HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/19/2001•
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Thursday, April 19, 2001
1 :00 p.m.
Call to Order
Todd Smedstad called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1: 17 p.m.
Co-chair Todd Smedstad asked for a show of hands to determine if a quorum was present. Less
than one-half of the Management representatives and over one-half of the Labor representatives
were present; there was not a quorum, and the meeting convened.
Attendance: Leon Anderson, Tonya Anderson, Tim Brand, Jack Dawkins, Rick Denzel, Dawn
Godel, Sandi Gundberg, Blake Johnson, Cheryl Jones, Amy Kampa, Marion Kershner, Wendy
Metcalf, Michele Petterson, and Todd Smedstad.
Excused Absences: Sharon Bjork, David Hauser, Terry Hoff, Dave Jennen, Larry Krohn, Malcolm
Lee, Mick McCormick, Syd Nelson, Dennis Soderstrom, Joe Thompson, Gary Waskosky, and Rick
• Unexcused Absences: Brooks Andersen.
Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
Dawn Godel read the Norms of Behavior list and Tonya Anderson read the Mission Statement.
Review of Minutes
Committee members reviewed as presented, the minutes of March 15, 2001, with the following
Under C. Courthouse Hours, the following items were discussed:
From: Preference for the courthouse to be open until 6:00.
To: The courthouse to be open until 6:00.
Review of Agenda
Committee members reviewed as presented, the agenda of April 19, 2001.
Discussion Items
A. Three Year Term Replacement Members -Who and When:
Todd Smedstad passed out two handouts; the Labor/Management Committee Bylaws (which
was updated by David Hauser) and the Labor/Management Committee Representatives (which
was updated by Larry Krohn).
Discussion of Management committee representatives. Group discussion on whether or not
David Hauser and Larry Krohn should be allowed to participate in consensus. Are David and
Larry here as a resource, or as Management members? Todd Smedstad took a straw vote
from members on whether David and Larry should be resource or Management members;
Yes (7),
No (1 ),
Doesn't Matter (3).
otter Tail county Labor/Management committee
April 19, 2001
Page 2
. ,
The Labor/Management Committee discussed Article V Quorum/Attendance in the Bylaws.
B. Update from County Commissioners on Courthouse Hours:
Postponed, to be rescheduled at a later date.
C. Management Co-chair Replacement:
Todd Smedstad reported that Amy Kampa is the new Management Co-chair and Dawn Godel
is the new Labor Co-chair. There is a co-chair training class that is in the process of being
scheduled at the Fergus Falls airport; further information will be presented when available.
D. Insurance Committee:
Kathy Domholt passed out results of the Health Insurance Ballots and the Employee Needs
Assessment Survey to committee members (see attached). Kathy was directed by the
committee members to email the handout information to the Labor/Management members who
are not present at today's meeting. The Labor/Management Committee discussed the results
of both surveys. Kathy presented to the Labor/Management Committee that the Insurance
Committee is recommending that Otter Tail County change the health plans offered to
employees effective January 1, 2002, based on the majority vote shown on the attached
Summary of Otter Tail County Health Insurance Meetings sheet. Kathy also informed the
Labor/Management Committee that Blue Cross Blue Shield will need this information no later
than the first of August. Todd Smedstad thanked the Insurance Committee for the great job
they had done.
E. Wellness Report
Marion Kerschner presented to the Labor/Management Committee information that the
Wellness Committee had prepared. The Wellness Committee presently consists of Kathy
Domholt, Annamarie Koehler-Tabery, and Marion Kerschner. Marion went on to report the
following: (
• Proposed Activity(s) -
1) Communications/Awareness
(a) Provide Top Health, health and wellness newsletter to all 18 departments to
be distributed interoffice and shared interdepartmentally. The newsletter
contains current wellness news items laid out in an easy to read format.
(b) Provide a health needs assessment to employees.
