HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/12/20010 0 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Tuesday, June 12, 2001 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail"County Courthouse with Commissioners Roger Froemming, Chair; Dennis Mosher, Vice-Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, and Bob Block present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board agenda of June 12, 2001 as mailed. Approval of Minutes Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Board minutes of May 22, 2001 as mailed. Reimbursement of Probation Officers' Salaries Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, reported receipt of $107,613 or 42.14% of the Probation Officers' salaries from the State of Minnesota DOC. In CY1996, Otter Tail County received 50% of the Probation Officers' salaries and the state reimbursement has decreased every year since that time. The Minnesota Association of County Probation Officers is lobbying for the full 50% reimbursement through the legislative process. Shared Secretarial Services Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute an agreement between the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota for shared secretarial services in the New York Mills Corrections Office for the period of July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001. Compensation to the County for the secretarial services is not to exceed $8,000. Public Health Mandated and Contracted Services Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, presented a handout of services that the Public Health Department provides that are mandated by the State of Minnesota. Additionally, she included special health project grants/programs and other contracted services in the handout. Summary of Bids for Dental Equipment Ms. Thorson reported that the purpose for the rural health outreach grant was to purchase portable dental equipment. Ms. Thorson prepared a bid summary. Only one company, Paterson Dental, submitted a bid on all of the dental equipment requested. Ms. Thorson explained that this portable equipment will be used until a permanent dental site is established and thereafter, it could be used in the New .York Mills building or other areas of the county. She reported that $63,269 will be .received from a state grant to pay for this equipment and the remainder could be paid out of the Vedeen Trust funds. Commissioners expressed concern that only one bid was received; therefore, it is difficult to determine if the bid is a fair and just price. The bid award is scheduled for June 26, 2001. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 12, 2001 Page 2 Proposed Children's Day Treatment Program Q Human Services Supervisor, Jodi Wentland, provided a written proposal for a Day Treatment Program in the Perham School District. The Perham School District has accessed special education funding for the program; therefore, the County cost for the first year is projected at $36,707; second year, $33,688; and third year, $66,621. Ms. Wentland has submitted an application for a grant (maximum -$25,000) to offset the County's share of funding for the first year. The County will also receive funding reimbursement from Medical Assistance, PMAP, and other third party insurance carriers to offset the cost. Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher and carried, with Lee opposed, to authorize the Human Services Director to proceed with a contract for a Day Treatment Program in the Perham School District. Approval of Guardian.and Conservator Agreement Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a Guardian and Conservator Purchase of Service Agreement between the Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and Lutheran Social Service for the period of January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001. The agreement with LSS provides for Guardianship/Conservatorship services and related services for indigent persons who are vulnerable. Approval of Assisted Living Contracts Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement between the Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and Pioneer Senior Cottages/Pioneer. Retirement for the period of May 1, 2001 through 0 June 30, 2002 for residential/assisted living services to eligible persons receiving services under · · AC/EW or CADI programs. Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair's signature to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement between the Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and the Mill Street Residence for the period of May 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 to provide residential services/assisted living to eligible persons receiving services under AC/EW or CADI programs. Transition Grant Ms. Wentland reported that a letter of intent for $100,000 transition grant was submitted to OHS for meeting mental health needs. Otter Tail County received one of three transition grants given statewide. The intent is to connect individuals with mental health issues, to local services to assist with obtaining employment in the community. She reported that the intent is to serve 20-25 people and target the 16-23 age group. The Human Services Director stated that these dollars would be used in developing a contract with different agencies such as corrections. Motion by Block, second by Nelson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Human Services Director to proceed with developing a contract with Tran$ Em for assistance in obtaining employment for individuals with mentalhealth issues to be paid from the Transition Grant dollars. Family Services Collaborative Motion by Froemming, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to appoint Commissioners o.