HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/17/2003, I
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Thursday, July 17, 2003
1 :00 p.m.
Call to Order
At 1 :00 p.m., Barb Molter, Co-chair reported that the committee did not have a quorum. At 1 :38 p.m. as
recorded, the Labor/Management Committee had a quorum and continued on with the Labor/Management
Committee Meeting.
Attendance: Tonya Anderson, Brian Armstrong, Dwight Serven, Carol Brause, Doug Cannell, John Dinsmore,
Mark Englund, Sue Ewy, Chuck Grotte, David Hauser, Karan Johnson, Cheryl Kottom, Larry Krohn, Don
Larson, Mick McCormick, Barbara Molter, Dennis Mosher, Sydney Nelson, Heather Severson, James Stewart,
and Sharon Wicklund.
Excused Absence: Richard Akerman, Chuck Kitzman, Anne Mueller, Kirsten Olson, Wayne Roisum, Wayne
Stein, and Jodi Wentland.
Unexcused Absence: Tim Brand and Rick Denzel.
Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
Mick McCormick read the Norms of Behavior.
• Review of Minutes
Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of June 19, 2003 by consensus.
Review of Agenda
Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of July 17, 2003 by consensus with the following
changes to the agenda:
Cancellation: Training for All Members has been cancelled until September 18, 2003.
Addition: Wellness Subcommittee Update
Addition: Representatives' Replacements
Discussion Items
A. Wellness Subcommittee Update:
• Marion Kershner presented the following report on the 2003 Lakes Country Services Cooperative
Health Risk Assessment Fair.
Total Number of Persons Participating:
Overall Wellness Score: 71
ages 40-60
Below 80 Indicates Increased Risk to Health
Percent of Employees with "Borderline or High" Risk Factors:
Weight: 68%
Exercise: 67%
Nutrition: 71 %
Stress: 56%
B/P: 37%
Labor/Management Committee Minutes
July 17, 2003
Risk for Diabetes:
Risk for Cancer:
Risks to Heart Health:
Approximately 75% have "Borderline or High" Risk Factors
Approximately 70% have "Borderline or High" Risk Factors
Approximately 73% have "Borderline or High" Risk Factors
Stages of change: (Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance)
Exercise: 62% Contemplation, Preparation, Action
Weight: 52% Contemplation, Preparation, Action
Nutrition: 59% Contemplation, Preparation, Action
Mental Health: 44% Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation
Tobacco Use: 50% Precontemplation, Contemplation
1. Stay the course with physical activity and nutrition messages.
2. Consider weight loss groups.
3. Raise awareness of mental health issues, stress reductions, EAP, relationship
between physical activity and increased sense of well being.
4. Blood pressure, blood glucose, blood cholesterol, colo-rectal, and other age
appropriate screening.
5. Increased messages about the relationship between risk factors and health outcomes.
6. Increased messages re: annual physical exams.
B. Representatives' Replacement Members:
• Karan Johnson has replaced Barbara Jongeling.
• Mark Englund has replaced Mick McCormick.
• If Richard Akerman and Anne Mueller are both unavailable to attend committee meetings, they need to
find replacements. Q
Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates
The Public Health Labor/Management Committee has been working on:
• Public Health Department Budget Issues
• Reporting of work hours on daily cards.
The Human Services Labor/Management Committee has been working on:
• Topics of budget and merit system.
• Our agency will be experiencing a 1.1 million-dollar shortfall; we have been brainstorming on what we
can cut. We hope to be able to cut programs, so we won't suffer any layoffs.
Next Meeting
The next regularly scheduled LMC meeting would be held on August 21, 2003; however, it has been cancelled
due to the ability of reaching a quorum because of the County Offices relocating to the new Government
Services Building. The discussion items for the September agenda include:
• Training for All Members-Hosted by Lori Morrell with the Bureau of Mediation.
At 2:04 p.m., Barbara Molter declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee
adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, September 18, 2003 to be held in the new Government Services
Building in the Commissioners' Room.
Report of LCSC Health Risk Assessment 2003
Total# of persons participating: 100
Females: 72
Males: 28
Age: 70% ages 40-60
Overall wellness score: 71
Below 80 indicates increased risk to health
Percent of employees with "borderline or high" risk factors:
Weight: 68%
Exercise: 67%
Nutrition: 71 %
Stress: 56%
B/P: 37%
Risk for diabetes:
Risk for cancer:
Risks to heart health:
Approximately 75% have "borderline or high" risk factors.
Approximately 70% have "borderline or high" risk factors.
Approximately 73% have "borderline or high" risk factors
Stages of change: (Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance)
62% Contemplation, Preparation, Action
52% Contemplation, Preparation, Action
59% Contemplation, Preparation, Action
Mental Hlth: 44% Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation
Tobacco Use: 50% Precontemplation, Contemplation
I. Stay the course with physical activity and nutrition messages.
2. Consider weight loss groups.
3. Raise awareness of mental health issues, stress reduction, EAP, relationship
between physical activity and increased sense of well being.