2) Health & Fitness Testing: Planning a Health Fair (tentative dates July 10th -13th ).
3) Group Activities: To be determined -possibly a fall/winter fitness challenge.
4) Supportive Environment: Hope to establish a broader wellness committee and a
plan for involving representatives or contact person from each department who
could bring ideas and encourage participation in each department. Engage
internal supports from County Board and Department Heads.
• Brief Description of Program
The Wellness Committee is planning a health fair for county employees that would
provide opportunities for various types of health screening. The findings from the
screenings should help to bring to the attention of the employees the need to engage in
healthier lifestyle choices and perhaps to seek health facility: blood pressure, blood
triglyceride levels, blood glucose, weight/body fat measurements, skin cancer
(dermoscan), osteoporosis, lung capacity, health risk assessments, and health
promotion counseling by a public health nurse or dietician.
Because of the need for fasting blood work, the Wellness Committee would have a light
breakfast available. Those who would participate in the screening would be eligible for a
drawing for prizes.
• Total Number of Anticipated Participates:
For Health Fair, anticipating 200 participants. Approximate number of regular full time
and part-time employees -450.
Otter Tail county Labor/Management Committee
April 19, 2001
Page 3
• Total Number of Anticipated Participates:
Item/Incentive Quantity $ per item Total$
Top Health Newsletter
(Monthly newsletter June 2001 to December 2001) 300 $1.71 + s&h 550
Supplies & Other Expenses related to screenings 300 and tests
Food for Health Fair 200
Prizes 150
Total $1,200
At the end of the six-month period, the value of the newsletter will be evaluated.
F. Security:
Installation of doors at 121 Washington Avenue building in progress.
Public Health and Human Services Labor/Management Updates
Public Health Labor/Management Committee Topics/Issues:
• Public Health formed their Labor/Management Committee due to the great deal of stress
with the home care layoffs.
• This committee has a broad representation of our agency.
• Scheduling walk-in clients or not scheduling them.
• Discuss job descriptions.
• Toys in waiting room.
• Security issue; locking back door.
• Using a subcommittee to establish the Public Health Value Statement.
• Opportunity for non-management staff to improve their leadership skills.
Human Services Labor/Management Committee Topics/Issues:
• New York Mills office; having a difficult time finding window cleaners.
• Recommendation for all County staff to have hepatitis 8 vaccinations.
Next Meeting
The discussion items for the May agenda include:
• Training for New Members
• Labor/Management Committee Representatives List
• Phyllis Knutson with the Public Health Department to Discuss the Hepatitis B Vaccine
• Rick Denzel with the Recycling Department to Discuss Violence in the Workplace.
At 2:23 p.m., Todd Smedstad declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management
Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2001.
Summary of Otter Tail County Health Insurance Meetings
for Labor/Management Committee
April 18, 2001
Received back 170 total ballots -44% of total active employee health contracts:
Current $300 Ded.Plan Copay Stock Plan Enhanced $300 □ed. Plan
Sgl: $223 Fam: $589 Sgl: $232 Fam: $611 Sgl: $219 Fam: $578
72 76 23
Current $750 □ed. Plan Enhanced $750 □ed. Plan $1,000 □ed. Plan
Sgl: $177 Fam: $474 Sgl: $180 Fam: $481 Sgl: $164 Fam: $438
59 76 29
By consensus, the Insurance Committee is recommending that Otter Tail County change the
health plans offered to employees effective January 1, 2002, based on the majority vote shown
above. The County would offer the $100 Base Plus Plan, Copay Stock Plan, and the Enhanced
$750 Deductible Plan as presented at the Insurance meetings.
