HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/19/2002.. ' • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Thursday, December 19, 2002 1 :00 p.m. Call to Order Sharon Wicklund called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :06 p.m. Attendance: Tonya Anderson, Brian Armstrong, Rick Denzel, John Dinsmore, Sue Ewy, Chuck Grotte, David Hauser, Barb Jongeling, Chuck Kitzman, Cheryl Kottom, Larry Krohn, Don Larson, Malcolm Lee, Mick McCormick, Barbara Molter, Sydney Nelson, Wayne Roisum, Heather Severson, Wayne Stein, James Stewart, Jodi Wentland, and Sharon Wicklund. Excused Absence: Richard Akerman, Dwight Serven, Carol Brause, Doug Cannell, Anne Mueller, and Kirsten Olson. Unexcused Absence: Tim Brand. Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior Heather Severson read the Norms of Behavior list. • Review of Minutes Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of November 21, 2002, by consensus. • Review of Agenda Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of December 19, 2002, by consensus with one addition: Christmas Pot Luck. Discussion Items A. Christmas Pot Luck B. Wellness Subcommittee: Kathy Domholt distributed the Problem Solving Form on the Wellness Subcommittee to the LMC members which included the following information: Identified Issue: Need to formalize the Wellness Committee with plans for representation, rotation of members, where the committee "belongs" in terms of County structure, and continuing support of wellness activities from leaders in the County. Description of Current Situation: Lack of representation of all departments on the Wellness Committee. Current members have served for two years with no vehicle to replace current members. Need for new, innovative ideas, which requires time while employees are still performing their regular jobs. Interests of Involved Persons: Some members desire to be off the committee after two years. Some Department Heads and/or committee members have concern with the time demands that vary, depending on activity for wellness activities to continue. Participation of Otter Tail County employees is good-desire for wellness activities to continue. Lakes Country Service Cooperative is supportive of wellness activities. Wellness helps in controlling health insurance costs. Some members think the committee needs formalization. k ' .. Recommended Options: , Labor/Management Committee Minutes December 19, 2002 • Discussion as to where the Wellness Subcommittee belongs: continued as subcommittee of the Q LMC, include the Wellness Subcommittee with the Health Insurance Subcommittee as a Health & Wellness workgroup of the LMC, include the wellness program with the Safety program as a Health & Safety Committee, Designate the Wellness Committee as a separate committee on its own. • Develop plan for representation, rotation of members, and duties based on the decision of where the committee belongs. • Need for a Public Health Nurse to be on the committee at all times. Wellness Subcommittee Background Information: The Wellness Committee was formed as a result of Lakes Country Service Cooperative allocating a percentage of health insurance administrative fees back to participating entities for wellness education. Each entity must submit a "wellness plan" to LCSC on an annual basis to obtain the funding. The goal is to educate employees to slowly change life-style behaviors that have a negative impact on one's health. After two years, concerns have been expressed regarding committee membership and a need for additional time/participation from departments. Current participation in the Wellness Committee includes: Marion Kershner, Public Health Nurse Kathy Domholt, Coordinator's Cindy Thompson, Assessor Peggy Nelson, Auditor Sharon Wicklund, Highway Joyce Thompson, Land & Resource Ardell Bolles, Coordinator's Sheri Dahlen, Public Health Anna Marie Koehler Tabbery, Nutritionist Marilyn Heller, Attorney Diane Wieland, Treasurer Leon Anderson, Human Services Brian Armstrong, GIS Jeff Gontarek, Court Services Mavis Austin, Maintenance C. Insurance Subcommittee: Kathy Domholt distributed the Problem Solving Form on the Insurance Q Subcommittee to the LMC members which included the following information: Identified Issue: • Because of the ever-changing insurance market, insurance plans need to be reviewed on a regular basis for cost effectiveness and also, to identify new or revised optional benefits that could be offered to County employees. • Current representation on subcommittee does not include all groups of the County. • No vehicle to replace current members. • No formalized plan to report to the LMC on activities of the Insurance Subcommittee. Description of Current Situation: • Need to