· .. Syd Nelson and Bob Block to the Otter Tail Family Services Collaborative Executive Committee . effective July 1, 2001, for a one-year term. 0 0 a Bills & Claims OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 12, 2001 Page 3 Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Adjournment At 10:47 a.m., Chair Froemming declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 26, 2001. Dated:_-----=c,::.+/ _2-'-'c,,::..+-/ o_,/'-------OTTER TAIL COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD Attest ~ (!Z Larry Kron, Clrk ing, Human Services Board Chair Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 11:00 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Roger Froemming, Chair; Dennis Mosher, Vice-Chair; Syd Nelson; Malcolm Lee, and Bob Block present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, to approve the County Board agenda of June 12, 2001 with the following changes: Motion carried. Cancel the Budget Committee Meeting at 2:00 p.m. Postpone the Personnel Committee Meeting until 2:00 p.m. Add Lake Region Hospital Bonding Proposal at 11:30 a.m. Add Assessor, Bob Moe, at 1 :20 p.m. Add Extension Update at 1 :40 p.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Nelson, second by Block, and unanimously carried to approve the County Board minutes of June 5, 2001, as presented. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Lee, second by Block,. and unanimously carried to approve payment of bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Ditch System No. 4 Ditch Inspector, Tiny Holm, and Ditch Viewer, Richard Bergquist, submitted the Ditch Viewers' Report for Ditch System No. 4. Mr. Bergquist displayed a map showing the Ditch System and showed the areas where the water enters the Ditch. The Ditch Viewers' Report states that the system is 65 -75% effective which was determined by the amount of silt, vegetative matter and debris, including beaver dams within the system. Mr. Holm stated that once the system is cleaned out. it will be 100% effective. Mr. Holm presented a breakdown of how the benefit determination was assessed and the formulas used. Discussion took place regarding the procurement of easement at $100 per acre. The County Attorney stated that this taking is part of the ditch process and the $100 per acre should be added to the Ditch System.· After the County Auditor has completed his work, a public hearing will be established. Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to accept the Ditch Viewers' Report for Ditch No. 4. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 12, 2001 Page 4 Bonding Proposal Q Lake Region Hospital Chief Financial Officer, Ed Strand, Administrator of Lake Region Corporation, Ed Mehl, and other staff discussed a bonding proposal with the County Board. Mr. Mehl noted that the hospital is planning a 6 million-dollar expansion project. In the past, this type of revenue bonding financing has been handled through the City of Fergus Falls. The City is unable to take the bonding financing because the city is projected to meet the threshold of 1 O million dollars this year. If a municipality is over 10 million dollars, the bonds are not available for placement with banks at a competitive rate; therefore Lake Region officials are requesting that the revenue bonding financing for the proposed expansion project go through the County of Otter Tail. The Financial Consultant explained that Lake Region is not asking the County to stand behind the financing, the banks redress would not be against the County. Lake Region simply needs help as a conduit to get favorable interest rates. The Bond Counsel will take care of the process and administration. The next step would be adoption of a preliminary resolution to authorize a public hearing required by statute for this type of financing. The County is not liable for the financing or administration of funds; the federal government requires this process to ensure a reporting mechanism for interest earned by the bank. Recess and Reconvene At noon, Chair Froemming declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners' recessed for lunch break. The Chair reconvened the meeting at 1 :01 p.m. Empty Pesticide Container Collection Solid Waste Public Information/Education Officer, Marie Tysdal, reviewed the empty pesticide container collection program. Collections started in 1997 with the Minnesota Department of Ag. Since that time, collections of empty pesticide containers have decreased each year. At this time, dealers are responsible to collect these containers. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the County's role in this process. Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried to authorize the County to quit sponsoring empty pesticide container collections and leave that responsibility with the providers of the chemicals (dealers and distributors). The motion was amended by Nelson and Mosher to make this effective for Year 2002 and requesting that Solid Waste assist for Year 2001 because of the short notice. State Board of Equalization Assessor, Bob Moe, reported a State Board of Equalization change of 5% reduction in agricultural land and structures in Deer Creek Township. Mr. Moe discussed the County Board of Equalization scheduled for June 14, 2001. He reported an error on the personal property mobile homes. The depreciation hadn't been calculated into the value this year. Discussion followed. Commissioners agreed by consensus that the County can recalculate the personal property mobile home for double depreciation next year for mobile hcime property taxes to correct the error. Approval of License Applications Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for license: · John Young . Balmoral Golf Course Brian Evenson Birchwood Golf Course On/Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor* On/Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor** 0 0 0 B.P.O. Elks Lodge #1093 Jodie Collins Collins Landing Fair Hills Resort Inc. Joseph Koep Koep's Clitherall Corner Eric M. Malmstrom Madsens Resort Daniel Walvatne Main Street Gas and Goods OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 12, 2001 Page 5 On-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor-• Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor On-Sale Wine••• On-Sa le 3. 2 Malt Liquor•••• Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor• Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor* Tobacco 'Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office. ••subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office and to the approval of the County Sheriffs office. *'*Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office and to the Township. '*'*Subject to the approval of the County Attorney's office, the County Sheriffs office, the Township and to the submission of both the appropriate fees and application. 4-H Update Extension Educator, Steve Handegaard, briefed the Board on the 4-H Livestock Fitting & Showing Workshop on June ih_ Educator, Donna Geiser, reported on the upcoming Youth Sewing Extravaganza scheduled for June 22, 2001 as well as the 2001 4-H Youth Day Camps administered by summer interns throughout the cluster. Both East and West Otter Tail Fairs are scheduled to begin on July 18, 2001. Perham Resource Recovery Facility Chair Froemming will serve as representative for Otter Tail County on the Perham Resource Recovery Facility Committee with Commissioner Malcolm Lee designated as an alternate. Adjournment At 2:17 p.m., a motion was offered by Nelson and seconded by Mosher to adjourn the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 19, 2001. Motion carried. Dated: _ __,o=--lo-+l_,__l ...._'l+-f-=--0.._1 ___ _ f I OTTER AIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest k,1 ~ Larry Kroh~ Clrk , County Board Chair CB/kd a Enc. 0 Otter Tail County Warrants June 12, 2001 Attachment A Page 1 0 0 6/13/2001 10:00:14 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PJ\NELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM NARlUIBTS FOR PUBLICATION WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/12/2001 FOR.PAYMENT VENDOR NAME AMOONT A-1 LOCK .l\ND KEY JANICE AJIBERG . AL'S STOP & SHOP INC. AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY, AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION AMOCO OIL COMP.IINY ANDERSON LAND SURVEYING INC. AUTO SAFETY SERVICE BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BATTLE LAKE HARDWARE & RENTAL BATTLE LAKE MOTOR PATROL ASS'N BATTLE LAKE STANDARD ~~~~riG:ORTH µNION TCIWING BEST INC. BJ'S EAST BL EXPRESS BLUE EARTH CO HWY DEPT BOB BARKER COMPANY INC. BOB'S STANDARD BULK SERVICE BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS BRETZ HARDWARE BRIGGS CORPORATION CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS.SUPPLY CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMKT CO-OP SERVICES INC COOPER'S TECHNOLOGY GROUP THE COPY CORNER COPY EQUIPMENT INC. CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES VINCE CRARY D & E TRAVEL INC THE DAILY JOURNAL DAKOTA ELEVATOR DEAN'S COUNTRY MARKET DENNY'S ENTERPRISES INC DENZEL'S REGION WASTE INC. DICK'S STANDARD GAPPA OIL CO. DITCH WITCH OF MINNESOTA INC. DIVERSION AUTO DON'S SERVICE ECONO SALES AND SERVICE ENERGY PARTNERS, LLC ERHARD VILLAGE STORE EVERGREEN EQUIPMENT INC. EVERTS LUMBER CO. FEDEX FERGUS BRICK & SUPPLY INC. 128.20 93 .31 190.42 91. 82 75.00 129.68 760.00 1,368.78 275.57 80. 