HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/16/2002• • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Thursday, May 16, 2002 1 :00 p.m. Call to Order Dawn Godel called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :06 p.m. Attendance: Tonya Anderson, Brian Armstrong, Greg Burns-New Douglas County Business Agent, John Dinsmore, Sue Ewy, Dawn Godel, Terry Hoff, Barb Jongeling, Amy Kampa, Merle King, Cheryl Kottom, Larry Krohn, Don Larson, Malcolm Lee, Mick McCormick, Syd Nelson, Wayne Stein, James Stewart, Joe Thompson, Jodi Wentland, Rick West, and Sharon Wicklund. Excused Absences: Sharon Bjork, Tim Brand, Joanne Derby, David Hauser, Blake Johnson, Cheryl Jones, Marion Kershner, Merle King, Lori Morrell, Anne Mueller, Wayne Roisum, and Gary Waskosky. Unexcused Absences: Rick Denzel. Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior Sue Ewy read the Mission Statement and Rick West read the Norms of Behavior list. Review of Minutes Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of April 18, 2002, by consensus. Review of Agenda Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of May 15, 2002, by consensus, with the additional discussion item: Assessment/Feedback Subcommittee. Discussion Items A. Building Security: Rick Sy1sma introduced architects David Schultz and Madeline Albright with Schultz Torgerson Architects. Listed below is an overview of items discussed regarding the Regional Treatment Center (RTC) site. • Safety and Security are high on the architectural list. • OSHA work spaces/work place areas. • Personal/asset security. • Exterior lighting around the building. In addition to our architectural team, we have engineers reviewing all electrical issues. We have a backup generator here in the courthouse; we should have one at the RTC too. • We are designing better air control over at the RTC. • Over the years there's been talk about access card entry system, this would be a good time to implement one at the RTC. This system would include a picture badge for each employee. • We brought Natalie on board to help us design space so the planning goes smoothly. She is talking to Department Supervisors and staff on the issues of design, safety, and security. There will be private offices, where needed, and the remainder of offices will become cubicles. • The white noise system can also be used as an all-call emergency alert. If we need to monitor a particular area, we would be able to set up a TV with a monitor. • There is a new international building code going into effect in the United States on July 1, 2002. • Indoor air quality, ventilation systems will have sufficient outside fresh air. • Control of employees/customers accessing entries. otter Tail county Labor Management committee May 16, 2002 Page 2 • Each ID access code passage can be coded for individual departments and locations. Possibly use C cameras for entrances and parking lots. Further discussion on key card and access control. • David Schultz, Ann Packer, and Madeline Albright would like negative and positive feedback from all departments. • Files and computer stations will need to be locked if the RTC has open offices. • The Highway Department is tentatively scheduled to move into the 505 Bldg., after Human Services moves to the RTC. Court Security will be expanding in the courthouse building. Law Enforcement will probably expand into the Highway Department's old location. • David Schultz presented the architectural sketches of the RTC County Offices layout. • Discussed public and employee parking at the RTC site. We will be developing some park area out of the staff lounges, so on nice days, employees can sit outside. • The most aggressive schedule for completion of the RTC building will be this time next year. • County vehicles will have one area for parking at the RTC. The employee's parking lot will have 330 parking spots, there will be an additional 100 parking spots for County vehicles. • One of the reasons finding a parking spot and the courthouse is so difficult is do to the courts parking requirements. At the RTC there will be a specific spot for a loading zone area. • In the basement of the RTC there will be air handlers and storage. Each department will have storage directly below them. In the event of a tornado, there is space set aside just for that need. • In the event of a disgruntled employee or customer, we are not recommending panic buttons at this time. We plan to