HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/11/2003• • • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Tuesday, February1 11, 2003 9:30 a.m.1 Call to Order The. Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson, Vice-Chair; Dennis Mosher, and Roger Froemming present. Commissioner Bob Block was absent. Telephone System Update Communications Consultant, Jeff Nelson, reported that Phase I of the Courthouse telephone system upgrade has been completed and is being used successfully. Phase I of the project included a system upgrade in the Law Enforcement Center, Courthouse, and both Human Services buildings. A modification of Phase I upgrade incorporated the County Attorney's Office in this phase. The base contract was approved for Phase I in the amount of $150,027.00, and was awarded to Network Center Communications of Fargo, ND. After a series of meetings, a decision was made to increase the number of extensions and to change from eight-button telephones to sixteen-button phones which was a change from the Request for Proposal. Other additional costs resulted from the need to correct existing building wiring and the addition of headsets. Mr. Nelson requested approval of the change orders in the amount of $46,762.01. Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve substantial completion of the project and change orders in the amount of $46,762.01. Recess Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners Call to Order of Human Services Board At 9:40 a.m., the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed. The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 9:40 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Malcolm Lee, Chair; Syd Nelson, Vice-Chair; Dennis Mosher and Roger Froemming present. Commissioner Bob Block was absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services agenda of February 11, 2003, with the following addition: Human Services Contract Renewal Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of January 28, 2003, as mailed. c Court Services Annual Report Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, and Administrative Assistant, Amy Kampa, presented the Court Services Annual Report for CY2002. The top ten juvenile offenses for CY2002 included: alcohol offense, misdemeanor theft, drug paraphernalia possession, tobacco use, shoplifting, no driver's license, disorderly conduct, possession of marijuana, . OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 11, 2003 Page 2 burglary, and criminal damage to property. There were a total of 280 juvenile offenders. Q There were 112 juveniles in the Change Direction -Drug Education Program. Additional programs to help juvenile offenders included the Keys to lnnervision, Teen Tobacco Awareness, and Theft Clinic. DWI charges. and domestic assaults led in the top adult offenses under supervision in CY2002. Mr. Kitzman reported that a lot of the fines are being·, turned into Community Service work. Request for Letter of Support County Public Transportation Proposal Public Health Director, Diane Thorsori; and Steve Skauge, Productive Alternative Director, requested a Letter of Support for a County Public Transportation Proposal.· Ms. Thorson reported that she and Mr. Skauge had met with the Long-Range Planning Task Force· on January 29, 2003, to discuss this issue. Committee members recommended support from the County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Skauge reported that Productive Alternatives has 15 handicapped· accessible vehicles and DOT certified drivers. These vehicles· serve PA clients out of Perham, Fergus Falls, and Parkers Prairie and are used for the DAG program. These clients cannot pay for these services; however, PA receives $10 per person per day from the County.· This covers approximately half of the cost, with PA losing about $150;ooo per year._ Mr. Skauge reported that PA receives frequent requests for public use of these vehicles. Mr. Skauge explained that there is a grant available that would help provide public transit, but since PA doesri't provide public transit, the grant is not available to them. The grant also requires a 20% local match to be eligible to apply for ttie grant. PA receives $260.000 from the County, which the State has agreed would qualify for the 20% local match. PA also receives 531 O grants that allow them to purchase new vehicles. One of the biggest Q concerns is the liability issue·. Currently Productive Alternatives' insurance premiums are $2,000 per vehicle. If providing public ·transit, the premium would be $6,000 per vehicle. A question had been raised as to whether PA could be insured through the County's· current carrier. MCIT Senior Account Executive, Sue Dahlhauser, explained that certain criteria are required to qualify under MN Statute §466; and it's unlikely that PA would qualify. Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, to approve ·the request for a Letter of Support for County Public Transportation Proposal. Chairman Lee called for a roll call vote: · Commission District 3 · Mosher Yea Commission District 4 Froemming Yea Commission District 1 Nelson Yea Commission District 2 Lee· Nay Motion carried 3 -1 . University of Minnesota Contract for Dental Clinic Ms. Thorson requested approval of the University of Minnesota contract for providing a portable dental clinic. Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, with Commissioner Lee opposed, to authorize the Public Health Director to enter into a contract between Otter Tail County Department of Public Health and the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry for a portable dental clinic in the amount of $18,000 for February 10th through February 21, 2003. 0 • • • OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 11, 2003 Page 3 Legislative Budget Discussion Ms. Thorson reported that the Governor's recommendation is to cut the WIC funding and CHS subsidy. WIC is a federal program with added state funding to run the program. She stated that this would affect Otter Tail County WIC funding by about $44,000 and $40,000 in CHS funding. A Personnel Committee will be scheduled for February 18, 2003, to discuss these concerns further. · Approval of Bills and Claims Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Purchase of Service Agreement Motion by Froemming, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate county officials' signatures to enter into an agreement between Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and the Thomas House, Perham, MN, for Residential Services/ Assisted Living for the period from June 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003. New York Mills Office Remodeling Commissioner Nelson introduced discussion regarding the New York Mills office remodeling project. Lengthy discussion followed. Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to rescind the motion from the February 4, 2003 meeting. This motion read as follows: Motion by Nelson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the cost of furnishings for the remodeling in the New York Mills building at an estimated cost of $40,000 -$49,500, with $15,000 to be paid from the Public Health Department budget and $5,000 from the Assessor's Department budget. Adjournment At 11:10 a.m., the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 2003. Dated: __ =el+l..,_1.,_g+-/=c0=-----r I Attest: J~~ a Larry Kroh, Clerk Reconvene County Board At 11:10 a.m., the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners reconvened with all Commissioners present except Commissioner Bob Block. Approval of Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of February 11, 2003, with the following addition: Physical Plant Manager, Rick Sytsma -Approval of Rental Lease. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 11, 2003 Page4 Approval of Minutes · Q Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and• unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of February 4, 2003, with the following correction under Approval of Final Plats: •, Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat known as "Moebius Strip" ... Correct the motion to read as follows: Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat known as "Moebius Strip"... ·, ,,. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes . . ' carried to approve payment of ·: Insurance Report.to.County . . . MCIT Senior Account Executive, Sue Dahlhauser, provided an overview of the 2003 Member Report For Otter Tail County. , 4-H Update ,. , . Extension Educator, Donna Geiser, thanked the Commissioners for the approval to hire two full time 4-H Coordinators. Ms. Geiser reported on the winter activities for 4-H. A 4-HcProject Day was held in.New York Mills with about 125 children in attendance. The 4-H Project Day in Underwood was attended by, .115 .children. Ms. Geiser provided photo. calendars for 2003. Q Some of the photos had been taken by 4.-H members. ;; Mn DOT Partnership Agreement . . . . Highway Engineer, Rick West, reported that the County Board of Commissioners had approved a State of Minnesota Partnership Contract between the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation and the County of Otter Tail on December 3, 2002; but a resolution is needed. Resolution Authorizing MnDOT Partnership Agre~ment. Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2003-10 Commissioner Nelson offered the following and .moved iis adoption: . . '. \, ' \-:-.'"'• ,,-:--..\ BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Otter Tail entered 'into ·an· ag·reement previously approved by motion on December 3, 2002, with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, for the following purposes, to wit: ' ' . ·, ,I, To request that the .State perform certain technical, .transportation-related services identified in Exhibit A, "Available Services," of the agreement. The County will submit a brief written request for each service in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in the Partnership Contract, a copy of which was before the board. . · · Q • • • OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 11, 2003 Page 5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper County officers are and were hereby authorized to execute such agreement and any amendments, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations contained therein. Commissioner Froemming seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 11 th day of February, 2003. Dated:, __ ...,,o?:,,,,./,.....1C,L3,_,/,....,0"""3,c_ __ _ I I Resolution Temporary Easement on State Property County State Aid Highway No. 5 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2003-11 Commissioner Froemming offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Highway Department proposes to reconstruct and improve a portion of County Sate Aid Highway No. 5, known as Project No. S.P.56-605-06, located between Trunk Highway No. 210 and 180th Street, AND WHEREAS, the improvements consist of widening, reconstructing, and resurfacing of said highway as determined necessary to provide for the safety of the traveling public, AND WHEREAS, in addition to the existing highway right of way, temporary construction easements are required, AND, WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources possesses land along said County State Aid Highway No. 5, in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 132 North, Range 39 West. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOVED, THAT the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Otter Tail County Highway Department to obtain a temporary construction easement over said land in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. Commissioner Mosher seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, was unanimously carried. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 11 th day of February, 2003. Dated: Qol /;g-/ a3 OTTER TAIL NTY BOARD OF COM I I Attest J~ a Larry t<roii: Clerk OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 11, 2003 Page 6 Approval to Purchase Mower/Loader Tractors Q Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the purchase of two John Deere 6420 Tractors with Loaders from Interstate, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN, at a cost of $56,402.42 each, for a total amount of $112,804.84 under MN State Bid Contract No. 430247. , Approval of Rental Lease Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, and unanimously ·carried to authorize the appropriate County officials' signatures to execute a Lease Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and Belltelephone, Inc., of St. Paul, MN, for leased premises located in the City of New York Mills, MN, effective March 1, 2003, for a three-year term . Building Committee Meeting , '· Commissioners requested a Building Committee meeting in-New York Mills·at 10:00 a.m., on February 19, 2003, with Rick Sytsma, Diane Thorson, Bob Moe, Jourdan Sullivan, and John Dinsmore .. Labor Agreement Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute the Labor Agreement between Otter Tail County and AFSCME Local 1830 for the period of January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2005. Resolution in Support of the ·.Otter Country Trail Association Clubhouse/Storage Facility Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2003-: 09 Commissioner Froemming offered the follo"Ving and moved its adoption: . . WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has a large potential for multi-use trail expansion, and WHEREAS, Otter Country Trail Association is working with and has representation on the Regional Trail Planning Committee, which helps plan motorized and non-motorized trails on a regional level, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has constructed a new 17-mile black top multi-use trail that Otter Country Trail Association insures, and ' ! WHEREAS, Otter Country Trail Association has a need to construct a building for meetings and storage with the understanding that the snowmobile .season can be quite-.short, and , WHEREAS,. Leaving this building under-used during the off snowmobile season would be non-productive, and · WHEREAS, Using this building to promote healthy outdoor activities and multi-use trail heads would benefit Otter Tail County and its citizens, and 0 WHEREAS, Other organizations have expressed a need for meeting space and a place to Q organize and hold events, and ' 1 ' ' . ·, . \ • • • ., OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 11, 2003 Page 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County hereby supports this concept and encourages potential funding sources to consider this proposed OCTA project favorably. The OCTA understands that this is a volunteer effort and that no funds from Otter Tail County will be used in pursuit of this project. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, was unanimously carried. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 11 th day of February, 2003. Dated: o..o /;g /03 ---="'-1+.,_,..Y7~~---- Attest: ~ft " Larry Kro ; Clerk OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD Oj C~ISSIONERS By: ~~L Malcolm K. Lee, County Board Chair Law Library Fee Increase Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to raise the Law Library fee from $5.00 to $10.00, effective July 1, 2003. Adjournment At 12:32 p.m., Chairman Lee declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18, 2003. Dated :_----<--n.:::J..._,!,...,/'""s7,_,_~=o~3'----r7 Attest: ~~ ~ Larry Kr n,lerk CB/ab IL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS -~L 0 0 0 • • 2/11/2003 13:09:17 • • Otter Tail County Warrants February 11, 2003 Page 1, Attachment A OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 2/11/2003 FOR PAYMENT· 2/11/2003 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT A-1 LOCK AND KEY STEVEN ACKERMAN AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES, INC. AL'S STOP & SHOP INC. ALL CREATURES VET. HOSPITAL AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY, AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION AMERIGAS ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING INC. J. ANDERSON