• , . -. used as the current portion for the current year, and will be reported in the current liability section of the Statement of Net Assets. The amount calculated as the estimated current portion of compensated absences will be subtracted from the total compensated absences at year end and the difference will be the non- current portion of compensated absences. Polley for Eliminating Internal Activity Statement of Net Assets: Amounts reported in the funds as interfund receivables and payables (Due to/Due from other funds) will be eliminated in the governmental a_nd business-type activities columns of the statement of net assets, except for .. the net residual amounts due between governmental and business-type activities, which will be presented as internal balances. Amounts reported in the funds as receivable from or payable to fiduciary funds will be included in the statement of net assets as receivable from and payable to external parties, rather than as internal balances. All internal balances will be eliminated in the total primary government column. Revenues and expenses related to interfund services provided and used between functions will not be eliminated in preparing .the statement of net assets because they provide essential information on the net cost of each government function. Statement of Activities: lnterfund reimbursements such as allocation of overhead costs among funds are treated as the allocation of expenditure from one fund to another with no effect on the total amount of expenditure reported, thereby, no consolidation is needed. lnterfund transfers among funds within the same activities column will be eliminated from that column in the statement of activities. All interfund transfers will be eliminated from the consolidated total column presented for the primary government on the statement of activities. · ---------------- 0 :< 0 .. , '' I. 0 • Policy for applying FASB Pronouncements Reporting for business-type activities will be based on all applicable GASB pronouncements as well as the following pronouncements issued on or before November 30, 1989, unless those pronouncements conflict with or contradict GASB pronouncements: · a. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statements and Interpretations b. Accounting Principles Board (APB) Opinions c. Accounting Research Bulletin's (ARB's) of the Committee on Accounting Procedure. · · Pursuant to GASB Statement 20, the County has elected to not apply accounting standards issued after November 30, 1989, by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Policy for determining Program Revenues Program revenues derive directly from the program itself ·or from parties outside the reporting government's taxpayers or citizenry, as a whole; they reduce the net cost of the function lo be financed from the government's gener_al revenues. The statement of activities will separately report three categories of program revenues: (a) charges for services, (b) program-specific operating grants and contributions, and (c) program-specific capital grants and contributions .. -· a) Charges for services include revenues based on exchange or exchange-like transactions. These revenues arise from charges to . customers or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit from the goods, services, or privileges provided. Revenues in this category include fees charged for specific services, licenses and permits, b) operating special assessments, and any other amount charged to service recipients. c) Program -specific grants and contributions include revenues arising from mandatory and voluntary nonexchange transactions with other governments, organizations, or individuals that are restricted for use in a particular program. d) Program-specific capital grants and contributions consist of capital assets or resources that are restricted for capital purposes-to purchase, construct, or renovate capital assets associated with a specific program. . . ' Multipurpose grants (those that provide financing for more than o·ne program) will be reported as program revenue if the amounts restricted to each program are specifically identified in either the grant award or the grant application. Multipurpose grants that do not provide for specific identification of the programs and amounts will be reported as general revenues . 0 .l '' ' . ·1 -. 0 . ,t' , . ·• '· .,. 0 • • Polley for allocating Indirect Expenses Otter Tail County automatically allocates various indirect expenses such as overhead and insurance to individual functional departments when information concerning direct costs by function is not available. GAAP indicates no · ./:, .. : :~'(f ~·:•:~;~\.: . . -.: -•·, ,1';,;·:~.l"~~:i•~;~·- requirement to disallocate such expenses in order to present a separate indirect expense allocation column as allowed by GASB 34. However, disclosure will be made in the summary of significant accounting policies stating expenses reported for functional activities include allocated indirect expenses. · · Policy for Proprietary Fund revenues classification Proprietary funds distinguish operating revenues from nonoperating revenues. Operating revenues generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with a proprietary fund's ongoing operations. Revenues considered to be nonexchange or nonexchange-like will not be reported as components of operaling income. Policy for order of applying resources When both reslricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, ii is the • government's policy to use restricted resources first, and then unrestricted _ resources, as they are needed. Policy for identifying and reporting extraordinary or special items Extraordinary items are both 1) unusual in nature (possessing a high degree of abnormality and clearly unrelated to, or only incidentally related, the ordinary and typical activities of the entity); and 2) infrequent in occurrence (not reasonably expected to recur in the foreseeable future, taking into account the environment in which the entity operates). The primary factor in applying both criteria is the environment within which an entity operates. Special items are significant items, subject lo management's control, that meet one, but not both of the criteria used for identifying extraordinary items. Extraordinary and special items are reported near the bottom of ihe statement of net assets. If special items and extraordinary items occur in the same period, lhe two should be reported separately within a single category, with special items reported before extraordinary items . 0 •-,. '. ,. 0 • • • OTTER TAIL COUNTY INFRASTRUCTURE FIXED ASSET POLICY GASB 34 requires that we begin to book the infrastructure as assets. It requires us to record assets expensed in the past (retroactively 1980 through 2002) and book the current expenditures as assets as we . move forward (prospectively). The following categories of infrastructure fixed assets have been identified: Roads, Bridges, Right of Way and Dams. All amounts will be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. We· will account for each as follows: ROADS DEFINITION: Roads include. but are not limited lo. road surface. sub-surface. water/sewer, drainage. and, traffic signals for all County Stale A id I lighways and all County Roads in Oller Tail County. Road costs include, but are not limited to. construction labor. construction equipment time. materials. traffic signals. sewers, landscaping, bike paths. overhead. etc .... RETROACTIVELY: We will account for infrastructure capital assets acquired or significantly reconslructed, or that received significant improvement in the fiscal years from 1980 through 2002. · PROSPECTIVELY: We will capitalize the verified costs of all major construction contracts and design work, exclusive of purchased right of way. Overlays will be capitalized only if they represent a major increase in efficiency or extend the useful life. An overlay which gels the road 10 the end of its useful life. will be expensed. In the event that a road is resurfaced or reconstructed before ii is fully depreciated. the remaining value will be wrillen off in the year the contract is finalized. LIFE: Roads will he depreciated out using straight-line depreciation with a fifty-year life, with no residual value . BRIDGES DEFINITION: Bridges include all bridges on Oller Tail County Roads as defined by lhe Minnesota . Department of Transportation. Bridge costs include. but are not limited to construction costs' as evidenced by the eonlracl for bridge work. approach work, guardrails. sidewalks. traffic signals and design work. In the event that the highway department installs the bridge (culverts). we will capitalize the labor. equipment. materials and overhead associated with the job. RETROACTIVELY: We will account for infrastructure capital assets acquired or significantly. reconstructed. or that received significant improvement in the fiscal years from 1980 through 2002. PROSPECTIVELY: We will capitalize the cost of construction as verified by the contract costs. In addition, design work will be capitalized. Deck overlay and deck rehabilitation projects will be capitalized only if they represent a major increase in efficiency or extend the useful life. An overlay or rehabilitation " project that gels the bridge lo the end of its useful life, will he expensed. In the event that a bridge is reconstructed or rehabilitated before ii is fully depreciated. the remaining value will be wrillen off in the year the contract is finalized. LIFE: Bridges will be depreciated out using straight-line depreciation with a fifty-year life with no residual . value . 0 ,, ' ',. " ,. '· t: ' .. r J ,' 0 ... .. ,_ ·-1 'i, J: • "' :; ,•, , I '-, I 0 • RIGIITOFWAV ~':"i;iit: .,,''i~¥!· DEFINITION: Righi or Way shall include pcnnanenl easements and deeded properly acquired for highway purposes. Righi oFWay costs will include, but are not limited lo, the purchase price from the • · landowner. the cost or allomey Fees in court cases, relocation Fees, filing Fees, deed tax and reimbursement: or pre-paid real estate taxes lo the former land-owner. All other expenditures including appraisal Fees and title opinions will be expensed. RETROACTIVELY: We will account for all right of way purchased from the year 1980 through 2002. PROSPECTIVELY: We will capitalize the pµrchase oFright oFway using the cost definition above: LIFE: Right oFWay will not be depreciated. DAMS DEFINITION: Dams include. but are not limited to, the structure itselFand any capital improvement~. Costs include, but are not limited 10; the purchase price,.construction labor, equipment and materials as well as overhead. RETROACTIVELY: We will account for infrastructur~ capital assets acquired or significantly reconstructed, or that received significant improvement in the fiscal years from 1980 through 2002. PROSPECTIVELY: We will capitalize the cost of all major construction contracts and design work. Dam repairs or improvements will be capitalized only if they represent a major increase in efficiency or extend the useful life. If the dam is reconstructed or rehabilitated before it is fully depreciated, the remaining value will be written off in the year the contract is finalized. LIFE: Dams will be depreciated using straight-Jin, d.