research health insurance options (such as VEBA's) because of the continuing inflationary costs of health insurance premiums. • On-going review of all insurance plans may be necessary. • Current committee membership does not represent all departments in the County. • Rotating membership on the subcommittee has not been determined. • Reporting procedures back to the LMC have not been identified. Interests of Involved Persons (Some that have been identified): Current Insurance Subcommittee Membership: • Kathy Domholt, Benefits Coordinator (Permanent). • David Hauser, County Attorney (Permanent). • Dawn Godel, Payroll Supervisor-Member of Labor/Management Committee at the time appointed and represented the Accounting Department in the Auditor's Office. Q • Leon Anderson, Human Services Fiscal Supervisor-Member of Labor/Management ~ Committee at the time appointed and represented the Accounting Department in Human Services. • Mary Ann Anderson-Represents the Human Services Support Specialist Union. • Carol Brause-Represents the Human Services Professional Unit. • Recommended Options: Labor/Management Committee Minutes December 19, 2002 • Determine representation and rotation of Insurance Subcommittee membership. • Insurance Subcommittee could be a "work group" of the LMC meetings (if necessary to meet) and report back to the LMC. • Identify the best way to update the LMC regarding the Insurance Subcommittee's discussions and recommended actions for benefit issues/changes. Labor/Management Committee group discussion followed: • When a decision is needed, the subcommittee brings information to the LMC Committee, and after their review, brings information in front of the County Board of Commissioners. • Not all departments are represented by the Insurance Subcommittee. • There are county employees that have a certain amount of expertise that could benefit this subcommittee. • This LMC Committee needs to go to the departments to see who would be interested in being a subcommittee member. • When forming a subcommittee, there is need to review how many.,i,_ndividuals would represent that specific subcommittee. h~ ,..r:::r,,' • Are there certain departments that need representation? '-J..• <'.! &- • Representation on the Insurance Subcommittee ou d include: Public Health Nurses Union, Social Workers upport pec1a 1s s mens, Kat~y Dqmhol~avid Hauser, Highway Maintenance Union, and Law Enforcement Unions. -l\Jt\~ • Do we have a recommendation on setting up these su~committees? • The LMC needs to discuss with the Department Heads and Supervisors prior to bringing in front of the County Board of Commissioners. Consensus was reached to table the Insurance Committee topic until the January 16, 2003 meeting. RTC Building Subcommittee: Please review the RTC Building Subcommittee Current Issues on the problem solving form. Consensus was reached for Sharon Jewell to email all department employees that will be moving to the RTC the RTC Building Subcommittee Current Issues Problem Solving Form. E. Representatives List: Larry Krohn went back to the original minutes where the Bylaws and Representatives List were created. In the Representatives List, there were twelve management at large and five non-union at large. The original Representatives List was never set up with County Departments with individual representatives. Consensus was reached to attach the Representatives List to minutes. Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates The Public Health Labor/Management Committee has been working on: • Struggling with staffing issues. • Public Health Nurse will be retiring this winter or early spring. • Prioritization programs. • Public Health Labor/Management Committee Assessment. The Human Services Labor/Management Committee has been working on: • Committee has met with a couple of cell phone vendors. • General Office Equipment Information Sharing/Announcements Sue Ewy discussed the Smallpox vaccinations with the Labor/Management Committee. Adverse reactions to the Smallpox vaccination, are one or two deaths out of a million individuals obtaining the • vaccination. It looks like the vaccine, which will be a new medication, will be available to the public in the year 2004. The Smallpox Vaccine will be voluntary. If any County employee has any questions, please give me a call. Next Meeting The discussion items for the December agenda include: • Supervisor Training Subcommittee • Wellness Subcommittee • Customer Service Adjournment Labor/Management Committee Minutes December 19, 2002 At 2.54 p.m., Brian Armstrong declared the meeting of the Otter Tail Committee adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 16, 2002. County Labor/Management ,; Anad'lment ! 