evaluate what systems would be best, and hope to address this issue through employee training and office procedures. • Recommendation was made for departments to come up with a communication plan like Larry Krohn's office has. • Human Services meets quite often with clients in conference rooms and sometimes clients get irate, what do we do? We will have to look at each situation. Any enclosed rooms, at a minimum should ( have a window. How about having a panic button and when pushed flashes a red light above the · door for others to see. A lot of things can be designed to make the RTC building more secure, this is going to be based on procedures. • How does work flow through your departments. Any concerns should be brought through your supervisor to the architecture team. • Privacy of Data. • We are trying to be sensitive to what your needs are. • The core cost of renovation is approximately $68 a square foot, which works out to be $7,000,000 for renovation, and $1,000,000 in furnishings. B. Bylaws: Dawn Godel distributed updated Bylaws for consideration. New Bylaws were approved by consensus. C. Customer Service Subcommittee: This Subcommittee is scheduled to meet on Friday, May 31, 2002. D. Assessment/Feedback Subcommittee: Jim Stewart handed out a Labor/Management questionnaire he and David Hauser prepared. Jim Steward asked group to review this questionnaire. Members will use this form as they leave this committee. Committee reached consensus for all members who leave committee to fill out this questionnaire. Information Sharing/Announcements Dawn Godel reported that for all committee members whose terms are ending at the end of June, please give your notebooks to your replacements. If members cannot find a replacement, they will continue on for an additional term. Please invite all new members to the June LMC. C Brian Armstrong told group to watch for emails from Sharon and him. • • • Otter Tail county Labor Management Committee May 16, 2002 Page 3 Mac Lee reported that the Legislators' meeting has ended, and the Otter Tail County budget looks like it is balanced pretty well, but there is a delay in monies to County Agencies. Rick West reported that the Transportation Funding looks better than in past years. Dawn Godel reported that there will be new member training scheduled for Wednesday, July 24, 2002 and all Labor/Management Committee Members are requested to attend. If the Human Services LMC or Public Health LMC has new members that want to attend this training, I have a few extra spots. Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates Public Health has been discussing the following items: • Looking at a tracking issues of personnel, safety, and security issues • Implementing overtime. Human Services has been working on the following items: • Working with Lori Morrell. • Conferences • Telecommuting and conference times. Next Meeting The discussion items for the June agenda include: • Customer Service • AssessmenUFeedback Subcommittee • Pot Luck Adjournment At 2:57 p.m., Dawn Godel declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, June 20, 2002. · o,j Attachment [Sharon Jewell -OTCTMC°Committee"_Trivi_a 1 • • • From: To: Date: Subject: Sharon Jewell Labor/Management Committee 5/24/02 10:34AM OTC LMC Committee Trivia! At the June 20, 2002 Labor/Management Committee Meeting, you will be asked to participate in the Otter Tail County Trivia! You will be emailed each week trivia questions (or hints) to decipher and answer. You ask: What kind of game will we be playing? HINT (Popular TV Show with challenges) Please provide the name of your replacement so they can also participate in the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee Trivia'! Below are your first questions/hints? The County has a symbol; the answers you seek are located between it's toes! Answer: ___________________ _ 1. Courthouse, Courthouse ---Where should we put the Answer: ___________________ _ 2. What appears over the County Symbol? Answer: ___________________ _ 3. I am only as strong as my weakest link ---What am I Answer: ___________________ _ 4. I used to live in Ruyon Township. Answer: ___________________ _ Please hold onto your answers until the next LMC Meeting!!!!! Sharon R. Jewell, Office Manager Otter Tail County Coordinator 121 W. Junius Ave. Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Phone: 218-739-2271, x265 Fax: 218-739-3721 email: sjewell@co.otter-tail.mn.us Courthouse? and how long am I? Page f] • • • From: To: Date: Subject: Sharon Jewell Labor/Management Committee 5/28/02 12:59PM Otter Tail County LMC Trivia --Second Hint! Below is your 2nd Hint! The County has a symbol; the answers you seek are located between it's toes! Answer: The County's symbol is an Otter and between an Otter's toes is webbing for swmming. The answers you seek are located in the Otter Tail County's Website! • • • From: To: Date: Subject: Sharon Jewell Labor/Management Committee 5/24/02 10: 34AM OTC LMC Committee Trivia! At the June 20, 2002 Labor/Management Committee Meeting, you will be asked to participate in the Otter Tail County Trivia! You will be emailed each week trivia questions (or hints) to decipher and answer. You ask: What kind of game will we be playing? HINT (Popular TV Show with challenges) Please provide the name of your replacement so they can also participate in the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee Trivia!' Below are your first questions/hints? The County has a symbol; the answers you seek are located between it's toesl Answer: ___________________ _ 1. Courthouse, Courthouse ---Where should we put the Answer: ___________________ _ 2. What appears over the County Symbol? Answer: ___________________ _ 3. I am only as strong as my weakest link ---What am I Answer: ___________________ _ 4. I used to live in Ruyon Township. Answer: ___________________ _ Please hold onto your answers until the next LMC Meetingll!!I Sharon R. Jewell, Office Manager Otter Tail County Coordinator 121 W. Junius Ave. Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Phone: 218-739-2271, x265 Fax: 218-739-3721 email: sjewell@co.otter-tail.mn.us Courthouse? and how long am I? • • • From: To: Date: Subject: Sharon Jewell Labor/Management Committee 6/14/02 11:30AM LMC May 16, 2002 Minutes; June 20, 2002 Agenda; and Trivia Questions Attached are the May 16 LMC Minutes and the June 20 Agenda. And now for more Trivia Questions! I ! 1. The Courthouse building is missing something (hint 1920) ... .. _, Page 1 J Answer ________________________________ _ 2. In 1871 I was like a caged animal, how big was my cage? Answer ________________________________ _ 3. I have to be 12 years old to adopt it. What is it? Answer ________________________________ _ In the year 2000, Minnesota averaged 61.8 people per square mile. Women owned 26.4 percent of all business firms. Old People Polie and Geese was once a popular bumper stick . • • • OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP DISTRIBUTION LIST Mail E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E M 1/0 E E 1/0 E E E M E E E E M/FAX M/FAX M E L-Labor M-Management L M L M M M M L M M L L M L L M L M L L M L M L L M M M L Name Department Tonya Anderson court services -NYM Brian Armstrong GIS Sharon Bjork Human services Tim Brand MIS Rick Denzel Solid waste/Recycling John Dinsmore Human services Sue EWY Public Health Dawn Godel Auditor David Hauser Attorney Terry Hoff Building Maintenance Blake Johnson court Services Barb Jongeling Human services Amy Kampa court Services Marion Kershner Public Health Cheryl Kottom Human services Larry Krohn county coordinator Don Larson Highway Malcolm Lee county commissioner Mick McCormick Sheriff Anne Mueller Sheriff Syd Nelson county commissioner Wayne Roisum Land & Resource Wayne Stein Auditor James Stewart Sheriff Joe Thompson Highway Gary waskosky Sheriff Jodi Wentland Human services Rick west Highway Sharon Wicklund Highway <Ex Officio Membersl Lori Morrell Joanne Derby Merle King Cheryl Jones Bureau of Mediation Teamsters 320 Teamsters 320 AFSCME Phone 385-3831 739-7162 475 287 736-4400 413 739-2528 241 200 770-0313 220 448 220 739-2528 429 265 589-8167 264 337 314 264 226 240 580 864-5607 352 490 269 395 06/14/02 LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ATTENDANCE/SIGN IN CHECK SHEET MEETING DATE: May 16, 2002 • Tonya Anderson Larry Krohn Brian Armstrong Don Larson Sharon Bjork Excused Malcolm Lee Tim Brand Excused Mick McCormick Rick Denzel lA. o :€. :t,..CW:,e. c0 Lori Morrell Joanne Derby Anne Mueller Excused John Dinsmore Syd Nelson sue Ewy • Dawn Godel Wayne Roisum ~~~}e~o~s Excused David Hauser Wayne stein Terry Hoff James Stewart Blake Johnson Excused Joe Thompson Gary waskosky Excused Amy Kampa Jodi Wentland / Marion Kershner Excused Rick west Merle King Sharon Wicklund .heryl Kottom F:\USERS\Human Resources\Labor Management\attendance sheet.doc