-preciation with a one hundred year life with no residual value. WORK IN PROGRESS Construction projects that have been awarded and arc taking one or more years to complete, will·be tracked in a "Work in Progress" category until such time as construction work is completed and the project has been finalized. Once the project has been finalized, the total cost of the project will be moved from work in progress and will begin lo be depreciated. The first year of depreciation will be for the Full year that the project was finalized in. · ., I, ' ,: / :• '., ,,a. " ., ,,; ' ' 0 '' . ' 0 .. , 0 OTTER TAIL COUNTY DF.PRF.CIATION POLICY FOR FIXF.D ASSF.TS ~.;... ..... , : ~-,_, • Fixed Assets that meetthe definitions required by Otter Tail County's Fixed Asset Policy will be depreciated using the Straight Line Method of Depreciation with no salvage value. Depreciation will begin the 1• of the month following the month of purchase. The following table is a guideline for determining the useful life of fixed assets. The examples given· are not inclusive of all equipment owned by Otter Tail County. STANDARD IJSF.FUL LIFF. TARLF. Data Processing Equipment -Small Mainframe and Peripheral Equipment LAN file servers. small mainframe computers. workstations, storage units, communications systems. software (developed and purchased). personal computers (PCs), printers, plotters, and other peripheral equipment that is an integral part of the data processing operation. Data Processin~ Equipment -Laree Mainframe Large mainframe computers and other peripheral equipment as listed above. Data Processine Equipment -Special Systems Air Conditioning systems, tire protection systems (halon), raised flooring, special sound proofing. microwave towers. elc. should be recorded as Building'lmprovemenls unless these assets are removable. Furniture and F.quipment Includes furniture and fixtures which arc not a structural part of a building such as small office equipment. copiers. office furniture includin~ desks and chairs. household. laundry and refrigeration equipment, educational and recreational equipment. fire fighting equipment. • medical and lab equipment. agricultural and landscaping equipment, firearms, shop and plant equipment, and signs, signals. safety devices. and mobile radios. Automobiles -Pa55enger All transportation vehicles other than trucks. Light General Purpose Trucks Includes trucks with unloaded weight less than I ),000 pounds (pick-ups, vans, etc.). Heavy General Purpose Trucks Includes trucks with unloaded weight more than 1).000 pounds. The life of the vehicles are dependent upon actual use. Trucks for construction/snow plow purposes will have a shorter life. Trucks used strictly for highway use should have a longer life. Heavy Equipment Includes forklifts. front loaders. graders. rollers. self propelled brooms. backhoes, tractor loaders, truck distributors, etc. Snow Plow Equipment Includes V-Plows. one ways. win~s. rotary plows. etc. Roadside Maintenance F.quipment Includes road ditch sprayers, shoulder disks. asphalt applicators and cutters, power brooms. bituminous distributors. tar kettles. mowers. bituminous trailers. bituminous melter trailers. sign paint trailers, sign trailers, etc. Other Equipment & Small Buildin~• • Includes shop and plant equipment. construction and maintenance equipment, boats, trailers. sheds. etc. 3-S years 3-4 years S-10 years S-1 S years 5-10 years S-IO years· S-10 years I 0-20 years S-10 years 3-10 years 5-10 years .. 0 C . I ,,· 0 ,, " ' I • • Office Building•, Building Improvements, Warehouse•, and Garage• New construction Existing buildings and new building improvements Collections Works of Art, Historical Treasures, Monumenls, Slatues, etc., are not deprecialed iflhe collection meets all of lhe following conditions: • Held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service rather lhan financial gain. • Prolecled, kept unencumbered, cared for, and preserved. • Subject to an organizational policy lhal requires lhe proceeds from sales of collection ilems to be used lo acquire other ilems for colleclions. Year life for colleclions thal should be depreciated will be evalualcd on a case by case basis. Land Improvements • • Land improvemcnls consisl of bellcrmenls, olher lhan buildings, lhal ready land for ils intended U!ie. Includes site improvements such as excavation. fill. grading. and utility installation; removal. relocation. or reconstruction of existing property or property of others. such as railroads and lelephone and power lines; relaining walls; parking lols; fencing; and landscaping. Land improvcmcnls lhat readies land for lnfraslruclure should be recorded as Infrastructure. not Land Improvements -for example. excavation. fill and grading in preparation of a road bed is Infrastructure. lmprovemenls lhal produce permanenl hcnefils -for example. fill and grading cosls lhat Ready land for erection of structures and landscaping -are not depreciahle . Alternatively, improvements that arc considered part of a structure or that deteriorale with use over the passage of time. such as parking lots and fencing. should be considered depreciable . 40 years up to 30 years 5-2~ years I 0 H ' 11 '·1_ i, ' I , ••. ! I' ,, ·,1, '' ., ' 0 0