Kathy Domholt
Mary Ann Anderson
Dawn Godel
Carol Brause
Leon Anderson
David Hauser
-I . I ofa.1_5--II I I -krl~--s ~ s r e-n..r/\a<>\-.,
Employee Needs Assessment Survey
Which of the following health concerns would you like to know more
about? (Circle all that apply.)
b. l,,~
c. zq
d. a,
f, "'' g.[D
I. 2.q
j. "/
Physical activity and exercise
Blood pressure
Blood cholesterol
Stress management
Weight management
Heart attacks/strokes
2. From which of the following sources do you currently get most of your
health Information? (Circle up to three sources.)
a. 4q Television, radio
b,t..2. Newspapers, magazines
c. -1,z. Reference books
d. S'-1 Doctors
e. 2.11 Other health professionals
f. z. Voluntary health organlzattons
g., Health promotion programs at work
h. ~ o Friends, family and other sources
lg -I nrerne-t-
There are many ways to get health Information at the workslte. Which.of the
follow.Ing ways would you prefer? (Circle all that apply.)
a. 1.4' I Pamphlets and other written matertals
b. 3:Z. Films and videos
c.~ 5 Talks by experts (seminars)
d. 15 Discussion groups
e. L/ 2. Classes and courses
f. 3 S Screenings
g. z '-J • Contests and incentive programs
h. 24, Employe~ Assistance Programs
4. How long should a health promotion activity last? (Circle only one answer.)
a. 3Y Less thari 30 minutes
b. l.o 30-45 minutes
c. ZS 45-60 minutes
5. What time of day would be best for you to participate In a health promotion ·
activity? (Circle only ona answer.)
e . .114
b. u,O
C, Z.1
d. 5
e. 13
Lunch hour
After work
Would not participate
In which of the following support groups would you be llkely to participate?
(Clrcle all that apply,)
a. c., 2.
b. 53
c, II
d. L/
Walking group
Weight control group
Parenting group
Other !, e+ros m n~Ml'"j I 901-P l€atjue
I 5/'l"'ICl'..J n~ I l nves-t~·-
Below are health screening tests which could be offered to employees on a
confidential basis. Please clrcle all those In which you have an Interest and
would llkely participate.
a. ·7u, Blood pressure
b. BO Blood cholesterol
c. 5'3 Blood glucose (sugar)
d. ~ Colon/rectal cancer
e. 3Z. Skin cancer
f. 39 Breast cancer
g. z.S Male cancers
h. 4 .:s Body fat
I. 2. 1 Glaucoma
]. s1.p Fitness assessments (cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, strength)
k. 3-5 Hearing
I. l 7 . Oral health
a. Circle aU the actlvlUes In which you would be likely to participate.
b. 2.£,
d. '3'3
e. £, 5
f. 3 .3
g. I I
h. -z.o
I. 6':>
J. a3
Pick up educational materials on health topics.
Check out a health/fitness video to watch at home.
Participate In a challenge or Incentive program as an Individual.
Participate In a challenge or Incentive program on a team.
Read a health and fitness newsletter.
Share health Information with family members.
Invite family members to participate In workslte health promotion activities.
Help plan and promote health promotion activities at work.
Attend a health promotion seminar or talk (single session).
Attend a health promotion course (multiple sessions).
9. Would you be wllllng to cost-share with the company for some. health
promotion activities? (Circle only one answer.) ·
a. '-I Not Interested In any health promotion activities.
b. Ljq Interested, but unwilling to contribute to cost.
c. '10 Interested, and willing to contribute a reasonable amount.
10. What Is your gender?
a.38 Male
b,i3" Female
13. What Is your current Job category?
a. 2.0 Salaried exempt
b. 5 :!> Salaried non-exempt
c. 33 Hourly
14. What Is your age (at last birthday)? ____ years
djO~-Cf BOt'-lD-K7 '-lotc:l!-.35 ~-3CP NoQ¥-s·1v:ca -,
. 15. Please give any suggestions or recommendations for specific activities to
Include in the health promotion program.
16. Are there aspects of our work environment that should be changed to be
more supportive of healthy lifestyles among our employees? If yes, please
17. · If the company decided to offer Incentives to promote participation In
health promotion programs and healthy behaviors, what kind of Incentive
would prompt you to make healthy behavior changes?
