HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/19/2003)~--------
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Thursday, June 19, 2003
1 :00 p.m.
Call to Order
Sharon Wicklund called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :02 p.m.
Attendance: Tonya Anderson, Brian Armstrong, Dwight Serven, Tim Brand, Carol Brause, Doug Cannell, John
Dinsmore, Sue Ewy, Chuck Grotte, David Hauser, Karan Johnson, Chuck Kitzman, Cheryl Kottom, Larry
Krohn, Don Larson, Dennis Mosher, Sydney Nelson, Kirsten Olson, Heather Severson, Wayne Stein, James
Stewart, Jodi Wentland, and Sharon Wicklund.
Excused Absence: Richard Akerman, Rick Denzel, Barb Jongeling, Mick McCormick, Barbara Molter, Anne
Mueller, and Wayne Roisum.
Unexcused Absence: None.
Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
Doug Cannell read the Norms of Behavior.
A Review of Minutes
wt:ommittee members approved as presented, the minutes of May 15, 2003 by consensus.
Review of Agenda
Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of June 19, 2003 by consensus.
Discussion Items
A. Wellness Subcommittee: The Wellness Subcommittee made the following request:
Currently, Otter Tail County has a policy prohibiting smoking in county owned buildings and vehicles. The
Otter Tail County Employee Wellness Committee requests that the Otter Tail County Commissioners
amend this policy to include all of the grounds and parking lots surrounding county offices.
The Wellness Committee recognizes the move into the new Government Services Building as an ideal time
to implement this policy and recommends prompt action.
The Regional Tobacco and Second Hand Smoke Survey: 2002, co-sponsored by Otter Tail, Clay, Wilkin,
and Richland County Public Health Departments, shows the majority of residents (both tobacco users and
non-users) believe that that communities have a responsibility to protect people from secondhand smoke
The survey showed strong community support for various smoke-free policies and greater efforts to
encourage businesses to adopt smoke-free policies.
Key Findings:
• One in five county residents consider themselves smokers.
• 81.5% of the smokers have attempted quitting in the past or are interested in quitting smoking
now or in the future.
• 84% of smokers consider policies making public places smoke-free to have importance in their
efforts to quit.
• 47.5% of residents say that they are regularly exposed to SHS at entrances to buildings and
40.4% in public spaces such as parking lots.
Labor/Management Committee Minutes
June 19, 2003
• One in three residents who encounter SHS on the grounds at work is bothered a great deal by
that exposure. 72.6% were bothered to some degree. Q _
The Wellness Committee would like to recommend that when the new Government Services Building
opens, that the building and grounds be smoke free. Discussion followed.
Even though Sue Ewy put forth a valiant effort, the Labor/Management Committee failed to reach a
consensus. The Labor/Management Committee did inform the Wellness Subcommittee that they may
bring their request directly to the Board of Commissioners.
Sharon Wicklund researched the County Smoking Policy and received the following from Tiny Holm, Safety
and Emergency Services Director:
County Smoking Policy
February 27, 1991
Smoking Policy Committee member Rick Sytsma appeared before the Board with the
results of the employee poll as requested by the Board. Of the 254 county employees
polled, 130 chose a smoke free environment and 124 indicated they would like a
designated smoking area. The Board considered the cost factor of creating designated
smoking areas and the budget restraints before making a motion. Motion by Lindquist,
seconded by Windels and unanimously carried to adopt a smoke free policy to include all
county buildings, with the exception of highway garages and county vehicles, and to offer
a Stop Smoking Program through the Public Health Department at no cost to interested
employees effective April 1, 1991.
B. Parking Lot Subcommittee: Chuck Kitzman presented the following report:
The Parking Lot Subcommittee met on Wednesday, June 4, 2003. All members were in attendance:
Wayne Roisum, Cheryl Kottom, Doug Cannell, Richard Akerman, and Chuck Kitzman. The subcommitte0
identified the following problems or issues with each of the below identified County parking lots.
1. Law Enforcement Parking Lot, East of Courthouse-This lot is designated per signage as a Law
Enforcement Parking area.
Problem: There are vehicles in the lot belonging to individuals or departments that are not part
of Law Enforcement.
2. Bakery Parking Lot East of Courthouse-This lot •is designated as a County Employee Parking Lot
during normal Courthouse hours.
Problem: There are vehicles in the lot that belong to people not employed by the County.
3. Law Office Parking Lot Northeast of Courthouse-This lot is designated as a County Employee Parking
Lot during normal Courthouse hours.
Problem: A. The parking lot is not striped clearly and people do not have clear guidelines to
follow. There is a substantial amount of haphazard parking.
B. Detention Center detainees park their cars in this lot. They are not County
Employees. This group of lot users sometimes bring interesting vehicles into the
lot and park them haphazardly and/or for long periods of time.
C. When Bethlehem Lutheran Church has a funeral or other activity during the week,
Church members park in this lot.
D. The County has many vehicles in this lot that stay overnight or remain unmoved
for significant periods of time.
