HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/21/2002, • .. , MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Thursday, March 21, 2002 1:00 p.m. Call to Order Dawn Godel called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :07 p.m. Attendance: Tonya Anderson, Brian Armstrong, Sharon Bjork, Rick Denzel, John Dinsmore, Sue Ewy, Dawn Godel, Terry Hoff, Amy Kampa, Marion Kershner, Don Larson, Mick McCormick, Syd Nelson, Wayne Roisum, James Stewart, Jodi Wentland, Rick West, and Sharon Wicklund. Excused Absences: Tim Brand, Joanne Derby, David Hauser, Blake Johnson, Barb Jongeling, Merle King, Larry Krohn, Malcolm Lee, Lori Morrell, Anne Mueller, Judie Sletta, Wayne Stein, Joe Thompson, and Gary Waskosky. Unexcused Absences: Cheryl Kottom. Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior • Tonya Anderson read the Mission Statement and Rick West read the Norms of Behavior list. Review of Minutes Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of February 21, 2002, by consensus. Review of Agenda Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of March 21, 2002, by consensus. Discussion Items A. Customer Service: The following customer service items were discussed: • B. • John Dinsmore stated that he has received information from Bob Block and Marion Kershner has received information from Angela Berge. • Group discussed adding additional members to the Customer Service Subcommittee. • Dawn Godel volunteered to be a new Labor member of the Customer Service Subcommittee and Rick West volunteered to be a new Management member. • Customer Service Subcommittee could discuss orientation, training sessions, training programs. • The Fish Video is provided by Lakes Country; some of the departments that have watched this are the Auditor's office, Highway Department, Attorney's office, and the Coordinator's office. • Discussed having a customer service contact in each office. • Customer Service Survey discussion. Discussed possibility of putting a survey on Otter Tail County's website. Also discussed having survey forms in the courthouse for customers to fill out and return by mail. • Discussed getting employees to think about customer service -how you treat them -how you help them . Committee Attendance: Dawn Godel stated that Amy Kampa and I were asked by the Labor/Management Committee to create some meeting guidelines for new members. Amy Kampa distributed the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Meeting Guidelines to committee members for review. The Otter Tail County Labor/Management Meeting Guidelines for review are as follows: I • • • Otter Tail County Labor Management committee Maren 21, 2002 Page 2 Otter Tail County Labor/Management Meeting Guidelines 03/21/02 1. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month from 1 :00 to 3:00 p.m. Plan to attend. No alternative members may attend in your place. 2. If you are unable to attend, call or e-mail the Co-Chairs and Sharon Jewell in the County Coordinator's Office. 3. If you do not let someone know you will not be attending, your absence will be marked "unexcused". a. According to the by-laws, two consecutive unexcused absences will result in termination from the committee. 4. Bring your Labor/Management book to each meeting. You will receive it from the person that had your position before you. 5. When you receive the minutes of the last meeting, take some time to look them over. We approve those minutes at the next meeting by consensus . 6. Communicate with the people you represent. At the time you agree to serve on the committee, you will receive a list of those people and departments. 7. We do not vote, we pass by consensus. Everyone must agree. Our committee does not change policies. Our job is to recommend items to be presented to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. 8. The committee is made up of 14 members from Labor, 14 members from Management, the County Coordinator, Recording Secretary, and three representatives from the various unions. The Recording Secretary and the union representatives can provide input, but have no position when asking to come to consensus. 9. There are two co-chairs, one from Labor and one from Management. 10. You cannot serve on the committee for more than two consecutive terms. 11. From these members, there must be a quorum before a meeting can be held. This means there must be at least seven in attendance from Labor and seven in attendance from Management. 12. To help identify labor and management representatives, the nameplates are color- coded. Labor is in red, management in blue, and union representatives are in green. , • Otter Tail County Labor Management Committee March 21, 2002 Page 3 The Labor/Management Committee members discussed the compilation of an attendance sheet that listseach member's name and meeting dates with a check mark designating whether members were unexcused, excused or present. Group consensus was reached for the Co-Chairs to keep an attendance record of all members. C. New Co-Chairs/New Members: Sharon Wicklund has agreed to be the new Co-Chair for Labor and Brian Armstrong will be the new Co-Chair for Management starting in July, 2002. Group discussion ensued on forming a Party or Recognition Committee to plan something special for the Labor/Management Committee meeting in June for the members who will be leaving the committee; possibly a "pot-luck". Planning this event might be good for our new Co-Chairs. All members with terms ending in June need to find a replacement or commit to another term. In July the new Co-Chairs will take over and the new members should be in place. Remember, all members whose terms are ending need to give their LMC 3-ring notebooks to their replacement. D. Building Security: Discussed the option of setting this topic aside until the RTC is closer to having staff move to that location. Right now the RTC architect is focusing on layouts. Should we set this topic aside until we move to the regional treatment center? Our committee could be proactive and possibly meet with the architect with our detailed space needs for each department. If we have security concerns we should get them on the table right now so the architect can take them into consideration in the RTC layout. The following is a list of security issues to take into consideration at the RTC: • Doors, Access • Time Doors are Unlocked and Locked • Public Areas, Workplace Areas • Training for Receptionists • Deescalation Techniques • • Security Guard • Security Cameras • Traffic Control vs. Security Group discussion on the possibility of dedicating one of our LMC meetings to invite the architect and discuss the above issues. When we have our next meeting in April we can discuss the issues/concerns that we want to present to the architect. All LMC members should ask the individuals they represent what their safety concerns are. Dawn Godel will meet with Larry Krohn to discuss inviting the architect to participate in a LMC meeting. Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates Public Health has been working on the following items: • Discussing Overtime • We have a subcommittee looking at space and building issues • Department Retreat in April • What Needs Do We Have to the Public Human Services has been working on the following items: • One of the projects we are working on is an alternative work schedule, 44 almost half of our staff is on an alternative work schedule; some staff are working from 6 a.m. to 6 or 7 p.m., others are working 4-10 hour days, and others are working 9 hour days with every other Friday off. The department is keeping track to monitor if we have a change in our amount of overtime, etc. The department has had a lot of favorable comments. • What's the function of the Human Services LMC? Lori Morrell has met with a lot of our staff • during the last week. • • • • . . otter Tail county Labor/Management Committee March 21, 2002 Page 4 Next Meeting The discussion items for the April agenda include: • Customer Service • Committee Attendance • Building Security • By-Laws Adjournment At 2:30 p.m., Dawn Godel declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, April 18, 2002. '" Attachment --. t LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE ATTENDANCE/SICN IN CHECK SHEET MEETINC DATE: March 21, 2002 • Tonya Anderson Brian Armstrong Sharon Bjork Tim Brand Rick Denzel Joanne Derby John Dinsmore .sue Ewy Dawn Godel David Hauser Terry Hoff Blake Johnson Barb Jongeling Amy Kampa Marion Kershner Merle King .heryl Kottom Excused Excused Excused Q~ll~~ '})1~~ l~c1.es,eoP Larry Krohn Don Larson Malcolm Lee Mick McCormick &ti Lori Morrell t-x.cuS.-<2._c{) Anne Mueller Syd Nelson Wayne Roisum Judie Sletta Wayne Stein James Stewart Joe Thompson Gary waskosky Excused Jodi Wentland Rick West Sharon Wicklund