HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/20/2001• MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Thursday, September 20, 2001 1 :00 p.m. Call to Order Dawn Godel called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :04 p.m. Attendance: Tonya Anderson, Sharon Bjork, Rick Denzel, John Dinsmore, Sue Ewy, Dawn Godel, David Hauser, Blake Johnson, Barb Jongeling, Amy Kampa, Marion Kershner, Cheryl Kottom, Larry Krohn, Don Larson, Malcolm Lee, Mick McCormick, Anne Mueller, Syd Nelson, Wayne Roisum, Wayne Stein, Joe Thompson, Gary Waskosky, Jodi Wentland, Rick West, and Sharon Wicklund. Excused Absences: Joanne Derby, Merle King, Lori Morrell, Judie Sletta, and James Stewart. • Unexcused Absences: Brian Armstrong, Tim Brand, and Terry Hoff. • Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior Larry Krohn read the Norms of Behavior list and Gary Waskosky read the Mission Statement. Review of Minutes Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of July 19, 2001, by consensus. Review of Agenda Committee members approved as presented, by consensus the agenda of September 20, 2001, with the following addition: Insurance Committee Update. Discussion Items A. Violence in the Workplace-Tiny Holm: Tiny Holm presented information on the Annual Mandatory Safety Training Session for the "Right to Know" and "Drugs in Our Community" which is scheduled at the Otter Tail Power Conference Room Center on Monday, October 15, 2001 at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m; and Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. and 11 :00 a.m. The New York Mills Safety Training Session will be on Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., which will be held in the New York Mills office conference room. Tiny is hoping that everyone will be able to attend. If you have any security concerns, please come to see me. David Hauser mentioned the possibility of having a program available after hours on CPR and a general first aid course. Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee September 20, 2001 Page 2 B. Insurance Committee: Kathy Domholt presented the following on Health Care: CY2001 OTC Rates (currently Add 13% for Total charging) CY2002 $750 Sgl.-$177.00 $23.01 $200.01 $750 Fam.-$474.00 $61.62 $535.62 $300 cmm/Copay Plan, Sgl.-$223.00 $28.99 $251.99 $300 cmm/Copay Plan, Fam.-$589.00 $76.57 $665.57 $100 Sgl.-$356.00 $46.28 $402.28 $100 Fam.-$958.00 $124.54 $1,082.54 Add for New Total County Plans $3.00 $203.00 $7.00 $543.00 $8.00 $260.00 $22.00 $688.00 0.00 $402.00 0.00 $1083.00 BCBS is offering to increase the lifetime maximum for the Copay plan and $750 CMM plan to 3 million dollars. Currently the policies have a lifetime maximum of 2 million dollars. This benefit would increase the premiums an additional .75%. The Insurance Committee recommends that we look at this benefit option again next year because the chance of an individual reaching the 2 million dollar maximum is fairly remote and, even though it is an insignificant cost, every increase certainly has an impact to our employees. On the Copay Health Insurance Plan, there will be a $15 copay on office visits, preventative 100%; and prescriptions will be $14 copay. Last year, employees asked the Insurance Committee to look at dental insurance. We looked at a self-insured plan through Fortis Benefits. They offered a lower administrative fee; however, they do not have a network of dentists in our area, so employees would not receive the benefit of reduced provider agreements for services. Therefore, the committee felt that the overall dental costs would not be reduced and then, of course the monthly premiums paid by employees would not be reduced. We also received a bid from Group Link, Inc. Again, because they do not have a provider network in our area, benefits would be payable at a non- participating rate such as 60/40 instead of 80/20. One problem we have in this area is that Delta Dental has the only provider network so there is no competition for dental insurance. The Insurance Committee recommends staying with Delta Dental. The County is still providing additional dollars for the plan, as the premiums are not covering all of the costs. The dental premium for 2002 will be $25.00 for single coverage and $58.00 for family coverage. Proposals for the Long Term Disability and the Life Insurance are due back by October 9, 2001. Consensus was reach by the Labor/Management Committee to refer the Health Insurance Rates information to the County Board. C. Review of Discussion Topics: Dawn Godel reported that at the last meeting everyone was requested to talk to his or her groups and to choose topics they would like the Labor/Management Committee to discuss. Group discussion followed. The Labor/Management Committee chose the following five topics for discussion: 1. Client services 4. Continuing Education 2. Plug-Ins 5. Cultural Diversity Training 3. Building Security C C 0 • • • . ' Otter Tail county Labor Management Committee September 20, 2001 Page 3 Further group discussion on discussing both the client services and plug-ins simultaneously due to the feasibility of doing plug-ins. Consensus was reached by the committee to invite Rick Sytsma to the next Labor/Management Committee meeting to discuss plug-ins. For the discussion item on client services, John Dinsmore and Marion Kershner will bring customer service material to the next meeting. Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates Public Health Update: Sue Ewy reported that the Public Health Labor/Management Committee has been working on putting together a new performance evaluation form which they may rename to a job satisfaction form. The committee has also been discussing quality assurance issues. Marian Kershner reported that the Health Fair had a total of 180 participants, which was a real nice turnout. Also, after completing the first week of the Fitness Challenge, some 70 individuals qualified. Human Services Update: John Dinsmore reported that the Human Services office in New York Mills will be expanding as of January 1, 2002. We are currently working with Rick Sytsma on moving three financial workers and an office support specialist to our New York Mills location. We are discussing office changes with Rick Sytsma, MIS support with Tim Brand, and telephones with ARVIG. The Human Services department is completing the first draft of an alternative/flex work schedule. Our staff will be reviewing some of the options which include monthly options such as 4-10 hour days and 9 hour days with every other Friday off. The alternative/flex work schedule will not necessarily apply to all Human Services positions. We are also discussing the possibility of staff expanding their hours beyond 8-5, vacation, and overtime requests-how far in advance do we need notice of vacation or overtime. The committee has also been discussing Hepatitis B vaccinations; one-third of Human Services employees receive this vaccination, and there have been concerns that more employees may need vaccinations. The last item the committee has been discussing is the water leakage at the 121 Building. Information Sharing/Announcements Dawn Godel thanked Marion Kershner for all the work she did on the Health Fair. Next Meeting The discussion items for the October agenda include: • Client Services • Plug-Ins • Insurance Committee Adjournment At 2:43 p.m., Dawn Godel declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, October 18, 2001. srj Attachment • • • . . . . ·., OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP DISTRIBUTION LIST Mail E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 1/0 1/0 E E 1/0 E E M 1/0 E E E E M/FAX M/FAX M M L-Labor M-Management L L L M L M L L M M L M M L L M L M L L M L L L L M M M L Name Tonya Anderson Brian Armstrong Sharon Bjork Tim Brand Rick Denzel John Dinsmore sue Ewy Dawn Godel David Hauser Terry Hoff Blake Johnson Barb Jongeling Amy Kampa Marion Kershner Cheryl Kottom Larry Krohn Don Larson Malcolm Lee Mick McCormick Anne Mueller Syd Nelson Wayne Roisum Wayne stein James Stewart Joe Thompson Gary waskosky Jodi Wentland Rick west Sharon Wicklund Lori Morrell Joanne Derby Merle King Judie Sletta Department court services -NYM GIS Human services MIS Solid waste/Recycling Human services Public Health Auditor Attorney Building Maintenance court services Human services court services Public Health Human services county coordinator Highway county commissioner Sheriff Sheriff county commissioner Land & Resource Auditor Sheriff Highway Sheriff Human services Highway Highway <Ex Officio Members) Bureau of Mediation Teamsters 320 Teamsters 320 AFSCME Phone 385-3831 739-7162 475 287 736-4400 413 739-2528 241 200 770-0313 220 448 220 739-2528 429 265 589-8167 264 337 314 264 226 240 580 864-5607 352 490 269 395 07/13/01 • • • Otter Tail County Health Insurance Rates CY2001 OTC Rates Add 13% for Total Add for New Total (currently charging) CY 2002 County Plans $750 Sgl -$177.00 $23.01 $200.01 $3.00 $203.00 $750 Fam. -$474.00 $61.62 $535.62 $7.00 $543.00 Copay Plan -$223.00 $28.99 $251.99 $8.00 $260.00 Copay Plan -$589.00 $76.57 $665.57 $22.00 $688.00 $100 Sgl -$356.00 $46.28 $402.28 0.00 $402.00 $100 Fam -$958.00 $124.54 $1,082.54 0.00 $1083.00 • BCBS is offering to increase the lifetime maximum for the Copay plan and $750 CMM plan to 3 million dollars. Currently the policies have a lifetime maximum of 2 million dollars. This benefit would increase the premiums an additional .75%. The Insurance Committee recommends that we look at this benefit option again next year because the chance of an individual reaching the 2 million dollar maximum is fairly remote and, even though it is an insignificant cost, every increase certainly has an impact to our employees. • Last year, employees asked the Insurance Committee to look at dental insurance. We looked at a self-insured plan through Fortis Benefits. They offered a lower administrative fee; however, they do not have a network of dentists in our area, so employees would not receive the benefit of reduced provider agreements for services. Therefore, the committee felt that the overall dental costs would not be reduced and then, of course the monthly premiums paid by employees would not be reduced. We also received a bid from Group Link Inc. Their premiums were comparable to Delta Dental and they do not have a network of dentists. One problem we have in this area is that Delta Dental is the only provider network so there is no competition for dental insurance. The Insurance Committee recommends staying with Delta Dental. The County is still providing additional dollars for the plan as the premiums are not covering all of the costs. The dental premium for 2002 will be $25.00 for single coverage and $58.00 for family coverage. • Proposals for the Long Term Disability and the Life Insurance are due back by October 9th . LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ATTENDANCE/SIGN IN CHECK SHEET MEETING DATE: September 20, 2001 • ~ Tonya Anderson ( ~hidl ~ Brian Armstrong \Lc~c;;. Sharon Bjork Tim Brand Rick Denzel Joanne Derby John Dinsmore esueEwv Dawn Godel David Hauser Terry Hoff Blake Johnson Barb Jongeling Arny Kampa Marion Kershner Merle King • Cheryl Kottorn ~ F \USERS\Human Resources\Labor Management\attendance sheet.doc Larry Krohn Don Larson Malcolm Lee Mick McCormick Lori Morrell Anne Mueller Syd Nelson Wayne Roisurn Judie Sletta Excused Wayne stein James Stewart Joe Thompson Gary wasl<osl<y Jodi Wentland Rick west Sharon Wicklund cJv:u. h'.l f1 ) ~kw