77 112.00 322.16 158.19 260.62 3,332.66 50.10 97.SO 17.00 133.32 22.09 412.79 6.58 184.77 239.78 56.44 36.00 3,705.56 1,671..04 a.so 284.94 8,119.22 57.96 2,459.00 3,221.33 79.00 21.67 21.02 262.08 60.46 27.24 176.14 22.00 147.25 as.so 376.60 75.85 153.32 20.16 232.60 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 1 6/12/2001 Otter Tail County Warrants June 12, 2001 Attachment A Page 2 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR 6/13/2001 PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM 1 O : 0 0 : 14 WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION' WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/12/2001 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME AMOUNT FERGUS ELECTRIC CITY FERGUS FALLS FERGUS POWER PUMP INC. FERGUS SURPLUS FERGUS TIRE CENTER FRAZEE FORUM, INC ROGER FROEMMING GALL'S INC. DONNA GEISER GERRY'S PARTS SUPPLY GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES GR GRAPHICS INC ERVIN HAGEN STEVE HANDEGAARD NEILL HARDINA BERNARD HARTMAN DAVID HAUSER HEALTH CARE INCINERATORS MILDRED HELMRICHS HENNING ADVOCATE HENNING TRUSTWORTHY HARDWARE LESTER HERNESS DOUG HOLEN HOMESTEAD BUILDING SUPPLIES HOOT'S MARINE IBM CORPORATION THE INDEPENDENT JIM BORTNEM ENTERPRISES JOHNSON BEARING COMPANY ERWIN JOHNSON JUERS' REPAIR INC KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY L & L SERVICE LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKELAND POWER EQUIPMENT LAKES RADIO LAKES 99 FIVE LAKEWAY MARKET LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE PATTY LARUM LIBERTY BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC MACAI MAIN STREET GAS&: GOODS LLP MATTHEW BENDER&: COMPANY INC. MCCC,NW 3780 MERICKEL LUMBER&: ACE HARDWARE MICRO WAREHOUSE THE MIDWEEK MIDWEST PRINTING 251.45 373.34 850.00 25. 54 . 302.85 33.00 95.22 49.48 35 .10 50.14 702.51 185.44 39.02 64.68 35.00 175.00 84.81 5.00 1,064.60 83.90 105.35 1,250.00 33;72 . 28.B8 7,327.51 1,230.69 146.63 360.00 89.42 285.00 350.41 5,498.29 680.94 50. 98. 64.B8 96.00 24.00 446.4B 1,050.00 65.34 1,741.36 75.00 653.49 521.42 3,081.93 129.75 608.00 441.22 41.54 0 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 6/12/2001 0 Q . ' ' . 0 Otter Tail County Warrants June 12, 2001 Attachment A Page 3 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR . IFD66 6/13/2001 10:00:14 PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM Dl!RANTS FOR PUBLICATXON COUNTY 56 PAGE 3 0 0 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/12/2001 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATIO MN ASSOC OF EMS EDUCATORS MN CLE MN MOTOR COMPANY. ROBERT MOE MOORE MEDICAL CORP. DENNIS MOSHER NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS CO. NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NELSON FORD NEW YORK MILLS HERALD NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NICE THREADS INC NORTH UNION TEXACO OLSON FONERAL HOME OLSON OIL CO. OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER OTTER TAIL TELCOM PAMIDA INC. PAUL'S HOLIDAY STATION STORE PELICAN CASH & DASH PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PENROSE OIL COMPANY PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY PERIDIM CONOCO PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM PRINTING PETE'S AMOCO PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING GREGORY PETERSON PINE PLAZA TV & APPLIANCE PRO AG FARMERS COOPERATIVE THE RENTAL STORE REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC. ALLEN RICKS ROCKLER WOODWORKING & HARDWARE RUBNER WELDING & EQUIPMENT RUND BROS. AA TIRE CO. SAMMY'S ONE STOP JOYCE SCHMIDT SCHMITZ FORD SCHOENEBERGER FUNERAL HOME SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC · SEWER SERVICE SIGELMAN STEEL & SALVAGE SOUTH MILL SERVICE SOUTHTOlffl C-STORE STANDARD PARTS OF WADENA STEIN'S INC. AMotlNT 21.9.00 225.00 l.40.13 668.42 41.45 l.08.89 44.85 1.45.17 351..32 l.47.75 31.1.00 21..97 940.50 579.87 150.00 766.80 22.00 568.62 102.10 207.36 174.05 329.38 558.72 369.87 234.17 583.48 46.54 325. 80 362.33 321..07 53.23 132.18 9.57 473.61 50.64 21.3 .35 24.92 9.75 72.76 34.85 35.27 200.00 4,150.00 542.75 3.78 48.80 l.50.75 150.19 1,922.48 6/12/2001 Otter Tail County Warrants June 12, 2001 Attachment A Page4 6/13/2001 10:00:14 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR IFD66 PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM COUNTY 56 WARRANTS FOR PtJBLICATJ:ON PAGE 4 **** WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/12/2001 FOR PAYMENT Ei/12/2001 VENDOR NAME STENERSON LUMBER STEPP MANUFACTURING CO. INC. STEVE'S SANITATION STOP-N-GO STORES INC. STRAND ACE HARDWARE STREICHER'S SUNMART SUPER SUCKER SEPTIC SERVICE SWEENEY BROS. TRACTOR CO, VIRGINIA· THOM THYSSEN KRUPP ELEVATOR TOM'S STANDARD & GROCERY TOOTGES SANITATION TRUE VALUE TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR UNITED BUILDING CENTER13 UNIV OF MINNESOTA-PRINTING SER UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY OF MN-EXTENSION SER US OFFICE PRODUCTS VALLEY SOFT WATER VERGAS ACE HARDWARE VERGAS 6 6 . VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS VOSS LIGHTING WADENA PIONEER JOURNAL WASTE MANAGEMENT OF NO MINNESO WELDING SUPPLIES & FIRE WES' FUEL STOP WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. LUCAS WESTBY WESTSIDE CONOCO YOUNGS 210 LUBE EXPRESS FINJIL TOTAL ••••••• AMOUNT 134.76 9,429.24 81.90 872.37 51.48 479.04 103.41 72,19 259.50 so. 00 284.07 28 .so 58.80 40. 64 2,172 .co 473. 07 206.47 535.00 147.70 2,129.60 18.52 45.40 61.29 669.72 232.31 793.46 52. 80 419. 80 123.01 124.60 176.64 30.00 32,99 86.43 70.15 $98,801.65 **** ~ •• ,ii 0 0 0