HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/25/20010 0 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Tuesday, September 25, 2001 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, September 25, 2001, at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Dennis Mosher, Chair; Bob Block, Vice-Chair, Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, and Roger Froemming present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board agenda of September 25, 2001 as mailed. Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of September 11, 2001 as mailed. Community Health Services Public Hearing At 9:35 a.m., Chair Mosher opened the public hearing for the CHS plan. Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, previously advertised the date and time of the public hearing to give citizens an opportunity for input. Ms. Thorson reported that she had received two comments regarding the plan last week, one dealing with second hand smoke issues and the other was a request for a copy of the draft plan. No one from the public was present for comment. Ms. Thorson reviewed public health concerns that will be added to the CHS plan. She stated that this is an update to the Community Health Services plan and she will return to the board for approval in two weeks. Chair Mosher closed the public hearing at 9:40 a.m. Child & Teen Checkup Outreach Contract Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate county officials' signatures to execute the Child and Teen Checkup Outreach Contract which provides $113,148 for outreach to 4,523 eligible children. The contract will be sent to the State of Minnesota before September 30, 2001. Family Planning Grant Application Otter Tail County Resolution 2001 -51 Commissioner Lee introduced the "following resolution and moved its adoption: Be it resolved that: 1. Otter Tail County Public Health may apply for a Family Planning Special Project Grant from the Minnesota Department of Health. 2. Otter Tail County Public Health through the Otter Tail County Human Services Board can enter into a joint agreement with Mid-State Community Health Board in which the Mid-State Community Health Board can enter into a grant contract with the Minnesota Department of Health if the application is successful. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2001 Page 2 3. Diane Thorson, CHS Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the joint agreement and Q contracts as required to implement the organization's participation in the Family Planning Special Projects Grant Program. Commissioner Block seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, was unanimously carried. Adopted this 25th day of September, 2001. Dated: /0 )0"1,/01 ·-~=-+,~ ... ,~~------UMAN SERVICES BOARD Attest: j$f:'t: • ~ Larry Krahe Cle SELF Program Update Mr. Dinsmore briefed the board on the Support for Emancipation and Living Functionally (SELF) program. Otter Tail County has received $8,988 for CY2001 for the development, implementation, and continuation of services designed to help older adolescents in substitute care prepare for the transition to independent living. Addendum to the Children's Mental Health Services Contract Motion bty Lee, dsdecodnd byt Ftrhoem 0 mtt ingT, ~lnCd unatniHmously Scarri~d topauthhorize tfhSe Chair'sAsignature Q. to execu e an a en um o e er aI oun y uman ervIces urc ase o ervIce greement for the Children's Mental Health Services contract for the period of July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001. This addendum replaces the rates effective July 1, 2001. Approval of Bills & Claims Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Adjournment At 10:20 a.m., Chair Mosher declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 9, 2001. Dated: /o / 6 "1/oJ AIL COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD r I Attest /_,,:;'/! ~ Larry Kroh~lerk Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, September 25, 2001, at 10:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Roger Froemming, Chair; Dennis Mosher, ~ Vice-Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, and Bob Block present. W 0 Approval of Agenda OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2001 Page 3 Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board agenda of September 25, 2001 with the following addition: Labor Management Insurance Recommendation and Certification of Health Rates Approval of Minutes Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of September 18, 2001 as presented. Tuffy's Pet Foods Tax Abatement Request Perham City Administrator, Bob Louiseau, reviewed the Tuffy's Pet Foods abatement request. County Attorney, David Hauser, stated that he has reviewed the development agreement and it is consistent with the proposal. He advised two additions to the proposed resolution; 1) the proposed tax abatement should only be effective so long as the property is operating as a pet food production facility, and 2) the Development Agreement needs to be specifically adopted within the resolution because the resolution should set the terms of the abatement. Mr. Hauser read, for the record, comments from the County Auditor regarding the requested abatement. Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, to accept the tax abatement as proposed by the Tuffy's Pet Foods business and approve the resolution with the two additions suggested by the County Attorney. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the County's policy and financing issues. Chair Froemming called for a roll call vote: Commission District 3 Mosher Nay Commission District 1 Nelson Yea Commission District 4 Froemming Yea Commission District 2 Lee Nay Commission District 5 Block Nay Motion failed. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Mosher, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve payment of County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes which include lodging payments as follows: Radisson Suite Administrative Secretary, Renee Gillaspey Best Western Deputy Sheriff, Scott Koennicke Planning Commission Recommendations Conditional Use Permit -Wee Villa LTD Partnership: Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, reported that the Planning Commission recommended replacement of an RCU with a manufactured home and screening an existing deck with conditions, and recommended denial of changing a garage into a used car dealership. Roxanne Vigen and Mary Bogenreif spoke in opposition of the used car business. Motion by Lee and seconded by Mosher, to uphold the recommendations of the Planning Commission to approve a Conditional Use Permit for requests No. 1 and No.2 with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission, and to uphold the denial of request No. 3 as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as GL 4 ex trs (36.15 AC) in Section 14 in Elizabeth () Township, Long Lake (56-784). Chair Froemming called for a roll call vote: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2001 Page 4 Commission District 3 Commission District 1 Commission District 4 Commission District 2 Commission District 5 Motion earned. Mosher Nelson Froemming Lee Block Conditional Use Permit -Sverdrup Township/Everts Township: Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to fill and slope inslopes on a roadway with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as 250th St. in Sections 13 & 24 of Sverdrup Township and in Sections 18 & 19 of Everts Township; North Turtle Lake (56-379). Conditional Use Permit -Girard Township: Motion by Froemming, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to fill a flooded roadway with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as 440th Avenue in Section 22 & 23 in Girard Township; Mason Lake (56-196). Conditional Use Permit -Ruby & Robert Murray: Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to deny a Conditional Use Permit to excavate and fill parts of this lot to establish a buildable site as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as Pt of GL 5 in Section 2 of Perham Township; Little Pine Lake (56-142). Conditional Use Permit -Jerry Berg/Jason Jegtvig: Motion by Lee, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow 3 campers on this property with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as Pt GL 4 (1.69 AC) in Section 13 & Pt SL 1 of GL 9 (1.99 AC) in section 14 of Norwegian Grove Township; Olaf Lake (56-950). Conditional Use Permit -Holly Sonmor: Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to bring existing driveway 2' above lake level for driveway 18' wide with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as Lots 6, 7, & 8 (60.35 AC) in Section 5 of St. Olaf Township; Johnson Lake (56-393). Conditional Use Permit -Howard Dahl. et al: Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to deny a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 12' wide private road as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as E 405' of GL 3 ex platted & ex E 75' (9.02 AC) & Pt of GL 3, W 389' of E 794' ex platted (5.58 AC) in Section 12 of Scambler Township; Pelican Lake (56-786). Conditional Use Permit -Dwight Myers: ' . 0 0 Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to relocate a dwelling per Plan B with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The Q property is described as Lot 4 Blk 1 Sterling Heights in Section 6 of Perham Township; Devils Lake (56-243). 0 0 Fee Schedule Discussion OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2001 Page 5 Solid Waste Director, Mike Hanan, discussed with the Board, issues with disposal of electronics and appliances especially old televisions. He reported that our fee schedule may need to be updated for residents outside of the county. Motion by Block, second by Lee, to establish 5 times the posted rate for non-county residents disposing of waste within Otter Tail County. Discussion followed. The motion and second were rescinded. Motion by Block, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to establish 3 times the posted rate for non-county residents disposing of waste within Otter Tail County. Recess & Reconvene At 11 :47 a.m., Chair Froemming declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners' meeting recessed for lunch. The meeting was reconvened at 1 :01 p.m. State of the County Report Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust (MCIT) Senior Account Executive, Sue Dahlhauser, presented the MCIT 2001 State of the County Report. MCIT services many counties throughout the state and provides worker's compensation, property/liability insurance, and other services. GIS Update GIS Data Base Coordinator, Sherry Leabo, updated the board on E911 conversion issues with QWEST. She reported that the county website should be ready for the public the first part of October. GIS Spatial Coordinator, Brian Armstrong, briefed the board. on the .High Accuracy Reference Network (H.A.R.N.). The language in the subdivision controls ordinance may be revised/modified and surveyors will be notified that the county needs certificates of location on government corners. He reported that money for this year's parceling plan, in the amount of $18,900, has been budgeted and the GIS Department has contracted with Pro-West and Associates to do the parceling in Trondjhem and Rush Lake Townships. He requested $100,000 to continue the parceling project for CY2002 and $150,000 for CY2003. Discussion followed. No action was taken. Applications for License Motion by Lee, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the following application for license: Craig Ronning Hidden Acre Resort 29885 Candor Hall Rd Vergas, MN 56587 Tobacco Premise Permit Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2001 -50 Commissioner Froemming offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the responsibility for the regulation of lawful gambling and the issuance of licenses and permits for the conduct of lawful gambling lies with the Minnesota Gambling Control Board; and WHEREAS, the Multiple Sclerosis Society -Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis, MN, has made an application to the Gambling Control Board for a premise permit to conduct lawful gambling at the Trackside Lounge, in Compton Township of Otter Tail County; and OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2001 Page 6 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 349.213 provides that the Gambling Control Board may not issue a Q premise permit unless they receive a resolution from the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners approving the application for a permit; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is aware of no reason to oppose the conduct of lawful gambling by the Multiple Sclerosis Society -Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis, MN, at the Trackside Lounge, in Compton Township of Otter Tail County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the conduct of lawful gambling by the Multiple Sclerosis Society -Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis, MN, at Trackside Lounge, in Compton Township of Otter Tail County, provided the applicant meets all the necessary criteria for the licenses and permits as required by the Gambling Control Board. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this application and approval shall be provided to the Township of Compton by sending them a copy of this resolution. Commissioner Nelson seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, was unanimously carried. Adopted this 25th day of September, 2001. Dated: _ _./""'n'-l-l/ol!!ll"W/'-"'o"--1 ___ _ ,, OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest L,/1, ~ Larry Kro, Cl rk g, County Board Chair Application for License Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the following application for license contingent upon approval by the Sheriff's Department, County Attorney's office, and securing an insurance certificate. Brenda Minge Spanky's Stone Hearth Spanky's in the Pink, Inc On-Sale Liquor and Sunday Liquor Approval of Contract for S.P. 56-624-10 Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a contract between the County of Otter Tail and Mark Sand & Gravel Acquisition Co. for the CSAH No. 24 project from the South Jct. of CSAH No. 21 to the Jct. of TH 59 in Erhard, MN, contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney. Health & Dental Insurance Rates Q Motion by Lee, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the following health and dental insurance rates: Q 0 0 0 CY2001 OTC Rates (currently Add 13% for charging) CY 2002 $750 Sgl -$177.00 $23.01 $750 Fam. -$474.00 $61.62 $300 Sgl./Copay Plan -$223.00 $28.99 $300 Fam./Copay Plan -$589.00 $76.57 $100 Sgl -$356.00 $46.28 $100 Fam -$958.00 $124.54 Single Dental -$19.00 add 6.00 Family Dental -$50.00 Add 8.00 Total $200.01 $535.62 $251.99 $665.57 $402.28 $1,082.54 $25.00 $58.00 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2001 Page 7 Add for New Total County Plans $3.00 $203.00 $7.00 $543.00 $8.00 $260.00 $22.00 $688.00 0.00 $402.00 0.00 $1083.00 0.00 $25.00 0.00 $58.00 Lifetime Maximum Coverage for Health Insurance Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried not to increase the lifetime maximum on the county's $750 deductible and copay plans to a 3 million dollar maximum from a 2 million dollar maximum and to consider the option again next year as recommended by the Labor Management Committee. Adjournment At 2:10 p.m., a motion was offered by Mosher and seconded by Froemming, to adjourn the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 2, 2001. Motion carried. Dated : __ ~/=61-"'/o .... ~.,.,/,....,.(),.../_· ___ _ I I Attest: ~ -(/2 Larry Kroh, Clrk CB/kd Enc. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By::::--1/J~, ~-,-.,,,1-~~~----- Roger , County Board Chair Otter Tail County Warrants September 25, 2001 Page 1, Attachment A a 0 9/25/2001 12:55:19 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/25/2001 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME ADVANCE ELEVATOR COMPANY INC RICHARD AKERMAN AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY, BEST WESTERN MAPLEWOOD INN BEYER BODY SHOP BLACK BOX CORPORATION C & S AUTO BODY & REPAIR CASEY'S GENERAL STORES, INC. COOPER'S TECHNOLOGY GROUP DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DENNY'S ENTERPRISES INC DMG-MAXIMUS INC FERGUS AUTO SUPPLY FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE FLOOR TO CEILING STORE ROGER FROEMMING LORI GILBERTSON RENEE GILLASPEY GR GRAPHICS INC LARRIS GREWE · ERVIN HAGEN MIKE HANAN IBM CORPORATION INSIGHT INTEGRITY COMPUTER SYSTEMS INTERTECHNOLOGIES GROUP K-MART KNUTSON ELECTRIC KOEP'S CLITHERALL CORNER LAKE REGION DENTAL CENTER LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE MALCOLM LEE LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC. MAIN STREET GAS & GOODS LLP MCCC,NW 3780 NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING KEVIN NEWBORG NIBBLERS INN NORTHERN WASTE SYSTEMS OTTER TAIL CO DEPT PUBLIC HEAL OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OTTERTAIL GLASS INC PAMIDA INC. SUPERCARS PETER RUDH GREGORY PETERSON AMOUNT 1,598.50 13.90 760.70 274.25 85.00 134.91 49.0l 342.64 101.93 346.76 105.28 3,000.00 26.99 5,021.78 170.00 11,782.97 117.99 4.93 24.57 185.44 25.00 3.00 215.87 2,191.03 2,144.13 47.77 342.75 11.70 38.48 145.50 165.00 1,624.75 44.41 450.00 133.17 31,94 6 .34 9,344.63 127.80 238.17 61. 39 21,680.23 74.00 188.69 40.00 21. 80 1,137.63 85.20 5.84 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 9/25/2001 Otter Tail County Warrants September 25, 2001 Page 2, Attachment A 9/25/2001 12:55:19 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/25/2001 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME PMR 2000 POLK PRO ACTION EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY RADISSON SUITE HOTEL THE RENTAL STORE KATI SASSEVILLE JOYCE SCHMIDT CHERI SCHULTZ SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SOBERG RADIATOR STEIN'S INC. THERMAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. THRIFTY .WHITE STORES UGSTAD PLUMBING INC. ULTRA-CHEM INC. UNIFORMS UNLIMITED VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS AMOUNT 44.58 63.00 16.49 158.34 152.25 23.15 76.59 34.41 10.10 30.00 1,223.76 1,365.00 1,017.50 20.13 179.61 91.06 1,681.70 208.94 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 9/25/2001 FINAL TOTAL ...... . $71,170.38 **** 0 0