E. Employees of the businesses directly north of the parking lot park their cars in the
lot regularly (we have hear that there may be an agreement with the County to doo
so, but we do not know this for sure\.
4. Olson Parking Lot North of Courthouse-This lot is designated as a Courthouse Parking Lot. We did not
identify any parking problems in this lot.
Labor/Management Committee Minutes
June 19, 2003
5. First Lutheran Parking Lot West of Courthouse-Ttiis;!ot has no signage identifying its designated use.
We did not identify any parking problems in this lot.
6. West Parking Lot adjacent to the Courthouse-This lot is designated as a Courthouse Parking Lot with a
one-hour parking time limit. (This subcommittee thinks this lot is for use by the public for quick access
to Courthouse Services.)
Problem: A. This lot is used daily by the Fergus Falls Police Department for parking city
vehicles for extended periods of time.
B. County/City employees park their personal vehicles in this lot for extended
periods of time, while they are working.
The Labor/Management followed the presentation with the discussion below:
• •
• • • • •
One of the options would be to change or update the present parking lot signs .
The parking problem will probably not go away when some of the departments move into the
Government Services Center.
Has the County communicated with the business owners surrounding the County Parking Lots?
At the new Government Services Center, the employee parking is closer for employees .
Should the county go back to "Parking By Permit Only" signs?
Where are we telling inmates to park?
City Police and County employees use the parking lot outside of Law Enforcement quite frequently to
park their vehicles.
The Labor/Management Committee reached a consensus to table this issue until after the Government
Services Center opens.
C. Results of Feedback Survey:
• Sue Ewy handed out and reviewed the survey with the Labor/Management Committee members.
Sue will be forwarding this survey to Lori Morrell.
Names of July New Term Members:
Barb Jongeling's Labor/Management Committee replacement is Karan
replacements, they are requested to notify Sharon Jewell of changes.
Johnson. As members find
Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates
The Public Health Labor/Management Committee has been working on:
• Have been reviewing budget issues that will be affecting the Public Health Department through
legislation this year.
• Working with issues on how to decrease expenses. One way to reduce mileage expenses would be
to have video conference staff meetings that would include both the Fergus Falls and New York Mills
Public Health offices.
The Human Services Labor/Management Committee has been working on:
• Hiring Process-bargaining units on hiring decision and hiring process. What instruments and tools
are we using to evaluate new positions (internal vs. external candidates). We will be looking at the
Merit system.
• Discussing office equipment and cell phones.
• Conference, training, and telecommuting discussions.
Next Meeting
The discussion item for the July agenda include:
• New Member and Refresher Training, Hosted by Lori Morrell with the Bureau of Mediation.
AA,t 2:17 p.m., Sharon Wicklund declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee
Wi'adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 17, 2003.
·· ·oate: 6/13/2003
To: Otter Tail County Labor Management Committee
Cc: Larry Krohn
From: Otter Tail County Employee Wellness Committee
RE: Smoke-free grounds
Currently Otter Tail County has a policy prohibiting smoking in county owned buildings and
vehicles. The Otter Tail County Employee Wellness Committee requests that the Otter Tail
County Commissioners amend this policy to include all of the grounds and parking lots
surrounding county offices.
TheWellness Committee recognizes the move into the new Government Services Building
·as an _ideal time to implement this policy and recommends prompt action.
~;': ,'·'.·:\. The Regjqnal Tobacco and Second Hand Smoke Survey: 2002, co-sponsored by Otter Tail,
·Clay, Wilkin, and Richland County Public Health Departments, shows the majority of
iesidentS(both tobacco users and non-users) believe that communities have a responsibility
'to prot~ct'people from secondhand smoke (SHS).
~-i\· 'i,'i\/r.i{
The survey showed strong community support for various smoke-free policies and greater
efforts:tci encourage businesses to adopt smoke-free policies.
• One in 5 county residents consider themselves smokers.
• 81.5% of the smokers have attempted quitting in the past or are interested in quitting
smoking now or in the future.
• 84% of smokers consider policies making public places smoke-free to have importance
in their efforts to quit.
• 47.5% of residents say that they are regularly exposed to SHS at entrances to buildings
and 40.4% in public spaces such as parking lots.
• One in 3 residents who encounter SHS on the grounds at work are bothered a great
deal by that exposure. 72.6% were bothered to some degree .
MEETINCi DATE: June 19, 2003
• Richard Akerman
Tonya Anderson
Brian Armstrong
Dwight Berven
Tim Brand
carol Brause
Doug Cannell
Rick Denzel
John Dinsmore
Chuck Grotte
David Hauser
Barb Jongeling
Chuck Kitzman
Cheryl Kottom
Excused Larry Krohn
Don Larson
Mick McCormick Excused
Barbara Molter
Dennis Mosher
Anne Mueller
Sydney Nelson
Kirsten Olson
Wayne Roisum
Heather Severson
Wayne stein
James Stewart
Sharon Wicklund
Joanne Derby
Merle King
Lori Morrell
James Moore