--· ---
Mail L-Labor Name Department Phone M-Management
E M Brooks Andersen social services 305
E M Leon Anderson social services 415
E L Tonya Anderson court services -NYM 385-3831
E L Sharon Bjork social services 475
E M Tim Brand MIS 287
E L Jack Dawkins Sheriff 314
E L Rick Denzel Solid waste/Recycling 736-4400
E M Pauline Fitch social services 304
E L Dawn Godel Auditor's 241
E L Sandi Gundberg social services 447
E M David Hauser Attorney 200
E M Terry Hoff Building Maintenance 770-0313
1/0 L Dave Jennen Sheriff 311
E L Blake Johnson court services 220
E M Amy Kampa Court Services 220
E L Marion Kershner Public Health 739-2528
E M Larry Krohn county coordinator 265
1/0 M Malcolm Lee county commissioner 264
E L Mick McCormick Sheriff 337
E M wendy Metcalf Recorder 246
1/0 M Syd Nelson county commissioner 264
E L Michele Petterson solid waste 492
E L Todd smedstad Highway 370
1/0 L Dennis Soderstrom Highway 346-7205
1/0 L Joe Thompson Highway 864-5607
E M Gary waskosky Sheriff 352
E M Rick west Highway 269
<Ex Officio Members>
M/FAX Lori Morrell Bureau of Mediation
M/FAX Joanne Derby Teamsters 320
M Merle King Teamsters 320
M Cheryl Jones AFSCME
• The following is a summary of the comments and ideas suggested by employees when completing
the wellness assessment survey:
Question #5: What time of day would be best for you to participate in a health promotion activity?
• "During work time" was mentioned by 2 people.
Question #9: Would you be willing to cost-share with the company for some health promotion
• "on voluntary basis"
Question #15: Please give any suggestions or recommendations for specific activities to include in
the health promotion program.
• Having an on site "workout" center, paid membership to YMCA, walking program etc. was
mentioned by 18 people.
• County sponsored baseball, volleyball, bowling, team, etc was mentioned by 4 people.
• Having speakers on Diet and Nutrition, Wellness was mentioned by 3 people.
• Having a place to check blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc was mentioned by 2
• Being able to opt out of county health insurance if a spouse has other group insurance to avoid
duplication of non-essential insurance coverage was mentioned by 1 person.
Question #16: Are their aspects of our work environment that should be changed to be more
supportive of healthy lifestyles among our employees? If yes, please explain.
• Air quality control, stabilizing heating and air conditioning control, etc. -13 people.
• Promote walking -4 people
• Salad bar or more nutritious lunch room food -2 people
• Some type of drinking water always available -2 people
• Closing offices earlier to promote family time -2 people.
• Offer exercise equipment -1 person
• Down caseload -up humor -1 person
• Better Dental Ins. That pays better -1 person
• Stress -1 person
• ½ hour breaks instead of 15 min -1 person
• Windows -1 person
• Many people choose to take a walk on their 15 min break; hopefully current Co. policies for
personnel wlnot prohibit this, or such like activities, by limiting or restricting employees from
leaving Co. property/grounds.
Question #17 -If the company decided to offer incentives to promote participation in health
promotion programs and healthy behaviors, what kind of incentive would prompt you to make
healthy behavior changes?
• • Comp time -10 people
• Insurance rate discounts for non-risk behavior -8 people
• Monthly bonus -6 people
• County T-shirt or other clothing item -5 people C
• Paid membership to health facility -3 people
• Extra time couple days a week at lunch to exercise -2 people
• Gift Certificates -2 people
• Some kind of seminar or talk devoted to some of my health concerns -1 person
• A positive support system in a confidential setting -1 person
• "I work for the Hwy dept. During the winter we sometimes spend extended periods of time in a
truck. I believe some sort of physical training activity during regular hours would be beneficial."
