HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/18/2002•
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Commissioners' Room,-Floor 1-B
Thursday, April 18, 2002
1 :00 p.m.
Call to Order
Dawn Godel called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :07 p.m.
Attendance: Tonya Anderson, Brian Armstrong, Tim Brand, Rick Denzel, John Dinsmore, Dawn Godel,
David Hauser, Blake Johnson, Amy Kampa, Marion Kershner, Cheryl Kottom, Don Larson, Malcolm Lee,
Mick McCormick, Anne Mueller, Syd Nelson, Wayne Roisum, Wayne Stein, James Stewart, Gary
Waskosky, and Sharon Wicklund.
Excused Absences: Sharon Bjork, Joanne Derby, Sue Ewy, Terry Hoff, Barb Jongeling, Merle King, Larry
Krohn, Lori Morrell, Judie Sletta, Jodi Wentland, and Rick West.
Unexcused Absences: Joe Thompson.
Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
Gary Waskosky read the Mission Statement and Wayne Stein read the Norms of Behavior list.
Review of Minutes
Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of March 21, 2002, by consensus.
Review of Agenda
Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of April 18, 2002, by consensus.
Discussion Items
A. Customer Service: The following customer service items were discussed:
John Dinsmore presented the following information on Interest Based Problem Solving.
• Issue:
• Interest:
The subject of problem solving or negotiation-the what, the problem to be solved.
One party's concern(s), need(s) or desire(s) behind an issue; the why the issue is
being raised.
• Position: One party's proposed solution to an issue.
• Option: Possible solutions to an issue to meet one or more interests.
• Standard: Agreed-upon qualities of an acceptable solution based on objective criteria or
norms, independent of any party's will or power.
• Customer Satisfaction
Interests: (Representing both Labor and Management Perspectives):
• Examples: County-wide versus by department, communication, confidentiality, impact to
county, improve services, responsive to clients, coordination within the county,
accountability, how information/data will be used (e.g., improve services,
performance appraisals?), incorporate feedback into departmenVprogram
planning and development, OTHERS?
otter Tail County Labor Management Committee
April 18, 2002
• Examples: Acceptability, costs, budgets, other county practices, OTHERS?
Position/Options: (See Distributed Handout)
Marion Kershner passed out a brochure she received from the Fergus Falls Area Chamber of
Commerce on Customer Service Training. The following items were discussed:
• Interests and Standards -confidentiality issues, coordination of county, performance appraisals.
• Types of standards used for customer service.
• The Fergus Falls Chamber of Commerce and the Extension Service have held Customer Service
training sessions.
• Discuss the Extension Service Customer Service Training possibilities with Department Heads.
From there, Larry Krohn could present to the County Commissioners.
• Should customer service training be done on a county-wide basis?
• Accountability to County Taxpayers.
• Is group looking for a long-term or short-term solution?
• Professionalism.
• County-wide Awareness of Customer Service.
• The Law Enforcement Department has mandated customer service training.
• Including customer service training with new employee orientations.
• Group consensus was reached for John Dinsmore to present customer service information to
Department Heads at the next Department Head Staff Meeting.
B. Committee Attendance: The Labor/Management Committees' unexcused absences have been very
low. The Labor/Management Co-chairs will keep a record of all unexcused absences. C
C. Building Security: Dawn Godel reported that she met with Rick Sytsma and Larry Krohn regarding this
committee meeting with the architect. At the May 16th Labor/Management Committee meeting, Rick
Sytsma and the architect will present a report for committee review.
D. Bylaws: Discussed the following changes in the Bylaws:
• Under Article 11, Officers/Recording Secretary, the following changes are recommended:
Change From: Under TERM: The twelve (12) month term will expire December 31 st of each
Change To: The twelve (12) month term will expire June 30th of each year.
Change From: Under SELECTION: Officers will be chosen by their respective parties (Labor
and Management) each December. The co-chair's term will begin in January.
Change To: Officers will be chosen by their respective parties (Labor and Management) by
June. The co-chairs' terms will begin in July.
• Under Article Ill, Terms of Service, the following change is recommended:
Change From: Representatives will commit to a minimum of a two (2) year term, except for the
initial year when one half (1/2) of the membership needs to commit to a three
(3) year term. Thereafter Labor and Management representatives will be
replaced or reappointed every two (2) years by their respective groups. [Terms
beginning July 1]
Change To: Representatives will commit to a minimum of a two (2) year term.
• Under Article VII, Committee Agenda, the following change is recommended: Q
Change From: Th agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting will be distributed to all
committee representatives one (1) week in advance.
Change To: The agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting will be distributed to all
committee representatives one (1) week in advance.
otter Tail county Labor Management committee
April 18, 2002
Page 3
• Information Sharing/Announcements
David Hauser and Jim Stewart will form a new subcommittee entitled AssessmenUFeedback.
Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates
Public Health has been discussing the following items:
• Issue of unplanned overtime.
• Supervisor approval prior to overtime.
• Public Health Agency retreat next week.
Human Services has been working on the following items:
• Delivery of Human Services.
• Hiring Procedures-Department is developing an interesUstandard list on this issue.
Next Meeting
The discussion items for the May agenda include:
• Building Security
• Bylaws
• Customer Service Subcommittee
At 2:47 p.m., Dawn Godel declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee
adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, 2002 .