ARVIG COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ATCO INTERNATIONAL ATSSA BALLARD SANITATION INC. BARGAINS GALORE BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE STANDARD BEST INC. BEYER BODY SHOP BJ'S EAST BOB BARKER COMPANY INC. BOB'S NAPA AUTO PARTS BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BRAUN VENDING INC BRETZ HARDWARE CO CAREER TRACK DAN CHARLSON CHEMSEARCH CITY BAKERY CO-OP SERVICES INC COMMUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK CONOCO COOPER'S TECHNOLOGY GROUP CRAGUN'S LODGE AND CONFERENCE DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAKOTA ELEVATOR DAN'S EXHAUST PROS DITCH WITCH OF MINNESOTA INC. DIVERSION AUTO EVERTS LUMBER CO. MAYNARD FALK FARGO FREIGHTLINER FARGO GLASS AND PAINT CO FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS, INC FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC. FERGUS TIRE CENTER 27.63 244.25 1,772.16 168.65 84.11 204.12 75.00 423.46 3,800.00 67.04 912.61 447 .30 190,00 146.25 15.31 146.06 4 92. 3 8 9,076.13 2,828.92 70.75 63.46 104.04 7;015.00 21. 62 13. 36 125.00 1,869.09 1,388.41 13.45 197.14 260.40 44.37 553.83 382.14 132. 80 79.00 19.04 41.57 620.27 27.28 298.75 76.10 35.81 38.01 1,439.63 477.95 328.19 100.56 151.27 ' . Otter. TaihCounty:,.Warrants, February 11~ 2003. Page,2: Attachment A 2/11/2003 13:09:17 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR IFD66 PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION ° PAGE 2 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 2/11/2003 FOR PAYMENT 2/11/2003 VENDOR NAME FLEET SUPPLY FLOOR TO CEILING STORE FORTWENGLER ELECTRIC SHOP ROGER FROEMMING GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GOODIN COMPANY GR GRAPHICS INC ERVIN HAGEN CARLA HAYES HEALTH CARE INCINERATORS HEARTLAND AUDIO-INC HEDAHLS HEADQUARTERS HEISLER'S COUNTRY OIL HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING AUTO·PARTS INC. HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HARDWARE CITY HENNING HILLTOP LUMBER -INC INPRO CORPORATION- INSIGHT , JJ'S GAS AND GROCERIES JK SPORTS JOHNSON BEARING COMPANY ERWIN JOHNSON KELLY SERVICES INC. KRIS ENGINEERING INC. L & L SERVICE LAKE REGION DENTAL CENTER LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKE REGION SURVEYING INC LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE LAKEWAY MARKET LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC. MAIN STREET GAS & GOODS LLP MARLIN'S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR MCHRMA MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY COMPANY MERICKEL LUMBER & ACE HARDWARE THE MIDWEEK . MIDWEST PRINTING CO. MIKE'S LOCK & KEY SERVICE MN MOTOR COMPANY KURT MORTENSON DENNIS MOSHER N.F. FIELD ABSTRACT CO INC NANIK' S ELECTRIC . NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NELSON DODGE GMC POLARIS AMOUNT 99.99 6.39 4.05 .60.48 33.30 348.34 231.57 127.48 388.80 104.00 670.08 478.96' 1,009.80 25.00 448.82 282.15 288.45 24.86 134.41 2,82s.oo- 91.oo 268.00 .116 .32 300.00 291.18 129.09 483.09 4.00 1,270,35 2,838.00 4,800.00 45.00 23.91 83.94 831.-22 404.65 50.00 69.70 31.22 76.64 896.73 · 112 .so 346 :28 276.14· " 46. 80 575.00 60.00 33.65 444.04 0 0 0 • • • 2/11/2003 13:09:17 • • Otter Tail County Warrants February 11, 2003 Page 3, Attachment A OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 3 WARRANTS APPROVED ON ·2/11/2003 FOR PAYMENT 2/11/2003 VENDOR NAME NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY NORTH UNION TEXACO OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER PAMIDA INC. PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE PEBBLE LAKE TAKE 5 PELICAN CASH & DASH PENROSE OIL COMPANY PERHAM ACE HARDWARE PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY PERHAM CONOCO PETE'S AMOCO PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING PHILLIPE LAW·OFFICE PRAIRIE IMPLEMENT INC. RECYCLING ASSOCIATION OF MINNE THE RENTAL STORE REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. RINGDAHL AMBULANCE SERVICE ROTHSAY TRUCK STOP & CAFE INC SCHMITZ FORD SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SEWER SERVICE SHERWIN WILLIAMS :•. SIGELMAN STEEL.& SALVAGE SOUTH MILL SERVICE STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA STEIN'S INC. STENERSON LUMBER STOLPMAN LAW OFFICE STOP-N-GO STORES INC. STRAND ACE HARDWARE DAVID THOMPSON UNDERMART UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNITED RENTALS INC UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA VALLEY SOFT. WATER LTD VERGAS ACE HARDWARE VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VOSS LIGHTING WADENA GM WADENA HIDE & FUR COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE WES' FUEL STOP WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. WILKIN CO SHERIFF 210 LUBE EXPRESS AMOUNT. 288.34 45.62 182.06 50.00 112.58 265.66 28.01 321. 77 612.08 24.50 21.57 164.31 1,107.33 106.50 308.00 292.35 185.00 46.85 22.31 718.50 37.50 308.27 2,830.00 425.00 100.16 25.35 330.33 1,680.18 871.19 202.72 16.50 607.59 14.90 315.00 74.60 187.86 232.00 120.00 28.76 74.27 42.03 196.25 394.68 349.02 9.50 49.70 1,636.00 38.20 31.60 Otter, TaihCounfy,Warra·n1s;. February11,:2003· Page·4: Attachment A IFD66 COUNTY 56 2/11/2003 13:09:17 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION PAGE 4 **** WARRANTS APPROVED ON 2/11/2003 FOR PAYMENT 2/11/2003 VENDOR NAME FINAL TOTAL ...... . . AMOUNT ., \ $75,832.55' **** i • 0 0 0