4. B/P, blood glucose, blood cholesterol, colo-rectal, and other age appropriate
5. Increased messages about the relationship between risk factors and health
6. Increased messages re: annual physical exams .
county of otter Tail
Labor/Management Committee
Fourteen (14) Management Personnel including:
Twelve 1121 Management Personnel, including the county Attorney
Representative Term Expires
Brian Armstrong 2003
Tim Brand 2003
Rick Denzel 2003
John Dinsmore 2003
sue Ewy 2003
David Hauser Permanent
Doug Cannell 2003
Chuck Kitzman 2004
Wayne stein 2004
Richard Akerman 2004
Chuck Grotte 2004
Jodi Wentland 2004
Two !2l county commissioners
Representative Term Expires
Malcolm Lee 2003
Sydney Nelson 2003
Fourteen !14) Labor Personnel including:
Two !2l Teamsters Professionals
Representative Term Expires
carol Brause 2004
Heather Severson 2004
Two !2l Teamsters support Specialists
Representative Term Expires
Barb Jongeling 2003
Cheryl Kottom 2004
Five !Sl Non-Un ion
Representative Term Expires
Tonya Anderson 2003
Barbara Molter 2004
Kirsten Olson 2004
Wayne Roisum 2003
Sharon Wicklund 2003
Three (3) Teamsters Law Enforcement !one from eachl
Representative Term Expires
Mick Mccormick 2004
Anne Mueller 2003
James Stewart 2003
Two (2l AFSCME Highway Maintenance Personnel
Representative Term Expires
Don Larson 2003
Dwight Berven 2004
Replaced By
Replaced By
Replaced By
Replaced By
Karan Johnson
Replaced By:
Replaced By:
Mark Englund
Replaced BY:
rr-1"-Time For A ~~ Healthy Future
Start 1bday For A Healthy 1bmonu..-. ,
Date 2003 MN Location
May3 Fergus Falls
6:00-8:00 AM
June4 Fergus Falls
5:15 p.m.
June 28 Perham
9:00 a.m.
July 5 Otter Tail Lake
6:30 p.m. (walk) Battle Lake
7:00 o.m. (run)
July 5 Henning
8:30 a.m.
July 19 Detroit Lakes
7:30 a.m.
July 25-26 Fergus Falls
6:30 p.m.
July 26 Fergus Falls
9-12 a.m.
On-line registration
Available at:
.•;-• ~
Event Contact Information
Pedal de Ponds Bicycle Tour -Leigh Schebeck -YMCA
YMCA 1164 Friberg Avenue North, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Operation Bootstrap Africa First Lutheran Church-Church Office
(OBA) 402 South Court Street, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
BK round trip Walk 5 miles 218-739-3348
Turtle Fest Jim Lee
SK run 10KRun SK Walk 33735 Charlie Trapp Road, Dent, MN 56528
Ottertail Lake Chase Wayne Walvatne / Lake Country Gardens
5 mile 28325 County Hwy 145, Battle Lake, MN 56515
Henning Festival Run/Walk Robert Polzine
2.SK Run 5-l0K Run SK Walk 52207 State Highway 210, Henning, MN 56551
Water Carnival Run Detroit Lakes Chamber of Commerce
SK P.O. Box 348, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
10 Mile 800-542-3992
Relay for Life -Desta & Tim Hunt
American Cancer Society 901 S Martin St., Fergus Falls, MN 56537
701 Annual Prairie Wetlands Chris Haukos
Learning Center Mosquito Run www.pickleevents.com
10K Prairie Wetlands Learning Center
SK 218-736-0938
lK children Niki Welde
104 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
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Date 2003 MN Location Event Contact Information
July 27 Fergus Falls Hoot Lake Triathalon Chris Haukos
9:00 a.m. Swim .25 mile open water www.pickleevents.com
Bike: 15. 7 mile Niki Welde, 218-736-4825
On-line registration Run: 3 miles Parks & Recreation Dept. Available at: 205 Peck Street, Fergus Falls, MN 56537 www.midwestevents.com
August 30 Underwood Log Cabin Run John Klinnert/ J. K. Sports
8:00 a.m. 2 mile 1801 West Lincoln, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
10K 218-739-5299
September6 Detroit Lakes Dick Beardsley Half Marathon Detroit Lakes Chamber of Commerce
8:30 a.m. Half Marathon 5KRun Kids P.O. Box 348, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
lK 800-542-3992
Health Walk Race Walk
September 10 Breckenridge St. Francis Wellness Walk/Run Mary Jacklitch / St. Francis Medical Ctr
6:00 p.m. SK walk or run 415 Oak Street, Breckenridge, MN 56520
September 27 Battle Lake Lake Country Classic Brad Walvatne / Lake Country Gardens
1:30 p.m. At Otter Tail Walk/Run 1 mile 28325 County Hwy 145
Lake 2mile 10K Battle Lake, MN 56515
October 12 Pelican Rapids Pelican Rapids Octoberfest Fun Chamber of Commerce
10:00 a.m. Lida Greens Run 218-863-1221
Golf course
' -Lida Greens Golf Course
Highway 108, Pelican Rapids, MN
I (LAP) Lake Agassiz Pacers Running Club based in Fargo, ND www.lakeagassizpacers.com
MEETING DATE: July 17, 2003
Richard Akerman Excused Larry Krohn
Tonya Anderson Don Larson
Brian Armstrong Mick McCormick
Dwight Serven _ Barbara Molter
Tim Brand Dennis Mosher
carol Brause
Doug Cannell
Anne Mueller
Sydney Nelson ~cfr~ \
Rick Denzel Kirsten Olson Excused
John Dinsmore • Wayne Roisum
sue Ewy Heather Severson
Chuck Grotte Wayne Stein
David Hauser James Stewart
Karan Johnson Jodi Wentland
Chuck Kitzman Sharon Wicklund
Cheryl Kottom
Joanne Derby
Merle King
• Lori Morrell
James Moore