"' Attachment
county of otter Tail
Labor/Management committee
Article I
1:1q11911:11os116102 I
The Labor/Management committee shall be made up of Labor and Management representatives, comprised of
the following:
Fourteen !14l Management Personnel including:
Twelve !12l Management Personnel, including the county Attorney
Two l2l county commissioners
Fourteen !14l Labor Personnel including:
Two (2l Teamsters Professionals
Two l2l Teamsters support specialists
Five !Sl Non-union
Three !3l Teamsters Law Enforcement <one from eachl
Two (2l AFSCME Highway Maintenance Personnel
one l1l county coordinator
Four !4l Ex-Officio Members including:
Two !2l Representatives of Teamsters 320
one !1 l Representative of AFSCME
one l1l Recording secretary
There will be no alternates for members· attendance at meetings.
This structure shall be reviewed by the committee after one (1l year of committee operation.
Article II
Officers/Recording secretary
The Officers of the Labor/Management committee shall be co-chairs, one l1l Labor and one l1l Management.
TERM: The Officers will serve a term of twelve !12l months. The twelve !12l month term will expire
EleEoFReor ;1"June 30th of each year.
SELECTION: To be a co-chair, the individual must have been a committee representative a minimum of six l6l
months, except for the initial year. Officers will be chosen by their respective parties !Labor and
Management! eaeh EleEeFReerby June. The co-chair's term will begin in JanuaryJuly.
DUTIES: The co-chairs will perform the following duties:
conduct meetings
Finalize agenda <including content and time limits!
Clarify action points at each meeting
The recording secretarv·s responsibilities will include the following:
Keep minutes and attendance
Provide miscellaneous support (purchasing, communications!
Provide meeting agenda one l1l week in advance of scheduled meeting
Maintain permanent file of the meeting and attendance records
Distribute approved minutes for posting.
Article Ill
Terms of service
Representatives will commit to a minimum of a two l2l year term, . exeept fer the initial year when one half 11121
of the FReFReership neeEls to EOFRFRit to a three !~I year terFR. Thereafter laser anEI ManagoFRORt
ropresontati•,es will ee replaeeEI er reappeintoEI e•.•ery two !21 1Iears B'f their respeeti•Je groups. ITerFRs
eegiRRiR!i JlJIY 11
The number of consecutive terms will be limited to two !2l in order to provide the opportunity for new
representatives to participate in the Labor Management committee.
The county Coordinator and county Attorney shall be permanent positions.
Artlcle IV
committee Meetings
The meetings will be held once a month on the third Thursday of the month. The duration of the meetings will
be two 121 hours, unless extended by consensus. The meetings will be from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. in the
county commissioners' conference room unless otherwise arranged.
special Meetings: Special meetings shall be called by the co-chairs with the approval of at least two 121 other C
representatives, one 111 Labor and one 111 Management.
Article V
one-half 11121 of the Labor and one-half 11121 of the Management representatives plus a
co-chair are needed to convene the meeting.
A representative who has two 121 consecutive unexcused absences will be terminated from the committee. The
representatives should contact the county coordinator"s office if they are unable to attend a meeting. An
excused absence is defined as providing advanced notice of absence in the manner stated above.
Artlcle VI
committee Actions
Actions by the committee will be by consensus only. Only committee members can participate in consensus
decision making. ·
Labor/Management committee decisions are recommendations only. All recommendations will receive a
response from the county Board.
The committee is not a collective bargaining forum. However, the committee recommendations can be
fowarded to negotiators for consideration and incorporation into collective bargaining.
The Labor/Management committee may form sub-committees.
Article VII
committee Agenda
A tentative agenda shall be determined at the end of each committee meeting by consensus. The agenda and I
the minutes from the previous meeting will be distributed to all committee representatives one 111 week in
advance. The co-chairs will finalize the agenda. C
Any additions to the agenda shall be routed to the co-chairs and they will contact the recording secretary
regarding the changes.
Article VIII
An assessment/feedback will be done annually by the committee. This Mission Statement will be reviewed at
the time of the assessment/feedback. A special meeting may be called in order to complete the
assessment/feedback and review the Mission Statement.
An assessment/feedback by the employees (Labor and Management) will be done annually. A sub-committee
will be formed to compose the assessment/feedback form, distribute the form to the employees, review the
responses and prepare a final report for the Labor/Management committee. The sub-committee shall be
formed one 111 month prior to the assessment/feedback date.·
Article IX
Participation by representatives will be considered time worked.
Article X
sub-committees: Appointment of sub-committees shall be approved by consensus.
Amendments to Bylaws: Changes and amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed at any meeting of the
Labor/Management committee and shall be approved by consensus at the next meeting. C
MEETINC DATE: April 18, 2002
Larry Krohn
Don Larson
Sharon Bjork Malcolm Lee
Tim Brand Mick McCormick
Rick Denzel Lori Morrell
Joanne Derby t x_ cu..secfJ Anne Mueller
John Dinsmore Syd Nelson
sue Ewy Excused Wayne Roisum • Dawn Godel Judie Sletta
David Hauser Wayne stein
Terry Hoff
Blake Johnson
James Stewart
Joe Thompson
!J oex o l sedJ
Barb Jongeling Excused Gary waskosky
Amy Kampa '.:::)!7--.....,, Jodi Wentland Excused
Marion Kershner 'lrvi Rick west Excused
Merle King Sharon Wicklund
.Cheryl Kottom