0 0 0 PROBLEM SOLVING FORM Subcommittee Formed: [2]Yes □No Identified Issue: RTC Building Current Issues Description of Current Situation: RTC Building Concerns/Questions -Counter Height -Extension Service Office Location -Individual Office Layout -Parking-Employee/Public -Road Access-5:00 p.m. -Purchase of Water Coolers Recommended Options: The RTC Building Subcommittee will email this completed Problem Solving Form to all employees who will be affected by the move to the RTC. Form Completed by: Doug Cannell, Barbara Molter, Sharon Jewell Date: 12/17/02 ' Completed forms should be routed to: LMC Representative Date Reviewed by LMC: 12/19/02 -~~tion Agreement by LMC: RTC Building Concerns/Answers • Counter Height-The Building Committee has met with individual departments on counter heights and has made adjustments where necessary. Extension Service Office Location-The Building Committee does not yet know. There are several options of where the Extension Service could be located. • Individual Office Layout-Ann Packer, our space planner with the Jackson Street Studio, has met with all departments on layouts. There are two workstations set up in the lower level of the Government Services Building that employees can view. One workstation is designed for employees whose job duties include meetings with clients, etc. The other workstation is designed for employees whose job duties do not include meeting with clients, etc. The RTC Building will have 280+ windows. County positions that require private offices will be placed to the inside away from windows. • Parking-Employee/Public-Inside of the horseshoe in front of the RTC Building there will be approximately 110 parking places for the public. There will be approximately 210-220 parking spots for employees behind the RTC Building. • Road Access at 5:00 p.m.-Several County employees have voiced a concern regarding the road that comes in from the corner of Fir and 41\ that it is going to be so busy at 5:00 p.m. We are anticipating this situation, the Building Committee has discussed it, and we have talked with the City of Fergus Falls. The Building Committee has decided to wait and see to evaluate our traffic patterns after relocation. • Purchase of Water Coolers-In the RTC Building there will be coffee bars at four different locations. These coffee bars will have a coffee maker like what we have presently, a microwave, a refrigerator with icemaker, and sinks. All coffee bars and main lounge will be serviced by a central reverse osmosis water filtration system which will be connected to all icemakers, all coffee makers, and all sinks. There will also be a commercial icemaker in the main lounge. Any future concerns/issues should be directed to employee's department head for consideration. Upon the discretion of department head, concern would then be addressed to the Building Committee. AKERMAN, RICHARD MANAGEMENT AT LARGE BRAND, TIM· MANAGEMENT AT,LARGE . - DINSMORE, JOHN MANAGEMENT AT LARGE· . JONGELING,BARBARA TEAMSTERS SUPPORT SPECIALISTS . lARSON,D0N AFSCME HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE Mueller, Anne Teamsters Detention SEVERSON, HEATHER TEAMSTERS PUBLIC HEALTH WICKLUND, SHARON NON-UNION AT LARGE ' ,, .-,, " ! Union and Non-Union Representatives List 12/19/02 0 -----:: ,,---: ~ ---:., . /'<', ... . An.derson, Tonya · · · ARMSTRONG; BRIAN . BERVEN, DWIGHT . Non-Union at large·:· MANAGEMENT AT, LARGE. AFSCME ·. · New York Mills HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE " BRAUSE,CAROL .. CANNELL, DOUG . Denzel, Rick •TEAMSTERS MANAGEMENT AT LARGE· Management at large SOCIAL WORKERS ,. . .. . .. . . - ' HAUSER, DAVID EWY,SUE GROTTE, CHUC~ MANAGEMENT AT LARGE MANAGEMENT AT LARGE MANAGEMENT AT LARGE .. " ,, . . KITZMAN, CHUCK Kottom, Cheryl . KROHN,lARRY MANAGEMENT AT LARGE 'Teamsters COORDINATOR . Sunnort Soecialists . "" McCORMICK, MicK " . LEE, MALCOLl),I. MOLTER, BARBARA ,,...... TEAMSTERS COMMISSIONERS SHERIFF SUPERVISORY NON-UN19N AT LARGE " " NELSON, SYDNEY OLSON, KIRSTEN · ROISUM, WAYNE COMMISSIONERS " NON-UNION AT LARGE NON-UNION AT LARGE "" . ", ' " . . STEIN, WAYNE " Stewart, Jarnes WENTLAND, JODI MANAGEMENT AT LARGE Teamsters· .. MANAGEMENT AT LARGE " ,, . 0 LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ATTENDANCE/SIGN IN CHECK SHEET MEETING DATE: December 19, 2002 • Richard Akerman Tonya Anderson Brian Armstrong Dwight Serven Tim Brand Carol Brause Doug Cannell Rick Denzel John Dinsmore .ueEwy Chuck Grotte Chuck Kitzman Cheryl Kellom • Excused Excused Excused Joanne Derby Cheryl Jones Merle King Lori Morrell Larry Krohn Don Larson Malcolm Lee Mick McCormick Barbara Molter Anne Mueller Sydney Nelson Kirsten Olson Excused Wayne Roisum Heather Severson Wayne Stein ~ James Stewart Jodi Wentland Sharon Wicklund