Date Summarized: 4/17/01
Lakes country service Cooperative
City, County, Other Governmental Agency
Wellness Program
Group: Otter Tail county
Facilitator!sl: Kathy Domholt, coordinator·s Office
Marion Kerschner, Public Health Department
Annamarie Koehler-Tabery, Public Health Department
Phone: <218l 739-2271
Address: 121 w Junius Ave
City: Fergus Falls State: -"'M::..:N:..__ _____ Zip: 56537
Proposed Activitylsl:
1l communications/Awareness
!al Provide Top Health, health and wellness newsletter to all 18 departments to be distributed
interoffice and shared interdepartmentally. The newsletter contains current wellness news
items laid out in an easy to read format.
!bl Provide a health needs assessment to employees
2l Health & Fitness Testing: Planning a Health Fair !tentative dates July 10'" -13'"l
3l Group Activities: to be determined -possibly a fall/winter fitness challenge
4l Supportive Environment: Hope to establish a wellness committee and a plan for involving
representatives or contact person from each department who could bring ideas and encourage
participation in each department. Engage intern;:il supports from county 13oard and Deoartment
Briefly Describe your Program:
we are planning a health fair for county employees that would provide opportunities for various
types of health screening. The findings from the screenings should help to bring to the attention
of the employees the need to engage in healthier lifestyle choices and perhaps to seek health
care. our tentative plans are to offer the following tests in conjunction with a local health care
facility: Blood pressure, blood triglyceride levels, blood glucose, weight/body fat measurements,
skin cancer !dermoscanl, osteoporosis, lung capacity, health risk assessments, health promotion
counseling by a public health nurse or dietician.
Because of the need for fasting blood work, we would have a light breakfast available. Those who
would participate in the screening would be eligible for a drawing for prizes.
Total Number of Anticipated Participants:
For health Fair Anticipating 200 participants.
Approximate number of regular FT & PT employees -450
Proposed Budget: !attached!
Agency Wellness Facilitator LCSC Regional Wellness Facilitator
Itemized Budget
Activitv /Month
Item/Incentive ouantin, S oer Item Totals
Top Health Newsletter 300 $1.71 +s&h 550
!Monthly newsletter June 2001 to Dec 2001>
supplies & Other Expenses related to 300
screenings and tests
Food for Health Fair 200
Prizes 150
Total $1,200
At the end of the 6-month period, the value of the newsletter will be evaluated.
use of the reminder of the $2,400 budget will be determined after the health fair based on recent
health assessment survey and the health fair.
**Upon submission of this form, 50% of the amount you are requesting will be forwarded to you
in order for you to get started. As you move along with the implementation of your program,
please submit an updated list of activities/itemized budget of your wellness program and your
allocation will be forwarded to you upon approval.
\ILECISYS\USERS\KOOMHOL nwe11nesslll'l':lllness Program Cloe
MEETINC DATE: April 19, 2001
Brooks Andersen Amy Kampa ~
~1/w~ Leon Anderson Marion Kershner ·~
Tonya Anderson "1°oA, ~ Merle King
Brian Armstrong Larry Krohn Excused
Sharon Bjork Excused Malcolm Lee Excused
Tim Brand C'r8 Mick McCormick Excused
Jack Dawkins Wendy Metcalf W/4--...
.Rick Denzel Lori Morrell
Joanne Derby Syd Nelson
Pauline Fitch Michele Petterson /'h/J. •
Dawn Godel ~ Todd smedstad Y,,';i,
Sandi Gundberg ar Dennis Soderstrom Excused
David Hauser Excused Joe Thompson f~cv-secD
Terry Hoff &c~ Gary waskosky Excused
Dave Jennen Rick west Excused
Blake Johnson Public Health • Cheryl Jones <!.~
F·\USERS\Human Resources\Labor Management\attendance sheet.doc